Friends 'Chandler's and Monica's Wedding' Worksheet PDF

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1. Match the name to the characters. Ask your teacher or classmates if you don’t know them.

Joey Phoebe Monica Ross Rachel Chandler

2. Match. Then sort the words out into the following categories.

2 4

Play 14
6 Tins of tuna 13
Dry pasta



Wedding Acting Food War Others

Section 1: The news

3. Write true (T) or false (F)
o Monica is checking a list o Joey got a part in a movie
o Rachel is furious o Pheobe knows who were involved in
o Pheobe is singing WWII

o Joey enters running

4. Complete the dialogue with Simple Present, Simple Past, Present Continuous or Future
Rachel: What‘cha doing Mon?
Monica: I 1________________________ (Pr. Continuous – make) a list of all the things that are
most likely to go wrong at the wedding. Now, that way I can be prepared.
Phoebe: What are they?
Monica: Well, so far I have uh, my bridesmaids' dresses 2_________________________ (S.
Future – not get) picked up, my veil 3_________________ (S. Present – get) lost, or I
________________________ (S. Present - not have) my something blue.
Rachel: Hey! Those are all the things I’m responsible for!
Monica: I 5_________________ (S. Past – have to) go with the odds Rach.
Joey: Hey! You guys! Remember that audition I had a while ago and 6______________________
(S. Past – not get) the part?
Rachel: The commercial?
Joey: No!
Phoebe: That play?
Joey: No!
Monica: That other play?
Joey: Nooo!
Phoebe: The movie?
Joey: Yes!!
Rachel: Ohh! The one about the pilot and his dog who 7____________________ (S. Present –
fly) planes
Joey: No, but man that one 8_______________ (S. Past – hurt). No, this is the one about the
soldiers who 9_____________________ (S. Present – fight) in World War I!
Phoebe: Oh, yeah! Back then y’know, we 10________________ (S. Past – call) it the Great War.
It really was!
Joey: Well anyway, the guy they 11_________________ (S. Past – want) backed out and now they
want me! I start shooting today!
Phoebe: Congratulations!
Rachel: Oh that’s great!
Monica: Wait! Wait! Wait! You can’t start today! Today’s the rehearsal dinner!

Joey: Oh no, I 12_______________ (S. Future – be) done by then.
Monica: Oh. Well then way to go, you big movie star!
Joey: I know! All right, I 13______________ (S. Future – see) you guys over there! I’m off to fight
the Nazis.
Rachel: Oh, wait Joey! We 14_________________ (S. Past – fight) the Nazis in World War II, not
World War I.
Joey: Whoa! Okay. Yeah well, who-who 15_____________ (S. Past – be) in World War I?
Phoebe: Go ahead.
Rachel: You 16__________________ (Future evidence – be) late! Go! Go!
Monica: Who 17__________ we _______________ (S. Past – fight) in World War I?
Rachel: Mexico?
Phoebe: Yes! Very good.

5. What’s the meaning of these expressions? Choose.

a. My bridesmaids’ dresses won’t get picked up.
1. to select from a group
2. to collect or gather
3. to acquire knowledge by learning or experience.

b. I had to go with the odds Rach.

1. despite many difficulties
2. disagree with someone
3. to agree with something

c. Well anyway, the guy they wanted backed out and now they want me!
1. To withdraw from something before completion.
2. To fail to keep a commitment or promise.
3. To cook something

d. I start shooting today!

1. to fire a weapon
2. to detonate or cause to explode
3. to start filming and acting

e. I’m off to fight the Nazis.

1. about to go
2. ready to go
3. gone already

6. Which countries were involved in WWI?

7. Predict:
a. What kind of movie do you think it is?

Section 2: The set
8. Tick what you can see or hear.

9. You be the director. What does he say? Then complete numbered blanks
a. Hang on a minute! Joey, you keep touching your face. Is something wrong?
b. Okay, all right. Let’s do it. And…Action!
c. I don’t think so. Let’s take it back to Richard’s last line. Action!
d. Okay! We’re about an hour away from getting the scene lit. So uh, if you guys don’t
mind, can we run it a couple of times?

