Literature Review

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Literature Review.

The importance of motivation in the work place has been the interest of many psychologist and

sociologist. Theories were developed in an attempt to explain the internal and external factor that

influences employee’s performance. These theories have laid the foundation for many

contemporary motivational theories which are still used by managers and supervisors.

According to Maslow (1954) individuals have five different levels of needs, raging from lower

level physical needs to higher level psychological need. They are psychological, safety, social

esteem needs and self-actualization. Maslow suggested that as we progress up the hierarchy as a

need is fulfilled, it will no longer be a motivator. However, the next need up the ladder will

become the primary motivator. David McClelland’s Three-Needs Theory aids in identifying

three acquired needs that are major motivator at work. These are the need for achievement,

affiliation and power. This theory highlights the important of affective feedback and to tailor it

based on different personality. Accomplishing goals, team work collaboration and status are

important to employees.

Manager should ensure that a desirable working condition is provided for staff members, for

example, salary, relationship with supervisors and job security. Intrinsic factors associated with

job satisfaction are what motivate employees (Herzberg,1959). Extrinsic factor on the other

hand, associated with Job dissatisfaction, keeps employees dissatisfied.

Notwithstanding the contribution that motivational theories have made to the working

environment, there are certain limitations. Maslow hierarchy of needs may no be fit other

cultures. There are potential biases based on the fact that research and theories we developed in

America and my not be universal.

These theories may not apply to various industries and professions that exist today. Limited

insights exist on different motivation techniques applied in a different working environment.

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