Properties of Matter Lesson Plan

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher Candidate Victoria Windham

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 4th
Estimated Time Needed One hour
Students will be working in groups to determine physical and measurable
Lesson Description
properties of matter using a potato and measuring tools.
(5) Matter and energy. The student knows that matter has measurable
physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified,
changed, and used. The student is expected to:
Content Area Standards
(A) measure, compare, and contrast physical properties of matter, including
mass, volume, states (solid, liquid, gas), temperature, magnetism, and the
ability to sink or float; and
Technology Standards
The student will measure, compare, and contrast physical properties of
matter, including mass.

● Properties
● Physical Properties
● Measurable
● Mass
Technology Resources
Measuring Tapes
Other Resources Grams
Recording Sheet

Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step.
In other words, completely describe
Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
the flow of the lesson-the content to
the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
be presented, and the strategies to
including role of teacher and will be used, and describe
This template is built on the be used. Include actual words you
learners (who is doing what in detail how they will be
will use and questions you will ask
traditional “Madeline students. Consider items such as:
at each point), location (e.g., used.
Hunter” lesson structure. classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
parts of the lesson that might be
outside), and any special tool and in what ways. Note
difficult, and how you will know
considerations, such as for any safety considerations
whether you can go on; how to
differentiated instruction. needed.
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
TTW open the lesson with a
story about a town in Idaho
that loves potatoes. The local
school has a potato as their
mascot and the students take
two weeks off of school to help
with the potato harvesting.
They celebrate with a potato
festival, and they even create
a pool full of mashed potatoes.
In order to decide which
potatoes to sell at grocery
stores and which ones to use
for their festival, they have to
compare the potatoes and find
which ones will sell the best. The teacher will be at
Engage the front of the class
(Engage student thinking, What are some ways that you while the students are
access prior knowledge) think the farmers will compare sitting in their table
the potatoes? groups of 6.

This should begin a

conversation about physical
and measurable
characteristics that we will
delve more deeply into during
the explain section.

So today, we are going to be

potato farmers, and we are
going to have to figure out
which groups potatoes are
going to be sold in the grocery
stores and which potatoes will
be mashed.
Students will be sitting in their
groups of 6. Each group will
receive a potato with a letter
on it. Each student will also
The teacher will be at
record a “Potatoes” recording
the front of the class.
sheet. ● Potatoes
● Recording
(Collaborative and hands- The students will begin
TTW then gather students sheets
on) at their desks, but will
around the front of a room with ● Balance
move to stand at the
a balance. The teacher will
front of the room.
ask students if they know what
a balance does and will then
add further explanation if
needed. The class will predict

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
which potatoes they think will
be the heaviest or lightest and
the potatoes will be ordered on
the sheet by the teacher. The
teacher will then use the
balance to show the students
how the potatoes actually
compare to each other. The
results will be recorded on the
sheet by the teacher. Students
will return back to their seats
and copy down the results.

Once students have returned

to their seats, TTW explain
that the class just compared
the potatoes using physical
and measurable properties.

Property- a characteristic

Physical properties- what we

see (size of potato)
● We can use our
senses to find these,
such as how it looks
and feels.
(student and teacher The teacher will be at
Measurable properties- we can
discourse, teacher the front of the room,
use a tool to measure it (using ● Potatoes
modeling, vocabulary while students are back
the balance)
instruction, clarify at their desks.
● Rulers (How did we
find the length and
width of our rectangles
and squares when we
needed area and
● Balance
● Measuring Tape
● Scale (How do you
find your weight?)
● Thermometer (How do
you find your
temperature when you
are sick?)

Elaborate Students measure potatoes Students will be ● Potatoes

(Extend or apply the TTW explain the rest of the working in groups at ● Measuring
learning to a new setting; recording sheet to the class their tables while the Tape

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
active and collaborative) and will show students where teacher circulates. ● Balance
to place their information. ● Grams
● Physical properties ● Recording
○ TTW model Sheet
how to
describe the
properties of
their potato
and record
them on the
lines provided
○ color, shape,
size, texture
(how it feels)
● Measurable Properties
○ TTW model
for the
students how
to first make a
prediction and
then use the
tools provided
to get an
measure and
○ length, mass,
and distance
TSW work in their groups to
find these characteristics and
record them on their recording

Once the students have

recorded all of their
information, they will have to
decide if their potato will be
sold or mashed. TTW will have
the criteria on the board in
order for a potato to be sold.

To be sold, a potato must be

● ________cm long
● ________ cm around
● _________ grams

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
If a potato does not meet all of
these requirements, it will be
Once students have finished,
TTW bring the class back
together and will ask about
who has a potato that will be The students will be at
(Students demonstrate
sold and who has a potato that their desks while the
their understanding. How
will be mashed. One person teacher is at the front of
will you know what they’ve
from each group will share the room.
their results and one person
will explain why they came to
that conclusion.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations

Special Education
English Language
Gifted and Talented

Potential Challenges/Plan B
● The recording sheet must be explained thoroughly or confusion might occur.
● Students may confuse the balance with a scale.

Notes and Credits

Inspiration drawn from a measurement lesson by Carrie S. Cutler

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