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Metacognitive Reading Report #3

Name: Isabelle A. Luna Date: 09/07/19

Course code & Section: GED 105/A4

Globalization from below: The rise of transnational communities

Title of the Article

1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are
One of the things that I significantly learned from the readings is how the transnationalism is
present in many countries today and that there are many immigrants that are having advantages in
building social fields through crossing geographics, cultures, and political borders. Also, I learned that
transnationalism is influenced and supplied by the dynamics of globalization that results to potential for
greater growth and offers a broader field for autonomous popular initiatives. Lastly, I learned the
importance of transnationalism to the third world countries because this phenomenon will serve as a step
for them to become part of the list of the first world countries. According to the readings the returned
immigrants pioneered a number of business lines based on ideas and skills that they learned to the first
world countries which in this way they can help improve their potential to economic growth.

2. The three things that are still unclear to me and questions that I want to ask
 What are the consequences of transnationalism?
 Further explanation on the remarkable disparity between the dynamism of transnational enterprise
and governmental misunderstandings or ignorance of the phenomenon.
 Do transnational communities directly affect the first world countries’ economic growth? How do
they cope up with these instances?

3. I used to think that

I used to think that the rise of the number of immigrants will not be helpful in developing our
country’s economic growth. However, after reading the essay on the rise of transnational communities, it
thought me that immigrants will have an advantage of learning new ideas and skills from other countries
because these learnings can be improved or modified into a better way.

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