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REVIEW doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02157.

Social cognition in alcoholism: a link to

prefrontal cortex dysfunction?
Jennifer Uekermann & Irene Daum
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany


Aims Alcoholism is associated with a range of cognitive deficits. These deficits might be explained by the ‘frontal lobe
hypothesis’ which suggests a specific vulnerability of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) to the neurotoxic effects of alcohol.
Social cognition is thought to be processed in the PFC, but so far only few studies have addressed the issue of social
cognition deficits in alcoholism. This review aims to evaluate the deficits in social cognition in alcoholic patients. In
addition an outline for future perspectives is given. Methods Medline and Psyclit searches were performed for a 30-year
period (1977–2007). Results Alcoholism is associated clearly with social cognition impairments which include emotional
face and prosody perception problems, theory of mind deficits and humour processing difficulties. Conclusions In
summary, the social cognition impairments are consistent with the frontal lobe hypothesis of alco-holism. Future studies
should focus on (i) the delineation of the basic cognitive processes which underlie social cognition deficits; and (ii) their
relevance as predictors of treatment outcome in alcoholism.

Keywords Alcoholism, frontal lobe, prefrontal cortex, social cognition.

Correspondence to: Jennifer Uekermann, Faculty of Psychology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience GAFO 05/607, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Bochum
44780, Germany. E-mail:
Submitted 12 July 2007; initial review completed 4 October 2007; final version accepted 11 January 2008

INTRODUCTION person’s emotional stage or intentions. Social cognition is

severely disrupted in disorders such as autism [5], schizo-
Alcoholism is associated with a range of cognitive impair- phrenia [6], dementia [7] and in patients with PFC injury
ments such as attention, memory and executive deficits. [8]. Given the link between alcoholism, executive control
Different neuropsychological models have been postu- impairments and PFC dysfunction, on one hand, and
lated to explain the cognitive profile of alcoholics [1]. social cognition and PFC function on the other hand, only
Empirical support for the ‘right hemisphere hypothesis’ or little is known about social cognition in alcoholism.
the ‘premature aging hypothesis’ is sparse [2]. The ‘mild The present review aims (i) to evaluate the available
generalized dysfunction hypothesis’ of alcoholism evidence of social cognition problems in alcoholism in the
suggests a variable pattern of impairments [3]. The ‘frontal context of the frontal lobe hypothesis; (ii) to discuss the
lobe hypothesis’, on the other hand, is based on the idea of clinical implications of such deficits; and (iii) to outline
a specific vulnerability of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) to suggestions for future research in this area. First, brain
the neurotoxic effects of alcohol. This leads to pronounced changes during the course of alcoholism are sum-marized;
executive function impairments in people who suffer from then, deficits in facial affect perception and impaired
alcoholism. The latter hypothesis has received strong perception of emotional prosody in alcoholism are focused
support from clinical and neuroimaging studies to account upon, following which deficits of theory of mind abilities,
for social cognition disorders in alco-holics [4]. empathy and humour processing will be discussed. In the
concluding section, the clinical implica-tions of social
Skilled social interaction is critically dependent upon cognition problems will be discussed with respect to
our capacity to understand other people’s minds. Humans interpersonal problem solving and relapse prevention.
are excellent in drawing conclusions from a per-son’s Furthermore, different strategies for future investigations
facial expression, prosody or body posture upon the will be outlined.

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Social cognition in alcoholism 727

BRAIN CHANGES IN ALCOHOLISM responsive cells [48]. Facial expression of emotions is

