Estrategia de Marketing Ingles

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Estrategia de marketing

Actividad 13


Aprendiz: Leonardo David Henríquez Arteaga



Sena 2020
1. Enter the learning object The Market Thing: “E-MARKETING”, which is in
the activity of Project 13: “Implement the distribution plan and sale of the
product or service”. Download the document contained in the “Let’s listen”
section. Answer the true / false questions and take screenshots of both the
questions and the final result.
2. Read the document on e-commerce, contained in the “Let’s read” section.
Then, place the words in the sentences that are incomplete. Take
screenshots of both the exercise and the result.
3. In the "Vocabulary" section, develop the word search contained in it, Take a
screenshot of the answers

4. Taking into account the information studied, design a web page, with its
content in English and in a format that can be added to the document where
you are saving the activities. Explain how your product would be affected if
offered online. On the website you must graphically present the product to
be offered, include photos or graphics of the product, as well as information
on types of packaging available, shipping costs, internet security systems,
payment methods, and shipping options they can offer to customers. Add
the web page to the document arranged for him to send the activities. ??

Nowadays technology is unlikely that internet sales fail. It is a fairly simple

proposal to carry out a, the fact of placing a website and selling products
through it; But even in the middle of this simple activity, it seems that the
implementation of this type of solution can be an arduous and complex process,
since many technological, legal and cultural alternatives intervene that, in many
cases, end up becoming real limitations for the development of this type. of

The 2019 figures indicated a great year for electronic commerce, for 70% of
electronic companies as well as a good result, for a good business. I managed
to overcome the inconveniences and the position in which to dominate this new
and prosperous market.

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