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Jon Mancuso
Engineering Manager

Kop-Flex Inc.

Baltimore, Maryland

explain how couplings work or help in the selection process. So

Jon R. Mancuso is Engineering Manager how does one know what to use for general purpose and special
ofKop-Flex Inc, Power Transmission Prod­ purpose applications? One simple answer is to apply API 610 for
ucts. He has almost 30 years experience in general purpose couplings and API 671 to special purpose
the coupling field and is author of many couplings or apply API 671 or parts of API 671 to all couplings,
papers on couplings for various publica­ or just use what's been used in the past.
tions, societies and symposia.
He is also author of book on couplings, FUNCTIONS OF FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS
Coupling and Joints and editor and author of Flexible couplings join two pieces of rotating equipment
several chapters in Mechanical Power Trans­ while permitting some degree of misalignment or end movement
mission Handbook to be published in thefall or both. The three basic functions of a flexible coupling are to
of 1994 (Marcel Dekker). He has been in­ (Figure 1):
volved with many design, research, and development projects relat­
ing to couplings, and is co-inventor of several patents with couplings Transmit power
and clutches. Accommodate misalignment
Mr. Mancuso graduated from Gannon University, with a B. S.
Compensate for end movement
degree in Mechanical Engineering, and has an M.S. degree in
Engineering Science from Pennsylvania State University.
He is chairing the ASME Committee on Couplings and Clutches.
In addition, he is a member (!fthe AGMA Coupling Committee, and
also serves on the API Committee on Couplings/or Special Purpose

Flexible couplings are a vital part of a power transmission
system. What type is selected, how much the coupling costs, and
how much effort one spends on selecting a coupling and deter­
mining how it interacts with a system should be a function of the
cost of the equipment and how critical it is to the plant. In some B
cases, the coupling used will be a general purpose coupling and
the selection process will take little time.

However, for more critical equipment, the coupling used
maybe a special purpose coupling and the selection process may
take a great deal of time. When selecting couplings, one must
also consider the application and past experience. One must 6 -- J L -- 6
evaluate the coupling's initial cost and also the ease of mainte­
nance and replacement of the flexible elements, along with the c
lubrication schedule or lack of it. Then one must trade off
features and characteristics of available couplings and pick the Figure 1. The Three Basic Functions of a Flexible Coupling.
best one suited for the application.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) has a detailed spec­
ification for "Special-Purpose Couplings For Refinery Service," Transmit Power
API 671. But not much is said about general purpose couplings
in API 610 titled, "Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery Couplings are primarily used to transmit mechanical power
Service" (Seventh Edition). This specification states that cou­ from one machine to another.The power is in the form of
plings must have a diameter concentric to the bore within 0.003 mechanical torque at some speed, or work per unit of time, In
TIR to aid alignment. This standard also requires that couplings general, the power lost by a flexible coupling is small, although
meet balance requirements of AGMA 515 class 8, (Note: the some couplings are more efficient than others.
latest AGMA balance specification is AGMA-9000 which su­
persedes AGMA 515). There are not many other industry stan­
dards that specify any additional requirements for couplings. Flexible couplings must accommodate three types of mis­
More importantly, these specifications and requirements do not alignment (Figure 2):


• Parallel offset the axes of connected shafts are parallel but The mechanical element types generally obtain their flexibil­
not in the same straight line ity from loose-fitting parts or rolling or sliding of mating parts
or from both. They require lubrication unless one moving part is
• Angular the axes of shafts intersect at the center point of the
made of a material that supplies its own lubrication need (e.g.,
coupling, but not in the same straight line.
a nylon gear coupling). The elastomeric element types obtain
• Combined angular and offset the axes of shafts do not their flexibility from stretching or compressing a resilient mate­
interest at the center point of the coupling and are not parallel. rial (rubber, plastic, etc.). The metallic element types obtain
their flexibility from the flexing of thin metallic disc or