mediated by the orbitofrontal cortex which is activated,
According to Mann et al. [9], approximately 50–70% of
for example, when a change of facial expression acts as a
alcoholics show signs of brain dysfunction (see also [4]).
social signal for a change in behaviour [49]. This is con-
Volume loss was observed in the cerebellum [10], the
sistent with human lesion evidence of impairments in the
corpus callosum [11,12], the mammillary bodies [13], the
identification of facial emotional expressions in patients
hippocampus [14], the nucleus accumbens [15], the
with ventral PFC damage who showed inappropriate
thalamus, the putamen and the caudate [16]. Cortical
social behaviour [50]. Apart from orbitofrontal lesions,
changes include volume loss of grey and white matter in
anterior cingulate lesions and lesions to Brodman area
the frontal, parietal and temporal cortex, with more pro-
(BA) 9 were also associated with deficits in emotional
nounced white matter changes [17,18]. Electrophysi-
face processing and changes in social behaviour [51].
ological investigations yielded reduced alpha power,
increased beta and theta power [19], a reduced sensory
gating effect [20], a smaller P300 amplitude [21,22], pro- Facial affect perception in alcoholism
longed latencies of auditory-evoked potentials [23] and a
There is a relatively broad database on facial affect per-
larger mismatch negativity [24].
ception in alcoholism. Earlier studies did not report sig-
The frontal lobes appear to be affected disproportion-
nificant group differences between alcoholics and control
ately [4,25,26]. Neuronal loss or reduced regional cere-
subjects in affect perception [52]. Nevertheless, alcohol-
bral blood flow ratio (rCBF) have been found consistently
ics tended to overestimate the intensity of the shown
[27–29]. Recent studies reported reduced activations in the
emotions [53]. In these investigations the facial expres-
cingulate, medial and superior frontal regions in alcoholic
sions displayed full-blown emotions, which does not nec-
subjects [30]. Grey matter reduction in the dorsolateral
essarily reflect ecological conditions. Philippot et al. [54]
PFC is correlated with executive function impairments
presented emotional face expressions using four intensity
[31]. Taken together, these findings clearly support the
levels (0%, 30%, 70% and 100%), and the subjects rated
frontal lobe hypothesis of alcoholism.
each expression on a seven-point scale. Alcoholics
showed significant impairments in the decoding of emo-
tional expressions, overestimating the intensity of emo-
tions even for neutral faces. Deficits in the perception of
Definition of relevant terms emotional faces were also found in a recent investigation
by Clark et al. [55]. Confirming a clear emotional bias,
Faces are multi-dimensional stimuli, which convey simul-
alcoholics showed a tendency to mislabel sad expressions
taneously signals of social and motivational significance
as being hostile (angry/disgusted) [56], as well as
[32]. Faces involve information about identity, gender
enhanced fear responses and a different response pattern
and age, but they also include information about emotion,
to anger and disgust [57]. In addition, they were more
gaze direction and intentions. Faces are thus associated
likely to judge a happy face as a face reflecting a negative
with important social and biologically mean-ingful
mood state [54]. Impaired perception of negative facial
incentives [33]. The ability to identify emotions from
emotions in alcoholism has been related recently to ante-
facial expressions is acquired during childhood and levels
rior cingulate cortex dysfunction [58]. Alcoholics have
off during adolescence [34]. Faces code six basic emotions
also been shown to take longer in decoding emotional
[35] which are identified consistently at levels above
facial expressions than controls [59].
chance [36].
Problems in the identification of facial affect are of
The ability to correctly identify emotions from facial
considerable clinical relevance, as inappropriate responses
expressions is an important social skill [37]. Disruption of
may lead to a potential escalation of interper-sonal
this ability may lead to misunderstandings and signifi-cant
impairments of interpersonal communication. Not
An important issue is to clarify whether the observed
surprisingly, the reduced ability to decode facial expres-
problems contribute to the development or the mainte-
sions of emotions was found to be related to low social
nance of alcoholism and thus are linked to a predisposi-
competence and low popularity in peer groups [38–40].
tion or whether they are the result of alcoholism. This
issue can be resolved partially by investigating the persis-
Brain mechanisms of facial affect perception
tence of the deficits during abstinence. Konreich et al.
In primates, face recognition has been linked to areas in [60] presented the faces used by Philippot et al. [54] to
the temporal cortex [41–45] which project to areas of the recently detoxified alcoholics (RA) and to alcoholic
orbitofrontal cortex [42–44,46,47]. An indirect pro-jection patients who had been abstinent for at least 2 months
involves the amygdala, which also has face- (AA). The AA group performed better than the RA group

