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Name: __________________________ Groovy Guitars


E​xcelling M​eeting A​pproaching B​eginning

Excelling in grade Meeting grade level Approaching grade Beginning grade level
level outcomes. outcomes. Student level outcomes. outcomes. Student
Student evidence of evidence of learning Student evidence of evidence of learning
learning maybe: may be: accurate, learning may be: may be: inaccurate,
in-depth, perceptive, thoughtful, logical, partially accurate, vague, undeveloped,
insightful, thorough, complete, basic, simplistic, minimal, limited.
independent independent. incomplete, in

Groovy Guitars
You will create a ‘groovy guitar’ out of materials given.

Your Name: ____________________

Science Investigation:
● I can recognize that sound is the result of vibration; and demonstrate that the
larger the vibration, the louder the sound.
● I can recognize that pitch is the result of differences in the rate of vibration, and
predict how a change in vibration will affect a sound.
● I can demonstrate a variety of ways of producing sounds: eg., by striking an
empty glass, by blowing air into a bottle, by constructing and using a device
that involves vibrating strings.

Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Science Guitar is fully Guitar is functional Guitar is partially Guitar is

Investigation functional and the and the student functional. The dysfunctional. The
student demonstrates student shows little student shows little
demonstrates great understanding of understanding of or no understanding
understanding of vibration and pitch vibration and pitch of vibration and
vibration and pitch in their work. They in their work. They pitch in their work.
in their work. They can show some show little pitch They do not show
are able to show a pitch through their through their guitar. pitch through their
variety of pitches guitar. guitar.
through their guitar.

Science Concepts:
● I can draw a conclusion based on what I see.
● I can use many ways to complete scientific tasks.

Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Science Student Student Student Student

Concepts demonstrates great demonstrates basic demonstrates lack of demonstrates little
understanding of understanding of understanding of to no
vibration and pitch vibration and pitch vibration and pitch understanding of
through conclusions through through conclusions vibration and pitch
made in the groovy conclusions made made in the groovy through
guitars experiment. in the groovy guitar guitar experiment. conclusions made
Student thoroughly experiment. Students task was in the groovy guitar
completes task with Student completes incomplete. experiment.
efficiency. task. Students task was


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