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International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

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International Journal of Solids and Structures

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Strain localization during discontinuous plastic flow at extremely low

J. Tabin∗, B. Skoczen, J. Bielski
Institute of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, Al. Jana Pawła II 37, 31-864 Cracow, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The phenomenon of strain localization in the course of discontinuous plastic flow (DPF) at extremely
Received 8 January 2016 low temperatures is investigated. DPF is observed mainly in fcc metals and alloys strained in cryogenic
Revised 31 March 2016
conditions, practically down to absolute zero. These materials undergo at low temperatures a process
Available online 7 June 2016
similar to dynamic strain ageing, manifested by the so called serrated yielding (DPF). DPF is attributed
Keywords: to the mechanism of local catastrophic failure of lattice barriers (including Lomer–Cottrell locks), under
Multiscale constitutive model the stress fields related to the accumulating edge dislocations. Failure of LC locks leads to massive mo-
Discontinuous plastic flow tion of released dislocations, accompanied by step-wise increase of the strain rate (macroscopic slip) and
Cryogenic temperatures drastic drop of stress. Recent experiments indicate strong strain localization in the form of shear bands
Strain localization propagating along the sample. The plastic power dissipated in the shear band is partially converted to
heat, which results in a local drastic increase of temperature promoted by the so-called thermodynamic
instability (nearly adiabatic process). The Dirac-like temperature function is measured by two thermome-
ters located in the gage length of the sample. Spatio-temporal correlation indicates smooth shear band
propagation, as long as the process of phase transformation remains on hold. A physically based multi-
axial constitutive model presented in the paper describes both DPF and strain localization, accompanied
by temperature distribution represented by Green-like solution of heat diffusion equation. The model ac-
counts for the thermodynamic background, including phonon mechanism of heat transport, accompanied
by specific heat vanishing with the temperature approaching absolute zero. Experimental identification
of parameters of the constitutive model is carried out. A projection of the model to the range where the
phase transformation takes place is discussed.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction so, specific deduction methods have to be used, which will be ex-
plained in the course of the present paper.
The phenomenon of strain localization in the course of DPF at
extremely low temperatures has not been addressed in the litera- 1.1. DPF at extremely low temperatures
ture. On the other hand, a significant effort has been focused on
the mechanism of shear bands initiation and propagation during Fcc metals and alloys are applied in modern cryogenic instal-
the so-called PLC (Portevin-Le Chatelier) effect, observed in cer- lations (including superconducting magnets or cryogenic transfer
tain materials at room temperature. The reason for such a dramatic and storage systems) within the whole range of temperatures, from
lack of information on the behaviour of materials at extremely low near-0 K to ambient temperature. Such materials like copper and
temperatures is related to testing conditions. The experiments are its alloys, aluminum alloys or different grades of stainless steel
carried out inside a double-wall cryostat, which is not transpar- show truly remarkable properties at extremely low temperatures,
ent and usually tightly equipped with necessary instruments. Thus, including high ductility (cf. Sgobba and Hochoertler, 1999). To give
there is practically no possibility to scan the surface of the sample an example of typical cryogenic application, Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic
by means of such instruments like thermographic camera, in or- stainless steels are used to manufacture components of supercon-
der to detect possible effects of strain localization. In order to do ducting magnets and cryogenic transfer lines, since they preserve
ductility down to absolute zero. Many of these materials undergo
at near-0 K temperatures (for instance in superfluid helium, 1.9 K,
or in liquid helium, 4.2 K) some sort of dynamic strain ageing,

Corresponding author. Fax: +48123743370. called DPF. DPF manifests itself at the macroscopic level by oscil-
E-mail address: kubatabin@mech.pk.edu.pl (J. Tabin). latory mode of plastic flow, consisting in abrupt drops of stress

0020-7683/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
594 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 1. Types of plastic flow (serrated versus smooth yielding) as a function of temperature (engineering stress - strain curves).

against strain. Another important feature of DPF consists in the fast increase of temperature of the sample to the level above T0
fact, that it occurs in the temperature range between 0 K and a or T1 . This leads to restoration of the classical smooth plastic flow
material dependent temperature (T0 or T1 ), associated with the (Fig. 2).
transition from screw to edge dislocations mode. General thermo- Thus, the DPF is usually bound by the lower and the upper lim-
mechanical aspects of DPF are strictly linked to the so-called ther- its of the strain rate. Lower limit does not play a substantial role
modynamic instability, which consists in strong oscillations of tem- and is often close to zero, whereas, the upper limit has an impor-
perature due to heat accumulation in near adiabatic conditions, tant meaning for the way the serrated yielding develops. Typically,
resulting from vanishing specific heat when the temperature ap- heat transport conditions at the temperature of liquid helium are
proaches absolute zero. This effect is accompanied by vanishing close to adiabatic, and enhanced strain rate causes subsequent heat
thermal conductivity and vanishing thermal contraction coefficient. accumulation and strong temperature rise. For higher strain rates,
Instabilities occurring at higher temperatures, like the PLC effect, the adiabatic overheating leads to gradual increase of temperature
are usually of different nature and are not addressed in the present until it reaches the critical level T0 or T1 . As soon as the critical
paper. temperature level is reached, transition from serrated to smooth
In order to illustrate the plastic strain induced phenomena that plastic flow is observed and DPF temporarily disappears. It is a re-
occur at extremely low temperatures, typical response of selected newed cool down below T0 or T1 that brings the material back to
alloys (Ni-Ti6Al4V, grade 304 stainless steel), used for structural the oscillatory mode of plastic flow.
applications at cryogenic temperatures, is shown in Fig. 1. In par-
ticular, three domains of response are distinguished: below T1 1.2. The mechanism of DPF
where the DPF (serrated yielding) takes place, between T1 and Md
where the diffusionless plastic strain induced γ →α ’ phase trans- Recent history of low temperature serrated yielding started
formation occurs, and above Md where the smooth plastic flow is already in the fifties of 20th century. The mechanism of DPF was
observed. analyzed by several authors, among them Basinski, 1957, Schwarz
Generally, DPF represents the so-called oscillatory mode of plas- and Mitchell, 1974, Reed and Simon, 1988, Reed and Walsh, 1988,
tic deformation and is detected in many low (LSFE) and high stack- Hähner and Zaiser, 1997, Zaiser and Hähner, 1997, Benallal et al.,
ing fault energy (HSFE) materials strained at extremely low tem- 2006. Some investigators (cf. Wessel, 1957; Tabachnikova et al.,
peratures (Obst, Nyilas, 1991). As soon as the serrated yielding oc- 1984) postulated that sufficiently high flow stress at extremely low
curs, the plastic flow becomes discontinuous in terms of dσ /dɛ. temperature can induce avalanche-like process of multiplication of
The DPF takes place below a thermal threshold, characteristic of mobile dislocations, which leads to plastic flow instability. Other
given material: T1 for LSFE materials and T0 for HSFE materi- authors, among them Estrin and Tangri, 1981, Dolgin and Natsik,
als (both transition temperatures are material dependent and can 1991, as well as Burns, 1994, developed rather simple models of
reach some 35 K). DPF. An extensive study of DPF was carried out by Basinski, already
Serrated yielding occurs for a wide range of strain rates (Kom- in 1957. Basinski developed a thermodynamic approach, including
nik and Demirski, 1984; Reed and Walsh, 1988; Reed and Simon, the fact that the specific heat and the thermal conductivity tend
1988; Pustovalov, 2008). When the strain rate exceeds a critical to zero with temperature. He based his approach on the adiabatic
value, nearly adiabatic accumulation of heat takes place and causes heating hypothesis, claiming that any fast dissipative process that
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 595

