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Clinical Toxicology, 38(2), 111–122 (2000)

Mechanisms of Toxicity, Clinical Features,

Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Laval on 05/30/14

and Management of Acute Chlorophenoxy

Herbicide Poisoning: A Review
Sally M. Bradberry; Barbara E. Watt; Alex T. Proudfoot;
J. Allister Vale

National Poisons Information Service (Birmingham Centre), City Hospital,

Birmingham, United Kingdom
For personal use only.


Introduction: Chlorophenoxy herbicides are used widely for the control of

broad-leaved weeds. They exhibit a variety of mechanisms of toxicity including
dose-dependent cell membrane damage, uncoupling of oxidative phosphoryla-
tion, and disruption of acetylcoenzyme A metabolism. Between January 1962
and January 1999, 66 cases of chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning following
ingestion were reported in the literature. Features following ingestion: Adju-
vants in the formulations may have contributed to some of the features ob-
served. Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and, occasionally, gastrointestinal
hemorrhage were early effects. When present, hypotension was predominantly
due to intravascular volume loss, although vasodilation and direct myocardial
toxicity may have contributed in some cases. Neurotoxic features included
coma, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, ataxia, nystagmus, miosis, hallucinations, con-
vulsions, fasciculation, and paralysis. Hypoventilation occurred not infre-
quently, usually in association with central nervous system depression, but re-
spiratory muscle weakness was a factor in the development of respiratory
failure in some patients. Myopathic symptoms including limb muscle weakness,
loss of tendon reflexes, and myotonia were observed and increased creatine
kinase activity was noted in some cases. Other clinical features reported in-
cluded metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, increased aminotrans-
ferase activities, pyrexia, and hyperventilation. Twenty-two of 66 patients died.

Correspondence: Dr. J. Allister Vale, National Poisons Information Service, City Hospital, Birmingham, B18 7QH, United Kingdom.
Tel: 44/121-507-4123; Fax: 44/121-507-5580; E-mail: AllisterVale@npis.org

Copyright  2000 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. www.dekker.com

112 Bradberry et al.

Features following dermal and inhalational exposure: Substantial dermal or

inhalational 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid exposure has occasionally led to
systemic features but no such reports have been published in the last 20 years
and no fatalities have been reported at any time. Substantial dermal exposure
has been reported to cause mild gastrointestinal irritation after a latent period
followed by progressive mixed sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy. Mild,
transient gastrointestinal and peripheral neuromuscular symptoms have also
occurred after occupational inhalation exposure, with or without dermal expo-
sure. Management: In addition to supportive care, alkaline diuresis to enhance
herbicide elimination should be considered in all seriously poisoned patients.
Limited clinical data suggest that hemodialysis produces similar herbicide
clearance to alkaline diuresis without the need for urine pH manipulation and
the administration of substantial amounts of intravenous fluid in an already
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Laval on 05/30/14

compromised patient. Conclusions: While chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning

is uncommon, ingestion of a chlorophenoxy herbicide can result in serious and
sometimes fatal sequelae. In severe cases of poisoning, alkaline diuresis or he-
modialysis to increase herbicide elimination should be considered.


Chlorophenoxy herbicides are widely used for the Pesticide Deaths in England and Wales 1945–1989
(after Casey and Vale 4)
control of broad-leaved weeds in pastures, cereal crops,
and along public rights of way. Structurally, they consist
For personal use only.

% of All
of a simple aliphatic carboxylic acid moiety attached via Pesticide
an ether linkage to a chlorine- (and, in some cases, Pesticide Number Deaths
methyl-) substituted aromatic ring. The most commonly
used herbicide of this class is 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic Herbicides 787 77.7
Paraquat 570 56.3
acid (2,4-D). Other examples include 2,4,5-trichlorophe-
Chlorophenoxy compounds 50 4.9
noxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), 4-chloro-2-methyl-phenoxy-
acetic acid (MCPA), 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) Insecticides 110 10.9
Rodenticides 69 6.8
propionic acid (mecoprop), and dichlorprop 2-(2,4-
dichlorophenoxy) propionic acid. The chemically related Others 46 4.6
herbicide, 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid (di- Total 1012 100.0
camba), is also often included in this group. Chlorophen-
oxy herbicides are of limited persistence in the envi-
ronment and are considered to be of low-to-moderate
Among 1012 fatal pesticide poisonings recorded during
mammalian toxicity.
this time, the majority (77.7%) involved herbicides, and
Chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning is uncommon, but
most of these involved paraquat. Fifty deaths involved
may produce severe sequelae. Among over 6.5 million
chlorophenoxy herbicides, accounting for just under 5%
human toxic exposures reported by some 67 US Regional
of all pesticide deaths and 0.05% of all fatal poisonings
Poisons Centers to the American Association of Poison
occurring in England and Wales during the 44-year study
Control Center’s Toxic Exposure Surveillance System
period. This paper discusses potential mechanisms of
(TESS) between 1996 and 1998, only 7976 (0.12%) in-
chlorophenoxy herbicide toxicity and reviews the fea-
volved 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T. At least 28% of the 7976 expo-
tures and optimal management of acute poisoning.
sures involved children under 6 years old and therefore
may not have been toxic exposures.1–3 Twenty patients
developed life-threatening or significant residual effects MECHANISMS OF TOXICITY
and there was only 1 reported fatality. Casey and Vale 4
reviewed all deaths from pesticide poisoning occurring In vivo, the salts and esters of chlorophenoxy com-
in England and Wales between 1945 and 1989 (Table 1). pounds are dissociated or hydrolyzed rapidly, therefore

Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Poisoning 113

the toxicity of each compound depends principally on the The severity of herbicide-induced cerebrovascular
acid form of the pesticide.5 These herbicides bind damage in rats is reported to increase in the order 2,4,5-
strongly to serum albumin,6,7 and the extent depends on T ⬍ MCPA ⬍ 2,4-D, with 2,4,5-T causing practically
chemical structure. Increased length of the acid chain and no damage to the brain capillaries nor inducing extravasa-
increased substitution of the aromatic ring favor binding. tion of plasma proteins in rat brain.13 Tyynelä et al.14 dem-
Hence, it can be envisaged that bioavailability and there- onstrated that 2,4,5-T is more extensively protein-bound
fore toxicity may vary for different herbicides in this in plasma than 2,4-D or MCPA and hypothesized that
class. this may contribute to its decreased ability to enter the
The precise mechanisms of toxicity of chlorophenoxy CNS.
herbicides have not been elucidated completely. How- In addition to causing direct structural plasma mem-
ever, experimental studies indicate the potential involve- brane damage, chlorophenoxy herbicides have also been
ment of the following mechanisms: shown to disrupt cell membrane transport mechanisms.
An important example is the organic anion transport sys-
(i) Effects associated with the plasma membrane;
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tem in the choroid plexus that facilitates the removal of

(ii) Interference in cellular metabolic pathways involv- potentially toxic anions (including endogenous neuro-
ing acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA); transmitter metabolites and exogenous organic acids)
(iii) Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation [poten- from the brain to the blood. Experimental studies have
tially as a consequence of (ii) or following disrup- demonstrated competitive inhibition and ultimately satu-
tion of intracellular membranes by the herbicide]. ration of this system by chlorophenoxy herbicides.10,15,16
This results in the accumulation in the brain of not only
(i) Effects Associated with the the herbicide but also of acidic endogenous neurotrans-
Plasma Membrane mitter metabolites. In support of this mechanism, homo-
vanillic acid and 5-hydroxy-3-indoleacetic acid, metabo-
Although Rosso et al.6 demonstrated that there is no lites of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin,
For personal use only.

significant penetration of lipid monolayers by 2,4-D at accumulate in the CNS of rats following 2,4-D adminis-
concentrations of less than 0.1 µM (0.022 mg/L), higher tration.16,17
concentrations (10–1000 µM; 2.2–220 mg/L) increase 2,4-D-induced inhibition of ion channels has also been
bilayer width and cause deep structural perturbation of demonstrated, with the potential to severely disrupt the
the hydrophobic region of model membrane systems.8 regulation and maintenance of cellular functions. It has
These high concentrations have also damaged human been shown to inhibit the compartmentalization of Ca 2⫹
erythrocyte cell membranes; electron microscopic exami- in rat muscle tissue, leading to long-lasting and finally
nation revealed a dose-dependent change in shape to a irreversible activation of the actin-myosin system and de-
spiny (echinocyte) configuration with numerous surface generation of myofibrils.18 Although 2,4-D toxicity has
blebs and/or spinules. The concentrations applied in this been associated with increased concentrations of intracel-
study 8 are similar to those associated with clinical tox- lular calcium in hepatocytes, it is not an early increase
icity. and is therefore likely to be a consequence of loss of cell
This dose-dependent effect on plasma membranes viability rather than a cause of cytotoxicity.19
may explain in part the dose-dependent central nervous Another consequence of the disruption of plasma
system (CNS) toxicity caused by these herbicides. membranes is direct cytotoxicity. Due to its central role
Only small amounts of herbicide were found in the brains in the metabolism of xenobiotics, the liver is potentially
of experimental animals administered 100 mg/kg or vulnerable to the toxic effects of these herbicides. 2,4-D
less,9–11 consistent with low concentrations having mini- 1–10 mM (220–2200 mg/L) has been shown in vitro to
mal effects on the plasma membranes which comprise induce dose-dependent hepatocytoxicity.20 The depletion
the blood-brain barrier. On exposure to high doses (250– of hepatic protective agents such as glutathione and pro-
500 mg/kg) of herbicide, reversible selective damage to tein thiols has also been demonstrated in vitro,20,21 and
the blood-brain barrier occurred in rats.12 This compro- there is evidence for the occurrence of lipid peroxida-
mised the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (demon- tion,21 although it is not known whether this is a primary
strated by the subsequent presence of serum albumin and or secondary event in the cellular toxicity.
IgG in the brain), allowing CNS accumulation of herbi- Chlorophenoxy herbicides and their analogues have
cide. In this study, the appearance of blood-brain barrier been shown to inhibit human platelet aggregation 22–24 and
damage coincided with the onset of symptoms.12 thromboxane production 24 in vitro. This phenomenon

