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Word Context Pronunciation Definition Translation

1. fundamenta  Their fundamental assumption is that each \ ˌfən-də-ˈmen- serving as a basis supporting osnovni, bitan,
l person is a moral and rational being who tᵊl existence or determining fundametalan,
deserves to be treated with dignity. essential structure or function temeljit

2. virtue  It is something to which you are entitled by \ ˈvər-(ˌ)chü conformity to a standard of vrlina, svojstvo
virtue of being human. right; a particular moral
3. principle Human rights are based on the principle of \ ˈprin(t)- a comprehensive and načelo, princip,
respect for the individual. s(ə-)pəl fundamental law, doctrine, or prauzrok
4. arbitrary They include the right to travel widely and the \ ˈär-bə-ˌtrer-ē existing or coming about proizvoljan,
right to work gainfully without harassment, seemingly at random or by arbitraran
abuse and threat of arbitrary dismissal. chance or as a capricious and
unreasonable act of will

5. dismissal They include the right to travel widely and the dis-ˈmi-səl the act of ordering or allowing otkaz, otpuštanj
right to work gainfully without harassment, someone to leave; the act of obustava,
abuse and threat of arbitrary dismissal. treating something as unworthy smaknuće
of serious consideration;

6. leisure They even embrace the right to leisure.  ˈlē-zhər freedom provided by the slobodno vrijem
cessation of activities; razonoda
especially : time free from
work or duties

7. treatise The Universal Declaration of Human Rights \ ˈtrē-təs  also  - a systematic exposition or rasprava, traktat
has inspired a number of other human rights təz argument in writing including studija
laws and treaties throughout the world. a methodical discussion of the
facts and principles involved
and conclusions reached

8. amnesty For example, Amnesty International’s 2009  \ ˈam-nə-stē the act of an authority (such as amnestija
World Report and other sources show that a government) by which
individuals are: pardon is granted to a large
group of individuals

9. dissenter Not only that, but women and children in \ di-ˈsen-tər one that dissents; one who disident
particular are marginalized in numerous ways, publicly disagrees with an
the press is not free in many countries, and official opinion, decision, or set
dissenters are silenced, too often permanently. of belief

10. insurgent An estimated 6,500 people were killed in 2007 \ in-ˈsər-jənt a person who revolts against pobunjenik
. in armed conflict in Afghanistan—nearly half civil authority or an
being noncombatant civilian deaths at the established government
hands of insurgents.

No Word Context Pronunciation Definition Translation

1. scant But he had scant experience organizing protests. \ ˈskant excessively frugal rijedak, oskudan, nazor
2. conviction They were teenagers, in the midst of attending their \ kən-ˈvik- the act or process of osuda, ubjeđenje
friends’ funerals, but they spoke with conviction, shən finding a person guilty
clarity, solemnity, and vision, a maturity of a crime especially in
unprecedented a court of law
3. solemnity They were teenagers, in the midst of attending their \ sə-ˈlem-nə-tē formal or ceremonious svečanost
friends’ funerals, but they spoke with conviction, observance of an
clarity, solemnity, and vision, a maturity occasion or event
4. unprecedented They were teenagers, in the midst of attending their \ ˌən-ˈpre-sə- never done or known bez presedana,
friends’ funerals, but they spoke with conviction, ˌden-təd before besprimjeran, jedinstven
clarity, solemnity, and vision, a maturity
5. bipartisan Through social media and visiting nearby campuses, \ (ˌ)bī-ˈpär-tə- of, relating to, or dvostranački,
he soon helped connect 94 bipartisan student groups zən involving members of dvopartijski
two parties
6. attrition Countless forces keep youth uprisings “permanently \ ə-ˈtri-shən the act of weakening trenje, kajanje, osipanje
fragile”— from distrust and dismissal from adults; or exhausting by
to co-optation; to attrition by graduation, infighting, constant harassment,
or simply other obligations as students. abuse, or attack, a
reduction in numbers
usually as a result of
resignation, retirement,
or death
7. encampment From the hunger strike, encampment, and football- \ in-ˈkamp- the place where a privremeni logor
team boycott demanding the ouster of the University mənt group (such as a body
of Missouri’s president; of troops) is encamped
8. ouster From the hunger strike, encampment, and football- \ ˈau̇-stər a wrongful tjeranje, istjerivanje
team boycott demanding the ouster of the University dispossession,  a
of Missouri’s president; judgment removing an
officer or depriving a
corporation of a
9. elusive By far the most elusive question, Levinson admits,  \ ē-ˈlü-siv tending to evade grasp nedostižan
is, how a march can become a movement. or pursuit, hard to
isolate or identify

