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Questions number 16 to 18 refer to the following text.

Sweden is a very large country in Northern Europe. Every year tourists come from all
over the world to visit Sweden’s cities to see the interesting sights and enjoy the outdoors.
A tourist planning a trip to Sweden can choose various activities to do. People who
enjoy city life can visit Stockholm, Sweden’s capital. Stockholm is a beautiful city of islands.
In Stockholm, tourists can visit its many beautiful old castles and churches. They can shop,
enjoy the art, or see a movie or a play.
Tourists who enjoy outdoor lifestyle can find plenty to see and do in Sweden. Forests
cover 50 percent of the land and are home to many wild animals, such as bears, elks, foxes,
and reindeers. There are 96.000 lakes in Sweden. In north, there is a long range of tall
mountains. Adventurous travellers may want to explore the beautiful wilderness that Sweden
has to offer.
There are several different kinds of lodging in Sweden. Travellers can stay at luxurious
hotels with many guest rooms, or they can choose to stay at small country inns, where they
may be served home-cooked breakfast. Those who want to save money and enjoy nature can
stay at campsites and sleep outdoors under the trees in a sleeping bag.

16. Why does the writer compose this passage?

A. To give information about Sweden
B. To persuade readers to visit Sweden
C. To explain about the weather in Sweden
D. To influence people to come to Sweden

17. What does the writer think about Sweden?

A. Stockholm is a perfect place to enjoy nature.
B. Wild animals inhabit the long range of mountain.
C. All hotels will provide guest with home-cooked breakfast.
D. We could not sleep under the trees in a sleeping bag in Sweden

18. “Adventurous travelers will want to explore ...” (paragraph 3).

The underlined word means ….
A. audacious
B. hazardous
C. dangerous
D. uncourageous

Questions number 19 to 21 refer to the following text.

Björn Rune Borg was born on June 6, 1956, in Stockholm, Sweden, to parents Rune and
Margarethe. Initially a hockey fan, Borg wasn't fond of tennis. At age 9 when his father
brought home a tennis racket he had won as a prize in a ping-pong tournament.
Borg caught the attention of tennis coach Percy Rosberg and began making regular three-
hour round-trip train rides to meet with the instructor. He won his first tournament at age 11,
and at 13 he won both the 13-and 14-year-old divisions of the Sweden National Junior
Championships. His career on the upswing, he dropped out of school to devote himself to
training full time.
Borg qualified for the Swedish Davis Cup team at age 15 and won both of his singles
matches. After becoming the 1972 Wimbledon junior champion and winning events in Berlin,
Barcelona and Miami, he chose to be a professional tennis player.
Borg first rose to prominence at Wimbledon in 1973, when adoring female fans lined up
to get a glimpse of the handsome, mysterious Swede. His long blond hair tucked beneath a
headband, Borg featured a distinct playing style with his two-handed backhand and topspin-
heavy ground strokes. He won his first tournament just days before his 18 th birthday, and two
weeks later he became the youngest winner of the French Open

19. What is the text about?

A. A junior championship event.
B. A brief biography of an athlete.
C. A tennis tournament in Sweden.
D. A prominent game in Wimbledon.

20. When did Borg decide to be a professional tennis player?

A. Before he dropped out of school.
B. After he won several tournaments in 1972.
C. When he was still very young and energetic.
D. After he won a price in a Ping-Pong tournament.

21. Which of the following phrases is synonymous with the word “fond of” in paragraph one?
A. Proud of
B. Familiar with
C. Satisfied with
D. Interested in

Questions number 22 to 24 refer to the following text.

One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big black snake
sleeping under the tree. When he saw the snake, the mousedeer was frightened. When he
wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not
far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that
he was going to eat him for lunch. “Please don’t eat me now,” said the mousedeer. “I have
something important to do.”
“Look,” said the mousedeer. “That is the king’s belt. He asked me to stay here and
watch it while he was away in the forest.” The tiger looked at the snake and said, “That is a
beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?” He asked the mousedeer.
“Oh all right,” said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the
tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter until the tiger
couldn’t breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer turned and
ran away into the forest.
22. What is the main idea of the text?
A. We have to go far away from tiger
B. Tiger was a dangerous animal
C. Black snake was a dangerous animal
D. We have to find a way to save ourselves from danger

23. Where was the tiger sleeping?

A. In the middle of the forest
B. Next to the mousedeer’s house
C. Next the black snake sleeping under the tree
D. Far away from the place where the mousedeer fell

24. “The snake twisted itself tighter until the tiger couldn’t breathe.” (paragraph 3)
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. turned
B. pulled
C. injured
D. wrapped

Questions number 25 to 27 refer to the following text.


