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Table 4.1

Brave Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. When Ahmad 00.02.39 -
Dahlan was young, 00.02.50
he stole someone’s
offerings which was
put under the tree
2. Young Ahmad Teman: Kamu kok tidak mandi 00.05.26 –
dahlan did not take a besar? 00.05.31
holy bath before the Darwis (Dahlan muda): loh buat
month of Ramadhan apa?
Teman: tidak sah puasamu
Darwis: siapa yang bilang?
(Friend: Are you going to take a
holy bath?
Darwis: What for?
Friend: Your fast won’t be
accepted then
Darwis: Who said?)
3. Ahmad dahlan gave Ahmad Dahlan: Islam adalah 00.17.04 –
his first preach agama rohmatallilalamin. 00.18.04
(Bicara B.Arab). Merohmati
siapapun yang bernaung
dibawahnya. Baik orang islam
maupun bukan islam.
Merohmati artinya mengayomi,
melindungi, membuat damai,
tidak melekat, membuat takut,


membuat rumit dengan upacara-

upacara dan sesaji. Dalam hadis
qudsi allah berfirman bahwa
sesungguhnya aku begitu dekat
dengan makhlukku maka
berdoalah kepadaku dengan
sungguh-sungguh dan mohon
ampun maka niscaya aku akan
mengabulkan. Jadi dalam berdoa
yang dibutuhkan itu hanya sabar
dan ikhlas bukan kyai, imam,
khotib, apalagi sesaji tapi
langsung kepada allah
(Ahmad Dahlan: Islam is a
religion that has been blassed to
this universe.
(Speak Arabic).
Bless everyone in the universe.
Either moslem or non moslem.
Bless means to accommodate, to
protect and create peace not to
bride and to scare or make
something complicated with
rituals and offerings. In hadist
qudsi, Allah decreed in fact, I’m
so close with my creation.
Therefore, pray to me sincerely
and ask for forgiveness. Then I
will surely forgive. So, what we
need in doing praying is only
having patience and sincerity not

kyai, leader, preacher moreover

offerings. But ask directly to
4. Ahmad Dahlan 00.31.06 –
changed his direction 00.31.24
(kiblat) 23 degrees to
the northwest when
he was doing prayer
together in the great

Table 4.2

Proactive Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad dahlan used Jazuli: kira-kira kita mau ngaji apa 00.20.06-
new learning ya kyai? 00.20.31
method which was Ahmad Dahlan: kalian maunya
different to common ngaji apa?
learning in his class Danil: biasanya kalau pengajian
in south mosque itu pembahasannya dari guru
ngajinya kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: nanti yang pintar
hanya guru ngajinya, muridnya
hanya mengikuti gurunya.
Pengajian di sini kalian yang
menentukan. Dimulai dari
(Jazuli: Well, what surah are we
about to read, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: What would you

like to read?
Danil: It’s usually our teacher
decides what are we gonna recite
Ahmad Dahlan: That way only the
teacher will be smart and students
only follow what teacher’s says
Here, you’re gonna decide it.
Starting with asking question)
2. Ahmad Dahlan Ahmad Dahlan: Kalau boleh saya 00.59.31-
asked to teach islam ingin mengajar agama islam di 00.59.43
in state school sekolah govermen seperti sekolah
ini. Bawa saya ke dewan pengajar
saya akan sampaikan materi
pelajaran agama islam
(Ahmad Dahlan: If possible, I
want to teach islam in a state
school like this. Take me to the
school board. I will explain the
islam’s curriculum to them)
3. Ahmad dahlan was Sudja: kenapa pak kyai bergabung 01.01.16-
asked by his student dengan kelompok kejawen itu? 01.02.02
why he joined with mereka selalu menjelek-jelekkan
kejawen clan? He islam pak kyai. Mereka
said that he was menganggap islam itu agama
learning from them terbelakang bahkan mereka lebih
bangga berdansa-dansa dengan
orang belanda nyanyi nyayi sambil
minum alkohol pak kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: Aku sedang
belajar lagi Dja. Aku sedang
belajar cara mengatur sebuah

perkumpulan, cara membuat

sekolah, cara mengajar. Itu semua
untuk mewujudkan cita-citaku
menjadi umat islam
(Sudja: Why did you join with that
kejawen clan? They always harass
Islam, kyai. For them, islam is
only an outdated religion. They
even feel more proud dancing with
the Netherlands, singing while
drinking alcohol, kyai.
Ahmad Dahlan: I need to learn
more. Learning how to organize
an organization, how to establish a
school, how to teach and I do all
that to fulfill my dream to educate
4. Ahmad Dahlan Fahrudin: mau membuat sekolah 01.16.41-
wanted to build a kyai? 01.17.11
modern Madrasah Ahmad Dahlan: madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Diniyah ibtidaiyah diniyah
Fahrudin: kok pakai meja dan
kursi kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: ini madrasah
bukan langgar
Sudja: nyuwun sewu kyai, setau
saya madrasah itu sekolah islam
seperti pesantren ndak pakai meja
dan ndak pakai kursi
Hisam: nah itu nanti jadi seperti
sekolah kafir kyai,yo?