Fig. 2. Effect of strain rate on activation of serrated yielding for OFE Cu; the strain rate program; transition temperature is equal to 8.5 K (temperature evolution is reflected
by the blue curve). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

occurs at extremely low temperature leads to increase of local the obstacles is observed (Bross et al., 2003), whereas, in the case
temperature, which results in a drastic decrease of the flow stress. of DPF the obstacles remain stable because of weakly exited lattice
This early stage hypothesis did not take into account the behaviour and lack of thermal energy. Eventually, these dislocations will in
of stress (load) measured directly on the sample. Another expla- both cases overcome the obstacles reaching sufficient level of lo-
nation of DPF based on creation of lattice barriers for dislocation cal resolved shear stress, and will move to the next obstacle where
motion has been formulated by Obst and Nyilas, 1991, 1998. The they are again stopped. The difference between both mechanisms
Authors point out that the pile-ups of dislocations on the internal consists in the fact that in the case of PLC the obstacles are created
barriers (Lomer-Cottrell locks, Cottrell atmospheres, Suzuki locks, by diffusion, whereas, in the case of DPF the obstacles are “diffu-
groups of interstitial atoms, dislocation forest, non-metallic inclu- sionless”.
sions etc.) in the lattice may give rise to stress concentrations of It is worth pointing out, that the DPF has not been sufficiently
the order of magnitude of theoretical shear strength (cf. Seeger, investigated when compared to the PLC effect (Rizzi and Haehner,
1957). In their view, the load drops are due to catastrophic process 20 04; Benallal et al., 20 08; Zavattieri et al., 20 09; and many oth-
consisting in a spontaneous generation of dislocations as soon as ers). In particular, studies of spatio-temporal dynamics of the low-
the internal barriers are broken. According to Obst and Nyilas, the temperature plastic oscillations are greatly insufficient, both at the
plastic flow instability is of mechanical nature. experimental and at the constitutive as well as at the numerical
Both adiabatic heating hypothesis derived by Basinski, 1957, levels (Zaiser and Hähner, 1997). Therefore, an experimental iden-
and thermo-mechanical approach developed by Obst and Nyilas, tification of the strain localization during DPF within the near-0 K
1991, reflect very complex nature of the flow instabilities that oc- temperature range has been carried out and is presented (Section
cur at extremely low temperatures. 3) in the current paper.

1.3. Low temperature DPF versus PLC phenomenon 1.4. Multiscale constitutive models of DPF

It turns out that the appearance of DPF is quite similar to the Multiscale modelling in the domain of plasticity (single and
appearance of the so-called Portevin – Le Chatelier (PLC) (Yang, polycrystals) gained recently a lot of attention. One of the crucial
Tong, 2006; Qi Hu et al., 2012b; Manach et al., 2014; Klusemann et problems in constitutive modelling of modern materials consists
al., 2015) effect, i.e. the abrupt stress oscillations as a function of in the fact that the model should be physically based. An inter-
time or strain during a displacement controlled traction test. Zaiser esting approach, based on physical understanding of evolution of
and Hähner, 1997, attribute discontinuous nature of plastic flow dislocation structure during strain path changes, was presented by
at cryogenic temperatures to the strain rate softening instabilities, F. Barlat et al., 2012. In particular, a new concept of “distortional”
and point out similarity between the low temperature DPF and the hardening has been developed. A combination of multiscale mod-
ambient temperature PLC. Strain rate sensitivity (SRS) consists, in elling (micro-meso-macro) and physically based approach offers a
their view, of positive instantaneous response of the flow stress to chance to build a universal description, valid under different load-
a sudden increase of the strain rate. It is followed by stress relax- ing conditions.
ation to a steady state asymptotic value. Yet, the physical mecha- Plasticity in aluminum single crystals was investigated by Groh
nisms of DPF and PLC are rather different, and their origins seem et al., 2009. Multiscale modelling methodology involving two
not to be the same (c.f. Obst, Nyilas, 1991). Judging by the appear- bridges over three different length scales was developed. Bridging
ances, the interaction of dislocations with the barriers at extremely approach between the nano-, the micro- and the meso-scales was
low temperatures can be qualified as analogical response to PLC. built. The molecular dynamics simulations at the nanoscale were
Both in the case of PLC and DPF, dislocations meet obstacles and performed in order to generate motion of dislocations. A discrete
are temporarily arrested/locked. However, in the course of PLC, so- dislocations numerical tool at the microscale was used and the
lutes diffuse around the dislocations and further strengthening of work hardening of fcc crystals has been described. Next bridge
596 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

involved material parameters related to slip system hardening For what concerns the experimental identification of thermody-
law, employed in the crystal plasticity models at the mesoscale. namic aspects of strain localization, there exist experimental meth-
The response of aluminum single crystals subjected to uniaxial ods to trace the deformation bands associated with heat dissi-
compressive loads was predicted. Multiscale constitutive modelling pation. The most popular are imaging techniques: digital image
of induced plastic anisotropy in bcc metals has been developed correlation (DIC) and infrared thermography (IRT). The first tech-
by Hamelin et al., 2011. New framework to predict variation in nique produces displacement fields from which strains are derived,
local plastic anisotropy due to the crystallographic texture in while the second provides temperature fields with which the heat
bcc polycrystals was developed. The multiscale model has been sources are estimated using a local form of the heat equation
developed in order to examine the contribution of microscopic (Chrysochoos et al., 2009). However, such methods can be used
and mesoscopic effects to the macroscopic response of bcc metals. only for narrow range of temperatures, close to room tempera-
A dislocation-based hardening scheme and a Taylor-based crystal ture. Therefore, thermodynamic aspects of strain localization at ex-
plasticity formulation has been implemented. tremely low temperatures, near-0 K, have been poorly recognized
Uniaxial model of DPF, including thermo-mechanical nature of until now.
this phenomenon and the relevant thermodynamic background,
has been developed by Skoczen et al., 2010. This model has been
generalized to a multiaxial representation in 2014. In the present
extended and modified constitutive model of discontinuous plastic 2. RVE based constitutive model of DPF
flow (DPF) at extremely low temperatures, the principle of physi-
cally based modelling has been incorporated in parallel with cou- 2.1. Kinetics of serrated yielding (DPF)
pled thermo-mechanical approach, crucial in view of thermody-
namic instability that occurs in the range of temperatures close to Low temperature DPF phenomenon in OFE Copper is illustrated
absolute zero. in Fig. 3. It shows oscillations of stress against strain, measured
inside and outside the cryostat. Also, good correlation of stress and
temperature oscillations has been demonstrated, which proves that
1.5. Thermodynamic aspects of strain localization the phenomenon is definitely of thermo-mechanical nature.
From the phenomenological point of view, serrated yielding
Materials in which the plastic instability (DPF, PLC or even consists in frequent abrupt drops of stress as a function of strain
Lüders band propagation) occurs exhibit a characteristic oscilla- during kinematically controlled loading (Fig. 4). There is enough
tion of stress as a function of strain during kinematically controlled experimental evidence to back the hypothesis that the mechanism
loading. The plastic deformation takes place locally, within defor- of DPF is related to formation of dislocation pile-ups at the in-
mation bands, often termed slip bands. These strain localization ternal lattice barriers, such as the Lomer-Cottrell locks (Obst and
effects in a loaded specimen are often associated with heat dis- Nyilas, 1991; Obst and Nyilas, 1998; Pustovalov, 2008). The micro-
sipation and rapid change of temperature (see Fig. 5). Conversion scopic analysis clearly shows that the back stresses of dislocation
of plastic power into heat has been investigated in a wide range of pile-ups substantially hinder the motion of other dislocations. Ac-
materials by many authors. cumulation of dislocations in the pile-up leads to gradual increase
For this type of problem, two fundamentally different model- of the resolved shear stress at the head of pile-up, until the stress
ing approaches are postulated: models based on thermodynamic reaches the level of cohesive strength. As soon as the internal lat-
considerations (Chrysochoos, Louche, 20 0 0; Dumoulin et al., 2010; tice barriers break, liberated glissile dislocations can freely glide
Klusemann et al., 2015) or models based on the so-called Taylor– away. Collective and massive character of this phenomenon leads
Quinney factor (Taylor and Quinney 1934; Zaera et al. 2013; Bartels to sudden drop of stress and further heat production as a result of
et al., 2015). It is worth mentioning, that the thermo-mechanical plastic power dissipation.
deformation effects are analyzed on the atomic level, in a wide At extremely low temperatures the lattice excitation is very
range of materials. Chowdhury et al. (2015) have been investigat- weak and rather high stresses are observed. The avalanche-like
ing twinning and dislocation slip associated with plastic flow in barrier crossing by dislocation pile-ups is often detected by acous-
fcc alloy (Co-33%Ni). Moreover, the Authors indicated that the en- tic effects of “dry” sounds, emitted by the specimen.
tire surface energy γ is a material parameter, determining whether Typical stress - strain curve for a material that exhibits DPF
the plastic flow is slip or twinning dominated. The model accounts (stainless steel 316LN) is illustrated in Fig. 5. Moreover, decompo-
for the energy balance between the applied work and total energy sition of single serration into the strain, stress and temperature re-
expenses as contributed by the atomistic effect related to deforma- sponse as a function of time is shown in the same figure.
tion. The results of experimental investigation of deformed struc- In order to deal with production of lattice barriers (locks) and
ture by means of digital image correlation (DIC) or transmission formation of dislocation pile-ups, a parameter B reflecting the
electron microscopy, were presented and discussed. number of barriers (and pile-ups) per unit volume was introduced.
Regarding the strain localization and plastic instability at ultra- It is assumed that the production of internal barriers (e.g. the
low temperatures, an interesting analysis, leading to better under- Lomer-Cottrell locks) is proportional to the accumulated plastic
standing of the mechanism of DPF, can be found in Vorobev and strain. This means that for monotonic or cyclic loading the number
Anpilogova, 2013, 2015. The energy balance and the mechanism of of created barriers (locks) becomes a function of history of the pro-
plastic flow instability at extremely low temperatures in metals are cess, represented by the Odqvist parameter. One of possible barri-
discussed by the Authors. In particular, the energy of strain jump ers, the Lomer-Cottrell lock, occurs when two leading Shockley par-
has been analyzed. It has been shown that most of the poten- tials combine. They form separate dislocation with the Burgers vec-
tial strain energy is converted to work (Vorobev and Anpilogova, tor out of the slip planes. The L-C dislocation (lock) is sessile and
2015). The investigation also shows that the strain jump depends forms a barrier for other dislocations that pile up against it. This
significantly on the parameters of the loading system, as well as phenomenon is even more pronounced at extremely low tempera-
on the level of material strength (Vorobev and Anpilogova, 2013). tures, where the lattice is weakly excited (lack of thermal energy in
Some recent work on the development of jump-like deformation the lattice). The number density of barriers is strictly related to the
at 0.5 K for the polycrystalline samples (Al-Li alloy) with different amount of plastic deformation, which is usually measured by the
microstructure has been carried out by Shumilin et al., 2015. plastic strain intensity. To account for the history of the process,
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 597