In accordance with the international security regulation, the following items are never
allowed to be taken onto a plane by passangers, etiher in their carry-on bags or in their
checked luggage: weaons, incluiding knives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and
The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags. Tools,
including hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches; sport equipment such as golf clubs, baseball
bats, skis, and ski poles.
When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through our X-Ray machines and
some bags will be manually checked by personal, as well.
25. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To give information about security regulation
B. To give information about some items that should be taken onto a plane
C. To give information about some items that aren’t allowed to be taken onto plane
D. To give information about the security line
26. Things can be brought onto an airplane, except . . . .
A. knives
B. ski poles
C. wrenches
D. screwdrivers

27. “In accordance with the international security regulation...”

The similarity of the underlined word is . . . .
A. supervision
B. instruction
C. protection
D. direction
August 8, 2016
Question number 28-30 refer to the following text
Personnel Manager
Surya English Institute
Palembang 3001
Why did the writer compose the text?
Dear sir,
Related inform
your about a vacancy
advertisement in Sriwijaya Post on July 30, 2016, I would like to apply for the
B. ofTo
tell theteacher.
reader about Sriwijaya University

C. To
Currently, apply English
I teach for a jobatadvertised in a newspaper
a vocational high school three days a week, From Monday to
Wednesday. It means I am available to work for the institute twice a week, and if necessary, I am
willing to work for half a day on Saturday. 3
I enclose a letter of reference, two recent photographs, my academic records and CV. I would be
available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
D. To enclose a letter of reference and recent photo

28. Why did the writer compose the text?

A. To inform about a vacancy
B. To tell the reader about Sriwijaya University
C. To apply for a job advertised in a newspaper
D. To enclose a letter of reference and recent photo

29. What will the addressee probably do after receiving the letter?
A. Check the advertisement.
B. Write a letter to the secretary.
C. Apply for the position mentioned.
D. Invite the sender for an interview.

30. The underlined word in sentence,”... forward to hearing from you soon,” (last paragraph)
refers to . . . .
A. Teacher of vocational high school
B. Head of Sriwijaya Post
C. English teacher
D. Personnel Manager

Question 31-32 based on the following dialog

Mrs. Uswah : You look so restless. What’s wrong?
Rini : I lost my watch, Mom?
Mrs. Uswah : I’m sorry to hear that. Have you searched everywhere?
Rini : Yes, Mom. I have searched on my desk, dressing table and in my bag, but I
couldn’t find it.
Mrs. Uswah : Why don’t you ask your little brother? May be, he hides it somewhere.
Rini : I can’t believe that he has been so rude to me again, Mom. He had ever hidden
my squishy. What should I do with him?

31. Why does Mom give the suggestion to Rini?

A. Her little brother is a naughty boy
B. Her little brother is naughty person
C. Her little brother knows the watch
D. Her little brother has stolen the watch

32. What will Rini do next?

A. She will be angry to him
B. She refuses her mother’s suggestion
C. She will ask him if he knows her watch
D. She does not like her little brother’s attitude

Question 33 -34 based on the following dialog.
Man : “Myron travel agency, good morning!”
Woman : “Hello, operator. This is Melinda. Is there a plane to Samarinda today?”
Man : “Hello, Miss Melinda. There are daily flights at 7.30 am.”
Woman : “Well, can I book two seat on tomorrow’s flight?”
Man : “Sorry, Miss. We’re fully booked.”
Woman : “How about the day after tomorrow?”
Man : “Yes, Miss, for how many persons
Woman : “Two, please.”
Man : “Single or return?”
Woman : “Return, please. How much does it cost?”
Man : “It cost $ 600 for one, so it comes $1200 for two.”
Woman : “That’s much more expensive. Is there any possibility that I could get a
special offer like discount maybe?
Man : “Of course, if you pay through the credit card you could get $ 75 discount
Woman : “But I don’t have a credit card”
Man : “I’m sorry, but that’s the only discount that we could offer.”
Woman : “Thank you for your information”
Man : “Your welcome, Thanks for calling.”

