A New Accurate Parameter Estimation Method For Interference Detection and Mitigation

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A new accurate parameter estimation method for

Unbalanced Three-Phase System based on

correlation function.

Omar Cherrak∗† , Mehdi Omari∗ , Hicham Ghennioui∗, M’hammed Lahbabi∗ and El Hossein Abarkan∗
∗ Université
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, LSSC
B.P. 2202, Route d’Imouzzer, Fès, Maroc
Email: {omar.cherrak, mehdi.omari, hicham.ghennioui}@usmba.ac.ma
{lahbabi m, habarkan}@yahoo.fr

† Aix-MarseilleUniversité, CNRS, ENSAM, LSIS, UMR 7296, F-13397 Marseille, France

Université de Toulon, CNRS, LSIS, UMR 7296, F-83957 La Garde, France
Email: omar-cherrak@etud.univ-tln.fr

Abstract—This work addresses the problem of the unbalanced important to monitor the variations accurate as possible to the
three-phase system accurate estimation parameter. This problem corresponding parameters.
occurs in various fields of applications, among which is Smart
Grid. It is well known to use the unbalanced three phase power It is well known to use the unbalanced three phase power
system for modeling in smart grid applications. In this work, system for modeling in smart grid applications. Many works
we propose a new analytical method in order to obtain an have been dedicated to the estimation of parameters which are
accurate estimation of the unbalanced three-phase system based frequency, amplitude and phase [6]-[12]. The classical estima-
on correlation function. The main advantages of the analytical tors applied to three phase systems perform poorly because
proposed method, that it gives an exactly accurate estimation of they are dedicated only to a single-phase signal and which
these parameters. Computer simulations are provided in order to cannot characterize the unbalanced system [6]. However, we
illustrate the good behavior of the analytical proposed method in
a noiseless context. Finally, this new method is compared to other
can make estimate each phase separately, but this method does
put forward in the literature which is based on Newton-Raphson not give accurate results due to the fixed phase which its
scheme [1]. displacement does not hold. However, the first approach is
based on the spectral analysis of the electrical signals [7], a
Keywords—Smart Grid, Estimation of parameters, Unbalanced second approach uses the multidimensional aspect of the signal
Three-Phase System, Electrical signal, Spectral analysis, Correla- [8]. The third approach is based on converting the three-phase
tion function.
system via the αβ-transformation and using the estimator
based on Nonlinear Least Square optimization (NLS) using the
I. I NTRODUCTION Newton-Raphson scheme [1]. Or to exploit the non-circularity
in a signal (CLMS for Complex Least Mean Square [9], LMMP
In recent years, the power grid has undergone profound for Least Mean Magnitude Phase [10], ACLMS for Augmented
mutation due to two main factors which are the integration CLMS [11], ACKF for Complex Augmented Kalman Filter
of new energy sources (wind, solar, etc.) in the energy mix [12], etc). In this work, we propose a new analytical method
and the appearance of new electrical purposes (electric cars). in order to obtain an accurate estimation of a unbalanced three-
However, because of this mutation, the management of the phase system based on correlation function demonstrated by
power grid is becoming an increasingly complex task. To computer simulations. Finally, this new method is compared to
overcome this problem, solutions based on integration of infor- other put forward in the literature which is based on Newton-
mation technology and communication in the new generation Raphson scheme [1].
of electric networks. This new generation of power grids called
Smart Grid [2] must be able to monitor their installation, to
detect possible anomalies and also to optimize their structure to
maintain the balance between the production and consumption A. Problem statement
of energy [3]. The smart grid is a mesh network whose nodes
can act as both users (consumers) and generators. Because The voltages of a unbalanced three-phase power system
of this conversion of role and the terminal operations, the can be represented in the discrete time form as [10]:
variations of the fundamental frequency (standardized to 50 ω
va [n] = Va cos( n + φ),
Hz in Europe and to 60 Hz in America [4]) and the amplitude Fs
exist, which can cause many serious problems such as the ω 2π
loss of synchronism, the stabilization of the supply system vb [n] = Vb cos( n + φ − ),
Fs 3
and the connection of the equipment [5]. However, it is ω 2π
978-1-4673-8224-3/15/$31.00 2015
vc [n] = Vc cos( n + φ + ), (1)
c IEEE Fs 3
where Va , Vb and Vc are the inequivalent amplitudes of each
phase voltage components, where ω = 2πf Fs is the discrete 1 f f
frequency with respectively f and Fs are the voltage frequency Rsα sα (n, m) = [cos(2π (2m)) + cos(2π (2n))], (11)
2 Fs Fs
(rad), and sampling frequency (Hz). Our aim is to find the un-
known parameters which are f, φ, Va , Vb and Vc . In this work, 1 f f
we use the αβ-transformation [13] on the Eq. (1) in order Rsβ sβ (n, m) = [cos(2π (2m)) − cos(2π (2n))], (12)
2 Fs Fs
to reach an accurate parameter estimation. The transformed
signals, denoted by vα and vβ , are calculated as follows: 1 f f
Rsα sβ (n, m) = [sin(2π (2n)) − sin(2π (2m))], (13)
where 2 Fs Fs
vα [n] M11 M12 sα [n] 1 f f
= , (2) Rsβ sα (n, m) = [sin(2π (2n)) + sin(2π (2m))]. (14)
vβ [n] M21 M22 sβ [n] 2 Fs Fs
Based on correlation function of v which is defined by Eq.
sα [n] = cos(2π n), (3) (10). It consists in building particular matrices P(1) and P(2)
Fs using two correlation matrices taken at different delays we
f found:
sβ [n] = sin(2π n), (4) f
Fs P(2) = 2 cos(2π 2p)P(1) , (15)
M11 = A cos(φ) − B sin(φ),
M12 = −(A sin(φ) + B cos(φ)),
M21 = −B cos(φ) + C sin(φ), P(1) = Rvv (n, m + τ1 ) − Rvv (n, m − τ1 ) = P[n, p],
M22 = B sin(φ) + C cos(φ), (5) P(2) = Rvv (n, m + τ2 ) − Rvv (n, m − τ2 ) = P[n, 2p],

