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Nama: Muhammad Ismar Alfauzul

Nim : 201932053


A. Introduction
 The word science is the English terminology "science" which means scientific
knowledge. Whereas in Arabic the word "science" means deep knowledge and
understood with certainty.
 Science according to the concept of Islam is an exploration of the universe that triggers
humans to find various scientific discoveries to be useful for their lives and know the
signs of God's power.
 Understanding of Islamic technology is the application of science that is right and right
on target and is based on Islamic values.
 In essence the development of science and technology does not conflict in Islam such as
surah Al-alaq verses 1-5.
B. The Religious Foundation of Science and Technology
 The following are some classification of verses related to science and technology:
"Allah will elevate the ranks of those who believe and knowledge of some degree"
(Q.S Mujadillah: 11).
"Then do they not pay attention to the camel how it was created. And the sky how it was
raised? And the mountains that were erected? And how did the earth spread them?"
(Q.S Ghasyiyah: 17-20)
 There are many more verses that motivate humans to create science and technology such
1. Surah Thaaha: 53-54
2. Surah Al-Baqarah: 31-32
3. Surah Al-Fushilat: 11-12
4. Surah Al-Fathir: 19-20
5. Surah Ali Imran: 190-193
C. The Urgency of Mastery of Science and Technology for the Advancement of
1. Getting ease
2. Know and glorify God, to achieve ultimate happiness (World and the Hereafter)
3. Improving the quality of devotion to God
4. Getting pleasure and happiness in life
5. Increase the ability to use natural resources
6. Increase work productivity
7. Having superiority in the life of the world and the hereafter
8. Increase self-confidence
D. The Impact of the Use of Science and Technology for Humans
 Positive Impact
1. Speed up and simplify communication
2. Maintain security
3. Simplify health insurance information
 Negative Impact
1. Bring to world power
2. Cultivating arrogant and congested attitude
3. Destructive morals
4. Adding to the intelligence debate
5. Bad lifestyle

E. Conclusion
 1. Surah Al-Alaaq (verses 1-5) is the basis of science and technology in Islam
 2. In Islam, seeking knowledge is a human obligation to fill this earthly and afterlife
 3. The main role of Islam in the development of science and technology

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