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Guidelines for 2G ICM / U900 RSSI Troubleshooting

U900 RSSI and 2G High ICM is mostly because of 2G IDB was not modified and another site IDB was
loaded. Due to TMA values / Feeder loss delay difference between 2 sites, G900 face High ICM and
U900 RSSI issues.

Connect OMT - Read IDB - Once Read IDB Done. Disconnect IDB and then then you can change TMA /
Feeder Loss Delay etc

1- First step

---- Check TMA type in U900, If TMA Product code is KRY 112587/3, Put TMA values for all sectors in IDB
as below
Tx Group Delay: 25 Rx Group Delay: 83 Loss: -12
Tx Group Delay: 25 Rx Group Delay: 83 Loss: 0
---- Check TMA type in U900, If TMA Product code is KRY 112587/2, Put TMA values for all sectors in IDB
as below
Tx Group Delay: 25 Rx Group Delay: 87 Loss: -24
Tx Group Delay: 25 Rx Group Delay: 87 Loss: 0
2- Second Step

Ask your Rigger about approximate Feeder Length, You should know the type of Feeder LDF4, LDF5 or
LDF7. Open the below AttenDelay excel sheet and modify Delay and Loss in the IDB as below


Example. Rooftop site with 25 Meters LDF feeders as below

After TMA, Feeder Loss/Delay Values are changed, Connect OMT, change Maintenance mode of DUG
and Install IDB

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