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Name: ______________________ Date: _______ Teachers: __________ Grade: ____

Milk Jug Repurposing Challenge

“Millions of plastic milk jugs are thrown away each year. Most plastic milk containers are made
from high-density polyethylene, also known as HDPE or No. 2 plastic. This means that milk jugs are
recyclable, and most curbside recycling programs accept them.
We can’t let that happen! Recycling your milk jugs is a great option, but reusing them is an even
better choice. There are so many creative ways to reuse plastic milk jugs in your daily life.”
-Earth 911

Challenge: Can you find a creative or useful way to repurpose a milk jug or bottle.
Directions: Find an empty milk jug or bottle and rinse it out with water. Think of a creative or useful
way to reuse a milk jug or bottle in your house using recycled materials. Your design must be able to
stand or hang on its own.

Ask: How can I reuse a milk jug or bottle to design a creative or useful thing for my house?

Imagine: Draw two ideas you have about reusing a milk jug or bottle. Label with materials you will
need to make your design.
Idea 1 Idea 2
Plan: Decide which design will be best for your family. Draw and label your final design.

Create: Build your design with your parents permission.

Test: Circle One Below
Did you use recycled materials? YES NO
Does your design stand or hang? YES NO
Is your design creative or useful? YES NO
Improve: How could you make your design better? Draw a picture of your improved design and label
the changes.

Keep Recycling!

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