114 Bradberry et al.

may be linked to the incidence of coagulopathy that has toskeletal system and maintenance of cell shape. Failure
occurred in experimental animals poisoned with these of ion pumps due to ATP depletion may explain some of
herbicides.25 the neuromuscular effects. For example, 2,4-D increases
potassium influx in nervous tissue, and myotonia may
(ii) Interference with Cellular Metabolic be triggered via continued depolarization of the sarco-
Pathways lemma.33 Reduction in ATP concentration may also pre-
vent the operation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2⫹-
The formation of acetyl-CoA is an important step in ATPase pump, causing disturbances in calcium regula-
several biochemical pathways. It is utilized in the citric tion in muscle cells, and resulting in sustained muscle
acid cycle, in the synthesis of fatty acids and therefore contraction.
lipids, and in the synthesis of cholesterol and ultimately In conclusion, in vitro and animal studies suggest that
steroid hormones. Acetyl-CoA also reacts with choline the primary effect of chlorophenoxy herbicides is likely
to produce the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. to occur at plasma membranes, leading to some internal-
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Chlorophenoxy acids are related structurally to acetic ization of the agent in cells. This can lead to more specific
acid and are able to form analogues of acetyl-CoA (e.g., toxicity in the CNS (and other organs) and disruption of
2,4-D-CoA) in vitro.26,27 The formation of such analogues acetyl-CoA metabolism. It has also been shown that chlo-
has the potential to disrupt several cellular metabolic rophenoxy herbicides can uncouple oxidative phosphory-
pathways involving acetyl-CoA. For example, analogues lation.
can enter the acetylcholine (ACh) synthetic pathway, Most features observed in cases of poisoning are likely
with the subsequent formation of choline esters (e.g., 2,4- to be multifactorial. For example, animal and human
D-ACh)26,27 which may act as false cholinergic messen- studies indicate that chlorophenoxy herbicides may cause
gers at muscarinic and nicotinic synapses.26,27 This mech- disruption of the neuromuscular junction. This may arise
anism could account, in part, for the development of as a consequence of interference in acetylcholine produc-
myotonia, a common feature of chlorophenoxy herbicide tion, by direct effects on plasma membranes causing ion
For personal use only.

poisoning in experimental animals, and for muscle channels to fail or via uncoupling of oxidative phosphor-
twitching and cardiac arrhythmias. Chlorophenoxy deriv- ylation where ATP depletion causes disturbed Ca2⫹ regu-
atives of CoA could alternatively enter other acetyl-CoA lation in muscle.
metabolic pathways and interfere with energy metabo-
lism and with the utilization of two-carbon fragments in
the citric acid cycle. Chlorophenoxy herbicides have been
shown to alter serum cholesterol levels28 and increase β- Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Ingestion
oxidation of fatty acids,29 perhaps also via this mecha-
nism. Sixty-six cases of chlorophenoxy herbicide ingestion
were published in the literature over the 37-year period,
(iii) Uncoupling of Oxidative January 1962 to January 1999.34–63 Reports were excluded
Phosphorylation if the formulation consumed contained other pesticides,
such as organophosphorus pesticides,64,65 ioxynil,66 or car-
Chlorophenoxy herbicides may alter energy metabo- bamates.67 The clinical features reported in these 66 cases
lism in rat liver mitochondria by uncoupling oxidative form the basis of the following review. Most cases in-
phosphorylation,30,31 possibly by disruption of the phos- volved the ingestion of 2,4-D, either alone or in combina-
pholipid bilayer of mitochondrial membranes. Electron tion with other chlorophenoxy herbicides, although it has
microscopy studies have demonstrated swelling and deg- to be accepted that other constituents, such as surfactants
radation of muscle mitochondria following 2,4-D admin- or solvents, may have contributed to some of the ob-
istration.32 Severe and rapid depletion of adenosine tri- served effects. Nevertheless, many of the features re-
phosphate (ATP) has been demonstrated, consistent with ported are consistent with the potential mechanisms
this uncoupling mechanism.20 A variety of cellular activi- of chlorophenoxy herbicide toxicity and have occur-
ties may thus be compromised: the ability of the cell to red with several chlorophenoxy herbicides. Twenty
maintain ionic gradients through the function of ATP- two 34–39,41–43,45,49,50,53,54,59,60 of the 66 cases died.
dependent translocases (e.g., Na⫹ /K⫹ ATPase); DNA and Vomiting was a prominent early feature of chloro-
protein synthesis; and the polymerization of microfila- phenoxy herbicide ingestion, occurring in at least one
ments and mictrotubules, leading to disruption of the cy- third of all reported cases,35,37,40,42,44,46,49,52–55,59–63 and was

Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Poisoning 115

accompanied by burning in the mouth,54,61 abdominal longed coma. Aspiration of gastric contents contributed
pain,54 diarrhea,54,59,63 and occasionally gastrointestinal to pulmonary complications in several cases.40,41 Hemop-
hemorrhage.44,53,59,60 Severe corrosive effects were proba- tysis was described occasionally.44
bly due in part to other chemicals in the formulations Some degree of peripheral neuromuscular involve-
ingested. Gastrointestinal fluid loss may have precipi- ment occurred in approximately one-third of reported
tated hypovolemic shock and, in at least 3 reported cases 36,38,40–42,44,46,48,52–55,58,61–63 although the presentation
cases,53,59,60 this led to death from cardiogenic shock or was variable. For example, complete loss of reflexes was
multiorgan failure and its associated complications, in- reported in at least 7 cases,38,41,46,53,55,58,62 twitching or fas-
cluding disseminated intravascular coagulation.53 Hypo- ciculation in at least 5,36,40,44,52 weakness in at least 4,46,61–63
tension, which often could not be explained solely by in- and myotonia, a feature described widely in experimental
travascular volume loss, was a prominent early feature chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning, in 3.42,46,61 Occasion-
in approximately one third of cases.36,38,40,41,49,52–55,58,60,61 Re- ally there was evidence of primary peripheral neuronal
duced total peripheral vascular resistance was demon- damage with electromyographic evidence of a peripheral
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strated in 1 case, suggesting possible chlorophenoxy her- neuropathy in at least 2 cases.46,62

bicide-induced vasodilation.52 Hypotension might also The neuromuscular effects described in the cases of
reflect direct myocardial toxicity, a suggestion supported chlorophenoxy herbicide ingestion suggest these pesti-
by the occurrence of transient ECG changes and arrhyth- cides have the potential to exert both a neurotoxic and
mias in some patients. Electrocardiographic changes direct myopathic effect, which is consistent with the cho-
cited include T wave flattening or inversion 46 and QT in- linergic system and cell membrane effects discussed
terval prolongation.58 Rhythm disturbances have included above. Absent reflexes, fasciculation, and weakness are
supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia and, rarely, consistent with disordered neurological transmission to
sinus bradycardia.54 In severe cases, gastrointestinal fea- muscle while weakness and diminished tendon reflexes
tures were followed by the onset of coma (within the first also occur in myopathic disorders. Myotonia implies
few hours), which was sometimes preceded by a period damage to the muscle cell membrane and impaired ion
For personal use only.

of agitation and confusion.46,53,60 conductance. In some patients, neuromuscular effects