General Purpose Couplings can generally be classified ac­

cording "size." Under 100 hp is classified as small. Between 100
and 1000 hp is characterized as medium. Usually hp over 1000
is considered critical and, therefore, will be covered in the
If a small piece of equipment (i.e., pump) shuts down, it
usually does not affect the plant operation. This equipment uses
A a coupling type where the flexible element can be easily inspect­
ed and replaced, often considered "throw always parts." The
couplings are very flexible and require very simple alignment
techniques, calipers, scales, and perhaps, if one gets sophisti­
cated, a dial indicator. A failure from over-torque or over­
misalignment is usually of the flex element and little or no
damage usually occurs to other components. A few examples of
these coupling types on the market are grid, disc and elastomer­
ic. Also found on this equipment are small gear couplings,
somewill have the outer sleeve made of nylon or plastic and,
therefore, require nolubrication.
Medium size equipment (100 to 1000 hp) are not normally
critical to the operation of the plant, but are problematic and
costly if constant maintenance and downtime is required. They
use grid, gear, disc, and elastomeric type couplings. Which one
to use is probably based on what comes with the equipment.
Each equipment manufacture bases the selection on past price,
experience, preference to work with one coupling manufacturer
over another. Usually if one fails, "Get me one just like the one
that failed." But if lots of problems occur, failures, too much
time to install, constant lubrication and lots of maintenance
problems, someone starts to question if there is something better
out there. Over time, maintenance departments eventually de­
velop a preference based on pump duty, type of maintenance
c� performed, and sometimes just personal preference. This group
of couplings usually fail because of lack of proper installation,
Figure 2. Types of Misalignment. lubrication, and improper alignment.
It is important to recognize that while the equipment may see HOW GENERAL PURPOSE COUPLINGS WORK
these three types of misalignment, the coupling sees only angu­
lar and axial displacement. The flexible elements see only angu­ The various types of General Purpose Couplings, include
lar misalignment and axial movement, therefore, most equipment gear, grid, compression donut, block, jaw, urethane tire, corded
needs a couplings with more than one flexible element to accom- ·
tire, shear donut, and disc (Figure 3).
modate offset. The exception being some elastomeric element Gear Couplings
couplings that can accommodate all three types of misalignments.
Gear type couplings consist of two hubs with external teeth
End Movement that engage internal teeth on a two- or one-piece sleeve. The
teeth maybe straight or curved (crowned). For application re­
Most flexible couplings are designed to accommodate axial
quiring over 1/4 degree, curved teeth may be better.
movement of equipment or shaft ends. In pumps that are driven
These couplings obtain their flexibility due to the looseness
by sleeve bearings motors, the couplings are usually required to
(backlash) between the mating teeth. Gear couplings are used for
limit the axial float of the equipment to prevent internal rubbing.
medium and large equipment applications, and is the most power
dense type available. They require periodic lubrication, one to
two years, depending duty and type of lubrication. If properly
There are three basic types of couplings: maintained (good lubrication and reasonable alignment), these
Mechanical Element coupling have a service life of three to five years and in many
cases five to 10 years and sometime over 20 years.
Elastomeric Element
Some gear couplings have sleeves that are made of plastic
Metallic Element (nylon, high molecular plastic). These do not require lubrica-

Mechanical Element Coupling Mechanical Element Coupling Mechanical Element Coupling

Gear Gear Chain
Straight Tooth Vertical Split Cover

Mechanical Element Coupling Elastomeric Element Coupling Elastomeric Element Coupling

Chain Compression Type Compression Type
Horizontal Split cover Donut Type Block Type

Elastomerlc Element Coupling Elastomeric Element Coupling Elastomeric Element Coupling

Compression Type Shear Type Shear Type
Jaw Type Tire Type Corded Tire Type

Elastomeric Element Coupling Metallic Element Coupling Metallic Element Coupling

Shear Type Disc Type Disc Type
Donut Type Continious Disc Type Link Type

Figure 3. Types of General Purpose Couplings.

tion. These have much lower torque capacities than the all-steel loads by 10 to 30 percent. They have two hubs with serrations
couplings and are used mainly on small pumps. (grooves) rather than teeth. The grooves are connected by a steel
Grid Couplings grid. A cover keeps the lubrication in. The covers are either
vertically split or horizontally split. These couplings do not
Grid type couplings are very similar to gear couplings. Usu­ transmit as much power (per the same outside diameter) as gear
ally composed of all metal they have some degree of resilience. couplings, but are usually less costly. Grid couplings are used
These couplings can dampen vibration and reduce peak or shock for medium and small equipment applications.