Fig. 3. DPF in OFE-Cu including thermo-mechanical coupling; red and green curves correspond to the load cells located outside and inside the cryostat, respectively; blue
curve denotes the temperature (engineering stress - strain curves). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

Fig. 4. The mechanism of DPF: massive collapse of barriers at the heads of dislocation pile-ups.

the accumulated plastic strain (Odqvist parameter p) is applied. ing single serration is based on a criterion involving number den-
  sity of lattice barriers accompanied by dislocation pile-ups and the

2 p
p= ε˙ : ε˙ p dt (1) shear stress at the head of a pile-up. A completely new element of
t0 3 the model consists in defining the drop of stress in terms of the
Such approach is convenient from the point of view of general- evolution of dislocation density rather than using an artificial phe-
ization to all possible sources of locks and barriers that depend di- nomenological function. The model is defined by means of meso-
rectly on the macroscopic strain. Hence, it has been assumed that scopic representative volume element (RVE), containing the dislo-
the increment of B is strictly related to the increment of the ac- cation pile-ups at the lattice barriers (Fig. 6).
cumulated plastic strain dp. In view of the fact that increasing in- It is assumed that the production of lattice barriers (e.g. the
tensity of plastic flow generates more barriers for the motion of Lomer-Cottrell locks) is proportional to the accumulated plastic
dislocations, the following evolution law for the number of lattice strain. This means that for a monotonic or cyclic loading the num-
barriers (locks) per unit surface (number density) is applied: ber of created barriers (locks) becomes a function of history of the
  process, represented by the increment of the accumulated plastic
B˙ = FLC ρ , T , σ p˙ H ( p − pLC ) (2) strain (Odqvist parameter):

where B˙ denotes rate of the number of barriers per unit surface, 2 p
FLC is in general a function of dislocations density ρ , temperature dp = dε : dεp (3)
T and stress σ , whereas, pLC represents the threshold above which
Thus, for isothermal process and small variation of the flow
the lattice barriers massively develop and H(..) denotes the Heavi-
stress, the increment of B is strictly related to the increment of
side function.
accumulated plastic strain (Odqvist parameter):
2.2. New features of RVE based constitutive model of serrated dB = FLC dp (4)
yielding (DPF) The average shear stress in the lattice is represented by two
terms: the lattice internal friction represented by the shear stress
Multiscale constitutive model involves microscopic approach τ 0 , and the interaction between the dislocations (Bouquerel, et al,
based on the analysis of evolution of dislocations density (Mecking, 2006):
Kocks, 1981; Kocks, Mecking, 2003) and formation of dislocation √
pile-ups at the lattice barriers. Moreover, average resolved shear τ = τ0 + μα b ρ (5)
stress in the lattice and average shear stress at the head of dis- where μ is the shear modulus, α denotes the coefficient of dislo-
location pile-up are included. The process of drop of stress dur- cations interaction, b is the length of the Burgers vector and ρ is
598 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 5. Serrated yielding in fcc metals at 4.2 K: stress - strain response and decomposition of single serration into strain, stress and temperature as a function of time.

increase of the strain rate. Finally, load drops characteristic of ser-

rated yielding are observed and recorded.
The following criterion of avalanche-like failure of barriers (cf.
Skoczen et al., 2010) is applied (Fig. 7a):
B = Bcr f or τ ≤ τmin
τe = τcr f or B ≤ Bmin
B − Bmin τe − τcr
= f or τ > τmin ∧ B > Bmin (8)
Bcr − Bmin τmin − τcr
The core of this criterion is based on the interaction between B
and τ e . A combination of both parameters triggers serration (drop
of stress). Limits Bmin , τ min were introduced since for sufficiently
large value of one of them, the other is insignificant for the phe-
nomenon to occur. The following relations were assumed for sim-
Fig. 6. RVE containing the pile-ups of dislocations at the lattice barriers.
Bmin = αB Bcr ; τmin = ατ τcr (9)
where α B , α τ determine relevant fractions of critical values (for
the dislocations density. Based on the average shear stress in the
instance 0.2 and 0.1).
lattice τ , the shear stress at the head of dislocation pile-up is com-
Thus, as soon as combination of number density of lattice bar-
puted (Hull, Bacon, 2011):
riers containing dislocation pile-ups with average shear stress at
π (1 − ν )λ̄τ 2 the head of dislocation pile-up reaches the interaction curve, the
τe = (6) avalanche-like process is triggered.
The process of massive failure of barriers results in an instanta-
where υ is the Poisson ratio. The mean free path of dislocation λ̄ neous decrease of stress (in uniaxial case) σ and abrupt increase
reads: of plastic strain ɛp , that can be interpreted as the amount of slip
1 1 √ √ during the catastrophic failure of dislocation barriers (Fig. 7b).
= + k1 ρ + k2 B (7) In the previous model, drop of stress was determined in an ar-
λ̄ d
tificial way by means of purely phenomenological approach, rep-
where d denotes the average grain size, and k1 , k2 are constants. resented by the function F − LC
. In the present model, entirely new
Here, the relation used by Bouquerel et al., 2006, has been gener- approach based on the evolution of dislocations density is used.
alized so as to include barriers density as a representation of addi- Namely, drop of stress is obtained by means of Eq. (5) in the fol-
tional obstacles for dislocations, along with the grains and disloca- lowing form:
tions themselves. √ √
It is further assumed, that a catastrophic failure of lattice bar-
σ = Mμα b( ρ − ρ0 ) (10)
riers occurs, when the stress concentration within dislocation pile- where ρ 0 stands for the after-serration density of dislocations, and
up is large enough. Such a local failure of barriers triggers conse- Mstands for the Taylor factor. Such definition makes the approach
quently avalanche-like process that becomes massive and usually more physical, and allows for the evolution of lower envelope of
spreads over a macroscopic fraction of lattice. Moreover, massive the stress - strain curve. Assuming that the process is kinematically
motion of released dislocations implies generation of new disloca- controlled, and takes place at a constant value of total strain, the
tions by Frank-Reed sources. This eventually results in a step-wise drop of stress results in the relevant strain redistribution, namely
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 599