As discussed above, there are potential mechanis- persisted for weeks to months.46,48,62
tic reasons for the vulnerability of the CNS in chloro- Metabolic acidosis was observed in several pa-
phenoxy herbicide poisoning. Coma was an almost tients46,54 and probably was caused by circulatory failure
invariable feature of fatal cases 34–39,41–43,49,50,53,54,59,60 and in these cases. Pyrexia in the absence of infection was
occurred in over two-thirds of reported nonfatal inges- noted occasionally,46,54,63 sometimes in association with
tions.40,46–48,51,52,54,55,58,63 In patients who survived, coma hyperventilation,46,54 which may have reflected chloro-
usually lasted for several days.46,48 Other features of CNS phenoxy herbicide-induced uncoupling of oxidative
toxicity observed suggested upper motor neurone in- phosphorylation. Renal failure occurred secondary to hy-
volvement with hypertonia, hyperreflexia, or clonus be- povolemic shock 36,59 or rhabdomyolysis 52 or, less com-
ing described in 10 of 66 cases 36,40,42,46,48,53,54 and extensor monly, was due to primary renal injury.47 Increased
plantar responses in 1 report.38 Evidence of CNS demy- aspartate and alanine aminotransferase activities and lac-
elination at postmortem has been reported.42 Other re- tate dehydrogenase activity have been reported in severe
ported neurological features include miosis, reported in poisoning.47,55 Since the isoenzymes involved were not
some 10% of 66 cases,36,40,46,55,58,63 nystagmus,41,54 ataxia,54 clarified, these abnormalities could reflect either skeletal
hallucinations,54 and convulsions.36 muscle and/or hepatic or cardiac muscle damage. Less
Coma was associated in at least 21 of 66 published commonly reported features included thrombocyto-
cases 35,36,38,40,41,43,46–48,50–55,58–60,63 with respiratory distress as penia,52,60 hemolytic anemia, and hypocalcemia.53
shown by tachypnea, inadequate ventilation, and occa- Although the prognosis was poor in patients who rap-
sionally pulmonary edema. CNS depression causing hy- idly became shocked and comatose,36,38,45,49,50,60 full recov-
poventilation was the primary cause of hypoxia, although ery ensued in some patients over weeks to months despite
a possible contribution from weakness of the respiratory initial severe toxicity and prolonged neuromuscular ef-
muscles was suggested in some patients, which occurred fects.46,62 It is not possible to derive a dose/response rela-
as part of a generalized myopathy with weakness,46,63 loss tionship from these cases since the dose was rarely, if
of or reduced tendon reflexes,38,40,41,46,55,58 and increased ever, known with accuracy. In addition, there is no defin-
creatine kinase activity.46,52,55 The latter might also have itive relationship between total plasma chlorophenoxy
reflected rhabdomyolysis occurring in the context of pro- herbicide concentrations and toxicity, although Flanagan

116 Bradberry et al.

et al.54 claimed that a total plasma chlorophenoxy herbi- In each of 4 other cases of peripheral neuropathy fol-
cide concentration in excess of 500 mg/L was associated lowing cutaneous 2,4-D exposure described in the early
with severe toxicity. Similarly, it is difficult to comment literature,71,72 there was typically a latent period of several
on the relative toxicities of the different chlorophenoxy days before onset of nausea and vomiting,71,72 sometimes
compounds, because with the exception of only 10 with anorexia 71 or diarrhea.72 Pain, paresthesiae, and
cases,36,38,40,52,54,56,57,61 all involved 2,4-D, either alone or in weakness affecting mainly the lower limbs followed.71,72
combination with other chlorophenoxy herbicides. Clinical findings were of a flaccid paresis (in 2 cases so
severe that the patients could not walk) with impaired
Inhalational and/or Dermal Exposure light touch, pain and temperature sensation, and reduced
or absent reflexes. There was EMG evidence of denerva-
Despite widespread use of these agents, few reports tion in 2 cases,71 described as ‘‘minimal’’ in one of these.
of systemic toxicity following inhalational and/or dermal Fasciculation affecting all limbs but without weakness
exposure have been published. Toxicokinetic data from was the principal feature in another case.71 All patients
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volunteer and occupational studies have shown that der- recovered although mild weakness was present at 2–3
mal chlorophenoxy herbicide absorption is generally year follow-up in 3 cases.71,72
poor (some 6% of an applied dose 68 ) and that inhalation Gastrointestinal and peripheral neuromuscular symp-
does not contribute significantly to user exposure.69 Both toms were also reported following occupational exposure
factors would tend to make acute occupational chloro- in which inhalation was an important route of exposure
phenoxy herbicide poisoning uncommon. Five cases of either alone or in combination with cutaneous expo-
systemic toxicity following predominantly cutaneous sure.73–76 Features described included nausea and vom-
chlorophenoxy herbicide exposure were published be- iting,73–76 constipation,75 abdominal pain,73,74 limb pares-
tween 1959 and 1963.70–72 Each involved inadvertent thesiae and pain,76 myalgia,75 weakness,73,74 and
spillage of 2,4-D on the limbs, in the context of little or hypertonia.75 In some cases,73 features persisted for sev-
no protective clothing or safety precautions and no eral weeks after a single exposure. Dizziness,73,74 ver-
For personal use only.

