Variation Modes of Vehicle Acceleration and Development of Ideal Vehicle Acceleration PDF

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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part D:

J Automobile Engineering
226(9) 1185–1201
Variation modes of vehicle Ó IMechE 2012
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acceleration and development of ideal
DOI: 10.1177/0954407012442775

vehicle acceleration

Sang-Don Lee and Seung-Lye Kim

Vehicle acceleration is one of the key characteristics that influence customer satisfaction. Pedal displacements and vehicle
speeds are necessary to represent the performance of acceleration: how much acceleration a vehicle is capable of if the
acceleration pedal is displaced at a certain speed. The result of varying the acceleration pedal is called the acceleration
response surface in three-dimensions. The current approach utilizes a few discrete levels of acceleration response sur-
face for engineering specification because of the three-dimensional nature of the acceleration response surface (ARS),
and thus may under-represent the entire acceleration response surface. The underlying variation modes of the accelera-
tion response surface among 92 vehicles are identified by applying principal component analysis in which the entire ARS
is analyzed. The 92 vehicles are specifically between the 2006- and 2007-model years with automatic transmission and
4-, 6-, and 8-cylinder engines. Two variation modes are identified, which differentiate vehicles from each other: how fast
a vehicle can accelerate overall and how quickly a vehicle reaches its peak acceleration at launch with short or long pedal
displacement. The association between the two variation modes and buyer satisfaction from mail surveys similar to
Consumer Reports is analysed. Finally the ideal shape of the acceleration response surface is developed.

Vehicle acceleration, acceleration response surface, acceleration gain, engineering specification, market positioning,
voice of the customer, principal component analysis, eigenvalue decomposition, singular value decomposition, variation

Date received: 1 November 2011; accepted: 17 February 2012

Introduction Acceleration is configured carefully to meet various lev-

els of customer satisfaction and to achieve product
Vehicle acceleration is one of the key characteristics differentiation while balancing fuel economy. Fast
that influence customer satisfaction, as an indicator of acceleration at launch and smooth shift in transmission
how likely customers are to make purchases in the are generally associated with high customer satisfac-
future. Influential automotive magazines and surveys tion. Acceleration at high speed is also vital for execut-
such as Consumer Reports1 and J.D. Power2 regularly ing safe highway merging and passing, which require
collect customer satisfaction data on acceleration for
that some engine power and thus acceleration should
marketing research. Some of the typical comments on
be available at high speed. Vehicle curb mass is a key
acceleration include: ‘Car accelerates smoothly without
factor influencing acceleration and fuel economy, and
jerking or hesitating’, ‘Car accelerates without excess
horse power-to-mass ratio is one of the measures that
noise’ and ‘Car accelerates quickly from a standing
characterize acceleration performance by combining
start to get ahead of traffic, to merge safely into traffic,
both curb mass and engine horsepower.
or to get out of a dangerous situation’. These qualita-
tive statements need to be translated into quantitative
engineering specifications such as peak launch accelera-
tion, time duration from zero to 100 km/h, passing
acceleration from 100 km/h to 160 km/h, etc. General Motors Technical Center, Warren, MI, USA
It is well known that various customers have dif- Corresponding author:
ferent expectations and thus levels of satisfaction Sang-Don Lee, General Motors Technical Center, Warren, MI, USA.
(e.g. customers desiring sports cars vs. family cars). Email:;

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Acceleration response surface (ARS) so that various characteristics of the ARS can be under-
stood. The top view shows how evenly the acceleration
Two factors are necessary to represent acceleration, as levels are distributed as well as the area of no accelera-
it is perceived by customers: acceleration at various tion (i.e. acceleration less than 0.005 g). This vehicle
pedal displacements (PD) and vehicle speeds. With a (V108) shows a very wide area of acceleration for up to
vehicle at standstill, the accelerator pedal is pressed a 0.2 g but a very narrow range for between 0.2 g and
predetermined distance (e.g. 10 mm) using a fixture 0.3 g. It shows low acceleration for passing at high
attached to it, after which acceleration and speed are speed. For example, when this vehicle travels at
measured.3 This test is repeated for various PD and the 140 km/h at 20 mm PD and the acceleration pedal is
outcome is a three-dimensional (3D) surface called the pressed additional 10 mm, the resulting acceleration is
acceleration response surface (ARS) (Figure 1(a)). The less than 0.1 g. The white area indicates no acceleration
acceleration in z-axis ranges from 0.005 g up to 0.8 g, (thus constant speed) and overall, the levels of accelera-
PD from 5 mm to 40 mm, and vehicle speeds from zero tion are well distributed. The side view from the vehicle
to 160 km/h. Note that the label for the vertical axis is speed (Figure 1(c)) shows how quickly the acceleration
multiplied by ten for easy viewing (Figure 1(a)). drops at specific PD and at various speeds. For exam-
The ARS in 3D can be viewed from the top (Figure ple, if the acceleration pedal is pressed by 12.5 mm, this
1(b)) and from the sides (Figure 1(c) and Figure 1(d)) vehicle shows 0.3 g at launch and no acceleration at

Figure 1. ARS of a vehicle (V108): 3D view (a), top-view (b), side-view from speed (c) and side-view from PD (d). Label of
acceleration (z-axis) is multiplied by 10 in panel (a).
PD: pedal displacement.