(Fahrudin: You are going to open

a school, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: Madrasah
ibtidaiyah diniyah (elementary
Islamic school)
Fahrudin: Why are we using desks
and chairs?
Ahmad Dahlan: It’s an Islamic
school not a mosque
Sudja: Excuse me, kyai. As far as
I know, madrasah is an Islamic
school. Just like a pesantren
(boarding Islamic school) There
are no desks nor chairs
Hisam: That’s what I mean, or
else it will looks like an infidel
school, kyai. Right?)
5. Ahmad Dahlan and Ahmad Dahlan: Ayo semangat al 01.29.50-
his students helped maun. Hisam kamu ikut aku 01.29.51
orphan in town (Ahmad Dahlan: Come on, we
square need the spirit of al maun. Hisam,
come with me)
6. Ahmad Dahlan’s Fahrudin: Kulo fahrudin. Niki 01.30.50-
students invited hisam murid dari kyai dahlan 01.31.00
people to give alms langgar kidul kauman ingin
mengajak bapak untuk ikut
Fahrudin: maturnuwun nggih pak
Warga: nggih
(Fahrudin: I am fachrudin and this
is Hisam. We are students of kyai

dahlan from south mosque

kauman. We would like to ask you
to give charity
Fahrudin: Thank you very much,
Citizen: your welcome)
7. Ahmad Dahlan Ahmad Dahlan: Saya sudah 01.31.45-
spoke to his students mantap mau mendirikan 01.32.39
that he wants to perkunpulan sesuai dengan
establish an perintah allah dalam surat ali
organization imron 104. (Bicara b.Arab)
Sangidu: saya setuju kyai. Saya
tahu ayat itu bermakna dan
adakanlah diantara kamu
sekelompok orang yang
menyerukan kebaikan dan
meninggalkan kemungkaran
Sudja: nyuwun sewu pak kyai.
Untuk apa to mendirikan
perkumpulan, apakah langgar kita
tidak cukup?
Ahmad Dahlan: langgar itu untuk
ibadah. Perkumpulan untuk
aktivitas social kita
(Ahmad Dahlan: I am so certain to
establish an organization.
Accordingly to allah’s command
in surrah ali imron verse 104
Sangidu: I agreed kyai. I know
what that version means: If there
arise out of you a group of people.

Inviting to all that is good, and

forbidding what is wrong
Sudja: Pardon me, kyai. What did
you need to establish an
organization for? Isn’t our mosque
not enough?
Ahmad Dahlan: Mosque is for
worshiping. An organization is for
our social activity)

Table 4.2

Proactive Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad dahlan used Jazuli: kira-kira kita mau ngaji apa 00.20.06-
new learning method ya kyai? 00.20.31
which was different Ahmad Dahlan: kalian maunya
to common learning ngaji apa?
in his class in south Danil: biasanya kalau pengajian itu
mosque pembahasannya dari guru ngajinya
Ahmad Dahlan: nanti yang pintar
hanya guru ngajinya, muridnya
hanya mengikuti gurunya.
Pengajian di sini kalian yang
menentukan. Dimulai dari
(Jazuli: Well, what surah are we
about to read, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: What would you

like to read?
Danil: It’s usually our teacher
decides what are we gonna recite
Ahmad Dahlan: That way only the
teacher will be smart and students
only follow what teacher’s says
Here, you’re gonna decide it.
Starting with asking question)
2. Ahmad Dahlan asked Ahmad Dahlan: Kalau boleh saya 00.59.31-
to teach islam in state ingin mengajar agama islam di 00.59.43
school sekolah govermen seperti sekolah
ini. Bawa saya ke dewan pengajar
saya akan sampaikan materi
pelajaran agama islam
(Ahmad Dahlan: If possible, I want
to teach islam in a state school like
this. Take me to the school board. I
will explain the islam’s curriculum
to them)
3. Ahmad dahlan was Sudja: kenapa pak kyai bergabung 01.01.16-
asked by his student dengan kelompok kejawen itu? 01.02.02
why he joined with mereka selalu menjelek-jelekkan
kejawen clan? He islam pak kyai. Mereka
said that he was menganggap islam itu agama
learning from them terbelakang bahkan mereka lebih
bangga berdansa-dansa dengan
orang belanda nyanyi nyayi sambil
minum alkohol pak kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: Aku sedang
belajar lagi Dja. Aku sedang
belajar cara mengatur sebuah