Compression Donut Couplings multiple thin discs rather than one thick disc/link, because
stresses from misalignment are proportional to T3 vs Ne. These
Compression donut couplings have a precompressed elastic couplings are used in medium size equipment applications. If the
element. Screws force the donut to a smaller diameter. All legs misalignment is beyond 1/2 to 3/4 degree during operation, the
of the donut are in compression before the load is applied. flexible element will probably fail in fatigue.
Medium and some small equipment incorporate these couplings.
Block Couplings
This category of couplings is thoroughly covered in API 671.
Block couplings use rubber in compression. The rubber blocks
There are two categories "lubricated" and "nonlubricated."
are installed in cavities formed by internal sleeve blades, exter­
There is some older equipment that still use "lubricated" cou­
nal hub blade and two end plates. This type is unique among
plings. Most new equipment or upgrade equipment will have
couplings due to its "fail-safe" feature. If the elastomer fails the
"nonlubricated" couplings. Generally, the types are gear cou­
coupling may run for sometime on the metal blades. These
pling (mechanical element) that require oil or grease lubrication
couplings can provide up to 1/2 degree of misalignment and
and metallic element types that require no lubrication. There are
parallel offset capabilities of 1/64 in to 1/4 in. Sometimes
many subgroups for gear couplings, however, they are only
medium and small equipment will use these couplings, because
variations, these couplings are usually made of alloy steel and
if properly aligned they require no maintenance (except for
have surface hardened teeth (usually nitrited). There are two
replacement of blocks every three to five years).
primary types of nonlubricated couplings (metallic element
Jaw Couplings couplings) these are used for special purpose applications; the
diaphragm type and the disc type. For some large equipment
Jaw couplings have their elastomers in compression. The flex elastomeric element type are used, these couplings are covered
element can be one piece or split to facilitate replacement. They in Appendix 5 of API 671.
also have a "fail-safe" feature. Flex elements are made of many
types of elastomeric materials, such as rubber, urethane. The High Performance Gear Couplings (Mechanical Element Type)
properties (that is, hardness, resilient, etc.) can be varied to smt
The sealed lubricated gear coupling (Figure 4) was adapted
required loads. These couplings are used primarily to accommo­
and modified during the 1950s and 1960s to carry more power at
date misalignment and transmit power. Small and medium size
higher speeds. The major problem with gear couplings is lubri­
equipment employs these couplings. Be careful, since so �e­
cation. Grease separate under centrifugal force and over time 0-
times they are used to absorb energy and dampen loads, partic­
ring type seals leak. Continuously lubricated (Figure 5) designs,
ularly when equipment is engine driven. Also be careful, because
using the coupled machines bearing oil, are more common for
some times they are used because they are torsionally soft and
these types of applications. There are several variations of
were used to tune a system out of a torsional critical mode.
designs, couplings with external teeth on or with the external
Urethane Tire Couplings teeth on the spacer in the "marine" type (Figure 6). This design
could be used with integral flanges on the machine shafts such
Common on small type equipment, urethane tire couplings
as on ship propulsion turbines and gears, hence the name "ma­
have their elastomeric element in shear and are made of ure­
rine" type. Reduced moment versions were readily also used. If
thane. The tires are split to enable easy assembly without
proper lubrication is maintained these coupling will and have
removing the hubs. Urethane couplings offer a high degree of
operated successfully for years. Lubrication or lack of it is the
flexibility. When the coupling fails, usually only the elastomeric
biggest cause of failure. The coupling itself tends to act as a
element is replaced,
centrifuge and separates dirt particles out of oil. This produces
Corded Tire Couplings "sludge" (Figure 7), which can cause the coupling to "lock-up,"
which causes increased equipment vibrations. The most com­
Corded tire couplings also have their elastomeric elements in mon mode of failure for a gear coupling is wear due to lubrica­
shear. They use a reinforced element (similar to belted auto tion problems. If proper lubrication is maintained, these couplings
tires). Because of the reinforcement in the element, the torque will, and have, operated successfully for years.
capacity is greater per outside diameter than the urethane tire
type. Most small and some medium size equipment applications
use these couplings.

Elastomeric Donut Couplings (Unclamped)

Another type common on small equipment, elastomeric donut
couplings have their elastomeric elements in shear. They pro­
vide low torsional stiffness and low reactionary forces. Over­
sizing can lead to premature failure by wearing of the engaging
teeth rather than material failure from flexing.
Figure 4. Special Purpose Sealed Lubricated Gear Coupling.
Disc Couplings
Disc couplings transmit torque by a simple tensile force
between alternating driving and driven bolts on a common bolt
circle. Misalignment is accomplished from the flexibility that
comes from the length of material between the bolts. Disc
couplings have been around for years, but with the u�e ?f finite
element analysis, this type can and has been opt1m1zed for
optimum characteristics. These couplings are composed of all
metal and do not require lubrication. The discs are usually Figure 5. Special Purpose Continuously Lubricated Gear

conti uous, but can be individual links. Most disc couplings use Coupling.
!= ·

. !�·
Figure 6. Special Purpose Marine Style Gear Coupling.

Figure 8. Various D;isc Forms.

Figure 7. Sludged up Gear Coupling.