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100 km/h. The side view from the PD (Figure 1(d)) thus customer satisfaction. However, such activities will
shows how quickly the acceleration rises at various PD prove suboptimal or even doubtful if response variables
at specific vehicle speeds (also known as acceleration in such experiments do not correctly represent the
gain). This vehicle reaches its maximum launch accelera- multi-dimensional characteristics of acceleration.
tion of 0.5 g at 20 mm PD and remains flat thereafter.
The downward arrow (A) in Figure 1(a) shows the
acceleration capability when this vehicle is completely Objectives
stopped and then accelerates. This curve is the result of The objective of this paper is to analyze the variation
upward shift in transmission gears. The arrow (B) in pattern in vehicle acceleration and how these underly-
Figure 1(a) is related to a vehicle’s passing acceleration ing modes are associated with customer satisfaction.
and is affected by the downward gearshift. This vehicle The objective should take into account the entire shape
can achieve passing acceleration of 0.1 g by depressing of ARS. Specific objectives include: (1) identifying the
the acceleration pedal an additional 10 mm when this average shape of ARS so that it can be used as a base-
vehicle travels at steady state (e.g. 60 km/h at 10 mm line for market positioning, (2) identifying vehicles that
PD). The upward arrow (C) in Figure 1(b) shows that show extreme acceleration so that performance bound-
this vehicle is not capable of passing even though the aries can be established, and (3) determining the ideal
acceleration pedal is depressed by an additional 10 mm shape of ARS that incorporates high customer satisfac-
when the vehicle travels at steady state of 120 km/h at tion. Principal component analysis (PCA) and principal
15 mm PD (the acceleration increase was very small, component regression (PCR) are applied to achieve the
almost unchanged at 0.05 g). above objectives. One benefit of applying PCA is that
ARS in 3D can be projected in a scatter plot so that
Limitations of current approach many ARS in 3D can be charted and compared simul-
taneously and easily. Another benefit is that the largest
Industry norms for characterizing acceleration are time variation patterns are identified, making it likely that
duration from zero to 100 km/h, passing acceleration customers will easily perceive the largest variation
from 100 to 160 km/h, and peak launch acceleration. patterns.
The time duration from zero to 100 km/h is a simple The authors carried out a literature review on accel-
and convenient measure that is widely used to compare eration and customer satisfaction but could not find
acceleration performance, in which the accelerator many papers.3,4 Lee3 analyzed the variation mode of
pedal is fully and instantaneously depressed. However, acceleration gain based on 15 midsize sedans. Variation
not many people drive a vehicle at such fast accelera- modes will vary, depending on the vehicles analyzed;
tion. Daily driving occurs with a partially open throttle therefore, a representative selection of vehicles is very
of, usually, less than 30% of wide-open throttle capac- critical and this paper analyzes the variation modes of
ity. The acceleration pedal is partially depressed, result- acceleration from 92 vehicles that represent nearly the
ing in less than 0.3 g in acceleration usually, and drivers entire car and sport utility vehicle (SUV) market seg-
perceive the acceleration with low frequency responses
ments in 2006 and 2007. The ideal shapes of acceleration
from the entire vehicle body. Thus, a vehicle that per-
that are highly correlated with buyer satisfaction are
forms well at wide-open throttle with very high peak
derived and vehicle technical specifications are devel-
launch acceleration might feel heavy or sluggish under
oped in this paper. In addition, the average shape and
daily driving conditions. Passing acceleration is also a
extreme shapes of ARS are identified to support market
convenient measure but does not specify how far an
positioning. The ideal shapes of acceleration are to be
accelerator pedal needs to be further pressed. Quick
used as an objective function to optimize vehicle design.
acceleration with short PD is usually perceived as dan-
This paper is organized as follows (Figure 2).
gerous in parking lot maneuvers but desirable at initial
Ninety-two ARS are collected and PCA is applied to
vehicle movements (e.g. stopped at traffic light).
extract the variation patterns. Customer satisfaction
Current engineering metric utilizes a few discrete
with acceleration obtained from internal mail survey is
points in ARS3 because it is difficult to compare many
then regressed on the underlying variation modes. The
ARS in 3D simultaneously. Utilizing the few discrete
desired shapes of ARS associated with high and low
points in the ARS might not represent the transient
customer satisfaction are identified. A summary and
and dynamic behavior of acceleration, thus potentially
discussion of strengths and weaknesses follow. Minitab
under-representing the ARS. For example, customers
version 14, statistical software, is used for this paper.5
might perceive differently the acceleration of two vehi-
cles that have the same peak launch acceleration
because the first vehicle reaches its peak at 20 mm PD, Acceleration test data and buyer
while the second peaks at 40 mm PD. Therefore, peak
satisfaction data
launch acceleration is a half-valid measure if PD and
time duration are not taken into account. Much time The ARS of 92 vehicles with well-recognized vehicle
and effort are spent on Robust Engineering or design names were extracted from an internal database in
of experiments in order to improve vehicle design and which all test data were archived. The acceleration tests

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1188 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 226(9)

controlling such differences is to include them in the

regression as covariates (termed statistically controlled).
The statistically controlled approach does not necessa-
rily separate the individual effects of those variables
because they are confounded and highly collinear. For
the adverse effects of collinearity and confounding in
the regression approach, see published research:7–10 col-
linear or confounded variables make the regression
coefficients unstable, thus the interpretation is often

