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Course Syllabus

COMSC 150K: Programming in Python

Summer 2019


Course Information

Course Title: COMSC-150K: Programming in Python

Sections: 5201, 5211
Semester: Summer 2019 (6 weeks)
Session Dates: 06/17/2019 through 07/25/2019
Delivery Mode: 100% Online at Canvas (

Instructor Contact Information

Professor Nick Amato

Department of Computer Science
Contact email:

Online office hours by appointment (Zoom conference):

How to Login and Use Canvas

1. Go to
2. Log in with your DVC username/password.
3. Select the course on your Dashboard (COMSC-150K).

If this is your first time using Canvas, please read Canvas Help for Students which
includes a general introduction.

The Modules section will have a module for each week of the course. In addition to
Modules we will use these components of the system:

• Current Grades – you will have constant access to your grades on all assignments
and assessments.

• Assignments – All assignments are posted here. You will use this tool to submit
items for grading. Please do not email assignments to me or they may get lost.

• Discussion Groups (and Chat) – The ‘Discussion Board’ on Canvas will lead you to
the questions forum. This is an important part of the course – you should look at
the forum regularly, posting your own questions and answering those from others
if you’re able to help. I will read and post to the forum myself but active
participation by students will help the course be successful for everyone.
Course Description

This introductory course covers computer programming concepts and fundamental

coding skills using Python as an object-oriented language. The goal of the course is to
introduce you to problem-solving techniques, design of algorithms, and common
programming constructs such as variables, expressions, input/output, decision-making,
loops and arrays.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to write basic Python programs that
include the following core elements of the language:

• Strings and string formatting

• Lists and tuples
• Sets and dictionaries
• Classes (objects)
• Graphics with Turtle

Textbook and Software Information


The required textbook for the course is:

Gaddis, Tony. Starting Out with Python, 4th edition.

Addison Wesley.

ISBN-13: 978-0134444321
ISBN-10: 0134444329


In class we will be using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called PyCharm,

which is available for download here.

Note, before you download PyCharm, you will need to to download Python 7 here.

If you are familiar with or prefer another Python environment, feel free to use it.

Instructor Communication Policy

Entire class: I will post a message in the Announcements forum or send an email to
everyone through Canvas. You will also be notified according to how you’ve set up your
notification preferences in Canvas. Please make sure you set up your notifications
carefully so that you receive these messages.

Contacting you: When I need to contact you individually I will email you using the
Canvas Inbox first, and from there can arrange for phone/Zoom conversations.

Discussion forums: Please post your questions in the Canvas discussion forum. You
should feel comfortable asking your peers questions, as many have taken online classes
before and can share information. Replies will be visible to the entire class, and anyone
is welcome to jump in and help each other out.

Email: Please feel free to shoot me an email at at any time. I will make
every attempt to answer your emails quickly.

Appointments: If you would like to meet for a video call, make an appointment with me
and select ‘ConferZoom’ in the left hand side of Canvas or use this link:

Questions about your grade: Please feel free to contact me through the Canvas Inbox or
by phone with any questions about your grade. Please note, however, that federal
FERPA regulations prohibit me from discussing your scores or grades outside of the
Canvas environment (this means that I can’t tell you your grades via your email).

Online Attendance

Students are responsible for dropping the class should they wish to no longer participate
or to even start the class once registered. The instructor is not obligated to drop
students at any point in the course, although if I notice you are not participating
regularly, you are at risk of being dropped by me. I will check up on you periodically, but
it is your responsibility to drop the course if that is your choice – I hope it’s not!

Time Commitment and Recommended Skills

This is a 100% online class through Canvas. You are not required to attend any meetings
on campus. This system will provide you with everything you need to complete the
course successfully, including the course syllabus, schedule, tests/assignments,
supplemental materials, and sources of additional information.

Completing all assignments for the class (including reading the chapters) will require
approximately 20 hours per week or more during each of the 6 weeks. Your individual
time commitment will vary based upon your own level of experience with online learning
and prior skill level.

Technical Requirements

Review DVC Technology Tips for Success in Online Classes.

If this is your first online course I highly recommend reading through Surviving in an
Online Course from the College of the Siskiyous.

Note that you cannot complete this course successfully using only a mobile device
(phones, tablets, iPads, etc.) You must have regular access to a laptop or desktop

DVC provides a Canvas support service for students available by calling 844-503-5586.

Important: Have a backup computer available in case of problems. Libraries, even

Starbucks or The UPS Store are useful emergency spots in case your computer “dies.”
Technical difficulties will not be an acceptable excuse for missing or failing to take a quiz,
submitting an assignment, or failing to receive an announcement. Use your backup plan.

Weekly Outline

For this class, each week begins and ends on a Tuesday. This course is divided into
modules that correlate to the Chapters in your textbook. You will have access to each
Module from Tuesday at midnight until the following Tuesday at midnight.

To get started each week, closely review the Overview pages at the start of each
Module, which lists the required assignments for each week. A Week-By-Week
Schedule of activities and assessments is available at the end of this Syllabus.

Grades and Grading

It is my goal to have your submitted work graded and returned to you within one week
of the due date. However, with a large class and a compressed time frame, sometimes
grading may take a bit longer than you are used to in a semester-length class.

