April 2020 Cornerstone

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‘The Comerstone 028 0 She Mr, ASIES Pesto Ba Voter ‘ey Lares Kay Bran Jace ay et 9 ea | comranese — | (SE este | 4 “too? S | Sacre | at0 7 8 9 10 |i enya cme oe = & 12 13 I7 18 = sail ‘morn (Garces —) 7am nin. 2 19 20 21 22 ewnow, 23 24 25 aetna ey |“ net a ‘Cariieergiis ——]| cont Ci eb a RSE sents Yo | 26 27__ [28 |29 [30 sericea | Pen oe co oS Ws an Ln) Minister's Musings Well, times sure Eave changed haven't they. It’s hard to know what to say when {information is coming at you so fast and changing so much you don’t know if all will be well or if itl be mass chaos. Let me add a little peace to the cacophony that is around us. It is possibly that by the time you read this life may have returned toa little bit more normal, but I doubt it. Even iflife has returned to a more “normal” footing this advice I think is still relevant. talked in a sermon awhile ago that the truth is usually found somewhere in the ‘middle, If truly believe the truth is found in the middle, then this pandemic will not be the end of mankind as we know it and it won't be an overblown ease of the flu either. ‘We will gt through this, the world maybe a bit different when we are, and God will still loveus, ‘What isa faithful person's response to uncertain times? Many of us haven't lived in.a world where we're ficed with the possibility of being majorly inconvenienced. ‘We're pretty used to doing what we want when we want to do it. Compared to many other people around the world we're pretty new at this emergent response stuff. Tink about how angry we get when our commute is changed because of a detour or slower ‘than normal traffic. Reriember how upsetting it could be to have some television programming interrupted for some break news. Think about how frustrating it was to have your food order messed up a bit because they forgot to take the mushrooms off. ‘Those were pretty much the extent of our inconveniences fora lot of us. Sure, we've dealt with the death of loved ones, job uncertainty and health scares for ourselves. But, ‘we haven't had to live with the possibility that the whole nation might be changed because of a threat, In fact, we haven't probably felt threatened as a nation much since Peral Harbor or 9/11. Oar relative safety and affluence are not bad things, but when a ‘threat arises we don't know what to do. One thing we eando is be thankful we've had it so good and remember when we come out the other side aot to complain so much about the little inconveniences in our lives. Another thing we 2an do is show the love of Christ. Find places you can help...reach out people you know who are quarantined by themselves..find organizations that are doing good for the community and help them...reconnect with the people you're stuck within your home fora bit. [know this for a fact. God continues to love us all the came today’ and tomorrow. God also continues to reach out to us. Take some time when youre feeling anxious to take some deep breaths and feel the Spirit of God. Know that God never leaves our side even if we question what the heck is going on, Looking forward to seeing yall when this Board Meeting Notes January 12, 2020 Present: Pastor Brian Wohihuter, Rod Olsen, Michele Olsen, Jerry Murley, Dana Martens, Tracey Roane, Gretchen Cunningham, and Phylisha Wolfe. [No Clerks report of last month's meeting notes. Pastor's Report: Christmas was good with family and had a good time other than boys getting sick. Sunday School has started again. They will sing the last Sunday of January. The plans for Easter program are unknown at tis time, Classes start again tomorrow for Bran and last semester was good so continuing coursework. Chicken dinner in March. Pastor Brian spoke with Jeff from Minden Meat Market and he will make the chicken forthe dinner. ‘Treasurer's Report: Payment for copier maintenance plan will be changed to auto withdrawal from account. Color ink's very expensive for printer and blue ink is used up after printing the calendars for one month of the Cornerstone. It costs about $50/month. Its also set on the lowest setting. A suggestion was discussed to not print the calendar in blue ink, but copy it instead so it's in black. If people want a color copy, we could email itso they can print iin color. The other option isto continue doing in color. After discussing board agreed to copy in black ink and email copy er people to printf they want a color calendar. Treasurer's report was approved and will discuss taking out an operating loan and closing unused accounts later in this meeting, Od Business: Repair ofthe front steps last fll didn't work and will eventually need to replace steps inthe ‘Spring. There willbe a congregational meeting about the replacement of the steps because