Buyer satisfaction data

Customer ratings of acceleration for these vehicles are
obtained from internal mail surveys that are sent to
Figure 2. Analysis steps. buyers a few months after purchase, as part of regular
PCA: principal component analysis; SUV: sports utility vehicle. market research. The questionnaires in this mail survey
are very similar to those of Consumer Reports and
J.D. Power surveys. Buyers are asked to rate their satis-
were performed in an internal testing facility adhering faction with their newly purchased vehicle along a spec-
to Society of Automotive Engineering test procedures.6 trum of vehicle factors (acceleration, braking, ride,
They include 48 sedans and 31 SUV on the market handling, noise, styling, etc.). The average number of
between 2006 and 2007. The remaining vehicles are vans respondents is around 500 customers per vehicle with a
and pickups. All vehicles have automatic transmissions minimum of 200. The customer ratings of just 80 vehi-
with 4-, 6-, or 8-cylinder engines from North American, cles out of the 92 are available because some vehicles
Japanese, European, and Korean manufacturers. are newly introduced and the customer ratings are not
yet collected. Vehicle type (sedan vs. SUV), overall
satisfaction with the purchased vehicle, horsepower
ARS test data (HP), vehicle mass, 0 to 60 mile/h, peak acceleration
Acceleration is sampled and digitized at various PD are also collected.
and vehicle speeds simultaneously. PD is between Three questions are available in respect to accelera-
5 mm and 40 mm with an increment of 2.5 mm (14 dis- tion: (1) Please rate your new vehicle experience on
crete levels). Little variation occurs in acceleration engine power and acceleration (‘Rate: engine power and
beyond 40 mm of PD for most vehicles. Speed is acceleration’). (2) Please rate your new vehicle experi-
between 0 km/h and 160 km/h with an increment of ence on the driving performance (‘Rate: driving perfor-
3 km/h up to 60 km/h and an increment of 5 km/h mance’). (3) (‘Evaluate acceleration’) acceleration refers
between 60 km/h and 160 km/h (45 discrete levels). to how quickly and smoothly the vehicle can speed up to
Thus, all the data become a 3D array (45 speeds 3 pass, or merge with, other vehicles when needed. Overall
14 PD 3 92 vehicles). The data are then unfolded to satisfaction with a newly purchased vehicle is also
a 4140 3 14 matrix, given that PCA can analyze an available and collected. All ratings are based on the
n 3 m matrix. The columns of the unfolded matrix five-level Likert scale (1: completely unsatisfied, 5:
are PD and the rows of this matrix are a mixture of completely satisfied).
92 vehicles for 45 levels of speed. The customer satisfaction from mail surveys is obser-
Acceleration tests are performed using vehicles that vational in nature: respondents are not randomly
are acquired as is. They are not configured to eliminate assigned but are buyers of a particular vehicle. Buyers
other effects in measuring acceleration: vehicle curb have different needs or expectations for a certain vehicle
mass, horsepower, transmission speeds and gear ratios, or brand due to income, personal experience, percep-
tire types and sizes, aerodynamics, etc. Only the accel- tion, word of mouth, etc. If a vehicle rates high in accel-
eration pedal is varied in measuring acceleration and eration, it would need to be known whether the high
speed because drivers press the acceleration pedal and rating results from fast acceleration, whether the vehicle
perceive the acceleration without noticing the factors exceeds customer expectations even though it is slow,
mentioned above. All these variables are confounded or whether the vehicle has a good reputation for brand
and thus cannot be separated unless controlled experi- or quality. People might purchase vehicles because
ments are carried out. That is, if the acceleration pedal of price incentives, and they justify their purchase
is pressed by 10 mm, it cannot be known whether the unconsciously by giving it high satisfaction ratings. Or
acceleration is affected by changes in PD, different the high ratings might be a random variation due to
transmission speeds or gear ratio, low rolling resistance small sample size. The authors observed that a vehicle
tire types, etc. Eliminating the above differences would with high acceleration satisfaction also rates high in
be impractical in practice, and one way of statistically many other areas including fuel economy, warranty,

