mgt368 Localentrepreneurialcase Esq

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Course: Entrepreneurship

Course Code: MGT368

Section: 18
Assignment on:
Local Entrepreneurial Case
Submitted by: Big Shots

1 Sheikh Shahrukh Hossain 1611276030

2 Sharaban Shakin Oni 1430794630

3 Tanveer Nahiyan 1530963030

4 Tipu Sultan 1430155030

5 Md. Tanvir Hasan 1512207030

6 Foyaze Ridwan Naquive 1520655631

7 Sumaiya Akter 1430802030

Submitted to:
Esnaina Quader
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
North South University.
Date of Submission
22nd March, 2019.

Local Entrepreneurial Case 1: Spacedge
The Story......................................................................................................................................... 4
Company Information ..................................................................................................................... 5
Business Model Canvas .................................................................................................................. 6
“What Actually Motivates Me to Do My Work?” .......................................................................... 7
The Hurdles or Challenges the Firm Is Currently Facing ............................................................... 7
Critical Success Factors .................................................................................................................. 7
Advices for The Young Entrepreneurs ........................................................................................... 8
Local Entrepreneurial Case 2: Skyflora
Background of Sky flora ................................................................................................................. 9
Story of Entrepreneur ...................................................................................................................... 9
Products and Services ................................................................................................................... 10
Niche market ................................................................................................................................. 11
Business Canvas Model ................................................................................................................ 12
Raising of Risk Capital ................................................................................................................. 13
Business Strategy .......................................................................................................................... 13
Marketing Plan .............................................................................................................................. 13
Target Market................................................................................................................................ 15
Analysis of Competitors ............................................................................................................... 15
Critical Success Point ................................................................................................................... 16
Challenges ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Local Entrepreneurial Case 3: Bricks & Bridges
Overview of the Company: ........................................................................................................... 17
Story of the Entrepreneur: ............................................................................................................. 17
Business Model Canvas ................................................................................................................ 19
Raising Risk of Capital ................................................................................................................. 20
Business Strategy .......................................................................................................................... 20
Marketing Plan .............................................................................................................................. 21
Target Market................................................................................................................................ 21
Competitor Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 21
Critical Success Factors ................................................................................................................ 22

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Challenges ..................................................................................................................................... 22
References ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendices of Local Entrepreneurial Case 1: Spacedge .............................................................. 24
Appendices of Local Entrepreneurial Case 2: Skyflora ................................................................ 25
Appendices of Local Entrepreneurial Case 1: Spacedge .............................................................. 26

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Local Entrepreneurial Case 1: Spacedge

The Story
K.M. Shadik Arman, after graduating from Khulna University as an architect, initially started his
career as an architect engineer by getting into an architect firm named “Four Walls” in 2013.
During his tenure at Four Walls, his main job was to make designs using the AUTOCAD software
for the clients of Four Walls. However, Mr. Arman, while doing his job got some works from his
family and friends. For example, he got his first design contract from one his cousins living at
Dhaka who wanted an appealing design for her house in Khulna. His cousin asked Mr. Arman to
create a design according to his wish with no specific requirements. This actually gave Mr. Arman
the opportunity to work on the design on his own and show his creativity. After submitting the
design to his cousin, he got much appreciation. Getting motivated from his very first outsourcing
work, he started asking his friends if they knew someone who wanted to make any kind of designs
for their house or apartments. As a result, he got several works from his friends or from their
relatives. But he was dissatisfied with his very first job at Four Walls because he had to work under
the owner and had to get approval for every design that he made. Often times, he couldn’t show
his creativity and had to do the designs as per his boss’s instructions. Since the job of an architect
engineer is mainly showing the creativity in his or her design which Mr. Arman was being
restricted from illustrating, he left his first job by the end of 2013. In 2014, he partnered up with
one of his seniors, Faisal Bin Naim, from his university and established “Designs and Interiors
Architect (DIA)” with 50% of his own share. Mr. Arman faced some new challenges even in his
own firm. Although there was no barrier in showing his creativity and make designs freely, his
partner Mr. Faisal was not exerting enough effort and time in the projects. Mr. Faisal was working
in another architect firm aside from his partnership business. As a result, he didn’t have enough
time to concentrate in his own business and Mr. Arman was taking a lot of pressure completing
the designs and handing it over to the clients. However, the profit that DIA was generating was
still being split up into two equal halves despite the fact that Mr. Arman was contributing more in
terms of his intellectual knowledge. Starting from acquiring projects, hiring carpenters, painters,
workers, designing to deliverables most of these tasks were being done by Mr. Arman. Mr. Arman
was planning to set up his own separate firm since he had gathered a lot of experiences in this field
and created a huge network of carpenters, suppliers, workers and clients i.e. stakeholders. He also
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monitored his surrounding environment in which he saw the window of opportunity is open for
him. High self-efficacy i.e. the conviction that of being successful led Mr. Arman to set up his own
firm named “Spacedge” in 2015.