this «willbe more than $500, especially if steps are part ofthe foundation atthe front of the church and not on their own platform. City of Minden has a camera snake tool that Pastor Brian will borrow to check the steps in the Spring and see how we will proceed with replacing them, New Business: ‘A memorial gift of $500 wes sent from Mary Rosser in honor of her parents Erwin & Martha Petersen. A motion was passed to put the $500 gift in the Memorial Fund, Ist by Jerry Murley nd 2nd by Tracey Roane. ‘The CCU license to play music on the screen during worship Is due this month. The license is '$180.00/year. A motion was passed to pay the music license bill of $180 forthe year. Ast by Jerry Murley and 2nd by Gretchen Cunningham. ‘Next event is the Ash Wednesday Soup Supper on Feb, 26th that is done by the youth, brief discussion ofthe chicken dinner about donations and expenses. The chicken willbe the ‘only expense forthe chicken dinner in March and all other items will be donated. Operating Loan: With the new bank, there isa longer application process for approval that may take up to 6 weeks, The beard agreed it would be good open aline of credit so itis available ‘when needed instead of waiting to do the application when we need the funds, A motion was passed to open aline of eradit of $15,000.00 to have the funds already avallable when needed. {Ast by Dana Martens and 2nd by Tracey Roane, Another discussion was about closing accounts that are no longer used or there willbe a fee to have the account open. One way to keep the account open isto transfer money to the account from savings each year and no fee will apply. The following accounts were reviewed: Deacon's Fund ($33.38) Young Adult Fund ($354.17) Parking Lot Fund ($.78) Fillthe Ark ($10.78) Sabbatical Fund ‘Vacation Bible Schoo! Fund ‘The accounts to be closedare the Deacon's Fund, Young Adult Fund, Parking Lot Fund, and the Fillthe Ark Fund. The money from the Young Adult Fund has been designated for purchasing blinds forthe Sunday School rooms at later time. Pastor Brian previously spoke with Mary ‘Campbell and Linda Manbart about the Young Adult Fund and theywould like have it used for blinds in the Sunday School rooms. Since the Sabbatical Fund and VBS Fund are still accounts that will be used inthe future, these accounts will remain open and will do a transfer from savings to keep the accounts open without any fees. A motion was made to close the accounts of the Deacon's Fund, Young Adult Fund, Parking Lot Fund, and Fil the Ark Fund and then also ‘transfer funds from savings to the Sabbatical Fund and the VBS Fund so these two account will remain open. 1st by Jerry Murley and 2nd by Phylsha Wolfe. Board passed the motion to lose the 4 designated account: and leave the other two accounts open by transferring money from savings. ‘Meeting was adjourned and led by Pastor rian in prayer. Prepared by: Phylisha Wolfe Maundy Thursday Service April 9, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Minden United Church of Christ Minden, lowa I) wn DE a8 OE ARS ae a SE Sn Set Easter Worship Worship 7:00 a.m. Breakfast 8:00 - 9:00 a.m, Easter Egs Hunt 9:00:a.m. Worship -& Sunday School Performs.10:00.a:m. . [ar a AARP) =o aS DE ED DE ia SE = gvents in our Church Life April 1 — Group 3:16, Minden 6 -7:30 April 12 — Easter Worship 7:00 Breakfast 8 — 9:00 Egg Hunt - 9:00 Worship & S.S. performs ~ 10:00 Board Meeting 11:15 April 15— Group 3:16, Neola 6-7:30 April26 — Casual/Contemporary Sunday Opportunities for Fellowship & Worship Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Breakfast & Fellowship — 9:00 a.m. ~ Everyone Invited Children’s Church — During 10:00 a.m. worship Sunday Worship ~ 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour — Following Worship April Scripture Readings ‘Apel S~ Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, Matthew 21:1-11 Isaiah 504-9, Psalm 31:9-16, Prilippans2:5-11, Matthew 26:14-27-66 or Mathew 27:14 April 12 ~ Acts 10:3443 or Jeremiah 31:1-6, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, Colossians 3:1-4 or ‘Aes 10:34-43, John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10 April 19 ~ Acts 2:14a, 22-32, Psalm 16,1 Peter 13-9, John 20:19-31 April 26 ~ Acts 2:I4a, 36-41, Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19, 1 Peter 117-23, Luke 24:13-35 April Usher List May Usher List Anal 5.2020 ‘Ant & Kris Brockhoff, Mav 3.2020 ease ‘Tom & Michelle Nelson, Ryan & ill Schroder April 12,2020 Jeff & Sherr Guerero May 10.2020 Jeremy & Cassie VanArsdol April 19,2020 Jeny & Amanda Mur Mav 17.2020 id af Gay & Kara Wedel Apsil26,2000 Dave & Mons Fischer Mav 24,2020 David & Cindy Manhart May 31,2020 Joyce Olson, Sally Dea i | oa ALLELUIA! | f Peace, @ OUR | Nee REDEEMER | Falhen | | LIVES! pce . | : aie Pace | CHRISTIAN SYMBOL