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Have you ever been to Hawaii?

Present Perfect
Present Perfect Simple
Affirmative Negative
I have worked I haven’t brought
He has worked You have worked He hasn’t brought You haven’t brought
She has brought We have worked She hasn’t worked We haven’t brought
It has worked They have brought It hasn’t worked They haven’t worked

Have I worked?
Has she worked? Have you brought?
Has he worked? Have we brought?
Has it worked? Have they worked?

I have been I’ve been

You have been You’ve been
We have been We’ve been
He has been He’s been
She has been She’s been
It has been It’s been

Remember that …

We use the Present Perfect Simple for:

*an action which happened in the past but we don’t mention when exactly. The results of the action are obvious in the
A: I’ve cooked pasta with seafood
B: It smells great
Also remember that…

The past participle of the regular verbs is the same as simple past

Irregular verbs are different, so check your verb list.

1 Write the past simple and the past participle forms of the verbs.

Infinitive Past simple Past Participle

Come came . come .
Leave left . left .

2 Present Perfect or Past Simple

Read about Monika Kovak and choose the correct form of the verb

Monika Kovak (tennis player)

Monika Kovak is a tennis player. She is only 14 years old, but she (1) already won /
has already won many tournaments in her life. She (2) started / has started
playing tennis with her father when she was three years old. Two years ago she (3)
came / has come to the United States to a famous tennis school in California.
Monika and her father (4) traveled / have traveled to many countries. Last month
they (5) went / have gone to a tournament in Australia. Monika (6) played / has
played well, but she (7) didn’t win / hasn’t won. She (8) didn’t play / hasn’t played
at Wimbledon yet, but she hopes to play there next year.

3 Write short answers to the questions about Monika Kovak.

1. Has Monika won many tournaments?

Yes, she has .

2. Did she come to the United states ten years ago?

No, she didn’t .

3. Did she start playing tennis when she was three?

4. Have Monika and her father traveled a lot?

5. Have they ever been to Australia?

6. Did they go to Australia last month?

7. Did she win the tournament?

8. Has she won Wimbledon yet?

4 Complete the story. Put the verb in parentheses into the Present Perfect or Past
Simple tense


One Sunday evening two men (1) (meet) in a Los Angeles park. One
of them was very unhappy. “Life is terrible, everything in the world is
really boring,” he said.
“Don’t say that,” said the other man. “Life is wonderful! The world is so
exiting! Think about Italy. It’s a wonderful country. (2) you ever
(be) there?
“Oh, yes. I (3) (go) there last year and I (4) (not like) it.”
“Well, (5) you (be) to Norway? (6) you ever (see) the
midnight sun?”
“Oh, yes. I (7) (go) there for my honeymoon and we (8) (see)
the midnight sun. I(9) (not enjoy) it.”
“Well, I (10) just (return) from a safari in Africa.
(11) you (visit) Africa yet?”
“Yes, I (12) (go) on safari in East Africa last year and I (13) (climb)
Mount Kilimanjaro. It was really boring.”
“Well, said the other man, “I think that you’re very sick. Only the best
psychiatrist in Los Angeles can help you. Go see Dr. Greenbaum in
Beverly Hills.”
“But I am Dr. Greenbaum,” answered the man sadly

5 ever and never

Read the answer about Ben a businessman from Boston, USA. Use the words to
write questions with ever.

1. Tokyo?
Have you ever been to Tokyo?
No, never.
2. travel on the bullet train?
Have you ever traveled on the bullet train?
Yes, I have, three times
3. Rio de Janeiro?
Yes, I have twice
4. drive a Ferrari?

No, never

5. London?

Yes, I have, four times.

6. ride on a double-decker bus?

No, I haven’t

7. work in Seoul?
Yes, I have, once. That was two years ago.

6 Write sentences in the past using the Past Simple using the time expressions in

1. I’ve seen the latest Star Wars movie. (last week)

I saw it last week

2. The taxi has arrived. (five minutes ago)

It .

3. We’ve seen the Taj Majal. (in 2011)

4. She’s written the letter. (yesterday)
5. I’ve done my homework. (after supper)
6. They’ve lunch. (at twelve o’clock)
7. Rewrite the sentences with yet

1. Sara and Tom are going to have lunch

They haven’t had it yet.

2. Mary’s going to wash her hair


3. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb are going to see the White House

4. John’s going to take a shower


5. Bill and I are going to move next week


6. My aunt is going to give me a birthday present


8 Yet and just

Use the words to write questions with yet, then write answers with just.

1. you / clean your room?

A Have you cleaned your room yet?
B Yes, I have just cleaned it

2. Ann / speak to the bank manager?

A ?
B Yes, to him

3. Mark / make a cup of coffee?

A ?
B Yes, it
4. do / your homework?
A ?
B Yes, it

5. Mr. Jones / read the report?

A ?
B Yes, it

6. you / call a taxi?

A ?
B Yes, one

9 Complete the sentences with been or gone.

1. Bob’s not here. He’s to work

2. The office is empty. Everybody has home
3. It’s good to see you again. Where have you ?
4. My brother’s to England four times
5. Sorry, you can’t speak to Anna. She’s to a party
6. Mary’s hair looks nice. She’s just to the hair dresser’s
7. Peter’s to Canada and he’s staying there for three weeks
10. A thank you letter

Dorita went to New York to study English, but now she has returned home to
Argentina. Complete the letter that she has written to Annie and Marnie. Use one
word only each time.

Buenos Aires

July 19

Dear Annie and Marnie,

I have (1) arrived back in Argentina. It’s so nice to see my family again (2) I
miss you and all my friends in New York. I (3) a wonderful time with you both in your
apartment. I enjoyed myself very (4) . Also, It was very kind of you to show me so
much of the city. I loved (5) up the Empire State building and I’ll never forget Central
Park in the snow.

I think that my English (6) improved quite a (7) . At first I was worried because I
(8) understand a word. You both spoked so (9) but soon I began to understand
more and more.

My brother, Miguel, is (10) to New York next month. Can he come to see you?
He’d (11) to very much. I hope that one day you can (12) me in Argentina. I would
love to show you Buenos Aires.

Much love to you both.

11 Write a similar thank you letter to someone who has looked after you.

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