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noise, etc. Virtually all ratings for many questionnaires XT X = (U S VT )T (U S VT ) = V S UT U S VT
from the survey are highly collinear.
= VL VT = eigenvector  Eigenvalue 
The idea of multivariate statistical analysis such as
PCA is to combine/decompose variables into new vari- L = ST S = S2 ð2Þ
ables if the variables are similar.11 Depending on the
The diagonal elements of L are called eigenvalues and
definition of similarity, various exploratory methods
are arranged in decreasing order, which are squares of
have been developed, including multidimensional scal-
the corresponding singular values in S.
ing, correspondence analysis, independent component
The total variance of X is scaled to be equal to the
analysis, PCA, etc. The measure of similarity of PCA is
number of variables in X, which is the same as the sum
covariance/correlation among variables (i.e. variables
of eigenvalues or the sum of squares of singular values
with high correlation are combined), while distance
(L=STS=S2) by standardizing the variables. Matrix
(e.g. variables with short distance are combined) is for
algebra shows that the sum of the eigenvalues of a diag-
multidimensional scaling, profile (e.g. variables with
onal and symmetric square matrix such as XTX is equal
similar histograms are combined) for correspondence
to the sum of its diagonal elements (called trace).7 The
analysis, and kurtosis for independent component
diagonal elements of correlation matrix XTX are all
equal to one, and thus the sum of the diagonal elements
The new variables are linear combinations (i.e.
in XTX is equal to the total number of variables.
weighted sums) of the original variables, and the
Consequently, the degree of correlation among vari-
weights are derived such that maximum variance of
ables can be represented in relation to the number of
data is accounted for. The newly derived variables are
variables. For example, if there are ten variables, then
called PC (principal component) and are also known as
the total variance is scaled to ten and the sum of the
underlying patterns, factors, latent variables, loadings,
eigenvalues becomes ten. If the eigenvalue of the first
eigenvectors, or variation modes in structural dynamics
component is seven, then seventy percent (7/10) of the
(e.g. bending or torsion modes of bridges in experimen-
total variance, and thus correlation, is accounted for by
tal modal analysis).
the first component. An eigenvalue close to zero indi-
PCA is widely applied and has various names
cates that the corresponding PC explains a trivial
depending on disciplines: (1) singular value decomposi-
amount of variance in X and thus the corresponding
tion (SVD) of rectangular matrix X, (2) eigenvalue
PC can be discarded, i.e. T is reduced to Tf (f  j; f ¼
decomposition (EVD) of the square matrix XTX in lin-
the number of extracted PC).
ear algebra,13 (3) proper orthogonal decomposition in
In essence, PCA develops a new matrix Tf and uses it
feedback control theory, (4) Karhunen–Loeve transfor-
instead of X for further analysis
mation in electrical engineering, (5) Hotelling’s trans-
formation in multivariate quality control, (6) spectral X(i 3 j) ’ Tf (i 3 f) ’ Vf Lf Vf T ð3Þ
decomposition in noise and vibration, (7) empirical
modal analysis in structural dynamics, (8) empirical This process is called as a projection of X into PC space.
orthogonal functions in meteorological science, and (9) The PC scores are computed as follows
Eckart–Young theorem in psychometrics.12–15
Tf = X Vf ð4Þ
SVD decomposes or projects a rectangular matrix X
( i 3 j ) into three matrices that show co-varying pat- PCR uses the Tf instead of X and applies the least
terns for rows, degrees of correlation, and columns, square estimation approach. The benefit of using Tf is
respectively. that the columns of Tf are orthogonal, thus the
adverse effects of collinearity are eliminated. Because
X = U S VT = T VT = PC scores  PC loadings
the columns of Tf are a linear combination of the col-
UT U = I, VT V = I ð1Þ umns of X, all variables in X are included in regres-
sion. Thus, all important but correlated variables are
The first matrix U characterizes the similarity (i.e. cor- kept and used in regressing the customer satisfaction
relation) of rows (i.e. samples). The second matrix S on ARS.
shows the degree of similarity that is scaled to equal the
number of columns (i.e. variables). The third matrix V
captures the similarity of columns. T = US is called Variation modes in vehicle acceleration
PC scores, the value of PC. The diagonal elements of S
PC as best curves to describe the ARS from PD and
are called singular values and are arranged in decreas-
ing order. UT=U21, VT=V21 shall be noted. speed
EVD is related to SVD mathematically and decom- The results from the PCA are shown in Table 1(a), in
poses a symmetric square matrix XTX ( j 3 j ) into three which only six PC are shown, while 14 PC could have
matrices. Applying SVD, been extracted. The first and second PC (PC 1 and PC

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Table 1. PCA of ARS from 92 vehicles. Tables 1(b) and (c) are shown in Figures 3(b) and (c).
(a) Eigen analysis of the correlation matrix.

PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 . Sum

Eigenvalue 11.631 1.732 0.263 0.105 0.058 0.041 . 14

Percent 83% 12% 2% 0.80% 0.40% 0.30% .
Cumulative % 83% 95% 97% 98% 98% 98% . 100.0%

(b) Variation modes of ARS from vehicle speed viewpoint (see (c) Variation modes of ARS from pedal displacement
Figure 3(b)). viewpoint (see Figure 3(c)).

Vehicle PC 1 PC 2 Pedal PC 1 PC 2
speed (1st variation mode) (2nd variation mode) displacement (1st variation mode) (2nd variation mode)

0 km/h 22.89 22.08 5.0 mm 0.20 20.49

10 km/h 5.79 20.49 7.5 mm 0.24 20.42
20 km/h 3.48 0.2 10.0 mm 0.26 20.34
30 km/h 2.26 0.57 12.5 mm 0.27 20.26
40 km/h 1.46 0.84 15.0 mm 0.28 20.17
50 km/h 0.47 0.77 17.5 mm 0.28 20.07
60 km/h 20.41 0.55 20.0 mm 0.29 0.02
70 km/h 21.06 0.45 22.5 mm 0.28 0.10
80 km/h 21.61 0.35 25.0 mm 0.28 0.18
90 km/h 22.1 0.22 27.5 mm 0.28 0.23
100 km/h 22.56 0.08 30.0 mm 0.27 0.24
110 km/h 22.94 20.05 32.5 mm 0.27 0.26
120 km/h 23.28 20.18 35.0 mm 0.27 0.27
130 km/h 23.62 20.33 40.0 mm 0.27 0.27
140 km/h 23.94 20.49
150 km/h 24.2 20.64
160 km/h 24.52 20.84