Naess sta ews asso idsaforng bout wore ‘eegathis Caer. Th se on epeiain gouge of tee toc ‘mire ea ose ese anc andar we ea secre Ties Testes edo [omy nnusararmanbor afte ay ‘is ‘Areason to laugh “The week after Eat some curds ober Fly ‘Humor Sunday ~ ation datingbac eo the fourth ‘Century, Eaiy Chetan theologian coined che ter ‘Spl or “the Eater laugh” eyiag God played che topreme joke on death, Some Bliewerscelabrated Bright ‘Monday autering afer Easter to ork Satan's deft (Gn de fae dy of Ap emember hat we are fo for hrs” (1 Cotithins 410, NIV). Then later in the Tmonch eke time tose ad ah, knowing tht veto fy is yor, hanks to Jess, ‘Special dates Holy Weak, Apel 512, 2000 Palny/Pasion Sunny Api 5, 2020 Maundy Thureday, Ap 9, 2020 + Good Eid Ap 10 2030 1 Ester Suny, Ap 12,2020, 1 Adiiniaratne Profesionals Day, Ait 22, 2020 RESERVED PIRES ‘Puzzie! Jess cuit ard esto, Use ths si Tenguage pat tl what appened. i OS PROD OHA CF OR ADHE OHHH NCH |“ scaye AE UEOT to te vee. To criminals were also erusa, neon the FUTNG WORD an teeta onthe of esis, Joss Sane trod at wth a ut wie, RAaTeR I coraity pit ina your RERHE (uke 25:46 ass ends he him fom the cross tote tb. Jes ~ ye td ONPRAR DAKHE Newas Ost Bring your — RAARE ane an Go ois together “PRACRE ‘Son, Jesus! | See ear seo separ irrnet eae mn ey “Thief he Gospel al ta we Jes was cuted, dase cvered he eat on roe al thi nthe semooa Which Gopal tes noe mtn ti een A Macher Baad Citak Djatn Creeper cea COP LETTS oY 7 www.NewsletterNewsletter.com VOLUME 42, NUMBER 4 § a6 NATURE cant irl ogerineto + Scnors, Vase Water + Red food caorin ‘ible * Wat youd 1, Cutehe earnation stems (Gran ange) eo abour 8 fnches long, 2. Fillthe vase haley with water Add 10 deops of food coloring (More may bbeneeded to darken the water) 3, Add che eu lowers and ‘observe wharhappens to the peal over cine 4, Discuss how chis is ke Jesus’ work on he eros. Read | Peer 222-24 (NIV) snd rect on whac his death means For us. 5. Tolearn more about this experiment, research capillary ation ReooR AS Picturing the fords Supper esas ate che Passover meal with his disciples ‘sa symbol ofthe new covenant. acs Ue pte cos inv fo he 21820 a > =m And he tok gave dit and gave itto them, saying, “This is e cof me.” In the same wey after the supper he o s x > took the cup, saying, “This is thenew ___ in my a blood, which Is out for you." ven for you; do this in ‘Funed juruaaaa Gio soumaquiay ipaq yg UE PEN TONSUY ‘voo0e206) 3-8-2020 Board Meeting ‘Members in attendance: Gretchen Cunningham, Rod Olsen, Michelle Olsen, Carrol Olsen, Pam Danker, Tracey Roane, Pastor Brian Pastor's Report: schooling comtinues to go well, took confirmation kids to a Shabbat service and will hopefully go to an Islamic Center. Looking forward to Easter and Group 3:16 activities “Treasurer's Report: motion to approve as submitted by Pam, second by Tracey-passed. The ine of credits approved at the bankmotion by Michelle/2” by Pam to have Rhonda McKenzie sign the line of credit for us, Stil have not borrowed money our used savings from last fall's sale. Creative Lawn and Lighting will mow the lawn this year. Of the 3 bids submitted they were the lowest, bby good margin. Motion by Carrall/2™ by Rod to have them mow. Vote passed Newsletter will not be mailed i bulk for right now. The annual permit was due, the number of ‘newsletters going out has fallen to 200 or just below and we need to mail 200/time in order to use bulk ‘mailing permit. Corerstones will be available to pick up in church, emailed, placed on website, and ‘mailed tothe few shut ins and those that need/want it. ‘As the weather warms up we ste going to look at front steps and get a better idea on what needs to be done. Kitchen sik: Steve Grifin is gcing to fix the drip on the big kitchen sink ‘The 4 inactive accounts have been closed, funds forthe blinds for the Sunday school room have been saved for use when blinds purchased, Other funds that are rarely used will need to have a deposit ‘and/or withdrawal from them once a year to remain active. Rhonda and Gina wil take care ofthat Going to try and use 2'x2’ pvc ceiling tiles in the area ofthe chapel and hallway that continually leks. Ifyou have an idea on how to stop the leak please let us know! Motion by Pam/2™ by Rod to spend no more than $150 to try and seehow thse tiles work. Motion passed Easter Breakfast assignments were handed out to board, Please join us for Easter breakfast at &:00am ‘pai 12". Michelle would lke to purchase a Lent banner forthe sanctuary and has one picked out. Motion by Pam/2" by Tracey, to purchase banner. Motion passed Reports submitted by Gretchen — Sac + Postage NOt v8 Retara Service Requested THE CORNERSTONE os Spirit! Love! FORGIVE! "KEEP THE SPIRIT" "Be YOURSELF" GF XE S0gy

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