508 Assignment

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B.A./BB.A/B.Com. LL.B. II nd Semester:Legal English, Teacher: Ms. Anubha


For students with roll numbers 1914111 to 1914160

To declare a Statute unconstitutional places burden on the Courts. Therefore Courts would not
hold legislation as unconstitutional easily. They have to draw a balance between ‘necessities of
time’ and ‘constitutional fundamentals’. ..” In the light of the given statement explain the
following:- (a) Whether the judicial review of legislative action is an interference of judiciary
into the legislative functions (b) Discuss the various principles evolved by the Judiciary in India
for review of legislative action.

Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights.Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus/on my email address (anubhadwivedi23@gmail.com) by 07
April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page ‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of
the assignment mentioning the key sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done
it absolutely yourself/taking help of others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted
based on the contents of ‘duly signed self-declaration’. In case assignment is submitted via email
it should bear the subject line: Assignment by <Name of Student and Roll number>. For example
assignment by Neha Sharma, 181330

For students with roll numbers 1914161 to 1914211

“Judicial Activism shows that the Judiciary in India is the most vigilant defender of democratic
values and human rights. At the same time, the courts cannot create rights which do not exist and
have to be careful to see that they do not overstep their limits.” In the light of given statement
discuss with the help of case-laws the remarkable role played by the Indian Judiciary in
protecting and promoting the basic human rights of the people in the country. Also examine the
need and significance of Judicial Restraint in a welfare state.

Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights.Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus/on my email address (anubhadwivedi23@gmail.com) by 07
April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page ‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of
the assignment mentioning the key sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done
it absolutely yourself/taking help of others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted
based on the contents of ‘duly signed self-declaration’.. In case assignment is submitted via
email it should bear the subject line: Assignment by <Name of Student and Roll number>. For
example assignment by Neha Sharma, 181330

For students with roll numbers 1914212, 1914241 to 1914290

Molly is a single mother. She takes her daughter Rhonda (a two year old infant) to a local
playground. While lighting a cigarette, Molly starts talking with another young parent, Dilbert.
Molly is distracted by Dilbert’s good looks and gritty charm. Meanwhile, Rhonda starts to
wander over to the road.

Dilbert notices a possible catastrophe and rushes out after Rhonda. Dilbert just manages to save
Rhonda from being run over by Bob, who is driving a van within the speed limit and quite safely.
However, Dilbert has too much forward momentum and collides with Bob’s van. Dilbert is
seriously injured. Bob skids off the road and crashes into some playground equipment. Luckily,
no children are using the equipment. Laura, driving at speed behind Bob, sees the above-related
events and puts her foot down hard on the brakes. Laura’s car skids on an oil slick and crashes
into a tree. Some distance behind the tree was Leonard. Leonard thought that Laura’s car might
hit him and he started running away screaming ‘Oh Lord, don’t take me now!’ Leonard has an
underlying personality disorder and develops a paranoid fear of going out into the street. As a
result, he loses his job and his livelihood.

The accident involving Leonard is witnessed by Sherry, Rhonda’s grandmother, who is also at
the park. Sherry suffers from a brief fright, but believes that she will be alright. However, she
later develops post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of this event, combined with the news
that Rhonda barely escaped a serious injury. She had not seen the incident involving Rhonda
herself, because she had been busy setting out the picnic lunch.

Identify any actions available in the tort of negligence and analyse the elements of the tort

Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights. Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus/on my email address (anubhadwivedi23@gmail.com) by 07
April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page ‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of
the assignment mentioning the key sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done
it absolutely yourself/taking help of others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted
based on the contents of ‘duly signed self-declaration’.. In case assignment is submitted via
email it should bear the subject line: Assignment by <Name of Student and Roll number>. For
example assignment by Neha Sharma, 181330

For students with roll numbers 1914291, 1914311 to 1914364

Ramarao’s neighbour was running a small printing establishment in his house. Though it created
a lot of ruckus at times, the neighbourhood found it tolerable. One-day, Ramarao’s aged father
came to his house to convalesce after a major operation. He found the noise intolerable. Ramarao
took up the matter with his neighbour and the latter refused to oblige him. As a result, Ramarao’s
father died on account of the irritation. Ramarao filed a suit to close the press.Discuss the above
case in detail?
Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights. Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus/on my email address (anubhadwivedi23@gmail.com) by 07
April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page ‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of
the assignment mentioning the key sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done
it absolutely yourself/taking help of others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted
based on the contents of ‘duly signed self-declaration’.. In case assignment is submitted via
email it should bear the subject line: Assignment by <Name of Student and Roll number>. For
example assignment by Neha Sharma, 181330

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