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Isabella’s Star 3 Scripting

“Can you think of your star-sign and your date of birth for me?”

“I’m going to be really honest from the off. The likelihood of me guessing this
in its current form is slim to none because that information personally
belongs to you, but if we remove your attachment to that information it will
make it possible. I’ll explain how we will do that in a moment.”

“Are you born on a cusp date perchance? It’s important for me to know,
because that means you’re going to have conflicting characteristics from
each sign making it harder for me to read you.”


Have you just moved house? I just got a feeling that everything had been
turned upside down.This is usually because you just got in or out of a
relationship but I won’t get into that now/Ah, someone of consistency okay;

I feel with you; you’re the sort of person over the last couple of years, you’ve
learned who to trust and who not. Because of past adversities you’ve been
hurt and you’ve learned to rebuild yourself.

Every single chapter of your life you get stronger, stronger and stronger.
You’ve learned to keep a mask up to almost keep people at arm’s reach.
That you don’t want almost compromising your trust.

Because of that though I feel that sometimes and you’ll know about this but
you’ve just not talked about it. Sometimes you’re suspect to keeping peoples
are arms reach for too long, and I think that’s dampened some connections.
But you’re very good at maintaining connections and making connections.
Also, you’re not scared of eating humble pie sometimes and apologizing
when you’re in the wrong.

I feel with you that you’re starting a brand-new chapter in your life right now
when you’re coming up to a crossroads and you’re about to make a big
decision. The thing that I found after learning your star sign and now learning
about you, is that you’re constantly battling between your head and your
heart. Your head is telling you to go down one path, but your heart is telling
you to go down the other. It’s always 2 steps forward, 1 step back. All I want
you to know is this: If you were to meet someone who could give you all the
answers to life’s questions, they’d tell you this: They’d tell you that you
should always trust one instinct and follow that instinct no matter what and
it’ll never be wrong.
“Focus on your date of birth written in the air starting with the day, then the
(Ignoring the year)

“This isn’t a double digit is it?”

(I thought so/I didn’t think so)

“Okay for now focus on the digit(s), okay I just got the first one. Move on to
the second one…. Can you spell this out in your head, see this digit printed
large at the front of your mind like E I G H T.” (Pause for reaction.)

“In your mind gravitate to the first letter of the word. Can you think of a day
of the week that starts with that letter? (Yes, of no) Well actually let’s make
this more impressive, how about think of the first male name that just pops
into your mind that starts with that letter. Don’t go for a Unisex name like
Tony Terry or Sam. Go for a definitively male name like Shawn. Obviously
don’t go for that one because I just said it. The more definitive you can be,
the more I can be. Shorten it as much as you can, Peter would be Pete.”


“- - For example, Nathan would be Nate, but something like Owen would be
fine the way it is. Obviously don’t go for those names because I said them.

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