Fig. 7. (a) Criterion of single serration; (b) the amount of slip ( ε serr
p ) during the process of catastrophic failure of lattice barriers; (c) discontinuous plastic flow with four
stages of the process: elastic loading (1), plastic flow (2), drop of stress (3), relaxation (4); (d) experimental result for austenitic stainless steel.

in the decrement of the elastic part identical with the increment The experimental research of the PLC effect was focused mostly on
of the plastic part (E is the Young modulus): recording the temporal and the spatial characteristics. Such well
√ √
Mμα b( ρ − ρ0 ) known techniques like: the shadowgraph technique (Chihab et al.,
ε p = (11) 1987), acoustic emission (Caceres, Rodriguez, 1987; Lazarev, Vino-
gradov, 2009), use of a multi-zone laser extensometer (Ziegenbein
Massive failure of barriers is followed by fast motion of glissile
et al., 2001), infrared thermography (Louche et al., 2005), infrared
dislocations in the lattice. Heat released in the course of this pro-
thermography (Hu et al., 2012a), electronic/digital speckle pattern
cess depends on the plastic work and the internal friction in the
interferometry (ESPI or DSPI)) (Zhang et al., 1999; Petit et al., 2013;
  Labergere et al., 2014) and digital speckle correlation (DSC) (Zhang
dQ = η dW p + dW f (12) et al., 2005), or digital image correlation (DIC) (Ait-Amokhtar et
where η denotes the Taylor-Quinney coefficient. In order to per- al., 2006; Tong and Zhang, 2007; Nielsen et al., 2010), were used.
form rough estimation of possible temperature fluctuations, the Similar methods were developed to observe propagation of the
specific heat has to be expressed as a function of temperature: Lüders bands and to evaluate the strain profile near the Lüders
front. The Lüders bands tracking and identification of local defor-
dT = (13) mation is usually carried out by means of the following meth-
mCV (T ) ods: recording surface scratches (Hall, 1951; Iricibar et al.,1977),
It turns out that the temperature fluctuations may even reach using optical ‘‘Topler Schlieren’’ method (Hall, 1951; Sylwestrowicz,
some 40–50 K for 316 LN stainless steel. The process of stress re- Hall, 1951), applying critical macro-illumination (Boxall and Hundy,
laxation, that usually follows the drop of stress, is temperature 1955), imposing stress-coat (Fisher and Rogers, 1956), applying
driven and described by the following set of equations: clip-extensometer (Moon, 1971), using grid-reflection (Verel and
d ( σ ∞ − σ r ) − σ T Sleeswyk, 1973), imposing surface grid (Lloyd and Morris, 1977),
( σ T ) = ; σ = σ r + σ T (14) applying contrast interferometer (Iricibar et al., 1977), using high
dt tT
speed camera (Miyazaki, Fujita, 1979) and infrared camera (Louche
where σ r , σ ∞ are the stress levels: right after the catastrophic slip
and Chrysochoos, 2001.), applying strain gages (Zhang, Jiang, 2004)
and the asymptotic level (after the transients have died out). Here,
and applying optical interference (Bućko et al., 2014).
tT denotes the characteristic time of the relaxation process. Tem-
For what concerns the cryogenic temperatures, a large variety
perature evolves towards a new steady state value, inducing an ad-
of materials exhibit the plastic flow discontinuities. Some examples
ditional stress increment σ T .
of such materials are presented in Fig. 8.
3. Experimental evidence of strain localization during DPF DPF was experimentally investigated by many authors (Basinski,
1957; Schwarz, Mitchell, 1974; Reed, Simon, 1988; Reed, Walsh,
3.1. Experimental techniques to observe slip band evolution 1988; Hähner, Zaiser, 1997; Zaiser, Hähner, 1997; Benallal et al.,
2006; Skoczen et al., 2014), however, the strain localization ef-
Different techniques have been developed and implemented to fect was not studied until now. The experimental methods to
observe the nature of plastic instabilities under combined loads. observe the propagation of slip bands are largely limited due
600 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 8. Uniaxial tensile test at liquid He for: (a) JK2LB (0.003C-22Mn-13Cr-9Ni-1Mo-0.2 N); (b) Niobium - Ti6Al4V; (c) serrations obtained for Cu-OFE – stress - strain (red)
and temperature-strain (blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 9. Experimental set-up for tensile testing at extremely low temperatures.

to the extreme conditions (cryostat). As for such materials like maintain correct level of the cryogen bath. The experimental set-
austenitic stainless steels the serrated yielding occurs below a spe- up is complex and not transparent – it does not allow to observe
cific threshold T1 (usually less than 30 K), collecting the experi- the sample directly. Therefore, rather complex instrumentation has
mental evidence of localized deformation remains a challenge. to be used. This, in turn, implies application of high resolution and
high quality data acquisition system.
3.2. Cryogenic set-up for tensile tests The cryostat is equipped with an insert containing the sample
holder and the components carrying instrumentation, i.e. the clip-
Cryogenic tensile tests were performed at the liquid helium on extensometers, the thermometers and the piezoelectric force
temperature (4.2 K). Since the tests at extremely low temperatures sensor (Fig. 10).
imply specific conditions and constraints, it is worth explaining The instruments are linked to the data acquisition system. Elon-
them in detail. gation of the specimen, its temperature and the applied loads are
The heart of the system remains the cryostat (vacuum insulated monitored and stored. Selection of the measuring system compo-
enclosure around the sample), connected to the liquid helium de- nents is crucial for low temperature applications, for instance, se-
war by means of helium transfer line (see Fig. 9). Before starting lection of appropriate elongation transducer. It is worth pointing
tensile test, the liquid helium flows from the dewar to the cryostat out, that DPF has dynamic character and may generate oscillations
until the specimen with the sensors is immersed in the cryogenic of the extensometer-specimen structure. This, in turn, can lead to
medium. Thermal insulation system of the cryostat consists of in- erroneous interpretation of tensile test results. Tabin and Pracik˛
sulation vacuum, radiation screens and styrodur blocks, which pro- (2015) proposed simple approach to determine dynamic proper-
vide the thermodynamic stability to the cryogen. Additionally, dur- ties of compound structure that consists of strain gage clip-on
ing the test the cryogen can be refilled in the cryostat, in order to extensometers (dual extensometers) and the specimen. Based on
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 601

Fig. 10. Cryostat equipped with suitable instrumentation.