The Assistant Director: Joey! We’re ready.

Joey: Yeah! Me too.
The Assistant Director: Richard? We’re ready for you. Joey Tribbiani? This is Richard Crosby, he
____________________ Vincent.
Joey: I 2_______________________ my scenes with you?
Richard: Nice to meet you Joey.
Joey: Wow! I can’t believe this! This is incredible. I mean you just 3_____________ an Oscar!
Richard: No I didn’t.
Joey: I think you did.
Richard: I think I 4_____________. Three times.
Joey: Uh…Cookie?
The Director: ____________________
Richard: Yeah, sure.
The Director: _____________________
Joey: We have to find the rest of the platoon!
Richard: Forget the platoon! The platoon is gone!
Joey: What?!
Richard: The platoon is dead! Face facts Tony!
Joey: So what are we gonna do?! We have no reinforcements! No-no food!
Richard: No, we still have food in the 4_____________________! I saw potatoes and some dry
The Director: _______________
Joey: No. Nope, I uh…I th—I thought it might be kind of a cool character thing. Y’know? He’s uh,
he’s a face toucher.
The Director: _______________
Richard: We may not have any weapons, but we still have food. In the basement I saw potatoes and
some dry pasta, and a few 5___________________________!

10. Answer these questions

a. What’s wrong with the scene?
b. What’s Joey’s problem?
c. What do you think will happen?

Section 3: Enunciation
11. Watch and answer these questions
a. What does Richard want?
b. What does Joey learn?

12. Put the dialogue in order
o Richard: Just the last two pages.
o Joey: You know you’ve been spitting on me?!
o Richard: Well, I need to see your face so I can uh, play off your reaction.
o Joey: Okay uh, look I know you’re this great actor, okay? And you play all those Shakespeare
guys and stuff…
o Richard: I found the picture!
o Joey: Picture? What picture?
o Richard: Hey Joey, could you uh, go through these lines with me?
o Joey: Thanks! Okay-okay check it out! Picture? What picture? Eh?
o Richard: Great!
o Joey: Wow! Didn’t know that.
o Richard: Could you uh, could you lower your script?
o Joey: Oh man! They-they just redid my make-up!
o Richard: The picture of my wife. I found it in your pack.
o Joey: But you’re spittin’ all over me man!
o Richard: Well of course I am!
o Joey: Alright.
o Richard: That’s what real actors do! Enunciation is the mark of a good actor! And when you
enunciate, you spit!
o Joey: I don’t want to.
o Richard: Oh, thanks.

13. What do these multi-part words mean?

a. Hey Joey, could you uh, go through these lines with me?
b. Oh man! They just redid my make-up!
c. Could you lower the script? Well I need to see your face so I can play off your
d. Thanks! Okay-okay check it out!

Section 4: The shot

14. Watch without audio and create a conversation. Then check

15. Complete the dialogue.
The Director: 1__________________!
Richard: I found the picture!
Joey: What picture?!
Richard: The picture of my wife! In your pack!
Joey: You 2________________________ my personal property?
Richard: Why do have a picture of Paulette in your pack?!
Joey: Because Vincent, we 3__________________ lovers. For two years!
The Director: 4________________! Wonderful!
Joey: Great scene yeah?
Richard: Oh you’re awesome! And, in that last speech? You 5_________________ me.
Joey: Thanks a lot.
The Assistant Director: Here’s your 6_____________________________ for tomorrow.
Joey: Oh, I’m-I’m not working tomorrow.
The Assistant Director: You are now.
Joey: No! No! I can’t! You gotta 7__________________________! I’ve got plans! Important

