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1 motamed

Nicholas Motamed

February 22, 2020

Professor Herman

English 1S

Neurodiverse Cultural is Represented in the “Peanut Butter Falcon”

In my neurodiverse culture I have dealt with a lot of challenges like for example note

taking is a challenge because I process information longer than others so it is much challenging

for me to take notes and listen to teachers at the same time, however learned a lot from my watch

this movie called the Peanut butter falcon, , directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz, that

told a story based off the life of a man with down syndrome , and show him breaking through

socialiat barriers on journey to chase his dream of going to a pro wrestling school. Truly

expresses frames that Haris and Carbado in “Loot or Find: Fact or Frame?” “ something

consciously or unconsciously shapes what we view or interpret’; Zak is framed that he ”has no

idea how to get along in this world”. Despite that frame, he shows he is capable of living in the

world like all of us.. hard working, loyal, have leadership quality, durable and selfless.

Many Neurodiverse individuals have the ability to become leaders. There might be a

frame that they do not seem like leadership material, but they have the ability to lead because

they can see inner strengths that Neurotypicals might not likely see in other people. In the

Nilson and Schwartz movie the “Peanut Butter Falcon according the “Bible is Art” ''Along the

way, he meets a guy named Tyler, who has had a life full of hardships and is also on the run after

setting fire to a rival fisherman’s equipment, that reluctantly decides to take him there.
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Tyler tells Zak that “the first rule is that Zak cannot slow him down”. Stated by the “Bible is

Art” “So between geographically leading them and physically being faster, Tyler assumes that he

is the independent, strong one, leading a physically slow, Down Syndrome boy down south.” But

Tyler doesn’t realize that leading the physical journey pales in comparison to the importance of

the internal journey of transformation and in that journey he is the follower.” Tyler thought he

needed to guide Zak and believed he was the leader and demanded that Zach will not slow them

down. However along the way Tyler realised Zak saw him as a kind hearted brother like friend

who he can trust with his life. The Neurodiverse community

People who are neurodiverse can be your greatest pal that can deeply impact someone’s

life in a positive way. According to Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz in the “Peanut Butter”

when Zak first met Tyler he hoped they could become friends, even though they just met. In a

way he had faith that they can grow as friends to the point that they are like brothers. ‘Peanut

Butter Falcon’: ‘I Walked Out of This Project a Changed who says “they became brothers”

while filming together. In real life the actor Zak ’s friendship with actor, Shia Zack, actually

saved Shia from “was arrested for drunken behavior in Savannah, Ga., while filming the

movie in 2017. The actor pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of obstruction. His

sentencing included 10 weeks in rehab. but after , “I walked out of this project a changed

person — big time.obstruction . Their friendship has changed him so much he committed to

stop drinking, thanks to Zack who was able to have a deep and positive impact that changed this

man’s life!

Most neurodiverse individuals are despite the fact that there are those who frame we can not

succeed in life. When Eleanor a caretaker found Zak she wanted to bring him back to the home

but Zak firmly was not willing give up on his dream telling her “I want to see Salt-Water
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Redneck(his pro wrestler idol that runs the school in Florida) and he is not going back home”;

this happens after he finds her car keys and throws them in the water. Not saying it was cool that

he threw his keys in the waterways, but that Zak stood up for himself.

Lastly, the neurodiverse community shows a lot of empathy, for since they went through

challenges they gain experiences they are more able to understand others who are going through

similar hardships. Been talking about Peanut Butter Falcon, now here is my experience, I have

volunteer job I have done as an Assistant Coach at an inclusive program E-soccer, does

activities with Neurodiverse and Neurotypical to help them learn skills; at the job their are kids I

am to understand them and have more patience than someone who does not understand them. In

my personal life I believe it is very possible to see how the Neurodiverse community is not only

capable of living in this world but helping the world.

Neurodiverse community has a lot of representation in “Peanut Butter Factor'' that shows how

Zak has amazing leadership qualities, the best pals that can impact your life, resilience and

empathy. Zak inspired his buddy Tyler to go from someone who had a frame. He is a boy who

can not function to someone who can not only function but inspire others. Neurodiverse

communities can teach Neurotypical communities so they can understand them.