You must obtain at least a 60% on all graded assessments to pass this course. You can
track your progress in the Grades section of Canvas, which is updated in real-time once I
submit a score for you.

Important: the Canvas gradebook percentage only updates when I submit a score—
until then, your percentage may appear higher or lower than it actually is.

Your final grade in the course will be based on:

1. Programming Assignments - 50%

2. Chapter Quizzes - 30%
3. Final Exam - 20%

Grading Scale:

90-100% = A
80-89.9% = B
70-79.9% = C
60-69.9% = D
59.9% and below = No F’s please

Pass (P) = 70% or higher; No Pass (NP) = 69.9% or lower

Incomplete (I) = at the instructor’s discretion (for documented emergencies only)

“Grade-grubbing” (or, “It doesn’t hurt to ask…”): Please do not make a request to alter
your grade. Common “reasons” I receive are for losing scholarships, housing visas/work
permits, job promotions, sports eligibility and/or graduation and transfer opportunities. I
want to see you succeed, but in most cases the student is trying to make me responsible
for their own bad choices. I don’t “give” grades; students earn them. The only person
responsible for earning the grade that maintains your scholarship, your graduation
schedule, etc. is you.

Overview of Assessments

1. Programming Assignments (50%)

“Learning by doing” is perhaps the most important part of learning programming. Being
able to read someone else’s code and write your own are slightly different skills – think
of the difference between reading a book vs. starting with a blank page in front of you.
The goal of these assignments is to develop your ability to write Python programs
through practice. The assignments each week will generally cover the material learned
in that week.

2. Chapter Review Quizzes (30%)

You will have Chapter Review Quizzes every week that are a combination of
multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and true/false and short programming
questions. You may use your textbook for the quizzes.

 You will have 45 minutes to complete each quiz.

 You will have access to the quiz answers for 3 days after the quiz has ended so
you can check your work.
 Questions and answers will be randomized for each individual student — no two
students will have the same set of questions.

3. Final Exam (20%)

A Final Exam will be given during the last week of the course and will be cumulative.
The format of the exam is similar to that of the quizzes (same types of questions) but
longer as it will recap the entire course content.
Course-Level Due Dates

As indicated in the Course Schedule, the “weeks” that we are following all start and end
on a Tuesday.

 You will have the entire week to submit assignments (from Tuesday to Tuesday).
 Most assignments for a particular week are due on Tuesdays by 11:59 pm. PST

I will remind you of due dates but submitting on time is your responsibility. I encourage
you to not wait until the last minute to upload your files.

Assignments may be submitted late up to 7 days, with 1 point deducted for each late
day. For example, if the assignment is due on Tuesday and you submit it on that
Wednesday morning, you will receive your earned score minus 1 point. The exception is
the final assignment -- nothing will be accepted past the last official day of the course.

Other Policies

Cheating & Plagiarism Policy

Don’t do it. Do you really want to have faked your way through the class?
The DVC Academic Integrity policy is located here:

Student Code of Conduct Policy

The Student Code of Conduct policy is located here:

Student Privacy Rights Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a law that protects students
from having their education records shared with people without the student giving their
advance approval in writing. (Education records include such things as grades,
information from counseling appointments, academic standing, disciplinary records, to
name a few.) FERPA also gives students the right to see their education records. If
there is inaccurate or misleading information in their records, students can challenge it
and try to get it changed. Under FERPA, colleges must have students’ written
permission to let parents, guardians, spouses, or others see or discuss their educational
records, even if the student is present.

The Students Privacy Rights policy is located here:

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, or if
you would need assistance in the event of an emergency, please contact me as soon as

DSS Statement:

"Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact us as early in the

semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this
process, please be in touch with Disability Support Services office at Student Services
Center Room 240 or call: 925-969-2176

For information related to DVC Disabled Student Services go to:

Online Behavior

Please do not behave in a manner that is disruptive or disrespectful. Students who are
disruptive will receive one written warning—if you do not improve after receiving this
warning, expect to be dismissed from the course.

Course Schedule, Quiz and Exam Dates

*Subject to change according to DVC Policy

Calendar Topic(s) Item(s) Due

Week 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Computers and Prog. Assignment #1,
(6/18 - 6/25) Programming Chapter Quiz (1-3)
Chapter 2: Input, Processing and Output
Chapter 3: Decision Structures + Boolean Logic
Week 2 Chapter 4: Repetition Structures Prog. Assignment #2,
(6/25 - 7/2) Chapter 5: Functions Chapter Quiz (4-6)
Chapter 6: Files and Exceptions
Week 3 Chapter 7: Lists and Tuples Prog. Assignment #3,
(7/2 - 7/9) Chapter 8: More about Strings Chapter Quiz (7-8)
Week 4 Chapter 9: Dictionaries and Sets Prog. Assignment #4,
(7/9 - 7/16) Chapter 10: Classes and Objects Chapter Quiz (9-10)
Week 5 Chapter 11: Inheritance Prog. Assignment #5,
(7/16 - 7/23) Chapter 12: Recursion Prog. Assignment #6,
Chapter 13: GUI Programming Chapter Quiz (11-13)
Week 6 Course Wrap-up FINAL EXAM
(7/23 - 7/25) FINAL EXAM

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