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and did not overestimate intensity of affect. This suggests model, expression of emotional prosody is processed in
that the decoding of facial expressions improves during the homologue of Broca’s area in the right inferior frontal
abstinence, similar to the course of other cognitive func- cortex, whereas comprehension is believed to depend
tions [61]. The results imply further that affect perception upon the homologue of Wenicke’s area in the right supe-
impairments are due at least partially to the deleterious rior temporal region. More recent studies have suggested
effects of alcohol consumption and do not reflect a pre- an additional involvement of a range of other brain areas
disposition for the development of alcoholism. This inter- in the PFC and the basal ganglia [75–77]. Wildgruber et
pretation has also been supported by Townshend & Duka al. [77] described three successive stages of emotional
[57], who reported that enhanced fear recognition in faces prosody perception. The first stage is characterized by the
was related to the number of detoxifications. However, it extraction of suprasegmental acoustic information, and the
should be noted that the two groups in the study by second stage by the representation of meaningful
Philippot [54] differed in duration of illness, consumption suprasegmental acoustic sequences. The first stage recruits
and/or family history of alcoholism. In a longitudinal mainly primary and higher-order acoustic regions of the
design, Foisy et al. [62] did not observe an improvement right hemisphere, and the second stage posterior regions
of emotional face perception after of the right superior temporal sulcus. The third stage
3 months of abstinence. This study yielded complex inter- involves the explicit evaluation of the emotional prosody
action patterns with family history of alcoholism which which is linked to bilateral processing in the inferior
were difficult to interpret. This issue therefore needs to be frontal cortex.
re-addressed in more detail. It should also be taken into
account that alcoholic patients, who later dropped from
Perception of emotional prosody in alcoholism
treatment, showed the most pronounced impairments at
baseline. Interpersonal conflicts resulting from deficits in Studies on emotional prosody perception in alcoholism are
the perception of emotional facial expressions might be a sparse. An early study by Oscar-Berman et al. [53], which
relevant mediator variable in this regard (see above). presented sentences expressing happy, sad, angry and
Indeed, Kornreich et al. [63] reported an association neutral prosody, did not find differences between
between such impairments and interpersonal problems, alcoholics and control subjects. In a more recent investi-
which in turn may lead to relapse [64]. gation by Monnot et al. [78] the Aprosodia Battery [79]
was administered to alcoholics. In the first subtest, the
sentence ‘I am going to the other movies’ is presented in a
happy, angry, sad, surprised, disinterested, bored and
Definition of relevant terms neutral voice. In addition, two stress patterns are used
(emphasis on ‘am’ or emphasis on ‘other’) to assess the
As outlined above, the ability to interpret the affective
ability to suppress attention to linguistic prosody cues.
state of other people is an important social skill. Prosody,
Subjects are instructed to indicate the emotional tone of
which is a non-linguistic aspect of language, involves
the sentence. The second subtest includes 24 monosyl-
acoustic features such as stress, timing, intonation pat-
labic (‘ba ba ba ba ba’) and the third subtest 24 asyllabic
terns, pitch, rhythm and differential pausing. Prosody
(‘aaaaahhhhh’) utterances with the same emotional and
enables the transfer of information beyond the informa-
stress patterns. In another subtest, 24 pairs of the first
tion which is expressed by word choice or grammar [65–
subtest are presented and subjects are instructed to indi-
69]. Prosody can be subdivided into linguistic prosody,
cate whether the two sentences are spoken with the same
which supports the comprehension of semantics and
or a different emotional tone. Alcoholics were found to be
syntax, dialectical prosody, which refers to regional
impaired on all but the fourth subtest. Performance was
differences in prosody, idiosyncratic prosody, which
unrelated to demographic variables, but was correlated
reflects individual differences and affective prosody,
significantly with variables reflecting alcoholism biogra-
which conveys the emotional tone of language [69,70]. If
phy (e.g. age at first drunken episode, alcohol abuse
the language content is not consistent with the emotional
chronicity, abuse onset age, alcohol use of mother). In a
tone, the affective prosodic content usually takes prece-
further study, the most severe deficits were observed in
dence [71–73].
alcoholic patients with a history of fetal alcohol exposure
Neural mechanisms of emotional prosody perception The question of whether emotional prosody percep-
In a neuroanatomical model, Ross [74] postulated that tion was affected disproportionately if semantic content
prosodic information is processed in right-sided peri- differed from emotional prosody was investigated by
sylvian regions which are organized in analogy to lan- Uekermann et al. [81], who administered the Tübingen
guage areas of the left hemisphere. According to this Affect Battery [82], a German adaptation of the Florida