Section 5: Joey’s problems

16. What problems do Joey mention?
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
d. ___________________________

17. What’s wrong with Richard?

18. Complete the dialogue with Simple Past or Future

Joey: Excuse me, Aaron? Hi! Umm, I have a little problem with the schedules. Originally, I
_______________ (not be) supposed to work today, and I have this wedding that I really have to
be at. It’s my best friend’s, and I’m officiating so I really can’t work past four.
The Director: Joey, you gotta stay until the end. We can’t stop filming just for you. It’s not like it’s
your wedding.
Joey: It is my wedding. 2__________ I not 3________________(make) that clear?
Director: But you 4______________ (say) your best friend was getting married.
Joey: Yeah, to me. I’m marrying my best friend. Isn’t that beautiful?
Director: But you said you were officiating.
Joey: Yeah.
Director: Your own wedding?
Joey: Happens more than you think.
Director: I’m sorry Joey, It’s still no.
Joey: I 5_____________________ (Pr. Continuous – have) surgery!
The Director: What?!
Joey: Yeah, I-I just 6__________________ (make up) the stuff about the wedding because I
______________________ (not want) you to worry about me. But, I’m having surgery today.
The Director: What kind of surgery?!
Joey: Transplant.
The Director: But you’re supposed to work on Monday.
Joey: Hair transplant.
The Director: But you’re not bald.
Joey: It’s not on my head.
The Director: Look Joey, there’s nothing I can do. Besides, you’re probably
_____________________ (Future evidence - be out) by four anyway. We’ve just got one short
scene. It’s just you and Richard, and God knows he’s a pro. You 9__________________ (S. Future
– be) fine. Morning Richard.
Joey: Hey! You’re here! Great! Great! Great! Let’s get going buddy, we’ve got a scene to shoot!
Richard: I’m wearing two belts.
Joey: Are you drunk?
Richard: No!
Joey: Yes you are!
Richard: All right.

19. Predict: what do you think will happen?

Section 6: Richard’s problem

20. Choose the best option
Joey: I would sooner die in this 1hellhole then see her back with you!
a. A place of extreme wretchedness or squalor.
b. Obsolete The pit of hell.
c. A hole on the floor.
Richard: That can be arranged.
The Director: Let’s reset.
Joey: What?! He got me! Owwwwww!!!
The Director: Let’s take it from there.
Richard: 2Are you a little off today? It’s going terribly slowly.
a. to be off stage
b. to be slow
c. to be desconnected
Joey: Look, my best friends are getting married in like an hour. Okay? And I’m the 3minister.
a. The one officiating in a wedding, the priest
b. An official person (politics)
c. A person serving other people.
Please! Please! Can you 4pull it together?
a. To collect something
b. to open a door
c. to compose oneself, go back to normal
Richard: Of course! I’m-I’m sorry. I-I’d hate you to miss anything like that 5on account of me. I
can do this!
a. Owing money
b. Being the person to blame, guilty
a. Because of a storm

Joey: Thank you. Thank you.

The Director: Still rolling, annnnd action!
Joey: I would sooner die in this hellhole then see her back with you!
Richard: Now, that can be arranged! 6Slippery little bugger!
a. A bug
b. A fellow friend
c. To damn, swear

Section 7: Joey’s solution
21. Tick the ways of you can see
o Joey is very happy to act.
o Joey is pleading with he director to let him go.
o The Director agrees with Joey.
o Joey does Ross’s fist thing.
o Richard is cutting steak with his sword
o Joey has a stunt actor
o Richard staggers to the couch
o Richard lies down on the floor.
o Joey picks Richard up in a fireman’s carry and carries him out.

22. Complete the dialogue by arranging the letters

Joey: Aaron! You gotta let me go. The guy’s (mmredah) 1_____________________!
The Director: I’m sorry Joey, as long as he’s here and he’s (sousiccno) 2__________________
we’re still shooting.
Richard: You wouldn’t happen to have a very big fork?
Joey: So I uh, I just talked to the (trriedco) 3_____________________. That’s it, we’re done for
the day.
Richard: Well have we finished the (eencs) 4________________________?
Joey: Yeah! You…you were wonderful.
Richard: As were you.
Joey: So I got your car, it’s right outside.
Richard: Why? Are we (enod rof) 5_______________ ___________ the day?
Joey: That’s what you told me.
Richard: Oh, thank you. You’re welcome
Joey: No-no-no! We gotta go! Come on! Here we go.
Richard: Is that my ass?

