Ellenberg Indicator Values For Macromycetes e A Methodological PDF

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Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212

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Fungal Ecology
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Methodological Advances

Ellenberg indicator values for macromycetes e a methodological

approach and first applications
Josef Simmel a, *, Claus Ba
€ssler b, Peter Poschlod a
University of Regensburg, Institute of Plant Sciences, Chair of Ecology and Conservation Biology, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
Bavarian Forest National Park, Section Research, Mycology and Climatology, Freyunger Str. 2, D-94481 Grafenau, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ellenberg indicator values (EIVs) describe the realized niche of species and habitat parameters, and are
Received 25 January 2016 commonly used for vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens. We provide a methodology for EIVs and an
Received in revised form EIV list for nearly 650 species of macromycetes. We propose a new EIV scale, namely substrate openness
25 August 2016
(O). We also give the results of two applications and compare EIV values related to the Red List classi-
Accepted 23 September 2016
Available online 17 November 2016
fication with those related to lifestyle classification. Mycorrhizal species on average have higher demands
on substrate openness and are less tolerant of high nutrient levels than saprotrophic or parasitic species.
Corresponding Editor: Critically endangered species have on average distinctly higher demands on openness of habitat and
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen substrate than not threatened or less strongly threatened species, which in turn have higher demands for
nutrient availability. This pattern clearly highlights the points of threat for many macromycete species.
Keywords: © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.
Light intensity
Substrate moisture
Substrate nutrient content
Substrate salt content
Substrate reaction
Substrate exploitability
Mean annual temperature

1. Introduction composition or the plant cover or both, and the mean EIVs of, e.g.,
air temperature and soil moisture of different study areas can be
In Central Europe and adjacent countries, Ellenberg indicator compared. Thus, EIVs allow study plots, habitats, or whole land-
values (EIV; e. g. Ellenberg, 1974; Ellenberg et al., 2001) are scapes to be easily characterized, and this method is, therefore,
commonly used to describe ecological parameters. These parame- widely used in environmental (impact) assessments or to quickly
ters are related to climate and soil conditions. In addition, in Ger- identify environmental filters in plant, habitat, or landscape
many, a frequency measure of the percentage of occupied fields of ecological studies.
the topographical map of Germany (1:25,000) has been given However, it should be mentioned that EIVs were developed only
(Ellenberg, 2001). Climatic parameters include light intensity, mean in part from actual measurements of parameters, such as temper-
annual air temperature, and continentality; substrate parameters ature and moisture (cf. Thompson et al., 1993). In most cases, these
include moisture, reaction (pH range), nutrient availability, and salt values are partially or predominately subjective ratings and thus
content. The realized niche of a species is assessed, and EIVs are represent empirical evaluations e the “expert opinion” e of the
assigned to it using scales that classify the respective parameters. author (cf. Dierschke, 1994; Ellenberg et al., 2001), partly because
For Central Europe, such values have been compiled for vascular parameter measurements for many species are lacking. From their
plants (Ellenberg, 1974, 2001; Landolt, 1977; Weber, 2001), bryo- inception, EIVs were designed to relate to ecological conditions
phytes (Düll, 2001) and lichens (Wirth, 2001). In turn, mean values integrated over the entire year (Ellenberg, 2001). In many cases, it
can be calculated for study areas after recording the floristic would often be too complicated and time consuming to make
measurements, especially because measurements are always
limited in time or space or both. Although this foundation of pre-
* Corresponding author. dominantly subjective opinions instead of measured data could be
E-mail address: josef.simmel@ur.de (J. Simmel).

1754-5048/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd and British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.
J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212 203