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Affect Battery [79]. In addition to subtests which require with these findings, mentalizing impairments were
the identification of linguistic prosody and same/different observed in PFC lesion patients [8]. In summary, theory of
judgments of prosody of spoken sentences, tasks include mind is believed to be processed in a network involving
the identification of semantically congruent and incon- the PFC and temporal cortex [91,93–96].
gruent affective prosody and cross-modal matching of PFC regions are also involved in empathy, as
affective prosody to facial expression or vice versa. Alco- supported by impairments after PFC lesions [97]. In a
holic patients showed severe deficits with respect to recent inves-tigation by Shamay-Tsoory et al. [98],
naming incongruent affective prosody, naming affective stimulus material representing second-order false beliefs,
prosody of semantically neutral sentences and matching of ironic utterances and situations displaying social faux pas
affective prosody to facial expressions. The incongru-ent were adminis-tered. Patients with medial PFC damage
affective prosody condition is of particular relevance as it were unimpaired at inferring knowledge of other people,
taps the ability to suppress distraction in the face of but showed impairments if cognitive and affective facets
conflicting information [83]. Because alcoholic patients had to be integrated. In a subsequent imaging study [99],
also had problems in identifying emotional prosody for signifi-cant correlations between medial superior frontal
neutral semantic content, inhibitory control difficulties gyrus activations and empathy scores emerged, supporting
alone cannot account for the prosody perception deficits. the view that this region is important for the integration of
In the light of findings of affective prosody impairments affective and cognitive information.
after PFC damage and activation of the inferior frontal
lobe during processing of emotional prosody, the impair-
Theory of mind and empathy in alcoholism
ments of alcoholic patients are consistent with the frontal
lobe hypothesis of alcoholism. Potential impairments of TOM abilities and empathy have
as yet received little attention in alcoholism research. In a
recent investigation by Uekermann et al. [100], 24 joke
stories were presented. After the presentation of each joke,
Definition of relevant terms mentalizing ability was assessed by questions about the
perspective of the first and second protagonists. The third
The ability to reason about mental states of other people
question addressed TOM knowledge, which was
and to predict and understand other people’s behaviour on
necessary for the comprehension of the correct punchline.
the basis of their mental states has been referred to as
The TOM score of alcoholic patients was sig-nificantly
‘theory of mind’ (TOM [84]) and ‘intentional stance’
lower when compared to healthy controls. In addition,
[85]. The process by which the mind of other people is
reduced mentalizing ability was associated with humour-
represented is referred to as ‘mentalizing’ [86]. A range of
processing deficits, both being dependent upon the ability
different tasks have been developed for the investigation
to take the perspectives of the protagonists in order to
of TOM abilities [87]. A popular approach is the false
comprehend the correct punchlines. The findings are,
belief task, which requires the understanding that another
however, limited by the fact that the mentalising task did
person may have a false belief [88].
not separate theory of mind, i.e. the knowledge about
Whereas TOM involves the knowledge of thoughts,
thoughts, beliefs and intentions of other people and
beliefs and intentions of others, empathy refers to insight
empathy, i.e. the knowledge regarding the emotional states
into the emotional states and feelings of other people.
and feelings of other people. Further studies are therefore
Empathy can be defined as a complex form of psychologi-
needed in order to address the issue of a link between
cal inference, in which observation, memory, knowledge
empathy and TOM.
and reasoning are combined to yield insights into the
thoughts and feelings of others [89]. At least three pro-
cesses are thought to underlie empathy: ‘feeling what
another person is feeling, knowing what another person is
feeling, and having the intention to respond compas- Definition of relevant terms
sionately to another person’s distress’ [90].
Humour enhances social interaction and therefore plays an
important role in human social life. Humour has been
Neural mechanisms of theory of mind and empathy
associated with good health and wellbeing. Humour
Social neuroscience has begun recently to address the reduces the impact of stressful events and has a beneficial
neural underpinnings of TOM and empathy. Activation of effect on immune system activity [101]. In addition to the
the medial PFC has been observed in association with physiological effects, a sense of humour was correlated
TOM tasks [91], together with activations in the temporo- positively with psychological health and negatively with
parietal junction and the temporal poles [92]. Consistent psychological distress such as depression [102–104].

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Empirical studies of humour processing were based were generally lower than those of controls, indicating a
mainly on the ‘incongruity resolution theory’ [105]. combined impairment of cognitive and affective compo-
According to this theory, humour comprehension involves nents of humour processing. The deficits in alcoholics
an initial stage of incongruity detection, fol-lowed by a were related to both executive function impairments and
second stage of incongruity resolution, i.e. the explanation reduced mentalizing ability. This pattern is consistent with
in the context of the joke. Processing of slapstick humour PFC dysfunction in alcoholism.
requires only the first stage, the incon-gruity detection.
The cognitive component of humour refers to the
comprehension of humorous stimuli, whereas the affective
component involves appreciation of the joke. It has been
suggested recently that executive functions and TOM
make a differential contribution to the affective and
cognitive components of humour pro-cessing [106]. General conclusions

Alcoholism has been shown to be associated with a range

of social cognition impairments in the domains of emo-
Neural mechanisms of humour processing
tional face and prosody perception, theory of mind and
Earlier lesion studies have linked incongruity detection to humour processing. Whereas a relatively broad database
the left and incongruity resolution to the right hemispheres exists with respect to affect perception in faces or prosody,
[107–109]. More recent approaches have emphasized the relatively little is known about more complex aspects of
role of the PFC in humour processing social cognition. Taken as a whole, the problems of alco-
[110]. Patients with damage involving the PFC tended to holic patients are consistent with the hypothesis of a dis-
respond less strongly to humorous stimuli [111,112], and proportionate vulnerability of the PFC to the neurotoxic
funniness was related to activations in the medial PFC and effects of alcohol. Future studies will have to provide
in the cerebellum in imaging studies [113]. better insight into the functional contribution of other
regions and the neuronal networks involved in social
Humour processing in alcoholism cognition.