Company Information
Spacedge is committed to provide the highest quality of professional services, through innovative
design, effective project management. Spacedge is currently providing both architectural and
interior design services targeted to homeowners, restaurant owners as well as business
organization. So, it can be said that Spacedge is following a broad market scope strategy to deliver
its services to clients.

During its inception, Mr. Arman had invested from his savings which was sufficient enough to
rent an office for his firm where he could do all his works. Since he had enough working capital
to run the operations, he didn’t have to take any loans from the banks. The main source of his
savings were the savings from his salary of his first job, the numerous projects that he had done of
his family and friends and the profits that had been generated from DIA. Since the company
provides architectural and interior design services, a portion, ranging from 10-50% depending on
the size of the project, of the working capital that are required for completing the projects are taken
in advance from the clients. Some of the worth mentioning projects, that have been done by
Spacedge are: Uddipon, Kamalir Bari, GP House of Rajshahi, Vacation House at Bashundhara
Residential Area covering an area of 20 Katha, interior design of Playpen School, office space
design of GLT Group, Café Entro, El Dorado Revised, Cine Café,

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Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationships Customer Segments

Raw material Architectural Design, Creating innvoative as well Client oriented Size: Mass Market.

suppliers, Interior Designs, Booth as customized designs that Service i.e. providing Location: Dhaka City,

Workers, Designs for fairs. meet the needs of clients. Customized services, informing Suburb Areas.

Carpenters, clients about the progress of Target Group:

Painters the projects and taking client Homeowners,

feedbacks. Restaurant owners,

Business Organizations.

Key Resources Channels

Laptop, Autocad, Social media (Facebook),

Intellectual skill, Labor skill. fairs, exhibitions.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

Office Rent, Employee Salaries, Wages of workers, Service Revenue generated from making architectural and

interior designs.

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“What Actually Motivates Me to Do My Work?”

“Of course, I cannot deny that the profit I generate from each project motivates me a lot, but there
is something more that motivates me a lot more to continue my works in future and that is, the
happiness that I get when I see my ideas turned into reality.”

The Hurdles or Challenges the Firm Is Currently Facing

The hurdles or challenges that the firm is currently facing is getting payments from the clients in
due time. As mentioned earlier, Mr. Arman takes a portion from the clients before starting any
project and the rest of the amount to complete that project is initially provided by him, sometimes
clients make delay to pay the rest amount of the projects i.e. accounts receivable turnover of
Spacedge is high. This ultimately creates barrier in maintaining liquidity of the firm.

In order to overcome this challenge, Mr. Arman has started doing legal contracts with the clients
before starting any project. The contract specifies each and every detail regarding the project
especially a suitable date is fixed upon discussion with the clients to pay out the due amount in
exchange for the delivery of the projects.

Critical Success Factors

1. Creative Designs: Mr. Arman quoted, “Architecture is just like cooking and architects
are nothing but cooks. All the ingredients are there and you just need to know the right
recipe for the right item. A recipe has no soul, you must bring soul to it. No one is born a
great cook, you have to learn by doing it.” From his quote it is evident that, Mr. Arman
experiments a lot with his designs and always strive to improve it which has become the
most important success factor for his firm.
2. Positive Word of Mouth; Mr. Arman is an experienced architect and his designs have
been always praised by his clients. His motive is to maintain 100% client satisfaction and
which is why his previous clients have referred him to others do their projects. This has
ultimately led to the creation of a chain of customers. As a result, Mr. Arman has never
struggled to acquire any projects from the beginning of his career as an architect.

