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Task 1 - Electromagnetic waves in open media

Individual work

Student Guido Gonzalez Posada

Group 31

Identification number 94492120


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2020 16-01

The following work consists in the study, description and behavior of

electromagnetic waves, taking into account the loss tangent as a reference to
determine the propagation medium, the propagation parameters in the open
medium and the characteristics of the wave in it.

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What do you mean propagation medium open for

electromagnetic waves?
R/ It is the appropriate medium for the transmission of electromagnetic
waves that presents the characteristics of insulators.

2. Within the propagation mediums, what is mean by the tangent

of losses?
R/ the tangent of losses is the relationship between the conduction
current and the displacement current, whereby an angle of losses arises.
3. Of what physical variables does the value of the tangent of
losses depend?

R/ The physical variables on which the loss tangent depends are the
electrical conductivity, the electrical permittivity and the angular
4. How are the propagation medium classified from the tangent of

R/ Perfect dielectrics which have no conduction current, therefore, do not

have losses due to Joule effect
Perfect conductors which have no polarization current, therefore, do not
have capacitive or charge accumulation effects.
Good insulators, these have conduction current and have losses due to
Joule effect.
Good conductors, these have polarization current, therefore, they have
capacitive or charge accumulation effects, but the conduction current and
losses due to Joule effect are much more significant.
Dissipative dielectrics, these have both effects and neither is negligible
compared to the other.

R/ What are the propagation parameters of the waves through a


The propagation parameters of electromagnetic waves through a medium

are the parameters that can determine and describe the characteristics of
the waves to better understand their behavior.

Application exercises:

1. Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ) and the angle of losses δ of
the medium chosen in Table 1, if through it travel an electromagnetic
wave E of frequency f =CCC MHz. Note that CCC are the first 3 digits of
your identification number:944

Table 1: Conductivity σ and electrical permittivity ε rof some media.

Media σ [S /m] εr [ ]
1. Copper 5.80 x 107 1
2. Sea water 4 80
3. Vegetable soil 1.00 x 10−2 14
4. Dry soil 1.00 x 10−4 3
5. Sweet water 1.00 x 10−3 80
ε o=8.8542 x 10−12 C2 / N m 2

Propagation media choosen: Sweet water

σ σ 1∗10−3 S/m −4
tan ( δ )= = = =2.38 x 10
ω ε 2 πf ε r ε o 2∗π∗944∗106 Hz∗80∗8.8542∗10−12 C2 / N m 2

δ =tan−1 (2.38 x 10−4 )=0.0136 °

2. According to the result obtained in point 1 the sea sweet is a Good

insulators(Lost low dielectric).

Table 2: Classification of propagation media Tan(δ) δ [°]

1. Perfect dielectrics (Not dissipative) Tan(δ) = 0 δ = 0°

2. Good insulators (Lost low dielectric) 0 < Tan(δ) <= 0,1 0° < δ <= 6°
3. Dissipative dielectrics (Dielectrics with losses) 0,1 < Tan(δ) <= 10 6° < δ <= 84°
4. Good conductors (Good conductors) Tan(δ) > 10 84°< δ < 90°
5. Perfect conductors (Perfect conductors) Tan(δ) >>> 10 δ = 90°
3. According to the classification obtained in point 2 and using Table 3 shown
below, calculate the following propagation parameters of the wave in the
chosen medium:

Table 3: Propagation parameters in open media.

Paramete Not Lost low Dielectrics with Good

r dissipative dielectric losses conductors
 jω √ με jω √ με √ jωμ(σ + j ωε) √ jω σ μo
 0 ση/2 ℜ¿) √ πf σ μ o
 ω √ με ω √ με ℑ() √ πf σ μ o
 √ μ/ε √ μ/ε √ jω μ/( σ+ j ωε) √ jω μo /σ

How is it a lost low dielectric?

Propagation constant  (gamma).

γ = jω √ με

¿ jω √ με = j 2 πf √ μ o μ r ε o ε r

¿ j 2 π 944 x 106 Hz √ 1.2566 x 10−6 N / A 2∗1∗8.8542 x 10−12 C 2 /N m2∗80=176.957937 j

Attenuation constant  (Alpha).

¿ σ η /2=σ √ μ /ε / 2=σ √ μo μr /ε o ε r /2

¿ 1 x 10−3 √ 1.2566 x 10−6 N / A 2∗1 /8.8542 x 10−12 C2 / N m2∗80 /2=2.1 x 10−2 Np /m

Phase constant  (Beta).

β=ω √ με

¿ ω √ με=2 πf √ μo μr ε o ε r

¿ 2 π 944 x 106 Hz √1.2566 x 10−6 N / A 2∗1∗8.8542 x 10−12 C 2 /N m2∗80=176.957937 Rad/m


Intrinsic impedance  (Eta).

√ ϵ

η=√ μ /ε =√ μo μ r / ε o ε r
η=√ 1.2566 x 10−6 N / A 2∗1/8.8542 x 10−12 C2 / N m 2∗80=42.11 9079 Ω

4. According to the results obtained in point 3 and using the following

equations, calculate the propagation characteristics of the wave in the
chosen medium: a. Propagation speed 𝒗𝒑. b. Wavelength 𝝀. c. Speed
factor 𝒇𝒗. d. Refractive index 𝒏.
a) Propagation speed:
ω 2 πf 2 π 944 x 10 Hz 8
vp = = = =0.3 3518287 x 10 m/s.
β β 176.957937 Rad /m

b) Wavelenght:


2π 2π
λ= = =0.035 5 m=3.55 x 10−2 m
β 176.957937
c) Speed factor:
f v=

v p 0.33518287 x 10 8 m/s −1
f v= = =0.1117 2=1.1172 x 10
Co 3 x 10 8 m/s

d) Refractive index:

n= = 8.9509
1.1172 x 10−1

4. According to the parameters obtained in the previous points and knowing

that the maximum value of the E wave is 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝑽/𝒎, calculate:

e) The penetration depth of the 𝜹𝒑 wave in the médium

δ p=
|α |
δ p=
¿ α ∨¿= −2
¿ 2.1 x 10 Np/m∨¿=47.6190 m¿

The power 𝑷𝒐 transmitted by the wave in the medium

Po =¿ E 2xo ∨ ¿ ¿
2∨η∨¿ cos θη=¿¿ ¿ ¿

g) The %𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 of wave amplitude per unit length

%losses=( 1−e−2 αx )∗100 %


%losses=( 1−e−2 x 2.1x 10 Np /m∗1 m

)∗100 %=0.0411 %


Conclusion 1:
The propagation constant and the phase constant have the same values but
with different units.

Conclusion 2:

Fresh water as a means of low dielectric losses, is good insulators for the

propagation of electromagnetic waves .


Bibliography 1:

Examples of bibliography format:

Physical book.
Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the book. (pp. xx-xx). City,
Country: Editorial.

Chapter of a physical book.

Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. Title of
the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.

Surname, A. (Year). Title of the book. (pp. xx-xx). Country: Editorial.
Retrieved from http: // ...

Chapter of an electronic book.

Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. Title of
the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial. Retrieved from http: // ...

Internet video.
Surname, N. (Year). Title of the video Video server [Video]. Retrieved from
http: // ...

Webcomference of course.

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