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Name: __________________________ ​Working Together: Election Day Individual Project


E​xcelling M​eeting A​pproaching B​eginning

Excelling in grade Meeting grade level Approaching grade Beginning grade level
level outcomes. outcomes. Student level outcomes. outcomes. Student
Student evidence of evidence of learning Student evidence of evidence of learning
learning maybe: may be: accurate, learning may be: may be: inaccurate,
in-depth, perceptive, thoughtful, logical, partially accurate, vague, undeveloped,
insightful, thorough, complete, basic, simplistic, minimal, limited.
independent independent. incomplete, in

Working Together: Election Day Project

You will be creating a speech and campaign poster to persuade your
classmates to vote for you in an election. You get to choose what you want
to run for: Class President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer.

Position you are running for: _________________________________

Your Name: ____________________

Social Inquiry: Demonstrates skills and process for inquiry and research.
● I can apply new ideas and strategies to help with decision making and problem
○ Support proposed ideas, strategies and options with facts and reasons.


Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Social Inquiry Proposed ideas for Proposed ideas for Proposed ideas for Proposed ideas for
what you would do what you would do what you would do what you would do
in the position are in the position are in the position are in the position are
detailed and included with some included with basic missing or lacks
supported with facts detail with facts and detail and detail, facts and
and reasoning reasoning. reasoning. reasoning.

Campaign Poster:

Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Social Inquiry Visually pleasing Somewhat poster Poster includes your Poster includes your
poster includes your includes your name, name and details name and basic
name, rich details some details about about yourself. details about
about yourself and yourself and 2 Includes 1 proposed yourself.
at least 3 proposed proposed ideas of idea of what you
ideas of what you what you would do would do in the
would do in the in the position. position.
Social Communication:
● I can organize and present information in many different ways.
○ I can create visual images for particular audiences and purposes


Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Social In-depth detailed Detailed speech Basic speech Speech indicates

Communication speech indicating indicates why you indicates why we basic information
why you would be would be good for should vote for you about you. Lacks
good for the position the position and or/and why you the why.
and why we should why we should vote would be good for
vote for you for you. the position.


Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Social Poster is visually Poster is visually Poster is finished Poster is finished

Communication appealing and appealing and and organized. but lacking
organized. Visuals organized. Visuals Lacking in visuals organization.
are clear and are connected with that are connected Visuals are not
connected with your your purpose. to purpose. connected to
purpose. Includes a purpose.


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