10. bolstered Students often brawled with citizens over their \ ˈbōl-stər a structural part poduprto, učvršćeno
license to roam the town free, which most often designed to eliminate
resulted in bolstered protections for students. friction or provide
support or bearing 
11. slipshod Until the 20th century, American activism was  \ ˈslip-ˈshäd characterized by a lack aljkav, nemaran,
slipshod and provincial. of care, thought, or nedotjeran, iznošen
12. inaugural In 1639, Harvard students testified in court against \ i-ˈnȯ-gyə-rəl marking the beginning prilikom svečanog
the school’s vile cuisine and the violent punishments of an institution, otvaranja, inauguralan
given by inaugural schoolmaster Nathaniel Eaton. activity, or period of
13. mackerel The magistrates fired Eaton and his wife, who  \ ˈma-k(ə-)rəl a scombroid fish of
admitted to serving students “mackerel … the North Atlantic that skuša
is green above with
dark blue bars and
silvery below and is a
important food fish
N Word Context Ptonunci Definition Translation
o. ation
1. writhe Grown \ ˈrīt͟ h to twist uvijanja
men and into coils
women or folds
ably, off
the beat.
2. engulf The \ in-ˈgəlf to flow progutati, oružiti
whole over and
world is enclose
in a
3. vested We have \ ˈve- fully and stečen, nositelj
a huge stəd unconditio
vested nally
interest guarantee
in it d as a
benefit, or
4. protract The \ prō- to prolong otegnut, produžen
whole ˈtrakt in time or
system of space;  to
public extend
education forward or
around outward
the world
is a
process o
5. fidget She \ ˈfi-jət uneasiness vrpoljiti se, vrckati, uzvrpoljiti se
couldn't or
concentr restlessnes
ate; she s as
was shown by
fidgeting. nervous
s —
6. contenti My \ kən- a point tvrdnja, prepirka, svađa, argument, takmičenje
on contentio ˈten(t)- advanced
n is that shən or
creativity maintaine
now is as d in a
important debate or
in argument
literacy, a
nd we
treat it
with the
7. tremend And my \ tri- notable by ogroman
ous contentio ˈmen- reason of
n is, all dəs extreme
kids have size,
tremendo power,
us greatness,
talents, an or
d we excellence
8. squande And my \ ˈskwän to spend proćerdati, rasuti, traćiti, proćerdati, straćiti
r contentio -dər extravaga
n is, all ntly or
kids have foolishly;
tremendo to cause to
us disperse
talents, an
d we
9. cram We had \ ˈkram to thrust nagurani, strpati, nakljukati, nagurati
the place in or as if
crammed in a rough
full of or forceful
agents in manner
10 frankinc They \ ˈfraŋ- a fragrant tamjan
. ense come in kən- gum resin
bearing ˌsen(t)s from trees
gifts, of a genus
gold, (Boswelli
frankinc a of the
ense and family
myrrh. Burserace
ae) of
that is an
resin and
has been
used in
, and
11 stigmati We \ ˈstig- to žigosati, stigmatizovati
. ze stigmatiz mə-ˌtīz describe
e or identify
mistakes. in
us terms
12 seamles So you \ ˈsēm- having no bešavni
. s can ləs awkward
imagine transitions
what a ,
seamless interruptio
transition ns, or
this was. indication
s of
13 output I think \ ˈau̇ t- the act, izlaz, proizvodnja, učinak
. you'd ˌpu̇ t process,
have to or an
conclude, instance
if you of
look at producing
the ; mental
output, w or artistic
ho really productio
succeeds n
this, who
g they
should, w
ho gets all
who are
winners --

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