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3. Maintaining Good Relationship with Stakeholders: Apart from his customers,

Mr. Arman has to maintain a very good relationship with his stakeholders i.e. suppliers of
raw materials, labors, carpenters, electricians, and also the employees of Rajdhani Unnayan
Kartripakkha (RAJUK). Not only Spacedge gets its projects through clients’ references but
also through its stakeholders’ references.
4. Competitive Pricing: Competitive pricing is an added advantage for Spacedge.
According to Mr. Arman, this has become possible for two reasons. The first reason is the
promotional cost of Spacedge is very low due to having a network of clients. The second
reason is that, he has been maintaining a very good relationship with the stakeholders for
a very long time which has enabled Spacedge to supply the required materials from its
suppliers at lower price than its competitors.
5. Member of Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB): In order to be a member
of IAB, an architect has to meet certain criteria and pass some professional exams. Mr.
Arman was the first from his batch of Khulna University to become a prestigious member
of IAB and this has given him more credibility than other competitors in his field and has
certainly played an important role as a critical success factor.

Advices for The Young Entrepreneurs

Mr. Arman quoted, “Keep on experimenting with your works, there will be times when you will
fail and also there will be times when you will find something new and interesting which be valued
by someone one day. You have to believe that you are doing the right thing and you have to focus
on it. The more you focus, the more you will be successful.”

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Local Entrepreneurial Case 2: Skyflora

Background of Sky flora
Sky flora is basically an organization which is working for ensuring a green city. As they mainly
working on the basis of rooftop gardening, its aim is to setup a green roof around the city which
eventually reduce toxic carbon from the environment and will make the city back to life. Mr. Sajid
Khan, the founder and the CEO of the organization. Sajid took the initiative of starting this business
when are captive in Carbon. Back in 2015. Sajid started his business by investing an amount of
200,000tk BDT. A passionate young man yet to complete his university degree now having a value
of 700,000tk BDT of his company. By his initiative he is not only making money but also solving
a major climate problem.

Story of Entrepreneur
The story of S is actually a tale of Sky flora and Mr. Sajid Khan, the founder and the CEO of the
organization. We will get to know more about Sky flora but now can take ride with Mr. Sajid

Sajid, a 23-year-old young head took the risk of creating a kind of business which is typically a
challenging one. He is a student of North South University. He is doing BBA in Accounting. In
this era of modernization many enthusiasts, passionate young people are wanting to set up business
but, how many of them want to make profit by resolving climate issues. So, this is Sajid Khan for
young who dreamt of a fresh air, healthy living and a green city.

If we look at the venture of Mr. Sajid Khan we will see it has a huge opportunity to go further.
Sky flora basically targets Dhaka as the main market place. Beside this sky flora providing their
services in Narayan gang, Chittagong and Tangail. Sky flora is planning to cover more places.
Though it has an online platform of doing business but Skyflora, now running two offices. Their
head office is Shere Bangla Nagar and another branches office at Uttara. It owns a nursery at

Mr. Sajid is basically a freedom loving person. He said he would have never satisfied him by
working in constraints. Actually, he always wanted to do something by his own. By his activity

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he tried to find solution of society problems. And that’s how he became a social entrepreneur. As
said when he thinks the nature is going to be fresh again the city would be more living friendly.

Products and Services

Skyflora provides are various types of products and services such as: Trees, Seed, Rooftop &
Home Gardening, Flower and Fruit growers, etc.

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Niche market
Sky flora company market is still a niche. They provide customized package services& offering
small range product so that customers can get the service according to the need. All of their services
are done by experienced professionals. Besides that, they offer post service maintenance on

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Business Canvas Model

Key Partners Key Activities Value Channels Customer

Propositions Segments
▪ Soil and ▪ Preparing 1) Website
Fertilizer soil as far a. Resolving the 1) Local
provider, the pollution 2)Social House
Nursery plantation. problem. media owner,
skilled ▪ Providing b. Resolving the 3)Sales Commercial
workers rooftop toxicity from representative places.
gardening the
service to environment.
Customer customers.

Relationship Key Resources

1) Long term Tree, Seed,

relationship. Skilled
2) Provide free
goods to the

Cost Structure Revenue Stream

• Office setup ✓ Profit from rooftop gardening system.