Metallic Element Couplings

Metallic element coupling use for special purpose applica-
tions started in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
There are two basic type of Disc type and diaphragm type. A B c
Disc Type
The disc coupling is available in a number of forms (Figure 8);
all having driving and driven bolts on the same bolt circle. The
amount of misalignment that each type can handle depends upon
the length of material between bolts. Torque is transmitted by
driving bolts pulling driven bolts through the disc material in
tension. More bolts provide greater capacity but reduce the
coupling flexibility. For special purpose applications, the discs D
are provided as a pack. Some disc packs are factory installed, Figure 9. Reduced Moment Special Purpose Disc Coupling.
while others are supplied with pilot rings for installation in the
field. They are available in many styles, including reduced
moment (Figure 9) and marine (Figure 10).

Diaphragm Type
The diaphragm coupling comes in two basic forms; a single
tapered profile or multiple modified profile (contoured or cut­
out). Both forms have profile modification that reduce size,

increase flexibility, and control stress concentration. Torque ��R

path is through the diaphragm member in the radial direction;
from the outer diameter to the inner diameter. They are used in
most special purpose applications and are available in many
shapes and styles, including marine (Figures 11 and 12) and
reduced moment (Figure 13)
Figure 10. Marine Style Special Purpose Disc Coupling.
Elastomeric Block Couplings (Elastomeric Element Type)
Large critical equipment (such as synchronous motor driven Block couplings use rubber in compression. The rubber blocks
equipment) use elastomeric block couplings (Figure 9) in spe­ are installed in cavities formed by internal sleeve blades, exter­
cial purpose applications to reduce vibratory torques or to nal hub blade and two end plates. This type is unique among
torsionally "tune" a system (using its torsional "softness"). couplings due to its "fail-safe" feature. If the elastomer fails, the

Pack Adapter


Figure 1 1. Marine Style Special purpose Diaphragm Coupling
(EB Welded Design).
hipping Sc� Spacer Pack

Figure 14. Special Purpose Elastomeric Block Coupling.

Table 1. General Purpose Coupling Evaluation Characteristics.

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IIOIU7DH'f,\l.�f�rtCOVlill ..• "' •·•

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OOHI1M<>IiU'fPR 1.-M M·ll ..•

UNI>1'YPI I \1·11 �

!oi-WWI\iM H•HIIlH �,.�.LUT

�-�!o!J\U 1•1011' 0•0001> �-�l

Figure 12. Marine Style Special Purpose Diaphragm Coupling

(One Piece Diaphragm).
Table 2 . Special Purpose Coupling Evaluation Characteristics.

MAIUS�Im'U •t-tl




II•IOO!ifo�J<f V•YJ>$
l•IDW G•GooD N•�

Figure 13. Reduced Moment Special purpose Diaphragm

When selecting couplings, it must be decided what is best for
the equipment and the plant. One needs to look at a coupling's
initial cost along with how easy is it to maintain?; how often
coupling may run for sometime on the metal blades. These must it be lubricated?; how easy can the flexible element be
couplings can provide up to 1/2 degree of misalignment and replaced?; and what forces do the coupling react back into the
parallel offset capabilities of 1/64 in to 1/4 in. equipment? How does one do this? One should build a file of the
most recent coupling catalogues. Most of the time the coupling
selected is usually based on past experience, good or bad. Let's
When selecting couplings, how do you know which one is say the plant has used grid couplings for years and has had no
best? There is no one answer, as is shown in Tables 1 and 2. In significant problems, so why change? But if the plant has been
general, unless there are lots of problems, the best coupling to using these couplings for years and has had problems, failures,
use is the type that originally came with the equipment. When or has found that the cost to maintain them is high, lots of
selecting couplings, one must look at the application, its history, downtime due to lubrication and alignment problems, it is time
and then trade off features and characteristic of available cou­ to consider changing the coupling type. But before they change,
plings, and pick the best one suited for the application. they should look closely at all the other types available to see if