33. What is the dialog about?

A. He woman buying the ticket anything
B. Reserve the ticket to return home
C. Booked the ticket airplane
D. The man cancelling the ticket airplane

34. From the dialog above, how the bills for the order will be paid?
A. She pays the order with credit card
B. She gets the discount for the payment
C. She pays the order with cash
D. She gets $75 for discount

For the questions 35 – 40, choose the most appropriate answer.

35. Tomy : “ Anton looks so sad today. Does he have a problem?”

Jono : “As far as I know the sadness is related to the value of the test yesterday.”
Tomy : “What did happened with the test?”
Jono : “…, Anton got bad scores”
A. due to his laziness
B. because of his lazy
C. as a result of his
D. so Anton is a laziness

36. Yeni : You look very happy today, Siti.

Siti : Yes I do. My examination scores are very satisfying
Yeni : Congratulation.
Siti : Thank you. My classmates are kind. They are very helpful when I experience
trouble understanding the lesson. 
From the dialogue, which statement is correct?
A. Due to Siti’s classmates are very helpful to him, Siti achieved satisfying examination
B. Owing to the classmates, Siti achieved satisfying examination scores
C. Siti achieved satisfying examination scores because her classmates.
D. Siti thanks to her classmates’ support

37. Rizky : “What are you going to do after finishing your study?”
Shinta : “I really want to go to university. But I think . . .”
Rizky : “That’s a wise choice.”                    
A. I’m nothing to do             
B. I want to have a vacation
C. I’m going to get a job first to help my parents
D. I will choose Tri Sakti University as my first option

38. Anisa : You have saved a lot in your bank account. What are you going to do?
Windi : . . . The old one is frequently out of order.
Anisa : I’m glad that you have learned to be independent. You make me proud.
A. Perhaps I’ll buy a new computer.
B. I’m going to buy a new computer.
C. I was going to buy a new computer.
D. I’m thinking about looking for a new computer

39. Junior : . . . the global economy crisis, many labors lost their job.
Liem : Yeah, it becomes Indonesia’s major problem recently.
A. because of
B. because
C. despite
D. in spite of

40. Herdian : . . . it is raining, we shouldn’t go out.

Ali : I’d prefer stay at home this night.
Herdian : That’s good idea.
A. because of
B. for
C. because
D. but

B. Read the text and answer the question.

41. Change the following sentences into passive form!

a. All people have left the town.
b. Sally and Marry are going to decorate the room.
c. Dany wrote these letters last week

42. Rearrange these sentences below to form a sequential order!

How To Reset Facebook Account and Forgotten Password

a. Firstly, click on the “forgotten account” button on the right hand of the login
b. When you see your account, confirm it by clicking “this is my account” button.
c. Then search your account on the “find account” page. Type either your
username, email, or phone number in the box provided.
d. Your Facebook account is ready to activate
6 again.
e. After that, reset your password. Don’t
6 forget to say how you want to receive
your code. If you choose email, you’ll
6 get the code in your inbox.
f. When you get a notification in your email, click the link provided on your
email to have the password reset.
43. Read the announcement and answer the question

Read the text and answer the question.

To all students of Merdeka Vocational School, Art Contest and Exhibition
will be started on Monday, 22 August 2016.
The students must register themselves in student council room by Friday, 19
August 2016 at 2 p.m.

What is the topic of the announcement ?

Read the text and answer the question 44 – 45

Smoking and Driving Don’t Mix
VIENNA: Not only drinking, but also smoking while driving poses greater health
and accident risks.
Fiddling with cigarettes and lighters can distract a driver, increasing the chances of
an accident. By the same token, cigarette smoke with its carbon monoxide fumes can slow
down drivers’ reflexes.
The Austrian motorist’s federation OAMTC said that in Austria, smoking poses a
further risk. If, for example, a driver has an accident while trying to recover a cigarette
accidentally dropped on the floor, then his insurance company may not have to cover the
damages because the driver was culpable of gross negligence while at the wheel.

44. What does the benefit for the reader after reading the text?
45. The text is talking about . . . .


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