• Raw material purchasing. ✓ Profit from selling flower trees and
• Marketing and promotional cost other trees
• Maintaining stuffs ✓ Service Charge from follow up
• Inventory reserve cost maintenance.

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Raising of Risk Capital

At the initial period, Mr. Sajid Khan invests 200000tk in his business. His parents gave him 50000
taka and he used 100000tk from his own source of capital. For another 50,000 tk. he needs to take
loan from his relatives. Within this amount of money, he buys trees, seed, and makes a website.
He starts his business around four years ago. Within these four years he is able to pay back the
loan he took from his relatives 50,000 tk. Now he is able to do his business using his own capital.

Business Strategy
Mr Sajid Khan follows following business strategy:

Product strategy: Mr Sajid Khan’s product strategy is to provide all kind of trees seeds. They
provide home gardeners, flower and fruit growers, farmers and foresters with seeds and seedlings
of specified qualities. He makes his web site using HTML strategy. He uses the hybrid structure
because it gives the potential competitive advantage in his business. The advantages are increased
efficiency, unity customers, increase flexibility. This structure helps to more visualize their
categorical products.

Pricing strategy: Mr Sajid Khan’s pricing strategy depend on types of tree and trees size. He takes
cheaper price than other competitors. For the old customers he provides flower tub, discount and
maintenance services so that those who are not customer of his nursery they are inspire.

Distribution strategy: Their distribution strategy is from nursery and website to customer.
Customers can easily find their useful tree and seed. He also provides home delivery services.

Promotion strategy: For promotion strategy they use social campaign strategy and digital
marketing system. They took different types of awareness meeting, free tree distribution in school,
college, university and society. They have a Face-book page so that customers can get notification
anything products are available in website. Their new program in 2019, they will distribute more
than 25000 free trees for people among different areas of Dhaka.

Marketing Plan
Because of Sajid Khan’s business existence on nursery place based. Mainly the manager of
Skyflora Mr. Ullash communicate face to face to the customer. When customers come to the
nursery the manager describes about the product and the benefits of various trees and their services.

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Every month they go to school, college and amusement park to encourage the people for buying
and planting trees. Another way they are marketing their product through online website and
Facebook page. They provide several promotional discounts or offers to their customers to acquire
them & make them consensus of the newly offered products and services.

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Target Market
The target market is so open and actually there is no specific boundary in the region.

Demographic Geographic Psychographic

Age range: People of all ages Mainly Dhaka Hopes to use the most useful
trees and seeds.

Gender: Male & Female All over the Bangladesh

Rooftop garden, School, Whole world Those who love the green
College, University, nature.
Corporate Office

Analysis of Competitors
In this type of competitive market in Bangladesh, similar business entrants are always been a threat
for the business. They have faced the same ‘’ is one of their main competitors in
market. With the help of intellectual property and his creative problem-solving ability he always
created new ideas to step up and take first-mover advantage.

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Critical Success Point

❖ Increase demand in plant. Peoples in Dhaka city are now planting trees in Balcony and
roof top. For that selling is increasing.

❖ Apart from land, investment in nursery is very low. Plants and seed can bring in very
low price.

❖ There are many Government training center available. So, Mr. Sajid Khan can easily get
free help from these institutions.

❖ Competition is very low. There are very few nurseries in Dhaka city. So, rivalry is low.

❖ Cheap labor cost another important factor for successful business. In this business, very
few labors are needed and cost is very low.

❖ Mr. Sajid Khan also gives home delivery service, which is very rare in this sector.

❖ , Mr. Sajid Khan is very active in CSR activities. He personally teaches benefit of tree
plantation in different school and organization also campaign, rally etc.

❖ Shortage of land in Dhaka city. In Dhaka city open land is very short and price of land is
very expensive. People is more willing to invest in real state due to higher profit and
nursery business is less profitable compare to real state.

❖ Air pollution and Dust is bad for nursery and Dhaka is one the most polluted city among
the world. For which is very critical to take care of the plants.

❖ Plant has basically no switching cost and there no brand if new nursery arrives in
the area, sell will most likely go down.

