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University of the Philippines Open University

Faculty of Management and Development Studies

Master of Public Management Program

Isamarch C. Pertacorta February 29, 2020

PM 208 PAS Faculty-in-Charge: MSBaylon

Assignment 1

Annotated Bibliography

Brillantes, A., & Tiu Sonco, J. O. (2011). Decentralization and Local Governance in

the Philippines. In E. M. Berman (Ed.), Public Administration in Southeast

Asia: Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Hongkong, and Macau (pp. 355-380).

Florida, USA: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved 2020, from

The authors take into account the strategy of decentralization being adopted

to deepen democracy and empower local governments particularly in the

Philippines. On the basis of the Local Government Code, the authors

exemplify the local autonomy and decentralization in the Philippines by

presenting a brief history of the context and the highlights and features of the

current state of the local government including the local government finance,

and personnel management and organization. Furthermore, to support the

concept of a more effective and efficient enactment of decentralization, the

authors discuss reforms and capacity building in the local government. Citing
fellow scholars, the authors assesses the impact of decentralization in the

Philippines and conclude that the decentralization the Philippines bears two

faces. For one, it is marred with too many flaws, and on the other, it is a work

in progress with the potential to be a very powerful tool to effect good

governance when used properly.

Reyes, D. R. (1982, July-October). Control Processes and Red Tape in Philippine

Bureaucracy: Notes on Administrative Inefficiency. Philippine Journal of Public

Administration, XXVI, 271-285. Retrieved 2020, from http://k-


The author discusses one of the major problems in the Philippine bureaucracy

processes – the Red Tape, and distinguishes the actuality of results from the

intricate process of the organizational structure and well-defined hierarchy

from the theories of Max Weber. Furthermore, on the basis of the general

public’s lament against the government service, the author illustrates that it is

in the stiffness of government procedures that some of the problems

regarding inefficiency and ineffectiveness in serving the public are rooted. To

support the argument of the lack of flexibility in the government, the author

points out that public servants go “by the book” and such gesture encourages

poor innovation techniques. Moreover, the author asserts that there should be

a reorientation of the Weberian bureaucracy in response to the challenges

that the government is being confronted with and not merely follow rules in

blind obedience.

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