considered a weak point of the EIV concept, several studies have An indicator value dealing with light requirements might be
shown a distinct and universal correlation between EIVs and actual considered dispensable for fungi, as they are heterotrophs (Carroll
measurements of the respective ecological parameters (Ertsen and Wicklow, 1992; Lisiewska, 1992; Blackwell and Spatafora,
et al., 1998; Schaffers and Sýkora, 2000; Ellenberg, 2001; 2004). However, light is important for fungi, albeit indirectly, for
Diekmann, 2003; Smart and Scott, 2004; Halbwachs and Ba €ssler, example for mycorrhizal fungi that rely on carbon from host
2013; Bartelheimer and Poschlod, 2015), or at least such a corre- photosynthesis (Kummel and Lostroh, 2011), due to effects on
lation within the same vegetation type (Wamelink et al., 2002). mycelial growth and fruit body formation for many species
EIVs, therefore, are a very useful tool in ecological research, but (Manache re, 1980; Moore, 1998; Corrochano and Galland, 2006;
their empirical nature should be kept in mind. Purschwitz et al., 2006); although it is not essential for the for-
Fungi comprise a wealth of species important in ecology and mation of primordia (Moore, 1998; Corrochano and Galland, 2006),
conservation (Harley, 1971; Carroll and Wicklow, 1992; Winterhoff, the further development of fruit bodies as well as induction of
1992; van der Heijden et al., 1998; van der Heijden, 2002; Blackwell spore formation strongly depend on light as a stimulus for correct
and Spatafora, 2004). Several studies have used the EIVs of vascular growth, e.g., in Coprinus cinereus, which forms only dark stipes in
plants, bryophytes, and/or lichens as a proxy to evaluate ecological the dark, and the fruit bodies of many species exhibit phototropism
features of fungi (e.g. Mulder and de Zwart, 2003; Mulder et al., (Manache re, 1980; Moore, 1998; Corrochano and Galland, 2006).
2003; Halbwachs and B€ assler, 2013; Hempel et al., 2013). Howev- Moreover, many macromycete species show a preference for open,
er, fungi have not yet been directly evaluated using EIVs compiled i.e., well sunlit, or dense, i.e., shaded, habitats. This of course can be
specifically for this species group. This lack of EIVs for fungi prob- explained in part, but by far not completely, by their nutrition
ably relates to the incomplete understanding of the lifestyle of source, e.g. dead wood is more abundant inside forests and grassy
many fungal species, and by the high number of species. In Bavaria substrates are usually more common outside forests. For example,
(Germany) alone, there are at least 5000 species of macromycetes in the genus Agaricus, which almost exclusively comprises soil
(Karasch and Hahn, 2009). Considering not only macromycetes, but saprotrophs, the whole range can be seen from species growing in
all fungi, there might exist at least 1.5 million (Hawksworth, 1991, open grasslands (e.g., Agaricus campestris) to species growing in
2001) or even 5.1 million (Blackwell, 2011) species worldwide. dense forests (e.g., Agaricus silvaticus) (Capelli, 1984; Krieglsteiner
The use of EIVs for fungi could promote further ecological research and Gminder, 2010). With the exception of direct effects like
and help in understanding the ecology of specific fungal species. phototropism, light in most cases presumably affects fungi by
Here we take the first step in developing EIVs for fungi. We influencing, e.g., microclimatic and substrate qualities, as can be
compiled a ‘classic’ set of EIVs (Ellenberg, 2001) using a dataset of seen when evaluating edge effects (Crockatt, 2012). In conclusion,
636 macromycete species, whose ecology has been recently we considered light as an important factor for fungi. However, to
comprehensively characterized (Simmel 2011a, 2011b, 2013a, emphasize the non-photosynthetic lifestyle of fungi and the pre-
2013b; Simmel and Kronfeldner, 2013). We also propose an addi- sumably mostly indirect influence of light on them, we re-
tional scale for the evaluation of substrate openness (i.e., its interpreted the light value (L) as a ‘habitat openness’ value, for
accessibility and exploitability). In addition to these methodolog- which the focus does not lie on increasingly strong solar radiation
ical aspects, we present applications using the Red List category and itself but rather on the habitat structure (see Table 2).
the lifestyle types of the species. The continentality (K) plays an important role in studies on a
continental scale (Heilmann-Clausen et al., 2014; Abrego et al.,
2. Materials & methods 2015, 2016), but is difficult to deal with for fungi in Central
Europe because, on this relatively small scale, only a few species
2.1. ‘Classic’ EIVs exhibit a more pronounced preference for either an oceanic or a
continental climate. Many macromycete species have a very wide
We considered the following seven indicator values of the EIV distribution area, in several cases throughout the Holarctic or in
system as compiled by Ellenberg (2001): L (light intensity), T (mean both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (e.g. Serzanina 1984;
annual air temperature), K (continentality), F (substrate moisture), Wasser 1990; Vellinga 2004 (for lepiotaceous fungi)). In the present
R (substrate reaction), N (substrate nutrient availability), and S (salt study we focused on the situation in Central Europe, and therefore,
content of the substrate). We also used the non-EIV frequency K values of 5 (which indicate species seemingly without preference
measure (M), i.e., the percentage of occupied fields of 1:25,000 for an oceanic or continental climate) and to a lesser extent, K
topographical maps. Scales of six of these values have 9 tiers; the F values of 4 or 6 (which indicate suboceanic or subcontinental
scale has 12 tiers (including also 3 tiers for living partially, species) constitute almost the entire K scale. In future research
seasonally, or completely submerged), and that of S has 10 tiers more detailed information, like that given by Abrego et al. (2016),
(including also 1 step for intolerance of elevated salt contents: can be compiled for larger species sets, and based on these further
‘halophobes’) (Table 1). We used these scales for fungi in the same adjustments of the continentality value may become possible.
way as for lichens, bryophytes, and higher plants, with the con- Many species of fungi, including also microfungi, have an
siderations on L, K, F, and N given below. To enlarge the ecological aquatic lifestyle and grow in or under water (Mueller et al., 2004:
spectrum covered by EIVs for fungi, we propose an additional scale 513e586). By contrast, higher fungi, including macromycetes, are
(see ‘Additional and excluded scales’). primarily found outside of the water body itself, but there are also
When dealing with indicator values for fungi, two aspects exceptions, and the EIV scale for substrate moisture (F) should,
should be particularly taken into account: (i) while ‘atmospheric’ therefore, also range from F1 to F12 for macromycetes. Species such
environmental factors, such as temperature, have an influence on as Lactarius lacunarum, which grows in fens or on the edge of pools
both soil-inhabiting species and those thriving on or in special or creeks, have to be classified as F10, and other macromycetes, e.g.
substrates (cf. Parton and Logan, 1981), the influence of soil pa- Vibrissea truncorum (Ellis and Ellis, 1997) and Psathyrella aquatica
rameters, such as moisture and reaction, is more or less limited to (Frank et al., 2010) have nearly or completely submerged fruit
the soil body itself or is transmitted to other substrates in a bodies and are therefore classified as F11 or F12.
weakened or altered form; and (ii) fungi can grow on a broad range With regard to the substrate nutrient availability value (N),
of substrates, from soil to dead and living plants or animals or parts Ellenberg (1974) could characterize the minimum (N1, N2) and
of them. maximum values (N 8, N 9) well, and easily classify the respective
204 J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212

Table 1
Definitions of the ‘classic’ EIVs T, K, F, S, R, N, and M, taken from Ellenberg et al. (2001). For the EIV L, see Table 2.