perkumpulan, cara membuat

sekolah, cara mengajar. Itu semua
untuk mewujudkan cita-citaku
menjadi umat islam
(Sudja: Why did you join with that
kejawen clan? They always harass
Islam, kyai. For them, islam is only
an outdated religion. They even
feel more proud dancing with the
Netherlands, singing while
drinking alcohol, kyai.
Ahmad Dahlan: I need to learn
more. Learning how to organize an
organization, how to establish a
school, how to teach and I do all
that to fulfill my dream to educate
4. Ahmad Dahlan Fahrudin: mau membuat sekolah 01.16.41-
wanted to build a kyai? 01.17.11
modern Madrasah Ahmad Dahlan: madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Diniyah ibtidaiyah diniyah
Fahrudin: kok pakai meja dan kursi
Ahmad Dahlan: ini madrasah
bukan langgar
Sudja: nyuwun sewu kyai, setau
saya madrasah itu sekolah islam
seperti pesantren ndak pakai meja
dan ndak pakai kursi
Hisam: nah itu nanti jadi seperti
sekolah kafir kyai,yo?

(Fahrudin: You are going to open a

school, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: Madrasah
ibtidaiyah diniyah (elementary
Islamic school)
Fahrudin: Why are we using desks
and chairs?
Ahmad Dahlan: It’s an Islamic
school not a mosque
Sudja: Excuse me, kyai. As far as I
know, madrasah is an Islamic
school. Just like a pesantren
(boarding Islamic school) There
are no desks nor chairs
Hisam: That’s what I mean, or else
it will looks like an infidel school,
kyai. Right?)
5. Ahmad Dahlan and Ahmad Dahlan: Ayo semangat al 01.29.50-
his students helped maun. Hisam kamu ikut aku 01.29.51
orphan in town (Ahmad Dahlan: Come on, we
square need the spirit of al maun. Hisam,
come with me)
6. Ahmad Dahlan’s Fahrudin: Kulo fahrudin. Niki 01.30.50-
students invited hisam murid dari kyai dahlan 01.31.00
people to give alms langgar kidul kauman ingin
mengajak bapak untuk ikut
Fahrudin: maturnuwun nggih pak
Warga: nggih
(Fahrudin: I am fachrudin and this
is Hisam. We are students of kyai

dahlan from south mosque

kauman. We would like to ask you
to give charity
Fahrudin: Thank you very much,
Citizen: your welcome)
7. Ahmad Dahlan spoke Ahmad Dahlan: Saya sudah 01.31.45-
to his students that he mantap mau mendirikan 01.32.39
wants to establish an perkunpulan sesuai dengan
organization perintah allah dalam surat ali imron
104. (Bicara b.Arab)
Sangidu: saya setuju kyai. Saya
tahu ayat itu bermakna dan
adakanlah diantara kamu
sekelompok orang yang
menyerukan kebaikan dan
meninggalkan kemungkaran
Sudja: nyuwun sewu pak kyai.
Untuk apa to mendirikan
perkumpulan, apakah langgar kita
tidak cukup?
Ahmad Dahlan: langgar itu untuk
ibadah. Perkumpulan untuk
aktivitas social kita
(Ahmad Dahlan: I am so certain to
establish an organization.
Accordingly to allah’s command in
surrah ali imron verse 104
Sangidu: I agreed kyai. I know
what that version means: If there
arise out of you a group of people.

Inviting to all that is good, and

forbidding what is wrong
Sudja: Pardon me, kyai. What did
you need to establish an
organization for? Isn’t our mosque
not enough?
Ahmad Dahlan: Mosque is for
worshiping. An organization is for
our social activity)

Table 4.3

Responsive Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Dahlan Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 1: Salah 00.26.07-
spoke to his brothers kiblat? maksude pie dimas? 00.26.39
in Langgar Dhuwur Ahmad Dahlan: semua masjid
and Pendopo tabligh mengarah lurus ke barat termasuk
that the direction mesjid besar bahkan ada yang
(kiblat) was wrong mengarah ke timur laut kangmas.
and did not hand to Ini tidak benar kecuali masjid
Mecca panembahan senopati di kota
gede. Saya juga sudah berdiskusi
dengan syeh jamil jambek di
bukittinggi dan ini juga jadi
masalah mereka kangmas. Kita
harus betulkan
Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 2: ora
gampang dimas, ora gampang
ngrubah kiblat masjid gede. Kyai