its characteristics are better suited for the application. Get in Selection Precautions
touch with the coupling manufacturer you are considering and It is important to use the selecting process provided in the
ask lots of questions. Just changing one coupling for another coupling manufacturer's catalogue. There is no industry stan­
could be exchanging one problem with another and sometimes dard that deals with coupling ratings. Not only will one find
for bigger problems, if the change is not done with some thought differences in what and how ratings are established for different
and planning. The amount of time spent in selecting a coupling types of couplings, but one may find the same type may even
and determining how it interacts with a system should be a have different ratings from different suppliers. Therefore, it is
function of the cost of the equipment and also on its criticality to important to obtain the coupling manufacturers' catalogues and
the plant, and also how much downtime it will take to replace the use their recommended procedure and service factors, if one
coupling or repair a failure. In some cases, the process may take wants to assure success.
only a little time and be based on past experience, however as the
equipment becomes bigger and is more critical to the plant Safety Factors
operation, the more detail one should get in selecting a coupling Safety factors are used in the design of a coupling. Coupling
for the equipment. designers use safety factors because there are uncertainties in
If the type of coupling is going to be changed, one should see the design. The designer's method of analysis uses approxima­
that all maintenance personnel in the plant understand what will tions to model the loading and, therefore, the calculated stresses
be required. For example, changing from a gear coupling to a may not be exact. Likewise, the material properties such as
disc type coupling will require a different set of instruction for modulus, ultimate strength, and fatigue strength have associated
setting a motor on its magnetic center. Also alignment proce­ tolerances that must be considered.
dures are different. It is important to review all coupling changes Today, with the use of such computational tools as FEA, stress
to assure success. analysis isgenerally capable of more accurate results than in the
past. In addition, the properties of the materials used in high
INFORMATION REQUIRED TO performance products are more controlled and better known.
PROPERLY SELECT A COUPLING Therefore, couplings designed today vs those designed 20 years
ago can indeed operate safely with lower calculated safety
Preliminary Information factors. Also, the design factor for flexible-element couplings
(Minimum for General Purpose Couplings) can be lower than gear couplings simply because the "safeness "

is more accurately predicted.

Horsepower and/or torque Generally, torque is the most significant load contributor to
the overall stress picture in gear couplings. The fatigue factor of
safety of aflexible-element coupling is generally not as affected

• Type of equipment being connected by torque, because the failure mode in dry couplings is not very
sensitive to torque during continuous operating conditions.
• Shaft size and keyway information
But how safe is safe? If the coupling designer knows all, then
Other Information That May Be Important a safety factor of one (1.0) is sufficient. However, this is not
(Particularly for Special Purpose Couplings) practical or recommended.

Remember as equipment criticality goes up, more needs to be Service Factors

known about equipment and application. Service factors, on the other hand, are used to account for the
Environmental condition, temperature, corrosive atmosphere higher operating torque conditions of the equipment to which the
coupling is connected. In API 671, a service (or experience)
Space limitation
factor is applied to the normal operating torque of, for instance,
History of equipment, any previous coupling problems? a turbine or compressor. This factor accounts for torque loads
Expected misalignment conditions that are not normal, but which may be encountered continuously,
such as low temperature driver output, compressor fouling, or
Balance requirements possible vibratory torques. Also service factors are some times
Stiffness requirements used to account for the real operating conditions, which may be
five to 20 percent above the equipment rating.
Bearing load restrictions
Different service factors are used or recommended depending
• Potential excitation or critical frequencies on the severity of the application. Is it a smooth running gas
turbine driven compressor application or will the coupling be
installed on a reciprocating pump application? Also note that
service factors should be applied to continuous operating condi­
tions rather being used to account for starting torques, short
In the recent history of couplings, it has become more and circuit conditions, rotor rubs, etc.
more confusing as to what safety factor and service factor (also API 671 defaults to a 1.75 service factor that is to be applied
application or experience factor) really mean. Many people use to the normal operating torque. Note: API cautions that if
service factors and safety factors interchangeably. There is an reasonable attempts to achieve the specified experience factor
important distinction, however, and understanding the differ­ fail to result in a coupling weight and subsequent overhung
ence is essential to ensure a proper coupling selection for a moment commensurate with the requirement for rotordynamics
particular application. Service factors are known and deter­ of the connected machines, a lower factor may be selected by
mined by the makers and users of the equipment, since they are mutual agreement of the purchaser and the vendor. The selected
directly related to how the equipment is operated. Safety factors value shall not be less than 1.25. API does not address factors as
are known and determined by the coupling manufacturers, since related to factors of safety on design. Therefore, it does not ask
they are directly related to the coupling component design and or answer the question as to how safe a coupling must be for an
materials. API 671 application.

Selection and Rating Terms Peak and maximum momentary conditions and factors of
Factor of Safety (F.S.) is used to cover uncertainties in a safety Just like continuous torque ratings, there are different