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Most Neurotypical people view those with Neurodiversity as people who can not function

in society and therefore as someone who needs to be sheltered from the world, but they are

wrong. Eleanor is one of the caregivers at the retirement home that has gotten to know Zack,

however she keeps treating him like a kid. One example is when on a shore Eleanor found Zack,

who escaped from retirement home, along with Tyler saying you are letting a “young boy with

down Syndrome in the middle of nowhere”[they have been traveling along the rural mudding

and waterway areas of Florida]. Though Tyler responds that they have been doing something

called “living” while she has been so focused on pleasing the retirement home leader; who really

believes Zach cannot function in this world. Eleanor called Zack a young boy even though he is

22, so it can be implied that she is treating him as a boy instead of an adult. Though I can tell she

just feels pressure to follow the law of society, she should learn to treat him as respect. Tyler, a

guy who has a lot of hardships in his life and also an outlaw[did illegal crab fishing and burned

rival fisherman's equipment], is the one who goes from being selfish to understanding Zack and

treating him as an individual. Eleanor after learning how she was mistreating him and being

shown by Zack that he was capable of adventuring on the boat and swimming in the water,

Eleanor started treating him the same way as she would want to be treated. The film not only

showed how I could be misrepresented as someone who can be treated as a boy who needs

dependents, there are also those who acknowledge my challenges, but treat me as anyone else.

“Peanut Butter Falcon” shows that anyone

7 motamed

“The Peanut Butter Falcon | Official Trailer | Roadside Attraction”, YouTube, uploaded

by the Roadsideflix, June 20, 2019; Retirement Home head Caretaker

“The Symbolism of the Peanut Butter Falcon” by The Bible Is Art Blog

Shia LaBeouf on ‘Peanut Butter Falcon’: ‘I Walked Out of This Project a Changed




‘Peanut Butter Falcon’ writers crafted the film for actor friend who has Down syndrome


DEC. 30, 2019 7:30 AM


“Special needs” is an ineffective euphemism

Morton Ann Gernsbacher, 1 Adam R. Raimond,2 M. Theresa Balinghasay,1 and Jilana

S. Boston1

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Wendy Ide

Sat 19 Oct 2019 10.00 EDT

6 motamed

Sheila O'Malley

August 9, 2019 |


The Peanut Butter Falcon - Movie Review

Chris Stuckmann


By Glenn Kenny

Aug. 8, 2019

s The Peanut Butter Falcon A True Story? Here's What's Real & What's Not

The Peanut Butter Falcon, starring Zack Guttsagen, Shia LaBeouf, and Dakota Johnson,

hits cinemas today, but is any of it a true story?


The Peanut Butter Falcon’s Ripple Effect – in the Disability Community and in

7 motamed

Lauren Appelbaum Aug 16, 2019 Hollywood Inclusion, Press Releases 1 comment

The Peanut Butter Falcon

The Peanut Butter Falcon Movie Clip - It's Not a Party (2019) | Movieclips Indie

► Watch The Peanut Butter Falcon Full Movie:

PEANUT BUTTER FALCON Clip - Ok Cool (2019) Shia LaBeouf

Aug 13, 2019

JoBlo Movie Clips

PEANUT BUTTER F ALCON Clip - Ok Cool (2019) Shia LaBeouf

PEANUT BUTTER FALCON Clip - Buckshot (2019) Shia LaBeouf

JoBlo Movie Clips

PEANUT BUTTER FALCON Clip - Buckshot (2019) Shia LaBeouf

8 motamed

PEANUT BUTTER FALCON Clip - Ok Cool (2019) Shia LaBeouf

JoBlo Movie Clips

PEANUT BUTTER FALCON Clip - Ok Cool (2019) Shia LaBeouf

The Peanut Butter Falcon Movie Clip - Kidnapping (2019) | Movieclips Indie

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