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Local Entrepreneurial Case 3: Bricks &

Overview of the Company:
Bricks & Bridges Ltd is a well-known construction company that consists of highly qualified and
expert technical personnel and Engineers of the country. All the employees who are working for
this organization have high experience and are prominent in their own respective fields. When it
comes to defining a few projects that the organization is highly specialized in are- High rise
Commercial & Residential Building, Factory building, Embankment, and River Dredging projects
under Water Development Board, Road Construction under Roads & Highways Department etc.
The predecessor of this company was Merit Real Estate & Development which was formed in the
past and had achieved quite a good reputation in completing a number of projects across Dhaka
City. All the employees of Merit Real Estate & Development are now shifted towards Bricks &
Bridges Ltd and are employed under this new organization.

Within a very short time of its birth Bricks & Bridges Ltd has been entirely successful in
establishing its name in the construction industry. It has also succeeded in gaining fame and its
name as one of the leading construction company in Bangladesh. It has worked with various kinds
of clients across its short lifespan such as Government, Non-Government, and many different kinds
of private organizations. The respectable reputation it has built was exceedingly rewarded by
collaborating in contracts with a number of international organizations, who are currently working
in Bangladesh. Bricks & Bridges Ltd is in really good terms with Obayashi Corporation which is
one of the largest Japanese construction companies across the world, and are accomplishing a
portion of their three bridge projects.

Story of the Entrepreneur:

Bricks & Bridges Ltd is a well reputed full-fledged construction company which is operating under
the careful supervision of Mr. Mostofa Muhammad Masud. He is currently positioned as the
Managing Director of this company. Mr. Mostofa Muhammad Masud has an extensive amount of
experience in the field of construction. He is an Engineer, who has graduated from Bangladesh
University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), and completed his Masters from University of

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Glasgow. He has been working comprehensively in the field for more than 30years. He has worked
under many organizations which were both private and government and is highly well-known in
the town of Sylhet for his huge accomplishments in the town of Sylhet, by creating more the first
three skyscrapers there and later on more, one of which belongs to Jalalabad Gas. Previously, he
was positioned as Executive Director at the predecessor of the company, Merit Real Estate &
Development. He is also one of the most well-known Engineers across the entire country for his
exceeding hard work and honesty.

His main motive for starting this business is when he was capable to know his own caliber. He
found out that he is capable of generate more service orients, which highly worked as a
motivational factor for him.

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Business Model Canvas

Key Partners: Key Activities: Value Propositions: Customer Customer Segments:

• Delivering Relationships: • Organizations
• One Bank • Factory
the promised
• Impress Buildings • Client developing
service commercial
Newtex • Road oriented
within the infrastructures
Composite Constructions service
specified •
Textiles Ltd • Bridge • Customized Government
deadline. • Non-Government
• Impress building service
Group • Commercial • Informing • Foreign companies

• Obayashi buildings clients on working in the

Corporation projects country

• Clients • Client
• Government
• Private Key Resources: Channels:
• Machinery • Tender base
• Equipment
• Online media
• Dredgers
• Labor
• Materials

Cost Structure: Revenue Streams:

• Office Rent • Transactional Revenue

• Employee Salary • Service revenue generated from clients

• Wages of workers

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Raising Risk of Capital

Raising capital can be one of the greatest challenges while establishing an organization. It is a
crucial factor of a business and one of the most valuable elements of an organization. It requires
too much of a problem. Sometimes organizations are not able to be born or successfully establish
because of capital deficit.

Bricks & Bridges was lucky enough not to strive for hardship more in raising capital. The company
already had known clients. These clients were known to the Executive Body of the organization.
With the trust they had with the organization a lot of advance payments were made. When a small
amount of capital generated the organization was ready to take loans for further expansion. The
luck of this organization had favored beautifully while raising capital and the management staff
are really grateful for this, because they did not have to face so much hassle for this situation.

This organization is not of sole proprietorship. Half of the share of this organization is owned by
Impress Newtex Composite Textiles Ltd. It is a subsidiary of the Impress Group of Bangladesh.
The chairman of Impress Newtex Composite Textiles Ltd is also a chairman of Bricks & Bridges
Ltd. Their contribution to funding and raise has highly helped the organization in proceeding
further. Along with capital the organization also enjoys some of the benefits of Impress Group as
well. For Example, banking facilities are one of the extra added benefit.