T, mean annual K, continentality

air temperature

T1 Indicator of cold conditions, found only in high K1 Extremely oceanic species, in Central Europe only in a
mountain or boreal-arctic regions, mostly in alpine and few outposts
nival levels
T2 Between T1 and T3 K2 Oceanic species, mainly in the west, including western
Central Europe
T3 Indicator of cool conditions, mainly subalpine K3 Between K2 and K4
T4 Between T3 and T5 K4 Suboceanic species, mainly in Central Europe, but
spreading eastward
T5 Indicator of fairly warm conditions, from lowland to K5 Intermediate species, weakly suboceanic to weakly
montane, but especially in submontane-temperate subcontinental
T6 Between T5 and T7 K6 Subcontinental species, mainly in the east of Central
Europe and adjoining parts of Eastern Europe
T7 Warmth indicator, in warm lowland sites and colline K7 Between K6 and K8
T8 Between T7 and T9 K8 Continental species, spreading into Central Europe
from the east only exceptionally
T9 Indicator of extreme warm conditions, spreading from K9 Extremely continental species, virtually absent from
the Mediterranean only into the warmest places of the western Central Europe
upper Rhine valley

F, substrate moisture S, substrate salt content

F1 Indicator of xeric conditions, restricted to soils drying S0 Halophobe, tolerating fresh water only
out intermittently
F2 Between F1 and F3 S1 Tolerating certain salt concentrations, but mostly on
substrates poor in chloride
F3 Indicator of rather xeric conditions, more often found S2 Oligohaline (I), mainly on substrates with very low
on dry ground than on moist places, never on damp soil chloride content
F4 Between F3 and F5 S3 b-Mesohaline (II), mainly on substrates with low
chloride content
F5 Indicator of mesic conditions, mainly on fresh soils of S4 a/b-Mesohaline (II/III), mainly on substrates with low
average dampness, absent from both wet and dry to moderate chloride content
F6 Between F5 and F7 S5 a-Mesohaline (III), mainly on substrates with moderate
chloride content
F7 Indicator of rather hygric conditions, mainly on S6 a-Meso/polyhaline (III/IV), on substrates with
constantly moist or damp, but not on wet soils moderate to high chloride content
F8 Between F7 and F9 S7 Polyhaline (IV), on substrates with high chloride
F9 Indicator of hygric conditions, often on water- S8 Euhaline (IV/V and V), on substrates with very high
saturated, badly aerated soils chloride content
F10 Indicator of occasionally, but only temporary flooded S9 Euhaline to hyperhaline (VeVI), on substrates with
sites high and, during drought periods, extreme salt content
F11 Rooting under water, but at least intermittently
exposed to the air, or plant floating on the surface
F12 Submerged, permanently under water or nearly so

R, substrate reaction N, substrate nutrient availability

R1 Indicator of extremely acidic substrate, never found on N1 Indicator of sites extremely poor in available nutrients
weakly acidic or basic substrate
R2 Between R1 and R3 N2 Between N1 and N3
R3 Indicator of acidic substrate, mainly on acid substrate, N3 Indicator of sites more or less poor in available
but exceptionally also on nearly neutral one nutrients
R4 Between R3 and R5 N4 Between N3 and N5
R5 Indicator of moderately acidic substrate, only N5 Indicator of intermediate nutrient availability
occasionally found on very acidic or on neutral to basic
R6 Between R5 and R7 N6 Between N5 and N7
R7 Indicator of weakly acidic to weakly basic substrate, N7 Species often found in places rich in available nutrients
never found on very acidic substrate
R8 Between R7 and R9 N8 Between N7 and N9
R9 Indicator of basic substrate, always found on calcareous N9 Indicator of extremely rich situations, such as cattle
substrate resting places or polluted rivers

M, frequency (occupied squares of topographical map grid)

M1 Extremely rare, only in a few squares

M2 Very rare, in about 1% of the squares
M3 Rare, in about 5%
M4 Moderately rare, in about 10%
M5 Neither rare nor frequent, in about 25%
M6 Between 5 and 7, moderately frequent
M7 Frequent, but not everywhere, in about 50%
M8 Very frequent, in about 75%
M9 Nearly everywhere, lacking only in a few squares
J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212 205

Table 2
Re-interpretation of the ‘classic’ EIV L (light intensity; left) of Ellenberg (2001) as a habitat openness scale (right).

Light intensity Habitat openness

L1 In deep shade, may be less than 1% relative insolation In confined sites between high rocks, in cave entrances etc.
L2 Between L1 and L3 Inside dense forests with closed canopy and dense young growth or shrub vegetation
L3 Shade plant, mostly less than 5% relative insolation Between L2 and L4
L4 Between L3 and L5 Inside light woodlands with open canopy
L5 Semi-shade plant, rarely in full light Semi-open at the forest edge, in light hedges etc.
L6 Between L5 and L7 Between L5 and L7
L7 Plant generally in well lit places, but also in partial shade In the open landscape, but adjacent to scattered trees, in dense high-grass vegetation, etc.
L8 Light-loving plant, rarely found with <40% relative insolation Between L7 and L9
L9 Plant in full light, found mostly in full sun In completely open sites, i.e., distant to trees, shrubs, rocks, etc.