Table 1 The stress - strain and the temperature - strain characteristics

Chemical composition of grade 304 austenitic stainless steel.
indicate the nature of slip band propagation during cryogenic ten-
Element C Si Mn P S Cr Ni sile test performed on 304 stainless steel. Analyzing the results, it
is worth focusing on the temperature distribution within the range
Wt% ≤ 0.07 ≤ 0.80 ≤ 2.00 0.045 0.03 17.0–19.0 9.0–11.0
without visible hardening influence (stage 1, Fig. 11b). The profile
of the temperature - strain curve may suggest the nature of the
slip band evolution during the tensile test at liquid He. The tem-
this approach, appropriate clip-on extensometers were selected to perature distribution in this range has regular form (the comb-like
perform cryogenic tensile tests at extremely low temperatures on profile), which occurs when the slip band during plastic straining
austenitic stainless steels specimen. Finally, precise calibration of propagates from one extremity of the specimen to the other, and
DAQ system for such extreme conditions is necessary. from serration to serration. It is worth pointing out, that during
the period of time from 190 to 285 s (stage 2, Fig. 11b), there is
no recorded temperature spikes in view of the fact that the slip
3.3. Uniaxial tensile test results
band holds the position beyond the specimen gage length (see Fig.
11b and Fig. 15), thereby beyond the sensing range of the temper-
The uniaxial tensile test was carried out by using 304 stain-
ature sensor. Nevertheless, during this period the serrations occur
less steel plate specimen, immersed in liquid helium (4.2 K). The
(see time response of the force transducer). The temperature dis-
uniform gage section of the specimen had a length of 25 mm. The
tribution within the hardening range (stage 3, Fig. 11b) is random,
cross-section of the gage section was of 1.5 mm × 1 mm. The chem-
which reflects irregular and constrained motion of the slip bands,
ical composition of specimen is listed in Table 1.
which is associated with the interaction of collective and massive
During kinematically controlled test (cross-head velocity: Vc =
breaks through the lattice barriers and nucleation of secondary
0.5mm/min), the time responses of the clip-on extensometers,
(martensitic) phase. In other words, initially observed regular trav-
the force transducer and the temperature sensors were recorded
elling slip band is blocked by nucleation of the martensite phase,
(Fig. 11b). Based on these records, the stress - strain and the
whereas, the new slip bands occur randomly within the specimen.
temperature-strain curves were generated (Fig. 11a).
These postulates can be confirmed by means of analysis of time re-
It is worth pointing out, that near-0 K the steel specimens still
sponse of temperature sensors and extensometers, recorded during
preserve suitable physical and mechanical properties, including
the test (Fig. 13 b and c). Based on this analysis, it is possible to
high level ductility. Fig. 12 illustrates fracture surface of 304 stain-
determine the temporal and the spatial characteristics of the slip
less steel specimen tested at 4.2 K, which is characteristic of ductile
decohesion. This kind of rupture is associated with intensive plas-
Looking at the inserted bars in Fig. 13b, it is found that the
tic deformation. From the macroscopic point of view, it is easy to
plastic deformation was first initiated in a local area near the bot-
see that the specimen has been plastically deformed (Fig. 12a).
tom part of the gage section, and has spread over the whole gage
Thermodynamic conditions of DPF are strictly linked to the
section (Fig. 13a). Temperature distribution, corresponding to a slip
so-called thermodynamic instability, related to vanishing specific
band evolving in a regular way with constant velocity, is illustrated
heat when the temperature approaches absolute zero. Macroscopic
in Fig. 14.
character of the DPF is reflected by the stress oscillations (Fig. 11a,
When the slip band approaches the position of the thermome-
red curve), and heat dissipation during each serration generated
ter, the temperature amplitude related to the serrations increases.
during slip band evolution. This is represented by the temperature-
Maximum temperature is registered when the slip band occurs un-
strain curve (Fig. 11a, blue curve). It is worth pointing out, that
der the thermometer. Thereafter, the temperature recorded by the
during tensile test of 304 stainless steel the plastic strain induced
sensor decreases, until the slip band falls outside the measurement
phase transformation (Garion et al. 20 06; Skoczen, 20 04, 20 07; Eg-
range of the thermometer. For what concerns the hardening range,
ner et al. 2015) is also observed. The fcc-bcc phase transformation
the temperature distribution shows random pattern (Fig. 13c). It is
is represented by the hardening effect, visible in the stress - strain
worth pointing out, that the time response of the extensometers
curve (Fig. 11a).
602 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 11. Tensile test of 304 stainless steel at 4.2 K: (a) stress - strain curve (red) and temperature-strain curve (blue); (b) time response of force transducer, clip-on ex-
tensometers and the thermometer. The position of the slip band during the uniaxial tensile test: 1- the slip band propagates from one extremity of the specimen to the
other, 2- the slip band occupies the position beyond the specimen gage length (see Fig. 15), 3- the slip band occurs randomly within the entire length of the specimen. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 12. SEM analysis of ductile fracture of 304 stainless steel specimen tested at 4.2 K; (a) plastic deformation of specimen cross-section; (b) the fractured surface containing
many microvoids and dimples.

Fig. 13. Cryogenic tensile test of 304 stainless steel specimen; (a) experimental set-up (b) temperature and strain for kinematically controlled test without phase transfor-
mation; (c) temperature and strain during the test accompanied by the phase transformation process.
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 603

Fig. 14. (a) Time response of thermometer during cryogenic tensile test in liquid He (the comb-like profile of temperature); (b) ilustration of the slip band propagation.

Fig. 15. Time response of clip-on extensometers as a function of slip band localization during cryogenic tensile test at liquid He temperature.

during the test allows us to localize the slip band. The behavior speed: Vc = 0.5mm/min) was carried out at liquid He temperature.
of the extensometer, when the slip band occurs between its arms In addition, both clip-on extensometers were used. The experimen-
and beyond them is different, which is shown in Fig. 15. Drop of tal set-up is presented in Fig. 16.
the strain signal is generated by the slip band that occurs outside Based on time response of thermometers and clip-on exten-
the extensometer arms (outside the gage length). During the pe- someters, the parameters of slip bands propagation for two distinct
riod of time from 190 to 285 s, there is no recorded global increase ranges: without and with hardening can be determined. In partic-
of elongation in view of the fact, that the slip band occurs outside ular, the average velocity of slip bands within the range without
the gage length (stage 2, Fig. 11b, Fig. 15). hardening are calculated. Fig. 17a illustrates time response of two
During tensile test of 304 stainless steel, the first slip band thermometers: the red one, bonded near the bottom grip, and the
occurred near the one of two grips, beyond the extensometer green one, bonded in the middle of gage length. Also, time deriva-
arms, which is indicated by a drop of strain signal. Then the slip tive of extensometers response (strain rate) is included in Fig. 17b.
band propagated across the extensometer arms and the next drop Time response of extensometers during test becomes an im-
of strain signal is recorded when the slip band is again beyond portant source of information (Fig. 13, Fig. 17b). If a slip band oc-
the extensometer arms, near the second grip. On the other hand, curs outside gage length, drop of extensometers signal is observed.
whenever the hardening effect is observed the slip band occurs in Therefore, the time derivative of extensometers signal resembles
an irregular way (Fig. 13c). Both types of time response of ther- impulse function with negative value (first peak in blue curve). On
mometer and the clip-on extensometers are consistent and confirm the other hand, when a slip band occurs between extensometer
the nature of slip band propagation in 304 stainless steel at liquid arms, the time derivative of extensometers signal becomes impulse
He temperature. In order to determine parameters of the slip band function with positive value. Based on the response of thermome-
evolution, an individual experiment was carried out. ters, it can be deduced that during tensile test the slip band oc-
curs near the red thermometer and then propagates towards the
3.4. Experimental set-up to identify parameters of slip band evolution green one (in the middle of specimen). When the thermometer I
(green) is reached by a slip band, the measured amplitudes of tem-
In order to determine the nucleation spot and the direction perature oscillations (related to serrations) substantially increase.
of slip bands evolution, two thermometers were bonded on 304 The maximum occurs when the slip band reaches the position of
stainless steel specimen surface: the thermometer II (red) was the thermometer. Thereafter, as a consequence of the slip band
bonded beyond the bottom grip and the thermometer I (green) in propagation, the time response of thermometer I decreases until
the middle of gage length. Distance between the thermometers is the slip band leaves the measurement range of thermometer I. On
equal to 16 mm. Kinematically controlled tensile test (cross-head the other hand, the thermometer II (red one) was bonded outside
604 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 16. Experimental set-up for tracking slip band evolution during uniaxial tensile test at liquid He temperature.

