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1. Airframe means?

 Any or all kind of fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings, fairings, empennages, airfoil surfaces
& landing gear and all parts accessories or controls of whatever descriptions appertaining
there to, but not including power plant and propellers.

2. Changes of a following type of power plant and appliance when not stated specifications base by the
CAAP in accordance with the manufacturer are considered.

 Aircraft major alteration

3. During an annual inspection if a defect is found rendering aircraft an airworthy person disapproving must:

 Provide a written notice of defect to the owner

4. Modifications of the blade design of the exhaust system is considered:

 Airframe major alteration

5. Which of the following must be used by a mechanic, when conduction 100 hours inspection:

 checklist

6. Any restoration of maintenance work done on an aircraft to place back to a condition for a safe operation
after being damaged shall mean:

 repair

7. After a mechanic holding a power plant and airframe rating completes a 100 hours inspection. What
action is required before aircraft is return to service?

 Make the proper entries in the aircraft maintenance record

8. Which is not considered an airframe major alteration?

 Strengthening or reinforcing the fuselage longerones.

9. When should be special inspection procedures been followed to determine if any damage to aircraft
structure occurred?

 Overweight landing

10. Changes to the basic design of the fuel or oil are considered?

 Airframe major alteration

11. Which of the following is airframe major repair?

 The repair portion of skin sheets by making additional sheems

12. Any changes to the basic design on navigational equipment approved under type specification
 Appliance major alterations

13. When entering a major repair in aircraft logbook a mechanic must also enter?

 His or her name, the date and certificate number

14. The restoration of engine mounts to a conditions after being damage is classify as:

 Airframe major repair

15. After making a major repair to an aircraft engine, that is to be returned to service CAAP form 337 major
repair alteration must be prepare, how many copies are required and what is disposition of a complete

 Two copies, one copy for the aircraft owner and one copy for CAAP.

16. Changes made to structural and non-structural elements for the purpose of improving the service life and
maintenance cost, but not cumulative weight changes of such maintenance data recomputed don’t
exceed 2% of certified weight under 12500 gross weight is classified?

 Airframe minor alteration

17. What action is required when a minor repair is performed on certified aircraft?

 An entry in the aircraft permanent record is required

18. Airframe minor repair includes:

 wing and control surface fairing

19. Who is responsible for maintaining the required maintenance records for an aircraft?

 Aircraft owner

20. When do you need to consider the repair of the following airframe major repair?

 The repair of a damaged area is a plywood stressed covering exceeding 6 inches in any

21. Which of the following provides place for indicating compliance with CAAP airworthiness directives of
manufacturer service bulletin?

 Aircraft logs

22. Changes to the basic design made in accordance with the asset due of air transportation must approved
recommendation of the landing gear shock strut, manufacturer of in accordance with the CAAP
airworthiness directives are considered to be:

 Appliance minor alteration

23. Time and service, with respect to time maintenance records is defined by said air regulation:

 The time from the moment the aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it touches it at the
next point of landing.
24. The replacement of components of completes unit such as landing gear with the supply by the original
manufacturer or manufactured record in accordance with an approved drawing is considered:

 Airframe minor repair

25. The required maintenance record must show the total time in service of the:

 Aircraft

26. Replacement of the autopilot with part manufactured in accordance with approved drawing is considered:

 Airframe minor repair

27. A mechanic has completed a bandage honey cam repair using the compound repair technique:

 Metallic ring test

28. Which of the following is considered typical preventive maintenance:

 Removal, installation and repair of landing gear

29. What non-destructive testing method can be used to determine the soundness of the repair after the
repair has cured? Who issued an airworthiness directive?

 CAAP (Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines)

30. Replacing any covering not requiring removal of the propeller of any disconnecting of flight controls is
considered as?

 Preventive Maintenance

31. What does it mean by which the ATO notifies the aircraft owner and other person of unsafe condition and
prescribed the condition under which the product may continue to operate?

 Airworthiness Directives

32. Who is not authorized among the following to perform maintenance repair or alteration on CAAP?

 All are Authorized

33. ATO airworthiness directives?

 Are Mandatory

34. It means the supervising a mechanic for personally maintain such observation of work being done as is
necessary that the work is readily available consultation with the person performing work:

 Direct Supervision

35. Which of the following is content in a type of certificate data sheet?

 Location of the Datum

36. No aircraft which has undergone any major repair or major alteration shall return to service unless such
as aircraft there after has been test flown by a person holding at least.
 A Private Pilot License

37. Placards required on a aircraft are specified in:

 Aircraft specification of type of Certificate data sheet

38. No airframe, power plant, appliance which undergone maintenance minor alteration may approved and
return to service by one of the following:

 Approximately Licensed Mechanic

39. Specifications pertains to an aircraft to which a limited number under a type on certificate and for which
there is no current aircraft specification can be found:

 Aircraft Listing

40. When a major repair or major alteration result in any change in the aircraft operating limitations or data
content in a approve airplane flight manual appropriate amendment to aircraft operating limitations shall
be made in:

 The form and Manner prescribe by CAAP

41. Where are technical descriptions of certified propeller found?

 Applicable airworthiness directives, Aircraft listings, aircraft Specification

42. Replacing defective wiring on cotter pins:

 Preventive Maintenance

43. Which part of civil aviation regulation governs issuance of an airworthiness certificate?

 Part 21

44. A procedure recommended in making scalfold for a span application.

 A Jumper

45. If airworthy aircraft is sold, what happens to the airworthiness certificate?

 It is transferred with the aircraft

46. A simple or minor preservation operation and replacement of standard parts not involving complex

assembly operations is classified.

