Horaray Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks

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‘Chapter to a Contents Title Tatroduction Horary Astrology and Its Philosophy Questions Relating First House Questions Relating Second House Questions Relating Third House Questions Relating Fourth House Questions Relating Fifth House Questions Relating Sixth House Questions Relating Seventh House ‘Questions Relating Eighth House Questions Relating Ninth House Questions Relating Tenth House Questions Relating Eleventh House Questions Relating Twelfth House Minor Events and Selection of Lucky Time Appendix A Page No, IX XI 1-35 36-95 96-120 121-167 168-209 210-246 247-287 286-318 319-360 361-404 405-416 417-444 445-450 451-458 Chapter 2 Questions Relating Second House Second house in the horoscope stands for wealth speech, gems, ornaments, jewels, teeth, vision, right eye, family etc. Questions relating to the prospects of these need to be analysed from the significations of the lords of Sign, Star, Sub and Sub-Sub of the 2° cusp.in the horary chart afier ascertaining the genuineness of the horary chart. How to ascertain the genuineness of the horary chart The correspondence between the generation of thought in the mind of the querist and the universal consciousness is indicated by the position of Moon and its Star lord in the horary chart cast as per T.O.3 or as per number given between 1 to 2193 by the querist. Thus for genuine chart either 4, Moon should appear itself in 2™ Bhava or 2™ cuspal position as Sign. or Star or Sub or Sub-Sub lord. Or 's Star lord should appear in 2™ Bhava or 2 cuspal ion as Sign or Star or Sub or Sub-Sub lord, Moon's appearance in other cuspal/Bhava positions reveals the total psyche of the querist that has urged him te. ask the question. Moon's Star lord's position in other cuspal/Bhava Positions indicates the supplementary questions for which the querist wants to know Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interiinks ar Questions pertaining to principal matters The querist may be forced by adverse circumstances or impelled by his ambition or desires and likes to seek answers to: a His/her desired financial status, its quantum, sources and timing. Obtaining loans — its possibility, sources and timing. Repayment of loans i.e. capacity to repay loans: from what resources he/she will be able to repay loans and when Recovery of lost money i.e. apprehensions about not able to recover the lost amount. Will he/she be able to recover the lost amount, if so when & how, Recovery of lost or stolen money. A person may have lost money in speculation, gambling or in business or his/her money must have been stolen and want to know about its recovery if possible and when. Financial Status: The financial status is revealed by i. The Sign & Star rising on the 2 cusp. u. The significations of the lord of Sign, Star, Sub and especially the Sub-Sub lord as per its own nature as modified by the Sign and Star in which it is placed in the horoscope and also the Sign that rises on the 2™ cusp, iii. The significations of the Dasa period lords. However, it should be remembered that the financial status as revealed by the 2™ cusp or the Dasa period lords is controlled by the potential and promise indicated by the planets co-ruling Ascendant especially the signification of the Sub-Sub lord of the Ascendant. 38 Chapter 2: Questions Retating Second House Loss or Gain in Financial Status If the Sub-Sub lords of the Ascendant and the 2! cusp are linked through positional or stellar status with houses favourable to 2™ cusp, it promises gain. If the Sub-Sub lords of the Ascendant aid the 2™ cusp are linked to houses 5, 7, 8 and 1 which are adverse houses for the 2" cusp and the 12" house which is adverse to Ascendant, it promises loss. Sources for Gain and Loss The Sub lord of the Sub-Sub lord of the 2™ cusp will indicate the sources of gain or loss as per ity appearance in cuspal/Bhava position (if it has the positional status). Positional status concept is related only to the Bhava position of the Sub lord of the Sub-Sub lord of the 2“ cusp, 1, When the Sub-Sub lord of the 2" cusp is linked to the first house through its Star it promises depletion of wealth because 1* house is 12" to the 2" house and as such calls for the dissolution of what for the 2™ cusp stand for, The native may use his wealth to enhance status or maintain health. This is qualitied by the Sub Lord linkages as follows: Sub lord Linked with 1* house Use money to enhance status or maintain health, 3 house | Spend on short journeys, or on younger co-born. 4" house | Use money to purchase property or spend on educati St house 6 house | Spen in social status or on wife. T* house | Spends to 8" house Serious sickness, accident and unsocial acts. Contd... on next page Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks 39 Contd... from tast page 9" house | Spending on extra marital relations. 10" house | To get rewards or political mileage. 11 house | Spend money. on friends, 12" house ze Hospitalisation, overseas travel, 2. When th through he Sub-Sub lord of the 2" cusp is linked to 2” house its Star, itisa good linkage. The native will be able to earn and accumulate wealth as per the significations of the houses linked through Sub lord. Sub lord Linked with i“ house — | Self-efforts or self-entrepreneurship. 3" house | Through negotiable instruments, er younger co-born, trading, writing etc, 4" house | Through manufacturing goods, or property or transport busin: 5" house Use money for speculation, sports. art and cultural activities etc, Gain through loan, service. Gain from business or partner, Use own money for unsocial acts. 9" house Financial crisis due to spending money on father or second wife, 10" house | Gain through profession. 