Fig. 17. Visualization of slip band evolution in 304 stainless steel: (a) regular slip band propagation (no hardening); (b) irregular slip band propagation (phase transformation
induced hardening).

the gage length, therefore a slip band recorded by thermometer II tance between two thermometers is equal to lT = 16mm. Based on
causes simultaneously drop of extensometer signal. Next, the same time response of two thermometers, it is possible to determine
slip band occurs within the gage length and propagates across the time increment when a slip band occurs under the thermome-
gage length in the proximity of thermometer I. When the slip band ter II and, later on, under the thermometer I (the test conditions
falls outside the gage length, the negative peak is again observed in are fixed). Therefore, the average slip band velocity is equal to
the rate of elongation chart. The slip band propagation in the range Vsb = 48.5mm/min, when no phase transformation occurs. Similar
without hardening has regular form, and the slip band during the effect was observed by Louche and Chrysochoos (2001) during uni-
test propagates from grip to grip. Hardening caused by the fcc- axial tensile test of S355MC steel at room temperature. A single
bcc phase transformation affects considerably the slip band prop- band, propagating at constant velocity was observed.
agation. In particular, slip bands occur at random places and very
soon are blocked by obstacles (secondary phase). Therefore, time 4. Thermodynamic model of temperature oscillations
response of thermometers does not have regular pattern. Also, the
strain rate suggests that the slip bands occur in random places, 4.1. General aspect
within or outside the gage length.
Experimental set-up presented in Fig. 16 allows to determine In view of Section 2 it is worth keeping in mind, that in the
the basic parameters of slip band propagation under test condi- proximity of absolute zero several thermo-mechanical parameters
tions initially specified (cross-head velocity Vc = 0.5mm/min). Dis- like thermal conductivity and thermal contraction coefficient, or
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 605

state functions like specific heat and entropy tend to zero. It has x ∈ (−∞, ∞ ); t ∈ 0, ∞ ) (17)
fundamental consequences for the behavior of fcc materials at
with the following initial condition:
ultra-low temperatures, especially due to the dissipative phenom-
ena related with discontinuous plastic flow. The general aspect of θ (x, 0 ) = f (x )
discontinuous yielding mechanism is presented in Sections 2.2 and x ∈ (−∞, ∞ ) (18)
2.3, including explanation of dissipation character of DPF in fcc
The general solution of the heat Eq. (17) is given by (Tichonow
materials. Thus, during DPF, when the abrupt drop of stress begins,
and Samarski, 1963):
the temperature locally increases. The heat increment is related  ∞
to the temperature increment by Eq. (13). The heat quantity pro-
θ (x, t ) = C (ω ) e−iωx e−kω t dω
duced during the massive rupture of lattice barriers is a function −∞
of plastic work and internal friction in the lattice (Eq. (12)). There- The initial condition (18) can be rewritten as:
fore, the DPF combines the mechanical and the thermodynamic ef-  ∞
fects. In order to perform quantitative analysis of DPF Skoczen et θ (x, 0 ) = f (x ) = C (ω ) e−iωx dω (20)
al. (2014) proposed a numerical model. −∞
For now, only general aspects of the model will be presented. In This equation implies that the function f(x) is the inverse
particular, the thermo-mechanical model assumes, that for single Fourier transform of the function C(ω) which, in turn, implies that
serration there is no change of temperature as long as the elastic C(ω) is the Fourier transform of f(x):
deformation lasts. Subsequent smooth plastic flow generates plas-  ∞
tic power that is converted to heat. The sample warms up and the C (ω ) = F (ω ) = f (x ) eiωx dx (21)
2π −∞
heat is partially transported by convection from the sample to the
surrounding helium. Temperature increment is based on the heat Substituting C(ω) to Eq. (19), the general solution can be writ-
balance equation, and reads: ten as:

ησ ε p θ (x, t ) =
f (ξ ) eiωξ dξ e−iωx e−kω t dω
T = (15)

ρmCV + 4λ ενε−1 g−2 −∞ −∞

where T denotes temperature increment, η is the efficiency fac- whereξ is used as a dummy integration variable. Now, the order of
tor, ρ m stands for mass density, CV means specific heat, λ denotes integration can be changed over:
thermal conductivity, g is the thickness of the sample, and ε    
vε is ∞
1 ∞
−kω2 t −iω (x−ξ )
the estimated time increment. θ (x, t ) = f (ξ ) e e dω dξ (23)
−∞ 2π −∞
After the stage of continuous plastic flow, abrupt drop of stress
occurs within extremely short time counted in micro-seconds. For Expression in the bracket forms heat kernel and has the follow-
this reason, the heat exchange is neglected (nearly adiabatic condi- ing form (Tichonow and Samarski, 1963):
tions) and total plastic power is converted to heat. The increment  ∞
1 1 −(x−ξ )2
G (x − ξ , t ) = e−kω t e−iω (x−ξ ) dω = √
of temperature can, therefore, be derived as: e 4kt (24)
2π −∞ 4π k t
ησ ε p
T = (16) Therefore, Eq. (23) can be rewritten as:
ρmCV  ∞

During relaxation stage, there is no significant heat source and θ (x, t ) = f (ξ ) G (x − ξ , t ) d ξ (25)
the sample is cooled down to the liquid helium temperature.
It is worth pointing out, that the proposed by Skoczen et al. Eq. (25) represents a spatial convolution of the functions f(ξ )
(2014) numerical model assumes that the RVE travels together and G(x − ξ , t ).
with the slip band. In other words, the thermometer moves during Let us consider special case when the initial temperature distri-
the kinematically controlled test along with the slip band. There- bution f(ξ ) is concentrated at point x0 , namely:
fore, the peak value of temperature produced by the model is al- f ( ξ ) = Aδ ( ξ − x 0 ) (26)
most constant (see Fig. 23). Nevertheless, the experimental results
where δ denotes the Dirac function. This implies that the intensity
indicate that the temperature distribution, measured by spatially
of heat source at time t = 0 in an infinite rod reads:
fixed thermometer, has different shape (comb-like profile), as il-  ∞  ∞
lustrated in Fig. 18. Q = cV ρ f (ξ ) dξ = cV ρ A δ (ξ − x0 ) dx = cV ρA (27)
The difference between the numerical and the experimental −∞ −∞
temperature distributions is related to the assumption that the For t > 0, the temperature function θ (x, t) is given by:
RVE travels together with the slip band. However, as regards the  ∞
experiment, the thermometer is spatially oriented (mounted on θ (x, t ) = f (ξ ) G (x − ξ , t ) d ξ
the specimen surface) when the slip band propagates through the  ∞
specimen. = A δ ( ξ − x0 ) G ( x − ξ , t ) d ξ = A G ( x − x0 , t ) (28)
In order to correlate the experimental results with the numeri- −∞
cal simulations, a heat conduction analysis is required. where the fact that the only contribution to the integral comes
from the point at which the argument of the Dirac delta function
4.2. Solution of heat diffusion equation is zero (x0 ), has been used. Thus, one obtains:
Q −(x−x0 )2
The heat diffusion equation is a starting point for the analysis θ (x, t ) = A G(x − x0 , t ) = √ e 4k t (29)
of temperature distribution generated by slip band evolution cV ρ 4π k t
during DPF. For a flat specimen the heat diffusion equation can The total area under this distribution is equal to A for any time
be markedly simplified to one-dimensional partial differential t.
equation: The convolution in Eq. (25) represents a weighted average of
the function f(ξ ) about the point x0 (Eq. (26)). As the time in-
∂θ ∂ θ 2
=k 2 creases, this weighted average includes more points away from x0 ,
∂t ∂x
606 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 18. Tensile test results: the stress – strain curve (red) and temperature –strain curve (blue) for 304 stainless steel at liquid He temperature. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 19. Temperature distribution around the position x0 = 0.5 at defined moments of time ti = [0.15 s, 0.20 s, 1.20 s, 1.40 s, 2.60 s, 6.00 s].