indicator species, but the gradient in between these values was refers to all nutritional sources that can be used by macromycetes,
difficult to determine. However, most species revealed tendencies, specifically soil and dead or living plants or animals or parts of
and at least approximate classifications were possible (Ellenberg, them. Soil has a quasi-infinite spatial expansion, whereas plants
1974, 2001). and animals are distinctly delimited in space and time, and in most
Whereas initially the N value was thought to classify based cases develop and decay rapidly (Lisiewska, 1992). We, therefore,
solely on the nitrogen content of the soil or rather that available for distinguished these two substrate types and compiled separate
plants (Ellenberg, 1974), other authors had different interpretations scales for them (Table 3); this distinction is congruent with the
(e. g. Boller-Elmer, 1977; Frank et al., 1990). The correlation between separation of substrate types for the N value (see above). Because of
the N value and the soil content of all nutrients (i.e., including these separations in the O and N scales, species growing on soil
phosphorous, potassium etc.) was much more distinct than that should not be directly compared with those growing on plant or
with only nitrogen, these authors advocated the use of the N value animal substrates. Difficulties in classification might be encoun-
as ‘nutrient value’ instead of ‘nitrogen value’, as done for lichens tered for fungi growing on special substrates buried in the soil, e.g.
(Wirth, 2001). Such a broader classification also solves the dilemma Strobilurus esculentus growing on spruce cones and deadwood-
of Ellenberg (2001) of how to achieve indicator scales for the soil inhabiting species thriving on roots. In such cases, the scale for
content of phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, and calcium, and it re- plant and animal substrates should be used despite apparent
duces the problems of classifying nitrogen availability as described terricolous occurrence.
above because there is no longer a need to separate the influence of For soil-inhabiting species, the substrate openness scale
nitrogen alone from that of other nutrients. In addition, it should be considered two factors: humus richness, i.e. soil thickness, and soil
noted that the amount of accessible nutrients differs among various cover by litter and ground vegetation. Humus richness is important
substrates. Wirth (2001), therefore, considered terricolous lichen in determining the availability and amount of organic matter as
species separately from corticolous and saxicolous species. well as characteristics such as soil structure and waterholding ca-
Nitrogen is increasingly important due to high anthropogenic pacity (Standortskartierung, 1996; Ad-Hoc-AG Boden, 2005; Blume
atmospheric depositions (e.g. Skeffington and Wilson, 1988; et al., 2010). We addressed it according to the ‘Humuszahl’ (humus
Matson et al., 2002; Phoenix et al., 2006), leading to shifts in the value) of Landolt (1977), whereas his ‘Dispersita €tszahl’ (dispers-
abundance of species and thus to an increasing number of threat- ability value) or ‘Durchlüftungsmangelzahl’ (aeration deficiency
ened or extinct species in nutrient- or nitrogen-poor habitats value) was omitted, as it does not provide a good differentiation
(Skeffington and Wilson, 1988; Arnolds, 1991; Sala et al., 2000; (Meier, 2002). Soil aeration is explained well by water saturation
Matson et al., 2002; Phoenix et al., 2006; Poschlod, 2015). and temperature (Grundmann et al., 1994; Blume et al., 2010) and
The correlation of N values and nutrient (or nitrogen) content thus by the EIVs substrate moisture (F) and air temperature (T). Soil
might still be only a part of the whole story. For example, Hill and cover by litter or vegetation (e.g., a dense bryophyte layer) greatly
Carey (1997) have shown that biomass yield fits better than soil affects the accessibility by dispersal units (spores, conidia) and also
nutrient content with N values, and proposed the name ‘produc- some chemical, physical, and biological characteristics (Sydes and
tivity values’ for N. Bartelheimer and Poschlod (2015) even found 16 Grime, 1981; Facelli and Pickett, 1991; Blume et al., 2010).
eco-physiological determinants of the N value. The scale for species growing on other substrates, such as living
In the present study, these issues were taken into account as or dead plants or dung, was compiled based on the classification of
follows. First, the N scale refers to the available nutrients as a whole. wood rot stages by Heilmann-Clausen et al. (2005) and Pouska et al.
However, to a certain degree, we focused on nitrogen because (2011). Both provide a five-step scale, from dead but hardly
excess nitrogen greatly influences mycorrhizal fungi and sapro- decomposed to completely disintegrated wood. These five steps
trophic fungi growing on nutrient-poor substrates (cf. Arnolds, were supplemented by three types of living and one step for
1991; Egerton-Warburton and Allen, 2000; Lilleskov et al., 2002; already (pre-)digested substrates based on remarks by Lisiewska
Janssens et al., 2010). Second, we considered the two substrate (1992) and Frankland (1992).
types soil and dead or living plants or animals separately. Third, The parameters evapotranspiration and air humidity both play
biomass yield and other determinants were not considered, an important role in the growth and endurance of fruit bodies
because there is currently very little suitable published data on this (Zoberi, 1972; McKnight and Estabrook, 1990) and, together with
topic. temperature and air velocity, are important for spore release
(Zoberi, 1964, 1972; Pasanen et al., 1991). Furthermore, they are
2.2. Additional and excluded scales important criteria in the ecology of parasitic species (Dick, 1992;
Hirsch and Braun, 1992). However, these two factors are difficult
We propose substrate openness as an additional indicator value to handle, especially at small scales, due to microrelief, shading,
for fungi. The accessibility and exploitability of a substrate is of high wind regime, and other parameters (e.g., see the calculations and
relevance for newly arriving fungi. Therefore, we considered sub- estimations applied by Kleyer (1997)). Classification concepts are,
strate openness (O value) as an indicator value, where ‘substrate’ thus, primarily based on the scale of, e.g., water catchments (Zhang
206 J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212

Table 3
Compilation of a substrate openness scale (O), which distinguishes the two substrate types ‘soil’ and ‘other substrates’, e.g., living and dead plants or parts of them.