the maximum variance). Certainly, PC 1 does not

describe the 92 ARS exactly and thus another curve is
2) account for 95% of the total variance. Thus, the derived (PC 2) that will maximally account for the
4140 3 14 matrix can be represented by a 4140 3 2 remaining shapes of 93 ARS (Figure 3(b) and Figure
matrix with a loss of only 5% of the total variance. The 3(c)). The extraction of PC continues until all the var-
fact that many eigenvalues are close to zero indicates iances of the 93 ARS are accounted for, though usually
that the shapes of the 92 ARS are highly similar (corre- the first few PC account for the most variance in X.
lated). For example, if a vehicle’s acceleration is high at The shape of PC 1 from the viewpoint of PD shows
30 km/h and 12.4 mm PD, then the acceleration at its the overall level of acceleration, as the values of the
neighborhood (e.g. 33 km/h with 12.4 mm PD) will eigenvector are quite similar in magnitude over the
also be high and thus well correlated. The eigenvectors entire range of PD (Figure 3(c)). The shape of the PC 2
for only 17 discrete levels of vehicle speed out of 45 lev- shows that acceleration increases linearly until 30 mm
els of speed are shown in Table 1(b) and Figure 3(b) of PD, which shows the general shape of the 92 ARS
and (c). from PD. Similar curves can be derived from speed
The two PC are extracted as follows (Table 1(c)): viewpoints. Because the rows are a mixture of 92 vehi-
cles and 45 levels of speed due to unfolding, the eigen-
 PC 1 = 0.202 * Acceleration at 5.0 mm PD vectors are then averaged for 92 vehicles at 45 levels of
+ 0.237 * Acceleration at 7.5 mm PD + ... speed ((Table 1(b) and Figure 3(b)). The shape of PC 1
+ 0.265 * Acceleration at 40.0 mm PD. from vehicle speed shows that the projected accelera-
 PC 2 = –0.492 * Acceleration at 5.0 mm tion peaks at around 10 km/h and gradually decreases.
PD – 0.423 * Acceleration at 7.5 mm PD + ... Thus, the two PC from the vehicle speed viewpoint and
+ 0.267 * Acceleration at 40.0 mm PD. the two PC from the PD viewpoint reveal the general
shapes of the 92 ARS.
The meaning of the two PC as a projection of ARS
onto PC space is shown in Figure 3(a). The 92 ARS in
Key results: Projection of 92 ARS onto a scatter plot
3D can be imagined as overlapped and viewed from PD
and speed viewpoints. Then the PC 1 is a curve (a new in PC space
variable) that will best describe the shapes of 92 ARS After the two PC are extracted, their scores for 92 vehi-
viewed from PD viewpoints (i.e. the PC 1 accounts for cles are computed and charted in Figure 4 (numbers are

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Figure 3. PCA as a projection of ARS onto PC space (a) and PC as two curves that account for the best ARS from speed (b) and
from PD viewpoints (c).
ARS: acceleration response surface.

assigned to label the vehicles due to confidentiality), in comprehend Figure 4 rather than working on the 92
which the x- and y-axes represent the PC scores for PC ARS in 3D.
1 and PC 2, respectively. This figure is the key result of This scatter plot (also known as PC score plot) needs
this paper. The dots in the figures are the projected interpretation because the PC is a linear combination
location of the 92 ARS onto the two PC space. In it, of the original variables. Vehicles on the left side, such
the 4140 3 14 matrix is reduced to a 4140 3 2 matrix as V2 and V66, show the largest difference in ARS
and eventually a 92 3 2 matrix after the PC score for a against vehicles on the right side, such as V39, V48,
vehicle is averaged. Certainly, it is much easier to V13, and V100. Vehicles positioned on the right side

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Figure 4. Projection of the 92 ARS onto PC space as a scatter plot (also known as PC score plot).
PD: pedal displacement; Accel: acceleration.

show larger area under the ARS overall (i.e. higher right-hand sides as the ARS is viewed from pedal dis-
acceleration) as compared to those vehicles on the left placement viewpoint in Figure 4.
half. For example, V2 and V66 show peak launch The three vehicles (V74, V108 and V31) positioned
acceleration around 0.3 g while V39, V48, V13, and vertically in Figure 4 are shown in Figure 6 to interpret
V100 are found around 0.6 g. Vehicles on the top reach the y-axis (i.e. the second mode or PC 2). As the three
their peak launch acceleration with longer PD as com- vehicles are positioned from bottom to top (V74 !
pared to the vehicles on the bottom. For example, V80 V108 ! V31), they reach their peak launch accelera-
and V55 reach their peak launch acceleration around tion with shorter PD, while peak launch acceleration
35 mm PD while V31 does so around 17.5 mm PD. In remains close to 0.45 g. Red dotted lines are drawn to
addition, V31 shows 0.2 g at 5 mm PD while V80 and visually aid the peak launch acceleration. The V31
V55 show 0.05 g at 5 mm PD (to be shown again in reaches its maximum peak launch acceleration with
Figure 8, Figure 9, and Figure 10). only 12.5 mm PD and 0.15 g acceleration at 5 mm PD,
Customer satisfaction from the regression analyses is while the vehicles V108 and V74 reach this at 20 mm
also shown in Figure 4 as contour lines. The regression and 27.5 mm, respectively. Similar patterns occur for
results indicate that vehicles positioned on the top right vehicles positioned vertically although the results are
corner show the highest customer satisfaction (to be dis- not shown: (V67 ! V29 ! V104), (V55 ! V105 !
cussed in the next section). V70), and (V13 ! V39 ! V100). Thus, PC 2 is termed
To interpret the x-axis (i.e. the first mode or PC 1) the peak acceleration factor at launch with short and
further, three vehicles are selected (V66, V108 and V39) long PD (Figure 6(d)). This interpretation is also illu-
that are positioned horizontally in Figure 4. As the strated on the top and bottom corner in Figure 4 as the
three vehicles are positioned from left to right (V66 ! ARS is viewed from the PD viewpoint.
V108 ! V39), the ARS rise up and the area under the Figure 7 shows the same chart as Figure 4 after
ARS enlarges (Figure 5). Therefore, the PC 1 is called separating vehicle and engine types. Cars with 4-cylin-
the overall acceleration level factor (Figure 5(d)). der engines are clustered at the lower left corner with
This interpretation is also illustrated on the left- and lowest customer satisfaction. Many of them are small

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Figure 5. The first mode of variation showing how high the peak launch acceleration reaches as vehicles are positioned
horizontally (V66 ! V108 ! V39).