prompt skin decontamination. In several other cases, ad- tigo,76 and brief loss of consciousness73,74 also occurred.
verse effects have been reported following predominantly Cardiac features including intermittent nodal tachycar-
inhalational exposure.73–78 Interpretation of these cases is dia,75 chest pain, and palpitation 76 have also been reported
complicated by the fact that some undoubtedly involved rarely. In another case, Alix et al.77 described the devel-
dermal as well as inhalational exposure, and possibly also opment of pericarditis in a 43-year-old man who some
ingestion. Moreover, and appropriately, the etiological 12 hours earlier had applied MCPA to a field. Clinical
role of chlorophenoxy herbicides in many of these cases features resolved over some 2 weeks. The authors sug-
has been challenged.79 It is also noteworthy that there gested an ‘‘allergic’’ etiology.
have been no published reports of acute chlorophenoxy Huep and Hesselmann 78 described a 48-year-old
herbicide poisoning following dermal or inhalational ex- farmer who sprayed Banvel M (containing 12 g dicamba
posure in at least the last 20 years, and no reported fatali- and 130 g MCPA in 40 L of water) for half an hour in
ties from such exposures in the history of chlorophenoxy light clothing against the wind, and was presumably ex-
herbicide use. posed by inhalation percutaneously. Over the next 2 days,
Berkley and Magee 70 described a 39-year-old farmer he was anorexic and felt generally unwell. He subse-
who experienced ‘‘excessive’’ cutaneous exposure to a quently complained of abdominal pain and 6 days post-
40% aqueous solution of the diethylamine salt of 2,4-D exposure had a coffee-ground vomit. An upper gastro-
while crop spraying over 4 days. Some inhalation of the intestinal endoscopy showed acute hemorrhagic
solution may also have occurred. On completing this gastroduodenitis that responded to conventional treat-
work, he complained of paresthesiae in the fingers and ment. The patient was reported to be healthy 18 months
toes and myalgia. Over the next 2 weeks, he developed later.
weakness and incoordination of the hands with reduced
biceps, triceps, and ankle reflexes. Position, vibration,
and light touch sensation were reported as impaired in the MANAGEMENT
distal extremities but electromyographic (EMG) studies
were normal. Symptoms resolved almost completely over The evaluation and management of exposures to chlo-
the ensuing 9 months. No blood or urine 2,4-D concentra- rophenoxy herbicides should follow generally accepted
tions were measured. guidelines of current practice for external and gut decon-

Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Poisoning 117

tamination and supportive care. In vitro studies demon- mL/min, respectively.46 The plasma half-life of 2,4-D
strate that chlorophenoxy herbicides are adsorbed to acti- was approximately 219 hours before alkaline diuresis and
vated charcoal.80 If ingestion or systemic uptake from 3.7 hours over the period 96–112 hours postingestion
dermal or inhalation exposure is suspected, blood and when the urine pH exceeded 8.0.46,81 The amount of 2,4-D
urine for chlorophenoxy herbicide concentration mea- recovered in the urine was 6.66 g.
surement should be taken. Oral quinidine sulfate was re- In this case, the renal mecoprop clearance corrected
ported to relieve muscle tenderness effectively in a 46- for urine flow (adjusted to 1 mL/min) was directly related
year-old farmer who accidentally ingested 30 mL of a to urine pH (r ⫽ 0.94) and clearance was estimated to
mixture of 2,4-D, a carbamate, and epichlorohydrin,67 but double for each unit increase in urine pH.46,81 The authors
this therapy has not been subjected to controlled study. cited a mean corrected renal mecoprop clearance of 0.38
The primary clinical controversy in the management mL/min over the urine pH range 5.1–6.5 and 2.08 mL/
of chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning lies with the use min over the pH range 7.55–8.8 (Table 2).81 The plasma
of alkaline diuresis or hemodialysis to enhance elimina- half-life of mecoprop was shortened from 39 to 14 hours
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tion, and these techniques deserve careful review. with alkaline diuresis.46,81 The amount of mecoprop re-
covered in the urine was 7.64 g. In this patient, clinical
Alkaline Diuresis improvement paralleled the fall in 2,4-D and mecoprop
concentrations and consciousness was regained on the
A 39-year-old male was severely poisoned after the fourth day postingestion when the plasma 2,4-D and mec-
ingestion of a preparation containing 2,4-D 10% and oprop concentrations were approximately 100 mg/L.
mecoprop 20% as the amino salts.46,81 The authors calcu- The uncorrected renal 2,4-D clearance (0.14 mL/min
lated from the plasma concentration and the volume of at urine pH 5.1) 46 in this patient was similar to that found
distribution that the patient had ingested 2,4-D 6.8 g. The by Wells et al.47 (0.17–1.4 mL/min). However, a high
admission urine pH was 6.4 and the plasma 2,4-D con- 2,4-D renal clearance was achieved only when the urine
centration was 400 mg/L. An alkaline diuresis was insti- pH exceeded 7.5 and the urine flow rate was greater than
For personal use only.