coupling design; analytical assumptions in stress analysis, ma­ ways to rate a coupling's capability to handle non-continuous
terial unknowns, manufacturing tolerances, etc. Under given peak torques or low frequency high cyclic torques. These can be
design conditions, the F.S. is the ratio of strength (or stress caused by such things as motor startups, short circuit conditions,
capacity) to actual predicted stress; where the stress is a function compressor surges, or other transient conditions. Some ques­
of torque, speed, misalignment, and axial displacement. A de­ tions to ask are: What is the nature of the load? Is it due to a
sign factor of safety (DFS) is the factor of safety at the catalog synchronous motor startup with hundreds of high torque rever­
rated conditions of torque, speed, misalignment, and axial dis­ sals during a daily startup? Is it a single unidirectional torque
placement. It is used by the manufacturer to establish the cou­ induction motor driver application?
pling rating, because it is the maximum loading that the
manufacturer says his coupling can safely withstand. The factor
of safety that most would be interested in however, is the factor Like coupling ratings, when and to what level to balance a
of safety at the particular set of application loads that the coupling appears to be almost as mystifying, however, they are
coupling is continuously subjected to. We have defined this to be rather simple once a basic understanding is achieved of what
an application factor of safety (AFS). In fact, the application contributes to unbalance and how it affects a system. Once this
factor of safety is the measure of safety which answers the is understanding is obtained, the "arbitrary balance limits" can
question "How Safe Is Safe?" It is by definition a measure of the be put into perspective.
"safeness" under actual operation.
Why a Coupling is Balanced
Service Factor (application factor or experience factor) (SF)
is normally specified by the purchaser (although assistance is One important reason for balancing a coupling is that the force
sometimes given by the manufacturer). It is a torque multiplier. created by unbalance could be detrimental to the equipment,
It is applied to the operating torque (called the normal operating bearings, and support structures.
point in API 671) of the connected equipment. The service factor The amount of force generated by unbalance is
torque multiplier is used to account for torque loads that are
beyond the normal conditions and are of a recurring nature.
Couplings are generally selected by comparing the selection F = 1.77
[ rpm
]2 x oz-inches = lb
torque (SF x normal operating torque) to the coupling's maxi­
mum continuous rating. Service factors account for conditions (1)
such as a compressor fouling, changes of the pumped fluid
(molecular weight, temperature or pressure), or any other repet­
itive loading conditions that may occur over 106 revolutions of
F =
we1ght x 16 [ rpm

]2 = lb

the coupling. And sometimes service factors are used to account

for the real operating conditions of the equipment, which may be According to these equations, the amount of force generated
five to 20 percent above the equipment rating. Service factors by unbalance i& proportional to the square of speed. Therefore,
should not be applied to account for starting torques, or short one key element to the balance level required for a coupling is
circuit torques, although these conditions are sometimes stated how fast it rotates.
as being a multiple of normal torque. The other key element of coupling balance is that a coupling
Endurance limit is the failure strength limit of a coupling is an assembly of components. Some couplings have inherent
component subjected to combined constant and alternating stress­ "sloppy" fits that are required to accommodate misalignment,
es. Beyond this limit, the material can be expected to fail after make it more economical to manufacture in volume, therefore if
some finite number of cyclic loads. Below this limit the material one balances a coupling to very low limits, one does not sub­
can be expected to have infinite life (or a factor of safety of stantially improve the amount of unbalance force it will produce
greater than 1.0). in operation. To improve coupling balance, one must close up
Yield limit (YL)-is determined by the manufacturer to be the the fits and tolerances used to make the coupling.
failure strength limit of a coupling component that will cause
Things That Contribute Coupling Unbalance
detrimental damage. If this limit is exceeded, the coupling
should be replaced.
• Component Eccentricity. This any eccentricity of mating
Coupling rating-is a torque capacity at rated misalignment,
surfaces that permit radial displacement of the mass axial of
axial displacement, and speed. This applies to the ratings given
mating parts
Maximum continuous rating (MCR)-is determined by the • Component Clearances. This is the clearance that permits
manufacturer to be the torque capacity that a coupling can safely relative radial displacement of the mass axis of coupling
run continuously and has an acceptable design factor of safety. components
Peak rating (PR)-is determined by the manufacturer to be • Hardware unbalance: This from clearance of hardware,
the torque capacity that a coupling can experience without weight difference in them, etc.
having localized yielding of any of its components.
Additionally, a coupling can handle this torque condition for • Balancing Errors. Runouts of fixtures used, clearances and
5,000 to 10,000 cycles with out failing. eccentricity of assembly on fixtures.
Maximum momentary rating (MMR)-is determined by the There are two basic Industry standards for balancing cou­
manufacturer to be the torque capacity that a coupling can plings. Note: ISO is not a coupling balance specification but
experience without ultimate failure, where localized yielding applies to rigid rotors. The two standards are; AGMA 9000. this
(damage) of one of its components may occur. A coupling can usually applied to general purpose Couplings. In fact, API 610
withstand this occurrence for one brief duration. After that, the calls out an AGMA level 8 class requirement. Whereas, API 671
coupling should be inspected and possibly replaced. (This is also for special purpose Couplings calls out 4W/N, or 0.0008W (50
sometimes called the short circuit torque rating.) microinches) or 0.01 oz-in, which ever is greatest for residual