Inhabiting soil Inhabiting other substrates

O1 Soil humus-rich (raw humus, peat, etc.) Dense litter and/or Living and intact
O2 Soil of medium humus-richness ground vegetation Living and pre-injured (e.g., bark fissures, strong drought stress, pest infestation)
(mull, etc.)
O3 Raw soil with only weak humus formation Substrate moribund
O4 Soil humus-rich (raw humus, peat, etc.) Sparse litter and Substrate dead and still near intact (wood: still hard, ± completely covered with bark, fresh
ground vegetation phloem still present at least in parts; herbs: still green and sappy)
O5 Soil of medium humus-richness (mull, etc.) Substrate dead and weakly disintegrated (wood: quite hard, no fresh phloem left)
O6 Raw soil with only weak humus formation Substrate dead and disintegrated (wood: partly decayed and becoming soft; herbs: free
from intact chlorophyll, beginning to lose their shape)
O7 Soil humus-rich (raw humus, peat, etc.) Bare soil Substrate dead and strongly disintegrated (wood: decayed and soft throughout)
O8 Soil of medium humus-richness (mull, etc.) Substrate dead and completely disintegrated (wood: very soft, disintegrating when lifted;
herbs: decayed)
O9 Raw soil with only weak humus formation Substrate (pre-)digested

et al., 2001) or of whole ‘life zones’ (Holdridge, 1967; Lugo et al., 2. Scale values for the example species were worked out for air
1999), and therefore are primarily practical on large scales. On a temperature (T), substrate moisture (F), substrate reaction (R),
small scale, e.g. a specific study site, it seems more reasonable to and substrate nutrient availability (N), and the values were
use a proxy for the conditions of evapotranspiration and air hu- calibrated; this calibration was used to substantiate the scale
midity. In the EIV system, light intensity (L), air temperature (T), values. Mean values of T, F, R, and N calculated from the vascular
substrate moisture (F), and probably also continentality (K) values plant and bryophyte vegetation present at the locations of the
evaluated together can be used as a substitute. Therefore, we did respective fungus species (data not shown) thus served as an
not consider evapotranspiration and air humidity and do not pro- additional guideline in the development of EIVs for those
pose additional scales. species.
3. Based on the results for the example species, the remaining
species were classified in two steps. First, the ecology of the
respective species was checked against that of the example
2.3. Methods for the classification of species species. Second, based on the similarity (or difference) in the
ecological demands, the values for the respective species were
Altogether, nine different scales were used for the classification chosen. Note that species found on different substrates and
of macromycete species (see also above): L, T, K, F, R, N, S, M, and O species belonging to different trophic guilds always have to be
(Tables 1e3). considered separately in the analysis owing to strong differ-
For L, T, K, F, R, N, S, and O, macromycete species were classified ences in substrate quality, lifestyles, and trophic guilds.
using distributional and ecological data from the literature, our 4. Finally, the species classifications were compared (and
own unpublished observations and measurements, and ‘expert reworked, if necessary) in groups of ecologically similar species,
opinions’ of the first and second author. Especially useful were the partly also using additional referencing (see point 2.).
five volumes of “Die Grobpilze Baden-Württembergs”
(Krieglsteiner 2000a, 2000b, 2001, 2003; Krieglsteiner and For the preparation of M (frequency) values, we used two
Gminder, 2010), as they provide an abundant set of ecological ob- different sets of distribution maps: (i) “Die Grobpilze Baden-
servations for most basidiomycete species. We used the following Württembergs” (Krieglsteiner 2000a, 2000b, 2001, 2003;
approach: Krieglsteiner and Gminder, 2010); and (ii) the floristic mapping of
Germany (www.pilze-deutschland.de). These data sets were com-
1. We chose 12 model species with well-known ecology and dis- plemented by other sources, such as the floristic mapping of Austria
tribution pattern that covered a range of different habitats, fruit (www.austria.mykodata.net) when necessary or useful (e.g., to
body types, and environmental situations (see Table 4).

Table 4
Ecology and fruit body morphology of twelve species from two taxonomic groups chosen as examples in the preparation of EIV lists.

Species Taxomonic group Habitat, ecology Lifestyle Fruit body type

Agaricus campestris Basidiomycota Pastures, extensive grasslands Terricol-saprobiotic Agaricoid, fleshy, short-lived
Albatrellus ovinus Basidiomycota Nutrient-poor and often quite dry forests Terricol-mycorrhizal Boletoid, fleshy, short-lived
Armillaria ostoyae Basidiomycota Living and dead coniferous trees Lignicol-parasitic, Agaricoid, fleshy, short-lived
Bovista pusilla Basidiomycota Nutrient-poor, mostly calcareous and dry Terricol-saprobiotic Gastroid, fleshy, short-lived
Elaphomyces muricatus Ascomycota Woodlands not too rich in nutrients Hypogeous-mycorrhizal Cleistothecial, fleshy, short-lived
Fomitopsis pinicola Basidiomycota Dead wood of numerous tree species Lignicol-saprobiotic Pileate (‘bracket’), woody, long-lived
Helvella lacunosa Ascomycota Base- and humus-rich woodlands Terricol-saprobiotic Apothecial, fleshy, short-lived
Hygrocybe persistens Basidiomycota Pastures, extensive grasslands Terricol, most probably Agaricoid, fleshy, short-lived
Hymenochaete cruenta Basidiomycota Deadwood of Abies in the airspace, mostly in Lignicol-saprobiotic Corticioid, tenacious, long-lived
humid sites
Sarcodon imbricatus Basidiomycota Nutrient-poor, light forests, often on sandy soil Terricol-mycorrhizal Hydnoid, fleshy, short-lived
Thelephora penicillata Basidiomycota Light woodlands, mostly base-rich and wet Terricol-mycorrhizal Ramarioid, tenacious, short-lived
Tricholoma auratum Basidiomycota Nutrient-poor, bright forests, often on sandy soil Terricol-mycorrhizal Agaricoid, fleshy, short-lived
J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212 207