Table 2 Fig. 19 shows a graph of temperature distribution, that exhibits

Properties of grade 304 stainless steel at liquid He temperature.
a concentration around the position x0 = 0.5. At time tn > 0, por-
Thermal conductivity k= 0.23
W tion of heat has been transported from the localization zone to re-
mK gions situated far away from x0 = 0.5.
Specific heat CV = 2
kg K In view of Fig. 18, periodic dissipation of energy during each
kg serration occurs. It means that for the kinematically controlled ten-
Mass density ρm = 7998
m3 sile test and spatially oriented thermometer, the traveling slip band
m2 generates within each serration some amount of heat, which is
Thermal diffusivity α = 0.0038
recorded by the thermometer in the form of temperature peaks.
Intensity of internal heat source Q = 900 3 Similar effect can be obtained with respect to the solution of heat
diffusion equation. Each curve in Fig. 20 results from a solution of
Eq. (29) for experimentally determined parameters (such as: serra-
tion frequency fs , slip band velocity Vsb , etc.). The results of numer-
ical simulation of time response of the thermometer during kine-
which accounts for the smoothing of the temperature distribution matically controlled uniaxial tensile test of 304 stainless steel spec-
θ (x, t). Fig. 19 illustrates the qualitative aspects of such smoothing. imen at liquid He temperature are presented in Fig. 20. The basic
In order to perform a simulation of temperature relaxation process, parameters of the test are presented in Table 3.
grade 304 stainless steel has been selected. Its physical proper- It is worth pointing out, that the presented heat conduction
ties at liquid He temperature are presented in Table 2 (Marquardt, analysis is based on a number of simplifications, such as the
Radebaugh, 20 0 0).
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 607

Fig. 20. Time response of “numerical thermometer”, based on the solution of heat diffusion equation.

Table 3 Plastic flow observed at a macroscopic level is accompanied by

The parameters adopted for numerical test.
evolution of microscopic variables. In particular, the evolution of
Type of test Kinematically controlled dislocations density reads (Ma et al., 2006; Bouquerel et al., 2006;
Madec et al., 2002):
Cross-head velocity Vc =0.5  √ 
1 k 1 ρk
Slip band velocity Vsb =48.5
mm ρk+1 = ρk + εkp+1 M + − k a ρk (30)
min db b
Serration frequency f s = 1 Hz
where d is the average grain size, b is the length of the Burgers
vector and ka stands for the dislocation annihilation constant. As
soon as the threshold ɛLC is reached, the lattice barriers evolve
boundary conditions imposed at infinity or 1D geometry of the and their number density is calculated according to Eq. (4), with
test specimen. Therefore, the numerical distribution of tempera- Bcr corresponding to such a number density beyond which the ser-
ture does not entirely converge with the experimental one (e.g. ration occurs immediately:
the long-lasting tail, Fig. 20). Nevertheless, the peak values of tem-  
perature spikes (or the envelope of temperature distribution) have if εkp+1 > εLC then Bk+1 = min Bk + FLC
εkp+1 ; Bcr (31)
a significant meaning in view of the DPF model, which presently Modified average shear stress in the lattice reads (cf. Kubin,
takes into account the travelling slip band (carrying the RVE), and 2003; Bouquerel et al., 2006):
a fixed thermometer located in the middle of the sample. √
Based on Eq. (29), initial conditions (Eq. (26)), and experimen- τk+1 = τ0 + μα b ρk+1 (32)
tally identified test parameters (Table 3) the numerical time re- with the mean free path of dislocation calculated as:
sponse of the thermometer during uniaxial tensile test of several
1 1 √ 
materials at liquid He temperature has been obtained (Fig. 21b for = + k1 ρk+1 + k2 Bk+1 (33)
grade 304 stainless steel). λ̄k+1 d
Finally, the average shear stress at the head of dislocation
pile-ups is computed according to Eq. (6), and the criterion of
5. Numerical simulations of DPF versus experimental results avalanche-like failure of lattice barriers is checked.
The drop of stress (stage 3) is defined on the basis of the micro-
Explicit incremental scheme is applied for stress integration, scale variables, with a newly proposed approach in which pre-
controlled with a constant value of the total strain increment. The viously used heuristic function F − is eliminated. The relation be-
return mapping algorithm is used as soon as the hardening line tween the stress in the lattice and the density of dislocations (Eq.
is reached at the end of the elastic range. Following the experi- (5)) is defined as:
mental results, it is assumed that each serration occurs at a con- √
stant value of total strain. Hence, redistribution of the elastic and σk+1 = M (τ0 + μα b ρk+1 ) (34)
the plastic parts of strain takes place. Moreover, both density and where M is the Taylor factor, and τ 0 stands for the shear stress of
amplitude of serrations slightly increase in the course of loading internal friction. Hence, the difference in stress values before and
process. Also, the plastic strain threshold for initiation of each ser- after serration are expressed as:
ration gradually increases. Drop of stress is followed by a temper- √

ature rise that indicates a process of mechanical origin. For 304 σ serr = σkbefore
+1 − σ after
k+1 = M μα b ρ k+1 − ρ 0
stainless steel linear plastic hardening has been assumed and pe-
riodically repeated serrations do not affect the hardening curve Recalling the observation that the serration starts at a given
stress value σk+1 and takes place at a constant value of total
be f ore
(Skoczeń et al., 2010).
608 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 21. Time response of thermometer during tensile test of 304 stainless steel at liquid He temperature (a) experimental results, (b) numerical results.

strainɛserr , and that the increment of plastic strain corresponds to On the other hand, during stage 4 (relaxation) the sample is
the equivalent decrement of elastic strain, one obtains the plastic gradually cooled down to the temperature of helium bath. Ther-
strain increment (see Fig. 7c) in the form: modynamic balance takes the form:
Mμα b ρk+1 − ρk0+1 ρmCV Tk+1 = Q
4λ ε (Tk+1 −T0 )
ε serr
p = (36) V g2 νε
Temperature decrement is computed as long as the term in the
Furthermore, it is assumed that the density of dislocations af-
parenthesis is positive:
ter serration ρk0+1 is not retained at its initial levelρ00 , but evolves
during the loading process and so does the after-serration number 4λ ε (Tk+1 − T0 )
Tk+1 = (41)
density of barriers (e.g. L-C locks) B0 . The threshold for the barriers ρmCV g2 νε
evolution is also updated:
The thermodynamic functions like the specific heat and the
Bk+1 = B0k+1 , ρk+1 = ρk0+1 , εLC = ( εLC )k+1 + εkp+1 (37) thermal conductivity are functions of temperature. Their values are
It is proposed to approximate the after-serration dislocation illustrated in Fig. 22 for grade 304 stainless steel (Marquardt et al.
density as: 20 0 0):
⎛ ⎞
log Cv
⎜ 0.0 0 031 ⎟
ρk0+1 = ⎝ 
3 + 0.2⎠ρk+1 (38) = 22.0061 − 127.5528 log T + 303.6470(log T ) +
εkp+1 3
− 381.0098(log T ) + 274.0328(log T ) − 112.79212(log T ) +
4 5