All the investors are updated on a routine basis to be assured in which direction the company is
heading, and how it is achieving its current goals and objectives. The partners consist of close
friends of the entrepreneur. So, it had used the strategy of internally generated funds at first before
going for external fund-raising strategy.

Business Strategy
The organization had come up with its own strategies by which they have been successful in
implementation quite a number of times. The strategy is called ‘Project Planning’. It has been used
in their project of EPZ in Narayanganj which was effectively executed. The organization had dealt
with a lot less hassle than operations of previous projects.

The company also encourages employee participation in the decision-making processes. It follows
the set of a traditionally managed entrepreneur firm.

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Marketing Plan
As they are REAL ESTATE & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, they have an uncertain market.
They search their customers on tender basis. It has no marketing team so they have less scope or
it is very hard to reach their targeted customers. Their main focus is on broad market scope strategy
because their business is based on government tenders, which is hard to get because of the
competition. In this case, the company’s goodwill matter, and companies with high goodwill are
more successful in getting tenders easily. They also provide service to private sector by
constructing industrial buildings and factories.

Target Market
Government Tenders: This is their main target customer; they take tender from the government
project. The government is the most profitable customer for them because in case of government
project the hassle in payment process in significantly less.

Private or Commercial Buildings: They also provide service to private sectors by constructing
industrial buildings and factories such as a commercial Building in Purana Palton, Dhaka for
ABED Holdings Ltd. Dhaka, Printing Factory Building for Impress Newtex Group at Gorai,
Mirzapur etc. This private sector also a profitable sector for them but sometimes this sector create
problem with payment.

Geography: Though they provide service all over the Bangladesh, they provided fewer services
in Dhaka city. Their main focus is out of Dhaka city projects. There are currently 8 projects that
are currently going on in places like Tangail, Rajshahi, Shatkhira and Sylhet.

Competitor Analysis
This type of business has very competitive market in Bangladesh because similar business entrants
and rising competition are always been a threat for it. In here, price is great factor. With the help
of goodwill of the company and his creative problem-solving ability he always created new ideas
to step up and take first-mover advantage.

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Critical Success Factors

• They always try to clear the accounts of the company which makes the shareholders
pleased and it also helps for monitoring business growth, track business expense, personnel
decision, create or control budget and forecast business revenue.
• Bangladesh focuses on urbanization so the company has the good growth in future. In 2014,
the company started with only 60 lakh and 62 employees, now it holds 3 cores Taka profit
in their income statement after repaying all liabilities.
• The company has a very good relationship with their suppliers who gives them a big
amount of account payable on the basis of trust which helped the company at the beginning.
• The company always encourages and welcomes employees with entrepreneurial thinking.
They provide chances to their employee to do the work in their own way but monitoring
employees can be a problem sometimes. They always try to motivate their employees as
much as they can.
• The main success come from a good ahead planning which also called ‘Project Planning’.
The current project of EPZ, Narayanganj become successful of that started. It did not create
any hassle.

• Fulfillment the expectation of customers: This is important for making long-term
relation with customer and for goodwill. The company’s main focus in government tender
which depends on the goodwill of the company.
• Payment problem: There are some payment problems in private sector. In the beginning
of the company, they conducted a project with Premier Bank which was very big, difficult
project for the company on that time. Though the project was finished within the time, the
Premier Bank was made problem with payment.
• Employee turnover for low salary: The Company gives less salary than government
regulated pay scale. As they are small company, they cannot afford that pay scale which
arise employee turnover.
• Rising Competition: This type of business has a very competitive market in Bangladesh
because similar business entrants and rising competition are always a threat. The only
reason is because of price which is great factor.

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Appendices of Local Entrepreneurial Case 1: Spacedge

Business Card of Mr. K.M. Shadik Arman (Front View) Business Card of Mr. K.M. Shadik Arman (Back View)

Picture with Mr. K.M. Shadik Arman

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Appendices of Local Entrepreneurial Case 2: Skyflora

Picture: with Entrepreneur Mr Sajid Khan

Business Card of Mr. Sajid Khan

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Appendices of Local Entrepreneurial Case 1: Spacedge

Business Card of Mr. Mostofa Muhammad Masud

Picture with Mr. Mostofa Muhammad Masud

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