obtain an insight on the distribution of species in case of obviously openness (O) was also easy to classify. By contrast, continentality
incomplete German maps). From these maps, the number of (K) values were similar for most of the species. As described above,
“Topographische Karten” (topographical maps of Germany many fungus species do not exhibit clearly visible preferences
1:25,000) occupied by the respective species were counted. As the within the gradient of continentality, probably owing to their wide
M scale uses the percentage of occupied Topographische Karten distribution range (Serzanina, 1984; Wasser, 1990; Vellinga, 2004);
(Ellenberg, 2001), the counts could be directly translated into scale this results in K values primarily of 5 or occasionally 4 or 6.
values. Therefore, the K scale may become obsolete if it does not prove
useful in separating species in future research.
2.4. Analysis of the EIV data We determined the EIV values using mapping data and litera-
ture predominantly covering southern Germany (i.e., from the
The list of EIVs for fungi was explored and comparatively federal states Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria). It thus has to be
studied in two analyses that used unweighted mean EIV values. For tested whether the indicator values presented here can be directly
this purpose, the species set was divided up based on either the applied in other parts of Germany and Central Europe, or if they
species' Red List status (Red List of Bavaria; Karasch and Hahn, need to be adjusted (Dierschke, 1994; Ellenberg, 2001). Such ad-
2009) or lifestyle, thereby providing an overview of the distribu- justments, for example, have been proposed for indicator values of
tion of EIV values according to the respective classification. The vascular plants in the former GDR (Zo  lyomi, 1989), the Netherlands
amplitude of the EIVs was calculated as absolute and relative dif- (ter Braak and Gremmen, 1987; Ertsen et al., 1998), and the Faroe
ferences. Differentiation between groups was analyzed using Islands (Lawesson et al., 2003).
ANOVA and Scheffe ’s test as a post hoc test in SPSS In When dealing with ecological niches of species, it is very
addition, to visualize the distribution patterns, we used line charts important to take into account all relevant occurrences of these
(species numbers plotted against EIV gradients), as also done by species. For lichens and plants as well as for macromycetes, rele-
Ellenberg (2001) for vascular plants. vant occurrences are those with established individuals. Only these
individuals allow a reliable ecological interpretation, whereas other
3. Results occurrences of a species (e.g., spores or other propagules; mycelia
that have only just germinated) can be found on a broad range of
We used nine different scales (Tables 1e3) in our approach to substrates, independent of their chance of becoming established,
macromycete classification, including the newly developed indi- and germinating spores or very young mycelia can often be found
cator value substrate openness (O; Table 3). The other EIVs even while still attached to the basidium or enclosed in the ascus.
comprised habitat openness (a re-interpretation of the L value, see As mycelia of fungi are more or less completely hidden inside their
Table 2), air temperature (T), continentality (K), soil moisture (F), substrate, they can be detected only by using a markedly higher
soil reaction (R), substrate nutrient availability (N), substrate salt sampling effort, e.g. sequencing community DNA (O'Brien et al.,
content (S), and the frequency measure (M). Based on these scales, 2005; Lindahl et al., 2013). Such methods, however, utilize all
we compiled a list of EIV values for fungi (Supplementary material, sources of DNA, including propagules, very young mycelial stages,
Table 1). We considered a total of 636 macromycete species, most of and inactive or dead mycelia (Rajala et al., 2011; Ovaskainen et al.,
which belonged to the basidiomycetes and have a mycorrhizal or 2013; Ba€ssler et al., 2016). Thus, as long as molecular techniques can
saprotrophic lifestyle (Fig. 1D). not differentiate the types of DNA sources, other methods are
Our analyses (Table 5) revealed almost constant mean values for necessary to detect ecologically relevant individuals.
the EIVs air temperature (T), continentality (K), and substrate salt In most ecological research and species mapping (e.g., for dis-
content (S) when Red List endangerment classes were compared tribution maps) the presence of a species is indicated by the pres-
(D  0.12 units). Comparing not threatened and increasingly en- ence of its fruit bodies (Halme and Kotiaho, 2012). The same holds
dangered species, the mean values for the EIVs habitat openness true in theoretical and applied issues such as conservation planning
(L), frequency measure (M), substrate openness (O), and substrate or in the evaluation of, e.g., rehabilitation or restoration measures.
nutrient availability (N) revealed large differences (D  1,4 units) Moreover, a broad range of data today is gained through Citizen
and large percent differences (d ¼ 15.6e38.7%), with differences Science or other public activities (e.g., Dickinson et al., 2010;
being significant for L, N, O, and M. When comparing the species' Theobald et al., 2015), in which molecular methods usually are
lifestyles, significant differences were found for the EIVs L, T, F, R, N, not applicable, at least at present. Thus, the ecology of macro-
O, and M (Table 5). mycetes is best assessed by ‘traditional’ means because (i) the
When we plotted species numbers against the EIV gradients molecular methods available at present are not selective enough
(Fig. 1 AeC), different distribution patterns were visible. For the and (ii) most data available on this topic was and still is gained by
EIVs T, K, and F, the distribution had a marked maximum near or at analysis of the presence or absence of fruit bodies.
the center value of 5; for L, M, R, and S the distribution was more Which mathematical operations are allowed for calculating
skewed to the left or right. For EIVs O and N, the distribution was mean indicator values has been repeatedly discussed. Indicator
bimodal or more flattened, respectively. values, strictly speaking, are not cardinal numbers, which means
that estimation of mean values is not really appropriate (see also
4. Discussion Ellenberg, 2001: 44e48 for further explanations). On the other
hand, several authors have concluded that indicator values can be
We present the first proposal of Ellenberg indicator values for considered as ‘quasi-cardinal’ numbers for practical applications
non-lichenized fungi. For most of the 636 macromycete species (Durwen, 1982; ter Braak and Gremmen, 1987; Kowarik and
considered, all indicator values except continentality (K) were easy Seidling, 1989). We followed this reasoning and calculated mean
to classify. However, a certain proportion of fungi had to be clas- indicator values and used correlation analyses.
sified as ‘indifferent’ (Table 5; indicated by “” in the EIV list given In studies of Central European species of vascular plants
in Supplementary material, Table 1) at the respective value because (Ellenberg, 1974, 2001), bryophytes (Düll, 2001), and lichens
the ecological behavior of the species was not distinct or limited (Wirth, 2001), the respective authors have compiled EIVs with all
enough to describe it by a single value (cf. Ellenberg, 1974; species given in one list, regardless of their lifestyle, trophic guild,
Ellenberg, 2001). The newly introduced indicator value substrate or substrate. We also followed this approach for the list of
208 J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212

