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I Am Jarvis Christian

I Am Jarvis Christian, allow me to take you on a short travel through my life.

Honestly I believe that I am only a father. The sheer importance of that statement speaks

All of my days led up to this one focal point in my life that I deeply endear. I met my wife of
18 years at the tender age of 14.

We met by chance but what a great streak of luck it was!

It was the perfect harmony of two smoldering hearts that neat as one and dared to
undertake the journey of life together.

Personally I was new to the entire concept of love, my mother was rather cold to say it

I as a young man have never met my father, so my concept of manhood was deeply flawed.
This is so much the foundation of who I am today its ridiculous.

It was always easy for people to speak upon others but to realize that you are your
problem, is truly an awaking moment.

She came with tidings of joy and warmth to melt the icebox I considered a heart. As a
man; or some resemblance of a man at 15 , this was horrible.

She actually came and expressed a pure sentiment of caring for me which all in all I
reluctantly accepted. As time passed I wholly saw myself marrying this woman.

We studied and ate, we walked all over town just to be together. Outside of my children
now; I look back and that was definitely a high-point for me.
I as a man, father, friend can only hope that the younger generations take heed to the
things that it took to produce them successfully into healthy humans. (Also eating tide podd
does not help)

As our time and age together progressed we spoke with our sets of parents on different
occasions to inform them of our decision. (Yes they lost it) We are stubborn to a degree and
were set on being parents.

The year following I asked Me. Sledge to become Mrs. Christian and to my avail she said
yes! As with any newlyweds it was party time , all the time.

Seemingly unexpected I was informed that she was pregnant and I was ecstatic.
All things considered I felt only in that moment I knew what not to do and I was willing to
strive to be the best father I can.

Onward the birth of my oldest daughter was a beautiful thing. I was present for the entire

It was November 6th 2002 and , it was frighteningly cold . I got the call and flew down to
the hospital.

After the entire ordeal I felt like a new man. Looking into the eyes of that young innocent
face will soften the hardest of men at any given point.

Our journey through life was an exceptionally easy and straightforward. I am so proud of
thus young lady.

Her first steps, her second steps, the first words, and the drool. She was a drippy one to say
the least.
I have supported this young woman all of her days and I am very proud to say I am her
father. She has turned 18 and because of a November birthday she has been ready to
transition into a freshman in college.

Her choice is the College of Charleston. I believe that is a great choice and I support her.
As I grow and I look back at this specific moment in time I can completely say my time on
this earth has been given to the people I rear.

As a man who never met his father , I have never taken for granted anything or any
situation I have been placed in.

All things work for the greater good and if you are aware will be rewarded accordingly at
all crossings. Bad situations taught me determination, good times taught me joy.

Tbe sax times taught me compassion and the like. Even my being abandoned I feel gave me
strength. As a man I am nothing but as a father I am everything.

I do my due diligence when I’m engaging my children in any complexity because as I said
before everything matters. I am proud of my life and my duties as a father! Years from
now I shall be at another crossroads in the journey and I hope my fatherly skills transition
just as seamless to being a grandfather!

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