Despite the proposed PFC vulnerability to the neurotoxic

Predictive value of social
effects of alcohol and a PFC involvement in humour pro-
cognition problems in alcoholism
cessing, to our knowledge there are only two studies which
addressed humour processing in alcoholism. Cermak et al. Individuals with social cognition deficits will frequently
[52] administered a cartoon task to 20 chronic alcoholics commit errors during social exchange. If acquired early in
from in-patient clinics. They presented cartoons with life, such a deficit may impair the development of
alternative endings: a funny and coherent ending, a adequate communicational, social and occupational skills.
slapstick ending or different neutral or non-humorous However, the potential prognostic value of social
endings. Alcoholics frequently chose endings which were cognition deficits is as yet largely unknown. Cooper et al.
unrelated to the main topic, and their diffi-culties were [115] and Sher & Trull [116] reported that regulation of
interpreted in terms of impairments in inte-grating affective experience, in particular transient and chronic
different aspects of a narrative. As funniness ratings were negative affect, is an important motive underlying alcohol
not included, the error pattern might reflect a general use. The social cognition difficulties of alcoholics—affect
preference of slapstick humour rather than a humour- perception deficits, a negative bias in affect perception,
processing deficit per se. The deficit might also be significantly higher intensity ratings, theory of mind as
attributed, at least partly, to deficient TOM abilities or well as humour processing deficits— may lead to
executive functions [106]. discomfort and stress in social situations, which may result
In a further humour-processing study [114], joke stems in turn in alcohol consumption and relapse. This
were presented and participants had to choose among hypothesis is supported by recent findings indicating a link
different endings reflecting incongruity and/or resolution between deficits in the perception of emotional facial
(correct funny punchline, a slapstick alterna-tive, logical expressions and interpersonal problems [63], which
and illogical alternatives) and they also had to give contribute to relapse [64]. Furthermore, severe
funniness ratings. Each joke stem was then presented with impairments in identifying emotional facial expression
the correct punchline and three questions assessed were associated with treatment dropout [62]. The
mentalizing abilities. Alcoholics selected a significantly underlying mechanisms, the prognostic value and the
lower number of correct punchlines and chose more potential mediators of social cognition deficits, however,
logical and slapstick endings. Their funniness ratings remain to be determined in more detail.

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Social cognition in alcoholism 731

Cognitive mechanisms underlying social outcome [127], and social skills training have a beneficial
cognition deficits in alcoholism effect on the course of treatment [128–130]. Social skills
training included modelling, behavioural rehearsal, feed-
Humour processing has been shown to be linked to the
back, role-playing and strategies for dealing with four
integrity of executive control abilities [106,114], but yet it
classes of potential relapse-precipitating events (e.g.
remains unclear to what extent TOM abilities are medi-
negative mood, interpersonal pressure). Given the avail-
ated by executive functions [117–119]. Along similar
able database it is, however, likely that alcoholics suffer
lines, there is evidence for a relation between the percep-
from basic social cognition deficits, which contribute to
tion of emotional prosody and executive impairments.
interpersonal problems and may play a role in relapse. The
Judging emotional prosody in spoken sentences requires
strategies which are included so far in current social skills
holding stimuli in working memory, inhibition of the task
training may thus not be sufficient for the effective
irrelevant semantic meaning of the sentences and/or
treatment of alcoholism, and the investigation of the
successful switching between the semantic meaning and
relationship between social cognition deficits and inter-
emotional prosody. Significant associations between affect
personal problem-solving would be necessary to arrive at
perception and executive functions have been reported for
better treatment approaches. The results of such investi-
patients with focal brain lesions [120], Par-kinson’s
gations should make an important contribution to the
disease [121] and schizophrenia [122]. The relationship
design and development of new social skills training
between executive functions and affect perception in
interventions in alcoholism.
alcoholism is still unclear, as are potential dissociations
between TOM and empathy [96]. References

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