or compact size vehicles. Cars with 8-cylinder engines V53 and V108 are close to the grand average of all
are clustered on the upper right corner with highest vehicles to be used as a baseline for market positioning
customer satisfaction. Cars with 6-cylinder engines are (Figure 4 and Figure 8), i.e. the first objective of this
projected between cars with 4- and 8-cylinder engines. paper. On average, vehicles reach peak launch accelera-
Therefore, cars with 4-cylinder engines are slower over- tion of 0.45 g with 20 mm PD overall (Figure 8). For
all and reach peak launch acceleration earlier with the extreme acceleration shapes (i.e. second objective of
shorter PD than cars with 8-cylinder engines. However, this paper), V77 and V13 show the largest difference in
there is much overlap among 4-, 6- and 8-cylinder acceleration. One of the two slowest vehicles (V77)
engines, which hints that 4-cylinder vehicles could have reaches its peak launch acceleration of 0.35 g at 20 mm
similar acceleration as vehicles with 6- or 8-cylinders PD and subsequently remains flat (i.e. no acceleration
(Figure 7(a)). SUV with 6- and 8-cylinder engines are even though acceleration pedal is further depressed).
clustered together in the middle, which hints that there V77 shows 0.2 g acceleration at 5 mm PD, a very tou-
is no difference between them with respect to accelera- chy pedal at short PD, while V13 shows very little
tion as well as customer satisfaction (Figure 7(b)). acceleration at 5 mm PD. V77 shows large areas of no

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Figure 6. The second mode of variation showing short or long PD for reaching peak launch acceleration as vehicles are positioned
vertically (V74 ! V108 ! V31).

acceleration (e.g. zero acceleration at 140 km/h at performance’, ‘Evaluate: acceleration’) are also
20 mm PD). V13 with 8 cylinders reaches its peak regressed and the results showed them to be quite simi-
launch acceleration of 0.6 g at just 20 mm PD. It still lar (not shown). The three ratings have correlation
shows 0.2 g acceleration at 160 km/h with sufficient coefficients among each other of close to 0.9.
acceleration left for passing. Because only seven pickups and one van are avail-
able, one categorical variable for vehicle type (Utility)
is used to include the difference in customer satisfaction
Regression of customer satisfaction on the two between sedan (as a base for comparison) and utility.
modes of ARS Overall satisfaction with the purchased vehicle is
included as a proxy to control the various noises statis-
Buyer satisfaction ratings of the 79 vehicles (‘Rate: tically, such as with brand perception and customers’
engine power and acceleration’) are regressed on the expectation. Thus, it is assumed that the overall satis-
two PC in order to comprehend how the two PC are faction is a measure for the brand perception and cus-
associated with customer satisfaction. The ratings tomers’ expectation. Vehicle mass and engine HP are
of some vehicles are not available yet because there combined into a HP-to-mass ratio and used as a surro-
are newly introduced vehicles in the data. Two addi- gate measure to statistically control the difference in
tional customer satisfaction ratings (‘Rate: driving vehicle mass and HP and to avoid the adverse effects of

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acceleration pedal is depressed for passing and merging

on the highway.
The r-square, the adjusted r-square, and the pre-
dicted r-square are above 70% and similar in magni-
tude, indicating that this regression model is stable and
buyer satisfaction is well predicted. The variation infla-
tion factors for the four predictors are very close to the
ideal value of one, another indication that the partial
regression coefficients are stable.
The sequence of predictors specified in the regression
model is of note because ARS test data and customer
satisfaction are not from controlled experiments (i.e.
observational data). The specific sequence of the pre-
dictors in this regression model indicates that the cus-
tomer satisfaction is associated first with vehicle type
(not statistically significant though) and then with the
overall satisfaction with the purchased vehicle, fol-
lowed by HP-to-mass ratio and, last, the two PC.
Vehicle type is specified first because it is already
known when buyers made their purchase. Then over-
all satisfaction with the purchased vehicle (i.e. brand
perception and expectation) affects satisfaction with
acceleration first, and followed by actual acceleration
of the vehicle (two PC).
The sequence of predictors specified in the regres-
sion is important in understanding the individual
predictors’ contribution to customer satisfaction
(Tables 2(c) and (d)), which is known as the sequen-
tial sum of the square. If the sequence of predictors is
simply switched, the sequential sum of the square for
Figure 7. The PC score plot of Figure 4 separated by vehicle overall satisfaction and HP-to-mass ratio change con-
and engine types.
siderably as well as PC 1 and PC 2. Overall satisfac-
tion accounts for the most variance (6.5/11.51, from
Table 2) while PC 1 accounts for minor variance
collinearity because HP and mass are inversely corre- (0.29/11.51), however, PC 1 accounts for a very large
lated. The HP-to-mass ratio and the overall satisfaction amount of variance (3.42/11.51) by simply specifying
with a new vehicle are standardized as indicated by the it as the first predictor.
‘S’ after the predictors in Table 2. If these predictors are orthogonal, as in a controlled
All the predictors except vehicle type (Utility) are experiment, the sequence of the predictors specified in
statistically significant with p-values less than 0.005, regression does not affect the variance explained in a
indicating that customer satisfaction is associated with regression model. The considerable changes in the
overall vehicle satisfaction, HP-to-mass ratio, and two sequential sum of the square occur because the overall
variation modes. No difference between cars and satisfaction for a purchased vehicle and the HP-to-mass
SUVs is found (cars and SUVs overlap in Figure 7, in ratio are well correlated with each other and they are
which the contour lines for buyer satisfaction are also well correlated to the two variation modes even
shown). Regression from one of the three customer though PC 1 and PC 2 are orthogonal. It is subse-
satisfactions (‘Evaluate: acceleration’) show that the quently found that the HP-to-mass ratio has correlation
regression coefficient for Utility is statistically signifi- coefficients of 0.62 with PC 1, 0.52 with overall vehicle
cant (not shown). Thus, there might be differences in satisfaction, and 0.52 with PC 2. The considerable
customer satisfaction between cars and SUVs. changes in the sequential sum of square demonstrate the
High customer satisfaction is associated with high difficulty of interpreting the partial regression coeffi-
overall acceleration level (PC 1) with longer PD to cients as a measure of importance of engineering metrics
reach its peak launch acceleration (PC 2). The statisti- due to collinear predictors from observational data (i.e.
cally significant PC 2 indicates that buyers seem unsat- the individual effects of different transmission gear
isfied if a vehicle reaches its peak launch acceleration ratio, aerodynamics, styling, or low rolling resistance
with short PD (thus no acceleration occurs, even if the tire, etc.). This is in spite of the fact that variation infla-
acceleration pedal is further pressed). In other words, tion factors are much smaller than the recommended
some acceleration should be reserved for when the value of 5 or 10 and close to the ideal value of one.