unbalance limits. For potential unbalance limits API 671 calls

for the assembly to be with in 40W/N, or 0.008W (500 micro­ 2000 \ \
inches or AGMA 11) or 0.1 oz-in which ever is greatest. \ \ \ I\ \ 1\ \
\ \
Balancing Limits
1\ 1\
1\ \
The balance limit placed on a coupling should be its potential BOO
unbalance and not its residual unbalance limit. The residual 700
600 \ \ \
unbalance limit usually has little to do with the true coupling \ \

ui 500
unbalance (potential). The residual limit is the level the a III
d 400 \ 1\ \
component or a coupling is balanced to on the balancing ma­
� 300
\ \ \
\ 1\ 1\
F\ \
chine. Whereas the potential limit is sum of all the parts usually
added by the square root of the sum of the squares of the � A ,a C D

contributors to the coupling "real" unbalance. ..... 200

��� 'l � o\

The amount of coupling unbalance can be satisfactorily toler­ LOW Sf I�
ate by any system is dictated by the characteristics of the specific ZON

connected machines and can best be determined by detailed
analysis or experience. Systems insensitive to coupling unbal­ 90
ance might operate satisfactorily with high unbalance values. <!> 80
:z 70

Conversely, systems or equipment that are usually sensitive to ::::; 60 \ \ \ '\ \
coupling unbalance will require lower unbalance limits. Factors so
\ \ \
that must be considered in determining the system's sensitivity 40 1\ \ \
to coupling unbalance include
30 1\ \ \ \ \ \
• Shaft end deflection: Machines having long and/or flexible \ \
shaft extensions are relatively sensitive to coupling unbalance. 20
• Bearing loads relative to coupling weight: Machines hav­ 1\ \ 1\ \ \
ing lightly loaded bearings or bearings loads primarily by the
overhung weight of the coupling are relatively sensitive to
coupling unbalance. Machines having overhung rotors or weights
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
\ \ \ \ 20 30 40 50
are often sensitive to coupling unbalance.
• Bearings, bearing supports, and foundations rigidity: Ma­
Figure 15. Balance Selection, Weight Vs Speed.
chines or systems with flexible foundations or supports or
supports are relatively sensitive to the coupling unbalance.
Machine separation: Systems having a long distance be­
• speed classifications. The graph has also been extended to
tween machines often exhibit coupling unbalance problems. 2000 lb.
AGMA 9000 defines balance limits as a range of unbalance
• Others: Other factors may influence coupling unbalance
expressed in microinches. The potential unbalance limit classes
for couplings are given in Table 4. They are given in maximum
Table 3 is taken from AGMA. In general, the selection bands root-mean-square (rms) microinches of displacement of the
can be put into the following speed classification: inertial axis of rotation at the balance plane. Limits are given as
Low speed: A and B per displacement plane. AGMA does not address residual un­
balance limits but as a general rule of thumb if the coupling or
• Intermediate speed: C, D, and E its component was to be balanced it would be to the limits shown
High Speed: F and G in Table 5.

The "Arbitrary" Balance Limit

Table 3. Coupling Balance Classes Vs Selection Bands.
What is meant by "arbitrary" balancing criteria? The limits
Typical AGMA coupling balance class;
(residual and potential) are set by specification and have very
system sensitivity to coupling unbalance
band Low Average High Table 4. AGMA Coupling Balance Classes.

A 5 6 7
Maximum displacement
B 6 7 8
AGMA of principal inertia
c 7 8 9
coupling axis at balancing planes
D 8 9 10
balance class (rms micrinches)
E 9 10 11
F 10 II 4 Over 32,000
5 32,000
6 16,000
7 8,000
General Purpose Couplings (API 610) fall in selection band 8 4,000
C, AGMA 8 for an average system. 9 2,000
Special Purpose Couplings (API 671) fall in selection band F,
10 1,000
AGMA 11 for an average system. Figure 15 is also taken from
AGMA 9000. Superimposed on this graph are the most common 11 500

