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Type of room/area: Bedroom

Location Address:

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Location Accessible by Car?: Yes

Lighting Information: Solutions:

The room has overhead artificial lighting which is

not blocked by anything. In addition, it has a
large window looking into the room which allow
for sunlight to flow in.

Sound Information: Solutions:

The location is on a RAF base which could mean The base itself rarely has aircraft taking off. In
aircraft taking off could cause a lot of noise the event that some do, the scene can be filmed

Power Information Solutions:

The room has power sockets which allow Equipment can be battery and socket reliant
equipment to be plugged in and charge

Hazards Solutions:

Within the room there is lots of shard edges and Before filming lots of the small objects would be
small object which could be a fall hazard removed from the room to reduces injury risk
and to reduce the cluster of objects in the room.

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