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Copier- I made 20 copies of a reading comprehension worksheet for third graders to work on in

a 20-30 minute period. The passage is called "Helping Hally". Along with the passage, there are
4 questions regarding the comprehension of the reading. With these questions, students are
able to review the readings, recreate it in their own words, and discover possible results.

Scanner- I chose to scan a little poem called "The Tyger". It has an AA, BB pattern to it which I
plan on using as part of the lesson. After reading the poem as a group, I want the students to
create their own AA, BB poem about an animal of their choice, along with a personalized
creation of their chosen animal. Each student will have a different animal, all which will start with
a different letter in the alphabet. When they have completed it, I will create our students made
poem book.

Laminator- For this one, I talked to a few different people about what they would like to see
when they walk into a third grade classroom. I got answers such as "inspirational sayings",
"classroom rules" and "quick references" . That being said, I have laminated 2 resource
references (the 5 senses, and a math word wall), 2 sheets of classroom rules, and 1 colorful
and eye catching saying. The classroom rules read, "Listen carefully, follow directions, never
give up, raise your hand to speak, respect others, use kind words, always do your best, help
each other, treat others how you want to be treated, and ask questions". The other rules say,
"THINK; is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind?" The final piece I laminated says "Dare
to be Remarkable".

During this process, I learned how to scan and laminate- both things I had never done before. I
also realized how much easier it was then I though it was going to be.

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