6 where τ means the delay considered (τ1 =p and τ2 =2p).
A = (4Va + Vb + V c),
√ The estimate of the fundamental frequency can then be calcu-
2 lated analytically, using the nonzero singular values of vsP(1) ,
B = (Vb − Vc ),
√4 vsP(2) of the particular matrices P(1) and P(2) respectively
6 as:
C = (Vb + Vc ). (6)
4 arccos(r̂)
fˆ = , (17)
Considering that we have N samples for each channel (Eq. (2))
which can be written in matrix form in the following way: where  
1 vsP(1)
v = Ms, (7) r̂ = , (18)
2 vsP(2)
We can estimate also the different elements of M̂. To that aim,
v = [vα [n], vβ [n]] , we calculate the square matrices R(0) (resp. R(1) ) outcome
s =
[sα [n], sβ [n]] , from Rvv [n, m] whose expression is given by Eq. (10) as
M11 M12
M = , (8)
M21 M22

and [.]T denotes the transpose operator. M̂11 =
R11 , (19)

B. Approach based on correlation function: M̂21 = R , (20)
(1) 2
1) Principle of the approach: The correlation function of R11 − α̂M̂11
the transformed signals v in the noiseless context denoted by M̂12 =   , (21)
Rvv [n, m], is: β̂ M̂11
(1) 2
R22 − α̂M̂21
Rvv [n, m] = M Rss [n, m]M H , (9) M̂22 =   , (22)
β̂ M̂21
Rvv [n, m] = E{v[n + m]v∗ [n − m]}, (10)
where [.]∗ denotes the conjugaison operator, E{.} is the where
statistical expectation operator and Rss [n, m] represents the fˆ
correlation function of s given by Eqs. ((3)-(4)) whose auto- α̂ = cos(2π 2),
correlation and cross-correlation functions of s are defined by Fs

(See the Appendix for more details of calculations): β̂ = 1 − α̂2 , (23)
with −4
x 10

