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Performance Assessment Task

Animal Research Project

How do animals hear? That’s what we would like to know! You

will choose an animal to research and create a presentation to
share with the class about your animal and their hearing. This
presentation will be a powerpoint/slides presentation.

It will include the following:

● Does this animal have ears? If it does, what is the shape of
the animals ears?
● How does this animal hear?
● How does this animal make sounds?
● What is the range of hearing for this animal?
● How does this compare to humans hearing? Can it hear
higher or lower sounds than humans?
● How does this animal use sound to communicate? Explain
● How does sound help your animal to survive or protect

You will get your information from:

● Pebblego Animals
● PowerKnowledge Animals
● National Geographic Kids Animals
You will present this presentation to the class.
Have fun!
Animal Research Planning Sheet
Name: ___________________________
1. Name of Animal: _______________________

Slide 1: Does this animal have ears? If it does, what is the shape of
the animals ears?

Slide 2: How does this animal hear?

Slide 3: How does this animal make sounds?

Slide 4: What is the range of hearing for this animal?


Slide 5: How does this compare to humans hearing? Can it hear

higher or lower sounds than humans?

Slide 6: How does this animal use sound to communicate?

Explain how.

Slide 7: How does sound help your animal to survive or protect

Once the planning sheet is complete and it has been checked
by a teacher, you may grab a chromebook and begin your

Steps for Chromebook:

1. Log on and open up google slides
2. Create a title page that says:
Animal Research Project
The name of your animal
Your name
3. Create a slide for each question listed above and write
your information in the text box - *Make sure to write the
title of each slide*
4. Once you are finished writing your information and it has
been checked, you may:
i. Add pictures
ii. Choose fonts

*This is being presented, make it look appealing to the

E​xcelling M​eeting A​pproaching B​eginning
Excelling in grade Meeting grade level Approaching grade Beginning grade
level outcomes. outcomes. Student level outcomes. level outcomes.
Student evidence of evidence of Student evidence of Student evidence of
learning maybe: learning may be: learning may be: learning may be:
in-depth, accurate, partially accurate, inaccurate, vague,
perceptive, thoughtful, logical, basic, simplistic, undeveloped,
insightful, thorough, complete, incomplete, in minimal, limited.
independent independent. progress.

Science Investigation:
● I can research questions and make observations and draw conclusions
● I can compare the range of hearing in humans to that in other animals; e.g.,
dogs and bats

Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

Science Research questions Research questions Research questions Research questions

Investigation are accurate and are accurately and are answered are not answered or
fully answered in fully answered in basically, without completed.
extensive detail. some detail. much detail. Understanding of
Understanding of Understanding of Understanding of the comparison
the comparison the comparison the comparison between humans
between humans between humans between humans and animals is not
and animals is very and animals is and animals is quite apparent.
clear. mostly clear. vague.

LA Communication:
● I can present information using a plan beforehand
● I can retell or explain or paraphrase ideas I read, see and hear
● I can organize and share ideas and information on topics to engage audiences

Category Excelling Meeting Approaching Beginning

LA Information Information Little organization in Information

Communication presented is presented is the information presented lacks any
extensively generally organized. presented. organization.
organized. Presenter explains Presenter explains Presenter does not
Presenter clearly their information with their information with explain information
explains their some enthusiasm little enthusiasm. with enthusiasm.
information with and engages the Little engagement Audience is not
enthusiasm and audience. from the audience. engaged.
effectively engages
the audience

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