11" house | Gain from friends or commercial activities, 12" house | Gain from overseas, or spending money on foreign travel. 40 Chapter 2: Questions Relating Second House 3. Ifthe Su ib-Sub lord of the 2" cusp links itself with the third cusp through its Star lord, it promises gain through the significations of the third cusp. The Sub lord of the Sub-Sub lord of the 2™ cusp will qualify and specify the nature of gains as indicated below: Sub Lord linked with Expected Results House 1 Earning through the significations of 3" house, ic writing, communication, journalism, with courage & self-efforts, ae 2 Gain through younger co-born, communication, ete| House 3 Gain through courageous efforts. House 4 Income through transport, educational centres etc. House 5 Gain through writing scripts for films, serials or articles on sports and cultural meets. House 6 Loans through agreements, profit through Promotions. House 7 Gain through banks or private companies for providing information or writing articles ete. House 8 ~ [Mental depression due to financial matters. It may also mean earning through writing on topics relating to 8" house because the Sub lord supports the Star lord signification. ‘| House 9 Earnings through ancestral documents. House 10) Profit through business contracts House 11 _| Gain through communication, advertisements House 12 Profit through sales. Horary Astrology and Cuspal Jnterlinks 47 SSSSSSSSSSSS— 4. When the Sub-Sub lord of the 2™ cusp is linked to the 4" cusp through its Star lord it ensures large gains, The Sub lord of the Sub-Sub lord of 2" cusp will qualify or specify the nature of gain as detailed below: Expected Results Increased income and status through the significations of the fourth cusp viz. land, Property. vehicles, manufacturing units etc Holding money gained through the significations of| the 4"" house. Financial gains as brokerage in real estate, or trading in manufactured goods. running transport business. Here the Sub lord only specifies and does not qualify the nature of results, It could also mean gain by changing place of residence. Income through financing for land, property, vehicles, production units, ete, House 5 Gain through cinema halls, casinos. House 6 Gain through service in manufacturing or production units, builders etc. Bank loans on properties or providing transports to Private companies etc, Income through settlement of insurance claims out of accidents. Subsidy, royality in land, property, vehicles eic. Income through profession in real estate, transpors, agriculture, manufacturing of articles or production units. Profits from litigations in properties or purchasing property, vehicles etc.with own money for profit Gain through investments in land, property vehicles Chapter 13 Minor Events and Selection of Lucky Time I refer to minor events as those events which generally do not attect the life of an individual seriously, However, at times even a qi quires ULMOst importance. For Example, when a child does not return from school in time it may cause lot of tension to parents, All types of minor questions can be answered by horary techniques. i. Arrival of a Guest: A person May be expecting a guest to visit his/her home at a particular time on a particular day. Whea the guest does not arrive, the person gels worried and wants to know the time of his arrival. The horary chart for such an event may be cast either as per time of judgement or as per number given by the querist. Analysis of the chart should be carried out as follows: Step 1. Check Promise: The Ascendant Sub-Sub lord should be linked with 4 (Meeting place} and 11 (fulfilmentof desire), Guest is represented by the 7" cusp. He is to visit the querist’s place. Thus the Sub-Sub lord of the 7" cusp should involve 4" cusp and commit to 11 er involve 11" cusp and commit to 4, Absence of these linkuges indicates uncertainty of the Guest’s visit Step 2. Fulfilment of Promise: The Sub-Sub lord of the |1" cusp should involve 7" cusp and commit to 4, Step 3. Timing Arrival: If the arrival of the guest is promised, the time of arrival can be fixed in the following way: 466 Chapter 13: Minor Events and Selection of Lucky Time If the Sookshma and Prana fords are linked with cusps 4, 7 and 11 the arnval is ensured. Look for the Moon's position in the Sub and Sub-Sub which are strong significators of 4. 7 and 11. For the duration of the Sub-Sub lord of Moon, fix the position of Ascendant so that the planets co-ruling it signify 4, 7 and 11.These planets will be those who quality to be ruling planets of RP(Moon)} series, 2. Taking Delivery of a Vehicle: A person may approach an Astrologer to know when he will get the delivery of the vehicle for which he has completed all formalities of money transaction etc, The Astrologer has 10 cast the horary chart and check for promise and its fulfilment as follows: Step 1. The delivery of the vehicle is promised if the Ascendant Sub-Sub ford involves the 4 cusp and commits to LL. The Sub- Sub lord of the 4" cusp should involve 4 and commit to 9. Step 2, The fulfilment of promise is ensure if the Sub-Sub- lord of the 11" cusp involves 4 and commits te 9 er involves 9 and commits to 4. Step 3. Timing Delivery: The person takes possession of the vehicle when the Sookshma and Prana lords of Dasa signify 4.9 and || houses provided, Antara lord has to be either favourable. or neutral, At that time, check the transit of Sun and Moon. Both these planets should transit in the Star lords, who either appear themselves in the 4 cusp/Bhava of they should in the chart be significators of 4 at Star level and linked with 11 at Sub level or significator of LI at Star level and linked with 4 at Sub level. For exact time on the decided day. the Sub and Sub-Sub lord of Moon should signify 4.9 and 11. The corresponding Ascendant should be ruled by the planets that signify 4, 9and 11 We may also use the ruling planet theory to fix Sookshma and Prana lord and corresponding Moon and Ascendant positions. However, it should be remembered that for fixing Sookshma and Prana lords and Moon position. we should use the planets appearing In RP (Acendant) Horary Astrology and Cuspal interlinks 447 and for Ascendant we should use the planets appearing in RP (Moon). 