Table 5. Practical Residual Unbalance Limits. type of balance can obtain 20W/N to 40W/N potential unbalance
limits. The lower being for couplings with no clearance and for
Residual unbalance limits couplings that are rigidized without fixtures. Caution: On as­
Speed class (microinches)
sembly-balanced couplings, parts cannot be replaced without
rebalancing the coupling.
Low-speed couplings 500'
Intermediate-speed couplings 200 INSTALLATION CONSID ERATIONS
High-speed couplings 50
Most couplings failures occur relatively soon after installa­
'Low-speed couplings are usually not balanced. tion or after a coupling has been taken apart and reassembled on
the equipment. Why? Because somebody didn't follow the
installation instructions supplied. They have been installing
little relationship to a system other than the couplings weight couplings for years and who needs to read those boring instruc­
and the operating speed. The use of the coupling weight is used tions. Let me tell you, READ THEM!! If you do not have
because it is expected to be proportional to the weight of the instructions, get them. If you follow them you will have a very
equipment and hopefully have some reflection on the systems high probability of success.
The most common is to express unbalance "U" as Things Not To Do, A Sure Way to Increase Failures
•It will not fit on the shaft. Get out the torch and heat the "H"
kW out of the hub or open up the bore until it slides on.
oz-inches = = U per balance plane (2)
N The keys are too tight. Let's grind them until they fall in.
I lost a bolt. Get one out of our bolt can in maintenance.
k = 40 to 120 for potential unbalance limits and 4 to 12 for • These bolts are snug enough.
residual unbalance limits
My pump or motor is out of balance, Let's take it all out of
W = weight of the part per balance plane (!b) (or on) the coupling.
N = operating speed of coupling (rpm)
•This part of the coupling looks bad, let's replace with a part
of another we took out last year.
•Let's put this grease in this coupling-it works good in our
Where as API 671 calls out:
bearings, why not the coupling?
Residual Limit-4W/N or 0.0008W or 0.01 oz-in, whichever
is greatest. •Check alignment? Why? It ran okay for two years with no
Potential Limit-40W/N or 0.008W or 0.1 oz-in, whichever is problem.
greatest. • Give me a coupling to fit on my 3.0 in shaft and put one
1/2 in keyway in it. No other information supplied.
Types of Coupling Balance
• We can buy this other type of coupling and it is 30 percent
Couplings are usually supplied in one of four categories as to
· less expensive than what we are using now.
•As manufactured tolerances and fits. Most couplings are Things to Do, A Sure Way to Success
supplied as manufactures with no balance. These couplings are
the majority of the general purpose couplings. The usually fall • Consider total cost. Look at initial cost versus total operat­
into AGMA 7 and 8 classifications, with some of the flexible ing cost.
element type following into AGMA 9. • Provide the coupling manufacturer with as much informa­
•Controlled tolerances and fits. Usually provides the most tion asjustified by criticality of equipment.
significant improvement in potential unbalance of coupling. • Don't change type of coupling just for change sake.
This can also substantially increase the price of a coupling. For
example, a gear coupling in this category would have 1/2 the • Assure maintenance people are trained properly in installa­
tolerance for boring the hub to its piloting diameter. The tip tion and maintenance of the type of couplings being used.
clearance between the hub and sleeve teeth would be reduced. •Use the bolts supplied. If one gets lost, buy a spare set from
Also, this type of coupling would have pilots to control the your coupling supplier.
eccentricity of a spacer section, no longer off the shelf standard
• Use a torque wrench to torque bolts.
and may cost 2 to 3 times more. This type of coupling would
move the AGMA classification up approximately one level, • Align equipment to limits specified by equipment manufac­
from the off the shelf as manufactured condition. turers and recheck whenever major maintenance is done on
•Component balance. This can usually produce potential
unbalancevalues equal to assembly-balance couplings. Offers • Lubricate, as required with the right stuff and correct interval.
the advantage of being able to replace components (as related to
balance-some couplings are not interchangeable for other rea­ CONCLUSION
sons) with out rebalancing. API 671 defaults to component
The information herein is just an overview of what is impor­
balance with a check on the assembly, unless otherwise stated.
tant when considering couplings for an application. The amount
Again we are looking at coupling that meet AGMA 11.
of time one spends in properly understanding, selecting, install­
Assembly balance. Usually offers the best balance. De­
• ing, and maintaining couplings is a function of what down time
pending on how much fixturing and the type of coupling this and maintenance cost. down time.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Mancuso, Jon, Couplings and Joints: Design, Selection and

Applications, New York, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), AGMA
9000, Standard Balanced Classifications for Flexible Cou­
Mancuso, J. R., Gibbons C. B., and Munyon, C. B., "The
plings (1990).
Application of Flexible Couplings for Turbomachinery," Pro­
American Petroleum Institute: Special Purpose Couplings for
ceeding of the Eighteenth Turbomachinery Symposium, The
Refinery Service, API Standard 671, Second Edition (Febru­
Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, Col­
ary 1990).
lege Station, Texas (1989).
API Standard 610, Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery
Service, Seventh Edition) (February 1989).

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