tuted between 42 46 and 51 81 hours postingestion by the 200 mL/h. The maximal uncorrected 2,4-D renal clear-
administration over the ensuing 48 hours of 14 L of fluid ance of 63 mL/min at pH 8.3 46 would have required a
containing sodium bicarbonate 69.3 g (825 mmol).46 urine flow rate of approximately 600 mL/h. In these latter
However, a urine pH greater than 7.5 was not achieved circumstances, 2,4-D clearance compares favorably with
until 70–75 hours postingestion. The renal 2,4-D clear- that achieved with hemodialysis (56.3–72.9 mL/min).58
ance corrected for urine flow (adjusted to 1 mL/min) was However, it must be stressed that the corrected renal
directly related to urine pH (r ⫽ 0.99) and renal 2,4-D clearance data show that the effect of urine alkalinization
clearance was estimated to increase almost 5-fold for without high urine flow is markedly less efficient than
each unit increase in urine pH. The authors cited a mean hemodialysis as a means of removing 2,4-D. The less
corrected 2,4-D renal clearance of 0.28 mL/min over the beneficial effect of alkaline diuresis on mecoprop clear-
urine pH range 5.1–6.5 and 9.6 mL/min over the pH ance compared to 2,4-D clearance may be explained by
range 7.55–8.8 (Table 2).81 At pH 5.1 and 8.3, the uncor- the much greater clearance of mecoprop by metabolism
rected 2,4-D renal clearances were 0.14 mL/min and 63 than 2,4-D. In addition, mecoprop is a weaker organic
acid than 2,4-D, as shown by the respective pKa values
(pKa of 2,4-D is 2.73, pKa of mecoprop is 3.78 82 ) and
Table 2 its renal clearance would be affected less by changes in
urine pH.
Effect of Urinary Alkalinization on Plasma Half-Life
Friesen et al.55 described a 61-year-old female found
and Mean Corrected Renal Clearance of 2,4-D and
comatose an undetermined time after ingesting 2,4-D 38–
Mecoprop (after Park et al.82 )
50 g (as the amino salt). Alkaline diuresis (specific details
2,4-D Mecoprop were not given) was instituted 12 hours after admission
Urine pH Clearance t 1/2 Clearance t 1/2 ‘‘to maintain a urine pH ⬎ 7.5 and urine output above
Range (mL/min) (h) (mL/min) (h) 300 mL/h’’ and continued for 24 hours. The hourly urine
output was documented 5 times (values between 290 and
5.10–6.5 0.28 219 0.38 39
820 mL/h) and urine pH on 4 occasions (values between
6.55–7.5 1.14 42 0.65 22
7.5 and 8.5) during the 24-hour period of alkaline diure-
7.55–8.8 9.60 4.7 2.08 14
sis. The authors cited a plasma 2,4-D half-life of 39.5

118 Bradberry et al.

hours prior to alkaline diuresis and 3.7 hours when alka- postingestion, when the urine pH was maintained be-
line diuresis was discontinued. The patient was extubated tween 7.0 and approximately 7.4, the plasma 2,4-D and
22 hours after admission and made a full recovery. Be- 2,4,5-T concentrations fell sharply, although the plasma
cause no renal clearance data correlating with urine pH 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T half-lives during this time were not
were presented, it is impossible to define the impact of stated. Moreover, there is no evidence that a urine pH of
urine alkalinization alone on 2,4-D elimination. Nonethe- 7.5 or greater was achieved at any time in this patient.
less, the use of urine alkalinization with high urine flow There were also possible errors in graphical data presen-
produced a reduction in the plasma half-life of 2,4-D tation (inconsistent timescale on x-axis).
from 39.5 to 3.7 hours. The fourth patient reported 54 had ingested 250 mL of
Flanagan et al.54 reported a case series of 30 patients a mixture of ioxynil and mecoprop plus ethylene glycol.
poisoned with chlorophenoxy herbicides alone and 11 On admission (less than 2 hours postingestion), the
who had ingested a mixture of a chlorophenoxy herbicide plasma mecoprop concentration was approximately 400
and ioxynil. Seven of these patients died prior to hospital mg/L (precise value not stated) with a blood ethylene
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Laval on 05/30/14

admission and 15 of the remaining 34 received support- glycol concentration of 800 mg/L. ‘‘Alkaline diuresis’’
ive care only, while the other 19 patients (16 in the chlo- (in addition to intravenous ethanol) was commenced 1.5
rophenoxy only group and 3 in the ioxynil group) under- hours postingestion. The first urine pH greater than 7.5
went ‘‘alkaline diuresis’’ (specific details not given). The was recorded approximately 15 hours postingestion and
authors stated that plasma chlorophenoxy half-lives after the urine pH was then maintained between 7.0 and 8.0
alkalinization were below 30 hours but results were de- for the next 40 hours. The plasma mecoprop half-life was
scribed for only 4 patients, 3 of whom ingested 2,4-D in calculated as 18.7 hours over approximately the first 28
combination with another chlorophenoxy herbicide (or hours postingestion and was 6.8 hours between approxi-
dicamba). The patient who ingested a mixture of 2,4-D mately 30 and 50 hours postingestion.
and dicamba had a plasma 2,4-D concentration of 670 The interpretation of these case data 54 is difficult be-
mg/L 8 hours postingestion. The authors state that he cause they are presented graphically and are limited in
For personal use only.