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1196 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 226(9)

Figure 8. Two vehicles (a, b) that show the average ARS shape of all vehicles and two vehicles (c, d) with the largest difference in ARS.

In summary, the vehicle type is associated with only without knowing the PD. V66 reaches its peak launch
one of the three customer satisfactions. The overall acceleration of 0.3 g at 17.5 mm PD and remains flat
satisfaction with purchased vehicles and the two modes (no acceleration achievable after 17.5 mm PD). Thus,
of acceleration are well associated with customer satis- overall acceleration is very low and it reaches its peak
faction with acceleration. Vehicles that reach the peak launch acceleration with very short PD. V77 shows
launch acceleration with short PD are associated with similar behavior to V66; however, V77 shows accelera-
low customer satisfaction, suggesting that some accel- tion close to 0.2 g at 5 mm PD. This vehicle is very
eration should be available. However, these findings aggressive in acceleration with very short PD, consider-
must be validated in controlled experiments. ing the fact that most vehicles’ peak launch acceleration
ranges between 0.3 g and 0.6 g. The areas of no accel-
eration (white area) for these three vehicles are large.
Vehicles with high and low customer satisfaction The three vehicles with highest customer satisfaction
The ARS for the most and least preferred vehicles are (V13, V48 and V49) reach their peak acceleration of
shown in Figure 9. V2, V66, and V77 are rated lowest around 0.6 g with 20 mm PD. These three vehicles still
while V13, V48, and V49 show highest customer satis- have plenty of acceleration (e.g. 0.2 g) left beyond
faction. V2 reaches peak launch acceleration of 0.5 g at 160 km/h speed. Also, there are very few areas of no
a very long 40 mm PD and thus might be perceived acceleration.
sluggish. V2 is an example that uni-dimensional mea- Detail graphs of ARS for these vehicles are shown
sure of peak launch acceleration is only a half-valid in Figure 10, in which the side-views from vehicle speed
measure if the peak launch acceleration is utilized (first and third rows) and PD (second and fourth rows)

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Table 2. Regression of customer satisfaction for acceleration on the two variation modes.
Rate: engine power and acceleration = 3.14 – 0.0124 * Utility + 0.184 * Overall satisfaction with purchased vehicle.S + 0.083 * HP
to mass ratio.s + 0.106 * PC 1 + 0.083 * PC 2

Predictor Regression Standard error T-value p-value Variation inflation factor

coefficient of coefficient

Constant 3.140 0.027 114.73 0.000

Utility 20.012 0.046 20.27 0.786 1.04
Overall satisfaction with 0.184 0.030 6.13 0.000 1.80
purchased vehicle.S
HP to mass ratio.S 0.083 0.037 2.23 0.029 2.99
PC 1 0.106 0.031 3.36 0.001 2.04
PC 2 0.083 0.040 2.10 0.039 2.12

r-square = 77%, r-square (adjusted) = 75%, r-square (predicted) = 72%, standard error = 0.19.


Analysis of variance Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean sum of square F-value p-value

Regression 5 8.8143 1.7629 47.8 0

Residual error 73 2.6919 0.0369
Total 78 11.5062

(c) (d)

Sequence of Degree of Sequential sum Sequence of Degree of Sequential sum

predictors freedom of square predictors freedom of square

Utility 1 0.007 PC 1 1 3.4161

Overall satisfaction with 1 6.549 PC 2 1 3.5868
purchased vehicle.S Utility 1 0.0081
HP to mass ratio.S 1 1.806 Overall satisfaction with 1 1.6203
PC 1 1 0.289 purchased vehicle.S
PC 2 1 0.163 HP to mass ratio.S 1 0.1829