Fig. 1. Distribution of the macromycete species evaluated in the present study (n ¼ 636) along the EIV gradients described in Tables 1e3 (AeC; values are EIV values) and clas-
sification according to their taxonomical position and lifestyle (D). L, habitat openness; T, mean annual air temperature; K, continentality; F, substrate moisture; R, substrate re-
action; N, substrate nutrient availability; S, substrate salt content; O, substrate openness; M, frequency; tax group, taxonomical group (asc, ascomycetes; bas, basidiomycetes);
lifestyle (myc, mycorrhizal; sap tc, saprobiotic-terricolous; sap sb, saprobiotic on other substrates; par, parasitic; other, other lifestyle, e.g., parasitic-saprobiotic).

macromycetes presented here. However, when using the EIVs in individual Red List endangerment classes, marked differences were
analyses, due to marked differences in the properties (in pH, found for habitat openness (L), frequency measure (M), substrate
nutrient availability etc.) of different substrate types it is important openness (O), and substrate nutrient availability (N) (Table 5),
to do separate analyses for species growing on these substrates, and especially for L and M, where d constituted nearly 40% or 30%,
the same holds true for different trophic guilds. Species growing on respectively, of the whole amplitude of the factor (M: 12 steps; L: 9
different substrates or belonging to different guilds cannot be steps). For the mean values of O and N (9 steps), d constituted nearly
compared directly. Since the substrate of the collected or examined 20% or 15%, respectively, of the whole amplitude of the factor. These
specimens will usually be noted during research in the field, species four EIVs also showed significant differences in ANOVA analyses.
lists can be compiled according to substrate or trophic guilds. For M, these differences of course exist because most endangered
When we compared the mean indicator values of species in species are also rare species. On the other hand, rare macromycete
J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212 209

Table 5
Comparison of the nine indicator scales dealt with in the present study and analysis of the demands of species regarding their Red List status and their lifestyle.

n L T K F R N S O M

amp min 636 2 4 2 2 2 1 0 1 1

max 636 9 7 7 11 9 9 1 9 9
D [units] 7 3 5 9 7 8 1 8 8
d [%] 77.78 33.33 55.56 0.75 77.78 88.89 10 88.89 88.89
 total 636 16 2 4 67 149 88 0 2 0
% 636 2.52 0.31 0.63 10.53 23.43 13.84 0 0.31 0
RL all species 636 3.95a 4.95 4.86 5.54 6.21 4.86ab 0.03 4.95ac 6,51c
not threat. 553 3.75a 4.95 4.87 5.56 6.22 4.99abc 0.03 4.88ac 6,86a
RþGþDþN 31 4.48ab 4.97 4.8 5.72 6.27 4.93abc 0.06 5.07abc 4,19b
V 34 5.45b 4.97 4.79 5.34 5.83 3.59c 0 5.18abc 4,53b
EþC 16 6.5c 5 4.75 5 6.6 3.63bc 0.06 6.5ab 3,38b
D [units] 2.75 0.05 0.12 0.72 0.77 1.4 0.06 1.62 3.48
d [%] 30.56 0.56 1.33 6 8.56 15.56 0.67 18 38.67
ANOVA F-value 19.9 0.04 0.35 1.7 1.05 8.16 0.79 50.3 3.88
significance level *** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. *** n.s. *** **
Lst mycorrh 203 3.47b 4.77a 4.94a 5.56b 5.57a 3.93a 0.01 4.59a 6.37a
saprob soil 185 5.01a 5.04b 4.85ab 5.14a 6.59b 5.21b 0.05 5.59b 6.3a
saprob sub 216 3.41b 5.02b 4.77b 5.8b 6.68b 5.67b 0.02 5.5b 6.82a
paras 8 4.43ab 5.13ab 4.88ab 5.86ab 5.8ab 4.83a 0 1.75c 5.5a
other 24 4.09ab 5.21b 4.96ab 6.19b 6.82ab 5.8b 0.04 4ac 6.58a
D [units] 1.6 0.45 0.18 1.05 1.25 1.88 0.05 3.84 1.32
d [%] 17.7 5.02 2.05 8.74 13.9 20.8 0.54 42.63 14.7
ANOVA F-value 39.2 8.46 2.87 7.55 15.0 34.7 1.74 3.33 17.5
significance level *** *** * *** *** *** n.s. ** ***