Note, that the serration increment of the plastic strain εpserr 6

+ 24.7593(log T ) − 2.239153(log T )
does not influence the yield surface and no additional hardening
is assumed. This is because of the fact that the increase of plastic log λ = −1.4087 − 1.3982 log T + 0.2543(log T ) +
strain due to serration is caused by a different mechanism (fast 3 4 5
slip) than in regular continuous yielding (motion of dislocations). − 0.6260(log T ) + 0.2334(log T ) + 0.4256(log T ) +
6 7 8
Eventually, at the end of stage 3, the stress and the unchanged − 0.4658(log T ) + 0.1650(log T ) − 0.0199(log T )
strain are obtained:
εk+1 = εk , σk+1 = σk − σ serr (39)
The numerical results are illustrated in Figs. 23 and 24. The fol-
After serration, stage 4 is in general expected, when the stress lowing set of parameters was adopted for the numerical analysis
relaxation takes place. The integration of constitutive relations dur- (Table 4):
ing this phase can be found in Skoczeń et. al, 2010. Good agreement when compared to the experimental data is
The algorithm for calculation of temperature change was dis- obtained. Especially, serration frequency and amplitude fall within
cussed in Skoczeń et al, 2014, for bi-axial stress state. The approach the range obtained from experiments. It is worth pointing out,
developed in the present paper includes formation and motion of that the temperature evolution predicted by the model shows sud-
slip bands, accompanied by dissipation of plastic power converted den peaks, but the effect of “distant thermometer” is not included.
to heat. It is assumed that no change of temperature is observed Hence, the result resembles a fictitious situation of a thermometer
during elastic deformation (stage 1), since there is no dissipation of travelling with the slip band. This issue is addressed in Section 4.
energy. During stage 2 (classical plastic flow), the dissipated plas- Fig. 24 illustrates the evolution of dislocation density as a function
tic power is converted to heat. Part of heat is transported to the of total strain. The peak points correspond to maximum values ob-
surrounding liquid helium by convection. Temperature evolution is tained during plastic deformation (Eq. (30)), whereas, the lowest
computed from the heat balance equation according to Eq. (15) for values represent the after-serration density, when the barriers (L-C
stage (2), and Eq. (16) for serration stage (3). locks) are broken and the spontaneous motion is triggered.
J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612 609

Fig. 22. Thermal conductivity and specific heat for 304 stainless steel as a function of temperature.

Fig. 23. Evolution of stress and temperature as a function of strain computed during DPF.

6. Discussion

The above presented constitutive model contains a number of

new features. The first new element reflects the way of computing
drop of stress within single serration. It has been assumed that the
drop of stress is entirely determined by dislocations density be-
fore and after the serration (Eq. (10)). Also, the amount of plastic
slip follows similar description (Eq. (11)), which makes its physi-
cal interpretation more obvious. Moreover, dislocations density be-
fore and after serration becomes function of time-like parameter,
which leads to correct evolution of the minimum and the maxi-
mum stress during each serration. This effect has been experimen-
tally confirmed.
Fig. 24. Evolution of dislocation density as function of strain computed during DPF.
Another crucial and new feature of the model is related to
the observation of slip band propagation along the sample gage
length during kinematically controlled test. In the course of pre-
Table 4
vious studies of this phenomenon (starting from early sixties), it
The parameters adopted for numerical analysis of stress, temperature and dis- was not clear whether the strain localization effect takes place at
location density (Figs. 23 and 24). extremely low temperatures. Recent experiments, reported in the
Parameter equation value present paper, clearly indicate strong strain localization in the form
of slip bands propagating along the sample. Plastic power dissi-
σ0 550 pated in the slip band is partially converted to heat, which re-
τ0 Eq. (5) = MPa
M 3
sults in a drastic increase of temperature promoted by the ther-
E (1 + ν ) 2.1 · 105 (1 + 0.3)
μ Eq. (5) = MPa modynamic instability (nearly adiabatic process). The localization
2 2
α Eq. (5) 0.4 effect is reflected by temperature oscillations measured by spa-
tially fixed thermometer(s). Such experimental evidence of strain
b Eq. (5) 2.58 · 10−10 m
localization process must be taken into account in the constitutive
d Eq. (7) 5 · 10−6 m
model by locating the RVE inside the slip band. Thus, the plas-
k1 Eq. (7) 0.25 tically active process, including the plastic slip accompanied by
k2 Eq. (7) 0.01 abrupt drop of stress, takes place inside the slip band (RVE) and
tT Eq. (14) 100 s the plastic work is partially converted to heat. Due to nearly adi-
kg abatic conditions (see the specific heat and the thermal conduc-
ρm Eq. (15) 7860
m3 tivity in the temperature range 0–5 K), the temperature increase
g Eq. (15) 0.003m measured by one or two thermometers is significant. Moreover,
νɛ Eq. (15) 1.8 · 10−3 s−1 as the slip band moves along within the gage length of the sam-
ka Eq. (30) 0.01 ple, the thermometer located in the middle of the sample mea-
sures increasing temperature spikes. When the slip band crosses
610 J. Tabin et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 97–98 (2016) 593–612

Fig. 25. Comparison of the experimental and the numerical stress - strain curves corresponding to DPF in 304 stainless steel.

the gage length of the sample (from one extensometer grip to an- ture of the plastic flow discontinuities consisting in strong local-
other) the measured temperature spikes follow comb-like profile ization in the form of slip band travelling across the gage length
with the peak temperature corresponding to the alignment of the of the sample. Another interesting feature consists in a coupling
slip band with the thermometer. This shows very ordered nature of of plastic flow discontinuities with the phase transformation pro-
the slip band propagation process. However, as soon as the phase cess, which makes the nucleation of slip bands and their free glide
transformation process takes place, the motion of slip band is hin- randomly redistributed over the gage length of the sample. The
dered by formation of the secondary phase. For this reason, the present paper deals with the regular way of nucleation and free
temperature spikes occurring during the phase transformation are unconstrained glide of the slip bands in the sample, in the absence
randomly redistributed. Most probably, the free path of a slip band of phase transformation and obstacles in the form of secondary
is limited to the average distance between the secondary phase is- phase. The measured profile of temperature spikes has been ex-
lands and the initiation of slip band has random character. This plained by building a model of travelling slip band, carrying the
part of the process, seen from the point of view of temperature RVE, and fixed thermometer located in the middle of the sample. A
measurements, has disordered character. Nevertheless, the present thermodynamic problem of heat diffusion in the sample has been
paper is focused on the first part of the process, without phase solved, taking into account travelling source of a given heat gen-
transformation. eration rate. Numerically obtained profile of temperature spikes is
One of the important features of the slip band propagation in similar to the profile measured during the experiment. Moreover,
the absence of phase transformation consists in very regular tem- the model of stress oscillations has been improved by expressing
perature pattern, measured by the thermometer located in the their lower bound in terms of dislocations density.
middle of the gage length. When the slip band starts at one ex- Thus, it has been assumed that the drop of stress is entirely
tremity of the sample the temperature spike measured by the ther- determined by dislocations density before and after the serration
mometer is small. As soon as the slip band approaches the ther- and the amount of plastic slip follows similar description, which
mometer, the spike gradually reaches its maximum. Finally, when makes its physical interpretation more obvious. A comparison of
the slip band moves to the opposite extremity of the sample, the experimental stress - strain curve with the numerical results
the measured temperature spike decreases again. This very reg- is shown in Fig. 25, and indicates correct behaviour of the consti-
ular pattern of temperature fluctuations reflects regular and un- tutive model. The numerical stress - strain curve does not entirely
constrained motion of the slip band, that can be described as a match the initial behaviour, because the DPF model is based on lin-
heat source generating heat pulses as soon as the abrupt slip takes ear elastic deformation combined with linear hardening (after the
place. For what concerns the thermodynamic aspect of the slip stress gains the initial yield point). Such assumption is sufficient
band propagation in the first part of the process, the heat genera- for the constitutive description of DPF. There is also a good per-
tion can be estimated by means of simple energy balance. It leads spective to describe the interaction of DPF with the fcc-bcc phase
to evaluation of temperature increase resulting from the thermo- transformation process, however, it will be an objective of a future
dynamic instability. However, this process can be described in a paper as soon as the experimental evidence is sufficient.
much more precise way by means of heat diffusion analysis, in-
cluding temperature response at a distance from the heat source. Acknowledgements
Temperature profile obtained as a result of heat diffusion analysis
(involving thermodynamic parameters and variables depending on This work has been supported by the National Science Cen-
temperature) turns out very similar to what is measured during tre through the Grant No. UMO-2013/11/B/ST8/00332. The authors
the experiment (Fig. 21). wish to thank Stefano Sgobba (PhD) and Dawid Marcinek (MSc) for
their suggestions and help.
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