are shown. These side-views are utilized to determine acceleration lower than 0.4 g and decreasing thereafter
the desired shapes of ARS and thus engineering specifi- to zero acceleration at 130 km/h (i.e. 80 miles/h) is con-
cations in the next section. sidered unsatisfactory due to insufficient acceleration
Some vehicles are designed to have aggressive (danger zone in Figure 11(a)).
launch acceleration with short pedal displacement in Based on the ARS of V13, V48, V49, V80, V82, V39,
order to provide an impression to drivers that the and V55, the authors conclude that the launch accelera-
vehicle is fast and powerful. However, if this vehicle tion of 0.6 g at 20 mm PD seems to show the highest
reaches the maximum peak acceleration quickly and customer satisfaction (Figure 11(b)). The level of peak
thus limited capability for passing acceleration on the launch acceleration at 20 mm PD seems to be the
highway, this vehicle would be perceived as sluggish. most important factor. Vehicles with 0.6 g peak launch
See vehicle 77 in Figure 10. acceleration at 20 mm PD and less than 0.1 g accelera-
tion at 5 mm PD seem to show the highest buyer satis-
faction. Thus, the acceleration gain of 0.03 g/mm is
Desired characteristics of ARS the desired value (acceleration divided by PD). Vehicles
The desired shapes of the ARS are deduced from the with less than 0.4 g peak launch acceleration at 20 mm
variation mode and customer satisfaction and shown in PD also show low customer satisfaction. Vehicles
Figure 11, in which the minimum and maximum levels with more than 0.1 g at 5 mm PD seem to be perceived
of acceleration are derived for vehicle speed and PD as having a touchy acceleration pedal. Vehicles with
viewpoints. The peak launch acceleration of 0.6 g is peak launch acceleration longer than 35 mm PD show
achieved between 0 km/h and 50 km/h at 40 mm PD low customer satisfaction. Two acceleration gains from
and is reduced to 0.2 g at 160 km/h (Figure 11(a)). PD and speed viewpoints, the area of no acceleration,
There are very few vehicles exceeding this shape in the thus constant speed, need to be considered for passing
current automotive market, with the exception of very acceleration capability (Figure 11(c)). These findings
expensive vehicles (i.e. beyond $100,000). Peak launch should be confirmed by controlled experiments.

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1198 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 226(9)

Figure 9. Vehicles with low (V2, V66, V77) and high (V13, V48, V49) customer satisfaction.

It might prove an interesting subject to investigate affected by several other factors (e.g. price, jerkiness,
how the distribution of acceleration affects the customer smooth gearshift, etc.) but they are not analyzed.
satisfaction from the top-view. It is recommended that Controlled experiments are necessary to confirm the
the acceleration should be shaped and distributed equally conclusions of this analysis. The two extracted modes
and linearly for the acceleration between the slowest and could be used as design parameters. Vehicles will be
fastest ideal acceleration levels (intermediate PD and configured to represent the extreme modes: (1) short/
vehicle speed). The rationale is that it is likely that cus- long PD to reach peak launch acceleration, (2) the
tomers perceive liner shapes more easily than non-linear high/low launch peak acceleration, and (3) high and
shapes. Lee and Kim4 found that the linear shape of low acceleration at 5 mm PD. Participants will then
pedal force, pedal travel, and response time are the most rate their satisfaction.
desired shapes in braking system design.
Strength and weakness PCA was applied to understand the underlying varia-
The authors observe that the concept of PCA is diffi- tion modes of the ARS among 92 vehicles encompass-
cult to comprehend due to its advanced mathematics. ing the majority of the most important vehicles
In particular, people ask, ‘What is PC?’, or ‘What is the currently in the market. The results showed that two
measure of units for the x- and y-axis of the scatter variation modes could represent the ARS well. The
plot?’ It seems especially difficult to understand that first variation mode showed the overall level of accel-
the x- and y-axes are linear combinations of the origi- eration (i.e. area under the ARS). The second varia-
nal variables. tion mode indicates the short/long PD used to reach
The extracted variation modes will vary depending on peak launch acceleration with short PD. Customer
the vehicles analyzed; therefore, a representative selection ratings on acceleration from internal marketing sur-
of vehicles from the market should be used. However, veys similar to Customer Reports and J.D. Power rat-
the 92 vehicles cover nearly the entire car and SUV mar- ings were regressed on the two variation modes. The
ket segments in 2006 and 2007. All these vehicles are well regression indicated that the two modes are well asso-
known in the automotive market. However, very few ciated with customer satisfaction. Ideal ARS shapes
pickups, vans, and high-performance sport vehicles are are then developed. It is concluded that vehicles with
included. Customer satisfaction with acceleration is also 0.6 g peak launch acceleration at 20 mm PD (i.e.

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Figure 10. ARS from PD (second and fourth rows) and speed viewpoints for vehicles in Figure 9.
ARS: acceleration response surfaces; PD: pedal displacement.

acceleration gain of 0.06 g/20 mm) and less than 0.1 g Currently, many engineering specifications utilize
acceleration at 5 mm PD seem to show the highest only a few discrete points from transient and dynamic
buyer satisfaction. Vehicles with less than 0.4 g peak vehicle performance measures (e.g. acceleration, brak-
launch acceleration at 20 mm PD also show low cus- ing, ride, handling, noise, vibration, etc.). Many activi-
tomer satisfaction. Vehicles with more than 0.1 g at ties have been carried out to respond to the
5 mm PD seem to have touchy pedals and thus low management request: ‘Which engineering metrics are
customer satisfaction. most important to customer satisfaction?’ If the

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1200 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 226(9)

Figure 11. Desired characteristics and shapes of ARS.

PD: pedal displacement; ARS: acceleration response surfaces.

engineering metrics (i.e. response variables) do not cor- this method does not require that a 3D array be trans-
rectly represent the multidimensional nature of vehicle formed into a two-dimensional matrix.
performances, such activities would tend to be subopti-
mal or even doubtful, even though controlled experi-
ments are applied. PCA can analyse transience and Funding
multidimensionality, which down the road could prove
to be important design variables in controlled This research received no specific grant from any fund-
experiments. ing agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
The underlying modes are extracted without consid- sectors.
ering the customer satisfaction. A methodology called
partial least square can modify the underlying modes
so that they can be maximally correlated with customer References
satisfaction. However, this approach is not taken yet 1. Consumer Reports,
because the customer satisfaction data from mail sur- cro/cars/index.htm.
vey contains much noise and many confounding fac- 2. J.D. Power and Associates,
tors. Another method called parallel factor analysis 3. Lee S-D. Principal component analysis of vehicle accel-
could be applied to consider the 3D arrays of 96 ARS, eration gain and translation of voice of the customer.

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