In the upper third, the size of the amplitude used for the species set (amp) is characterized by the respective minimum and maximum values. The number of ‘indifferent’
species () and their percentual share of all cases are given.
In the middle and lower third, mean unweighted EIVs calculated for different Red List endangerment classes (RL; Karasch and Hahn, 2009) and for different lifestyle types (Lst)
are given.
n, number of species from the present study in the comparison or in the respective class; D, amplitude (difference between highest and lowest value); d, percentual difference
[d ¼ (D/s)*100], where s is the scale size [s ¼ 12 (F), 10 (S), 9 (remaining EIVs)]; n.s., not significant; significant differences between groups are indicated using superscript
Endangerment classes: not threatened; R, extremely rare; G, degree of endangerment uncertain; D, data deficient; N, near threatened; V, vulnerable; E, endangered; C,
critically endangered.
Lifestyle: mycorrh, mycorrhizal; saprob soil, saprobiotic on soil; saprob sub, saprobiotic on other substrates; paras, parasitic; other, other lifestyle.
Significance levels: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.

species, in contrast to non-threatened species, seem to favor more The lower substrate openness (O) values for parasitic species, and
open habitats, more nutrient-poor sites, and a more easily acces- the higher values for saprotrophs can be explained by the substrate
sible substrate. status, with low O values for fungi growing on living organisms.
Our results obtained for N are in accordance with the data of In some respects, the distribution of species along the EIV gra-
Ellenberg (cited in Dierschke, 1994: 229e230), with higher or lower dients (Fig. 1 A, B) is similar to the distribution graphs of vascular
values, respectively, for endangered species. Furthermore, the plants of Germany given in Ellenberg (2001: 42). This is especially
striking combination of high L and O values, and low N values, true for the EIVs substrate moisture (F), substrate reaction (R), and
reflects the habitat range for a high proportion of endangered substrate salt content (S), for which the distribution graphs of
macromycete species: (i) open, nutrient-poor grasslands or habitats vascular plants and fungi are identical. For the EIVs air temperature
(on dry as well as on wet or peaty soil); (ii) relatively open, (T) and continentality (K), the distribution graphs of vascular plants
nutrient-poor forests with areas of bare soil; and (iii) large, rotten and fungi have a similar form, but are shifted to higher or lower
deadwood (Arnolds, 1991; Berg et al., 1994; Karasch and Hahn, values, respectively. For plants, the maximum indicator values are
2009; Ba€ssler et al., 2012; Lüderitz and Gminder, 2014). around 6e7 (T) and 4 (K), whereas the maximum indicator values
When we compared lifestyle guilds, substrate moisture (F), for fungi are both around 5. These similarities in the EIVs T, K, F, R,
substrate reaction (R), and frequency measure (M) only weakly and S for vascular plants and fungi are very likely based on their
differed (d < 15%), whereas the differences of habitat openness (L), comparable history in Central Europe. For example, the present
substrate nutrient availability (N), and substrate openness (O) were richness in plants preferring base-rich soils is thought to be the
greater (d > 17%; Table 5). For these six EIVs as well as for air result of a Pleistocene and Holocene dominance of calcareous soils
temperature (T), ANOVA showed significant differences. Soil- (Chytrý et al., 2003; Ewald, 2003). However, regarding the con-
inhabiting and parasitic species on average had higher habitat tinentality scale species-specific research may lead to an adaptation
openness values. Saprotrophic and mycorrhizal fungi depend on of the respective values, since at least some fungal species exhibit
the presence of suitable substrate (e.g., dead wood) or partner preferences within the continentality gradient across Europe
species (mostly woody species), respectively; therefore, the lower L (Heilmann-Clausen et al., 2014; Abrego et al., 2015, 2016).
values obtained for these guilds can at least in part be due to their By contrast, the distribution of vascular plant and fungal species
occurrence in, e.g., forests and under scattered trees. Both mycor- along the N and L gradients differ. The distribution of vascular
rhizal and parasitic species also seemed to favor more nutrient- plants distinctly peaks at low N (substrate nutrient content) levels
poor conditions than species of the other guilds. This is in accor- with a broad positive skew, whereas that of fungi is more flattened
dance with conclusions of other studies and thereby confirms with a vague peak around the middle, and thus the demands of
nutrient enrichment as a main factor causing the decline of most of the fungal species for nutrients clearly differs from the
mycorrhizal macromycete species (see overview in Arnolds, 1991). demands of vascular plants. For L (re-interpreted here to give the
210 J. Simmel et al. / Fungal Ecology 27 (2017) 202e212

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