‘‘recovered after being given alkaline diuresis cautiously scope. The precise relationship among urine pH, urine
over 3 days.’’ In fact, a urine pH above 7.0 was not flow, and renal herbicide clearance is not determinable,
achieved until some 50 hours after ingestion and was although the half-lives calculated in some patients ap-
seemingly maintained for only some 24 hours. The elimi- peared to fall during alkaline diuresis.
nation half-life of 2,4-D was calculated as 12.3 hours Schmoldt et al.61 described a patient who presented
prior to alkaline diuresis (pH ⱖ 7.5) and 3.0 hours to- within 2 hours of ingesting 50–100 g MCPA (as the di-
wards the end of alkaline diuresis. methylammonium salt). A ‘‘forced diuresis’’ was insti-
The second patient reported 54 had ingested some 200 tuted within the first few hours of admission (day 1) when
mL of a mixture of 2,4-D and dichlorprop. ‘‘Alkaline the plasma MCPA concentration was 546 mg/L, but by
diuresis’’ was stated by the authors to have been insti- day 4 the plasma MCPA concentration had fallen only
tuted 26 hours postexposure but the first alkaline urine to 379 mg/L. At this stage, ‘‘forced alkaline diuresis’’
pH (7.5) was not recorded until approximately 60 hours was commenced and on day 5 the plasma MCPA concen-
postexposure. Three further urine pH measurements were tration was 78 mg/L. The authors calculated a fall in the
recorded between 60 and 132 hours postingestion (values MCPA plasma half-life from approximately 133 hours
7.5 or 7.8). Between approximately 80 and 110 hours, prior to forced diuresis to 12.6 hours after alkali was
the authors calculated the elimination half-lives for 2,4- added. The patient recovered fully. Details of the forced
D and dichlorprop were 7.8 and 14.2 hours, respectively. alkaline diuresis employed and the urine pH values ob-
This patient died 4 weeks postingestion following multi- tained, were not documented, and neither were renal
ple complications. clearance data given, making the findings uninterpret-
The third patient reported 54 was found collapsed after able.
ingesting an unknown quantity of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. No controlled trials of alkaline diuresis have been car-
‘‘Alkaline diuresis’’ was started 28.5 hours postingestion ried out for chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning. Only for
and ‘‘was associated with increases in plasma 2,4-D and the patient reported by Park et al.81 and Prescott et al.46
2,4,5-T concentrations. . . . Thereafter urinary excretion are there sufficient renal clearance data to infer enhanced
of these compounds was enhanced . . .’’ However, the chlorophenoxy elimination with urine pH manipulation
urine pH did not exceed 7.0 until approximately 38 hours and, in addition, the impact of a high urine flow on herbi-
postingestion. Between 38 and approximately 42 hours cide elimination was substantial. Prescott et al.46 demon-

Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Poisoning 119

strated that urine alkalinization and a high urine flow (of CONCLUSIONS
the order of 600 mL/h) are required to achieve a renal
2,4-D clearance comparable to that achieved with hemo- Although chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning is un-
dialysis. common, ingestion can result in serious and sometimes
fatal sequelae. The mechanisms of chlorophenoxy herbi-
cide toxicity are incompletely understood but are likely
Hemoperfusion and Hemodialysis
to involve disruption of cell membrane structure and
function, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, and
Durakovic et al.58 described 4 patients with 2,4-D poi-
interference with acetyl-CoA metabolism.
soning by ingestion who were treated by hemodialysis.
In addition to supportive care, alkaline diuresis should
In 2 cases, resin hemoperfusion was also instituted. The
be considered in all severely poisoned patients because
dialysis clearance in 1 patient was 68.7 mL/min and in
it enhances herbicide elimination. However, limited data
the 2 patients receiving combined therapy the clearances
indicate that hemodialysis produces similar herbicide
were 56.3 mL/min and 72.9 mL/min; all 4 patients sur-
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Laval on 05/30/14

clearances to alkaline diuresis without the need for urine

vived. These data suggest that hemodialysis is more effi-
pH manipulation and the administration of substantial
cient than urinary alkalinization alone, although urine al-
amounts of intravenous fluid in an already compromised
kalinization and a high urine flow produce similar 2,4-D
clearance data.46,81 Nonetheless, in all severe cases, hemo-
dialysis should be considered as the preferred elimination
treatment because it produces good herbicide clearance ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
without the need for urine pH manipulation and the ad-
ministration of substantial amounts of intravenous fluid Presented as 3 separate Keynote lectures at the XIX Interna-
in an already compromised patient. tional Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres
and Clinical Toxicologists, June 1999, Dublin, Ireland.
For personal use only.

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