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1. There are different attitudes to bringing up children.

2. In the past, there were more advocates of the autocratic parenting style.
(адвокетс, отократік)
3. Parents were despotic rulers who had absolute power in the family.
4. They expected their children to obey them, and didn’t care much about their feelings.

5. If children were not obedient, they were punished and beaten, even for minor offences.
6. However, many psychologists suggest that autoctratic parenting doesn’t produce any positive results.
7. Instead, it warps the child’s psyche.
8. Freudian psychology revealed that many complexes and much mentail illness can be traced back to the unhappiness
and bad experiences of childhood.

9. Children who are raised in too strict discipline often grow into criminals, terrorists, tyrants and despots.
10. They suffer from neurosis, depression, or become addicted to alcohol and drugs in their adult life.
11. Many examples from history confirm this.
12. When Hitler was eleven, his father almost beat him to death.

13. Similarly, Adolph Eichmann and Rudolph Hess were regularly beaten and humiliated at home.
14. Also Stalin and Mao were “trained” by means of violence and aggression.
15. Some experts even suggest that aggressive upbringing, so pervasive in the 19 th century and the first half of the 20th
century, was to a certain extent responsible for Nazism and genocide.
(первейсів, Націзм, жєнесайд)

16. Repressive educational methods should not be confused with those which aim to toughen children up.
17. Many parents are of the opinion that ‘traditional’ upbringing is the most effective.
18. Therefore, they are very strict about discipline.
19. Instead, of beatings, they impose certain rules, bans and limits, and enforce appropriate penalties to make their
children know right from wrong.
(енфОрс, пЕналтіс)( impose - нав”язувати, вводити; enforce - забеспечувати виконання)

20. For aboute 250 years, leading public schools such as Eaton, Harrow, Rugby and Radley, have been centres for
traditional education in Britain.
21. Their students come largely from the aristocracy or from upper class families.
22. Parents who send their children to these colleges think they are good ‘schools of life’ and teach their children self-
reliance discipline, toughness, resilience and the ‘team spirit’.
(релАєнс, резілієнс)
23. Living in under-heated dormitories and lots of sport activities in the open air such as cricket, tennis or rowing make
the students fit, tough and physically resistant.

24. What is more, they mustn’t smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or take drugs.
25. If they violate these regulations, they are expelled from the school.
26. Many former British prime ministers, most members of the House of Lords, more than 80 per cent of diplomats and
high-ranking officers were educated at public school.
27. They are all fervent advocates of a tough education and clim that it is impossible to make good citizens, politicians
or managers without imposing a strict regime, discipline, a sense of duty and hard work.

28. In contrast, some parents have a very lenient approach.

29. They tend to spoil their children and pamper them with anything they want.
30. They don’t impose any rules, bans or orers, and give the children all the freedom they want.
31. They believe that only a carefree childhood can make them happy, and happiness is all-important.

32. However, such a permissive upbringing often leads children asray.

33. They grow up to become egoists and show offs.
34. At the same time, they don’t know how to cope with problems and find it difficult to adjust to adult life.
35. Some of them even drift into a life of crime.

36. In conclusion, it seems that the best educational method is moderation, neither giving children unlimited freedom
nor imposing extreme limits.
37. Parents should be firm, consistent and capable of enforcing their orders.
38. They should also use the power of argument instead of physical strength.
39. Opinion polls show that 85 per cent of Ukrainian are against beating their chilldren.

40. At the same time, however, more than 50 per cent of parents mete out corporal punishment and resort to shouting,
threat and intimidation.
41. If they want to achieve desirable effects and remain a friend to their children rather than ‘the enemy’, they should
listen to them, respect their feelings and resolve family conflicts peacefully.
42. Physical abuse is the last resort.

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