 Preventive maintenance

47. What is the age requirement for an applicant to be eligible for a mechanic certificate?

 At least 18 yrs. old

48. Repair made on a hydraulic and pneumatic system is considered.

 Airframe minor repair

49. If certified mechanic with a power plant rating applies for an airframe rating must pass which test.

 A written, oral and practical test

50. A permanent record of every maintenance not including preventive maintenance repair rebuilding of
abrasion on any aircraft, power plant, propeller, and appliance shall be maintained by?

 Registered Operator

51. A mechanic certificate is effective for what period of time?

 Until surrendered, suspended or revoked

52. What does it mean when it said that component conforms with a technical standard order?

 It does not require STC(Standard Technical Certificate)

53. A person who holds a mechanic certificate is required by a civil aviation regulation to exercise and to
present it for inspection when requested:

 Any State/Local law enforcement officer

54. Any repair to spar ribs and skin surfaces involves.

 Airframe minor repair techniques

55. A certificated mechanic must notify the administrator of CAAP on any change impermanent mailing
address and writing within.

 30 days after such change

56. The repair station or manufacturer may base a maintenance release of its own design provided the
release includes information:

 Make of an Aircraft model, serial number, nationality and registration mark

57. The replacement of a fabric on fabric covered parts such as wing, fuselage, stabilizer or control surface is
considered to be a:

 Major repair even do no other alteration/repair is performed

58. The installation or removal of equipments of equal or less weight or in the same location of what is listed
as operational equipment in the aircraft specification is considered:

 Airframe minor alteration

59. The replacement of the damaged vertical stabilizer with a new identical stabilizer purchase from the
aircraft manufacturer is considered:

 Minor Repair

60. Consist of visual examination of the appliances:

 Routine Inspection
61. Removal of an engine driven hydraulics pump and replacement with a new overhauled pump of the same
model is classified as:

 Power plant minor repair

62. Consist of the thorough examination of the appliances:

 Detailed Inspection

63. Who is responsible for determining the materials used in aircraft maintenance and re[air are the proper
type and conform to a appropriate standard:

 Installing person/agency

64. Shall perform those inspection in such a manner as whether the aircraft concerned meet all applicable
airworthiness requirement annual of 100 hours inspection shall use a checklist while performing

 Progressive Inspection

65. All ATO certified mechanics may:

 Return to service

66. Modification of exhaust system changes of a blade design for fuel oil:

 Any minor alteration they have performed and approved appropriate to the rating they hold

67. A certified mechanic has a privilege to perform any repair alteration:

 An instrument

68. Changes made to structural and non-structural elements not exceed of an installation of removal

 Airframe minor alteration

69. Who may perform major repair to an aircraft engine and approves to return to service?

 A person holding on inspection authorization

70. Restoration of engine mount, repair of damage exceeding inches in any direction:

 Airframe major repair

71. The 100 hour inspection required by CAR for certain aircraft being operated for hire may perform by?

 Inappropriately rated mechanic and approved by the mechanic for return to service

72. Using control surface fairing replacement of auto pilot with an approved drawing made on hydraulic and
pneumatic system:

 Airframe minor repair

73. Who has the authority to approve an aircraft to return to service after 100 hours of operation?
 Certificated mechanic with an airframe and powerplant rating

74. Changes to a basic design in navigational equipment:

 Airframe major alteration

75. After a mechanic holding an A/F and P/P rating completes a 100 hours inspection what action is required
before the a/c is returned to service?

 Make the proper entries

76. Changes of basic design of landing gear shock strut in accordance with ATO.

 Appliance minor alteration

77. Which of the following is a powerplant major repair?

 Separation of a crank case of a reciprocating engine

78. A licensed mechanic can perform major repair and alteration to a propeller.

 If he/she is employed by a certificated repair station holding the appropriate rating or by the
manufacturer of the propeller

79. The result of a flight test conducted after maintenance is recorded where and by whom?

 Aircraft records by the person who flew the aircraft

80. Maximum mechanical experience for A and P rating.

 48 months for not ATC grad

81. With respect to maintenance records, the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the ground until it
touches the ground at the end of the flight is called.

 Time in Service

82. The minimum mechanical experience for A and P rating.

 30 Months for non ATC

83. ATO worthiness directives are issued to:

 Correct an unsafe condition

84. Validity of A and P mechanical license.

 24 calendar months

85. If a mechanic written, oral or practical test is failed, how long must the applicant normally wait before
applying for a re-test?

 30 days from the day of the field test

86. Minimum experience required for renewal of RP-ATO A and P license.

 8 months preceding 24 months period

87. A temporary mechanic license certificate issues to a qualified applicant is valid for what period of time.

 120 days

88. Age required for RP-ATO A and P mechanics license.

 21 yrs old

89. A repair as, performed on a airframe shall mean.

 The restoration of the airframe to a condition of safe operation after damage

90. What is paint in color of emergency exit marking.

 Red or any color in contrast with the cabin color

91. Replacement of damage engine mount with a new identical engine mount purchased from aircraft
manufacturer is considered a:

 Minor Repair

92. Size of ID marks of fuselage and vertical tail surface.

 Not less than 2 inches but not more than 6 inches

93. A person working under supervision in certified mechanic A and P rating is not authorize to perform which
of the following.

 100 hrs. inspection

94. Location of registration marks on wings.

 After right hand side lower left hand side

95. Which of the following is an airframe major repair?

 The repair of portions of skin sheet by making additional shims

96. Who is responsible for maintaining the aircraft airworthy certificate?

 Registered owner

97. Which of the following is required part if maintenance records?

 Total time in service of an aircraft

98. An aircraft which is not certified as airworthy must display.

 Registration number only

99. An ATO form is used to record and document the following.

 Major repair & Major Alteration

100. An airframe means what?

 Any or all kinds of booms, landing gear/ controls of whatever, but not including powerplant
and propeller

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