3. Appointment with a Minister: There can be ovo types of questions under this title. a. When should I meet the Minister to get my work done? b. ‘Will it be possible for me to seek appointment with Minister? The analysis of the first question indicates that the querist has perhaps no apprehension or doubt about his/her meeting with the Minister and he/she is only interested to know about the appropriate ume. In the 2 question we observe that the querist has apprehension or doubt about the possibility of the meeting. In both these cases we need to analyse the horary chart as follows: Step 1. Check the promise of the meeting from the Ascendant Sub-Sub lord and the Sub-Sub lord of the third cusp. It has been explained in chapter [II under the title “Negotiation Successful or Not”, Step 2. Check the fulfilment of promise from the 11"" Sub- Sub lord, Step 3, Timing Meeting: In the first case the appropriate time for meeting should be fixed as follows: a, The Sookshma and Prana lord should be significators of 3. 6and 11, b. Sun and Moon should transit in the Stars the lords of which should either appear in 6 or should be linked with 6" cusp through their Star lords in the chart. The various possible linkages of the Star lord sis should be as follows: ifications The Star lord may appear in 6" cusp and its Sub lord in 1] or the Star lord appears in I] and the Sub lord in 6. We should avoid 448 Chapter 13) Minar Events and Selection of Lucky Time the planets to appear as Star lord of Sun and Moon who are simultaneously linked with cusps 3 and 12. In the second case the timing of the possible meeting has to be done as explained in chapter TI] under the title “Negotiation- successful or Not”, Selection of Lucky Time: Very often a person comes to an Astrologer and asks him ty indicate the lucky Lime to: a Pilea Court case. b. Gccupy a house. c. Purchase a Vehicle. d. Approach the Bank officer for overdraft facility Sign contract. Apply for transter g. Appre hte the girl’s parents tor acceptance of marria gc. hh. Approach the opposite sex for courtship. i, Approach the Doetor for operation, Remember that-an event will happen only if it is promised. Fixing Lucky time is not going to change the destiny of a person, It ean, at best, provide the native with true knowledge so as to prepare him/her mentally and physically to accept what is destined for him. It may also help the native to take necessary precautions, if any adverse thing is promised. The principle of selecting Lucky time is explained below: 1, Cust the horary chart and analyse the promise of the event from the significations of the Sub-Sub lord of the Ascendant and the Sub-Sub lord of the Primary cusp for the event. we Cheek from the signifieations of the LI" cusp for the fulfilment of the event. The Sub-Sub lord of the 11"* cusp should be linked with the relevant cusps that will take part in enacting Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks 449 the event, 3. Time the event by: a. The correct application of the Vimsottari Dasa periods. The significations of the Sookshma and Prana lords have to be favourable for the event, 6, Cheek the transit of Sun and Moon. No event takes place unless Sun and Moon transits in the Star, the lord of which is linked with the Primary cusp af the event, c. Having selected Sun’s and Moon's Star, look for the planets who should come as Moon’s Sub and Sub-Sub lords to ensure the happening of the event, gd. Having fixed Moon's Sub-Sub, fix the Ascendant, so that the planets co-ruling the Ascendant are sianificators ol the event. The Sub and Sub-Sub lords of the Ascendant should be strong significators of the Primary and Supporting cusps. Following Table shows the nature of events and corresponding cusps that take part in enacting the event: S. | Events Primary |Supporting |No| : Cusp Cusp 1, | Signing a contact 3 6.9, 11 (3. | Meeting bank officer for over datt| 3 3._| Filing a court ease 3 4 _| Starting an agitation Tf 3 Getting loans, donations 6 6, | Success in love affair 5 7._| Purchase of vehicle, house 4 8. | Taking delivery of vehicle or 4 taking possession ef house Contd... of next page 450 Chapter 13: Minar Events and Selection of Lucky Time Carita... from hast paige [s. [Events Primary |Supporting No. | Cusp: Cusp [9. Getting pass port, Green card, visa 3 911,12 10. Opening a bank account 2 6,11 LL, | Starting journey i 3 5 Qestd: 12. To have a servant 6 | LL 13.| Buy an article [- 6 i 14.| Joining service or occupying seat 6 2, WW, 11 on promotion 15.| Laying foundation of a house —[ 4 1 16.] Time for operation 8 1,5, 11 Note: The above table will help the Astrologer to check the promise and timing event. However, timing'is a complex exercise because to find a planet who is significator of only favourable houses forthe event without having any links with adverse houses is almost a rare phenomenon, The Astrologer has to use his experience and decide the best-suited planets to appear as the Star of Sun or Moon and also the Sookshma and Prana lords.

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