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1. Review the client’s record of last menstrual period and pre-natal visits.
2. Gather the necessary materials.
1. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure to the patient.
2. Perform hand hygiene.
3. Close the room door or curtains. Place the bed at an appropriate and comfortable
working height.
4. Ask the patient to empty her bladder

1. Position the patient in dorsal recumbent. For maternal comfort and better results.
2. Drape the client.
3. Measure the distance abdominally from the top of the symphysis pubis over the
curve of the abdomen to the top of the uterine fundus.
4. First Maneuver
 Facing the client’s head part, palpate the fundus with both hands and
observe for shape, consistency and mobility.
5. Second Maneuver
 Still facing client’s head part, place the left hand stationary on the right
side of the uterus to immobilize it. Palpate the left side of the uterus from
top to bottom with the right hand.
 Apply gentle but deep pressure to be able to determine what lies on
either side of the uterus.
 Repeat the procedure on either side of the uterus.
6. Third Maneuver
 Still facing client’s head part, grasp the lower abdomen above the
symphysis pubis with the hand nearer the mother’s legs using thumbs
and fingers.
7. Fourth Maneuver
 Facing the client’s foot part, place tips of the first 3 fingers on both sides
of the lower uterus about 2 inches above the inguinal region.
 Press downward and inward in the direction of the birth canal. Note that
the fingers on one hand meet no obstruction and glide over the nape of
the baby’s neck. The other hand meets an obstruction, this is a brow of
the baby
8. Auscultate the Fetal Heart Tone
 Locate the fetal back.
 Place the stethoscope at the area of the fetal back.
 Count for 1 full minute while comparing with the mother’s pulse.
9. Place the patient on comfortable position.
1. Evaluate client comfort and patient’s response to the procedure
1. Record the findings correctly, interpret and relay findings to the mother.

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