23. What’s the meaning of...?

a. The guy’s hammered!
b. That’s it, we’re done for the day.

Post-viewing activities:

24. Complete the crossword with vocabulary from the video

2. A professional
5. Someone who performs a stunt (difficult act)
6. To place oneself or be in a horizontal position in order to rest
9. To serve as an officiant at (a ceremony): officiated the wedding ceremony.
10. To regain one's composure. Behave normally.
11. Cosmetics applied especially to the face
12. To pronounce; articulate

1. The act of carrying a person over your shoulder
3. Additional personnel or equipment sent to support a military action. Often used in the plural.
4. Finished
5. To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight; totter
7. To eject matter from the mouth; expectorate
8. Drunk or intoxicated

25. Let’s revise the future: check section 1 and 5. Match the examples to their rules.
a. My bridesmaids’ dresses won’t get picked up.
b. My veil gets lost and I don’t have my something blue.
c. Monica: Wait! Wait! Wait! You can’t start today! Today’s the rehearsal dinner!
Joey: Oh no, I’ll be done by then.
d. Joey: I know! All right, I’ll see you guys over there! I’m off to fight the Nazis.
e. Rachel: You’re gonna be / going to be late! Go! Go!
f. Hi! Umm, I have a little problem with the schedules. Originally, I wasn’t supposed to work
today, and I have this wedding that I really have to be at. It’s my best friend’s, and I’m
officiating so I really can’t work past four.
g. Joey: Yeah, I-I just made up the stuff about the wedding because I didn’t want you to worry
about me. But, I’m having surgery today.
h. The Director: Look Joey, there’s nothing I can do. Besides, you’re probably gonna / going
to be out by four anyway. We’ve just got one short scene. It’s just you and Richard, and God
knows he’s a pro. You’ll be fine fine. Morning Richard

i. No. Nope, I uh…I th—I thought it might be kind of a cool character thing. Y’know? He’s uh,
he’s a face toucher.

Rule Uses Examples

a. instant decisions
b. predictions
Will (S. Future) c. offers
d. promises
e. certainty
a. future plans
b. predictions with
Be going to
c. intentions
Arrangements in the
future (something
Pr. Continuous
settled previously),
usually in a diary.
A future uncertain
May / Might
a. schedules (like
trains, busses, planes)
Simple Present
b. a certain future

26. Complete the sentences with prepositions: on - with – up – off – through – down – out - for – of
a. Rachel is responsible ____________ picking up the dresses and other things for the wedding.
b. Monica doesn’t think Rachel is going to do what she has to. So she thinks the worst. She is going
_____________ the odds, which means she thinks Rachel is going to mess things up.
c. Joey is playing a part in a movie because the actor backed ___________.
d. Joey, mistakenly, says ‘I’m _________ to fight the Nazis’ but that was WWII, not WWI.
e. The Director stops a scene because Joey keeps on touching his face. So, to stop the scene he says ‘hang
________’, that means ‘wait’
f. Richard has been spitting ____________ Joey because he says that is the mark of a good actor.
g. Richard is rehearsing with Joey but he doesn’t want to lower the script. So Richard asks him to do that so
that he can play ____________ Joey’s reaction.
h. Richard asks Joey to go _____________ some lines with him, which means to rehearse with him for a
little bit.
i. Joey tells Richard to check his acting ___________ and he spits on Richard’s face thinking he was just
j. Before rehearsing with Richard, Joey has had his make ______ redone.
k. Joey asks the assistant director to get him _________ of the following day shooting.
l. Richard tells Joey he doesn’t want to be responsible for his missing the wedding. He doesn’t want Joey
miss the wedding _______ account _____ him.
m. Joey doesn’t want to go shooting the day of the wedding do he pleads __________ the director.
However, the director doesn’t agree _________ him.
n. Richard is really drunk and tries to lie ___________ on a couch.
o. Joey picks Richard __________ in a fireman’s carry and carries him out.
p. Joey tricks Richard into thinking they are done ________ the day. That means they have finished
shooting for the day.


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