(0) (0)
(0) R11 R12

Mse for f
R = (0) (0)
R21 R22 2 Proposed
= Rvr vr [0, 0] Chen’s estimation
1 0
= M MT , (24) 0
0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000
Data length N
x 10
and 1.5

MSE for φ
(1) (1) 1
(1) R11 R12
R = (1) (1)
R21 R22 0.5 Proposed
= Rvr vr [1, 1] Chen’s estimation

cos(2π Ffs 2) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000
= M MT . (25) Data length N
sin(2π Ffs 2) 0

Fig. 1: Performance for MSE versus data length N of analytical

Finally, after obtaining fˆ and the elements M̂11 , M̂12 , M̂21 and proposed method compared with Chen’s Estimation approach.
M̂22 of the matrix M̂ , the estimated φ̂, V̂a , V̂b and V̂c are Up: MSE for f . Bottom: MSE for φ.
straightforwardly computed from M̂ as:

M̂21 − M̂12
φ̂ = tan−1 , (26)
M̂11 + M̂22
 = M̂11 cos(φ̂) − M̂12 sin(φ̂), (27) Also, in the Fig. (2), we plot the performance for MSE versus
the data length N =1000 (up: we plot MSE for Va , bottom: we
B̂ = −M̂11 sin(φ̂) − M̂12 cos(φ̂), (28) plot MSE for Vc , middle: we plot MSE for Vb ). The analytical
Ĉ = M̂21 sin(φ̂) + M̂22 cos(φ̂), (29) proposed method keeps the same behavior for estimation of
1 12 Va , Vb and Vc . These graphs illustrate the good behavior of the
V̂a = (√ − v̂b − v̂c ), (30) analytical proposed method. We observe an accurate estimation
4 6Â
in the performances shown by the MSE throughout the Data
B̂ Ĉ length.
V̂b = 2( √ + √ ), (31)
2 6
B̂ Ĉ
V̂c = 2(− √ + √ ). (32) x 10
2 6
MSE for V

1 Chen’s Estimation
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x 10
In order to illustrate the good behavior of the analytical 1

proposed estimator for the unbalanced three phase power

MSE for V

Chen’s Estimation
system, computer simulations are provided. We consider the 0.5
Mean Square Error (MSE) of different parameters (E{(fˆ −
f )2 }, E{(φ̂ − φ)2 }, E{(V̂a − Va )2 }, E{(V̂b − Vb )2 } and
E{(V̂c − Vc )2 }) are employed to show the performance of the 0 −7 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
estimation. We compare the results (in terms of performance x 10

using MSE) obtained of our analytical proposed method thanks Proposed

MSE for V

to estimator proposed in [1] (denoted Chen’s Estimation) Chen’s Estimation

versus the data length N fixed in 1000. We choose f = 50, 5
Hz Fs = 5000, Va = 1, Vb = 0.7, Vc = 0.6. All the displayed 0
results have been averaged over 10 Monte-Carlo trials. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Data length N
We study the MSE for f , φ, Va , Vb and Vc versus the
data length N . In the Fig. (1), we plot the performance for
MSE versus the data length N = 1000, respectively up : for Fig. 2: Performance for MSE versus data length N of our
frequency f and bottom : for phase φ. It is shown that, the analytical proposed method compared with Chen’s Estimation
MSE for the two parameters using our analytical proposed approach. Up: MSE for Va . Middle: MSE for Vb . Bottom: MSE
method gives excellent results and this accurately estimate the for Vc .
frequency f and the phase φ verus all the samples of the Data.
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Using the previous properties (P1 -P3 ) in the expression of the
auto-correlation function of sα and sβ defined in Eq.(10), we
found respectively that:
f f
Rsα sα (n, m) = cos(2π
(n + m)) cos(2π (n − m)),
Fs Fs
f f
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Fs Fs
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f f
Rsα sβ (n, m) = cos(2π
(n + m)) sin(2π (n − m)),
Fs Fs
f f
Rsβ sα (n, m) = sin(2π (n + m)) cos(2π (n − m)).
Fs Fs
From the previous expressions, it leads to the results stated by

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