penghulu mesti ora setuju

(Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 1: Not
handed t mecca? What do you
mean by that?
Ahmad Dahlan: Every mosques
are headed toward the west
including the great mosque. Some
even toward the north-eastward
This is wrong. Except the mosque
of senapati in kota gede
I also have discussed about this
with syekh jamil jambe in bukit
tinggi and they also have the same
We must fix this
Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2: it
won’t be easy. It won’t be easy to
change the prayer’s direction of
the great mosque. The mosque’s
chief will surely not agree)
2. When Ahmad Kyai Lurah Nur: Majalah ini 00.13.14-
Dahlan’s brother bukannya dilarang dimas? 00.13.55
asked about Al Ahmad Dahlan: pangapunten
Manar magazine kangmas, majalah ini diterbitkan
oleh jamaluddin al afghani dan
Muhammad abduh, seorang
pembaharu islam dari mesir.
Pemikirannya mengubah
kecenderungan tasawuf sempit
menjadi pengamalan islam secara

Pelayan: Heh, ayo mrene, timbali

Ahmad Dahlan: Dan membawa
islam sejalan dengan
perkembangan jaman, jadi saya
pikir tidak ada yang berbahaya
Kyai lurah Nur: iya tapi mereka
itu berdua tinggal di paris ketika
menerbitkan majalah itu,
pemikiran mereka itu sudah
terpengaruh oleh kaum modernis
dan juga kaum yahudi
(Kyai Lurah Nur: Isn’t this
magazine forbidden, brother?
Excuse me, brother. This
magazine published by jamaluddin
al afgahni and Muhammad abduh
a reformer from Egypt. His ideas
change shallow “tasawuf” into
Islamic application
Servant: Hey, get over here, your
mother is calling
Ahmad Dahlan: And bringing
muslim religion in accordance
with the developing world. So I
think there’s nothing harm in it,
Kyai Lurah Nur: I know, but they
both lived in paris when published
this magazine. Their ideas have

been contaminated by modern and

jewish people)
3. Ahmad Dahlan Ahmad Dahlan: berdasarkan ilmu 00.29.37-
explained why falak pulau jawa dan mekkah tidak 00.30.14
according to him the lurus ke barat jadi tidak ada alasan
current direction kita mengarahkan kiblat kita
(kiblat) was wrong kearah barat karena kalau kita
in the meeting mengarah ke barat berarti kita
among kyai mengarah ke afrika. Lagipula kita
tidak perlu membongkar masjid.
Kita hanya merubah arah sholat
kita kea rah 23 derajat dari posisi
semula. Ketika allah
memerintahkan rasulullah saw
memindahkan kiblat dari al aqsho
ke al haram beliau berputar 180
(Ahmad Dahlan: Based on
astronomy astronomy, the java
island and mecca is not straight
So there’s no reason for us to head
our direction (kiblat) to the west
because if we’re heading toward
west side that mean we heading
towards Afrika. Besides we don’t
need to renovate the mosque. We
just have to change our heading to
23 degree from before. When allah
commands Rasulullah SAW to
change the direction (kiblat) from

al aqsho to al haram. He turn the

prayer heading 180 degree)

Table 4.4

Consistent Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Dahlan Ahmad Dahlan: Kita harus betulkan 00.31.06-
changed his Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 2: ora 00.31.24
direction (kiblat) gampang dimas, ora gampang
when he did ngrubah kiblat masjid gede. Kyai
praying together penghulu mesti ora setuju
although he got Ahmad Dahlan: pangapunten
rejection from kangmas, sebelum kita bicara dengan
other kyai. Started kyai penghulu, kita bicara dulu
from his brothers dengan kangmas lurah nor. Beliau
in Langgar kan kepala berjamaah masjid besar
Dhuwur and Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 1: speak java
Pendopo tabligh, (tidak mungkin! aku tidak yakin)
kyai lurah noor, (Ahmad Dahlan: We must fix this
and kyai Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2: it won’t
penghulu and be easy. It won’t be easy to change
other guests. He the prayer’s heading direction of the
was consistent great mosque. The mosque’s chief
with his thought. will surely not agree
Ahmad Dahlan: Excuse me, big
brother. Before we talk with the
mosque’s chief we should talk to
brother nur the community leader

He’s the prayer leader in great

Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2:
impossible! I really doubt it)
Kyai Lurah Nur: mesjid besar itu 00.26.55-
sudah berdiri lebih dari setengah 00.27.27
abad. Menyalahkan kiblat mesjid
besar itu sama juga menyalahkan
kesultanan sebagai khalifatullah
panotogomo, ngerti koe?
Ahmad Dahlan: khalifah itu juga
manusia kangmas. Tidak luput dari
salah. Khalifah usman bin affan saja
pernah melakukan kesalahan sampai
menimbulkan perang saudara
Kyai lurah Nur: pendapatmu itu
harus dibuktikan.
(Kyai lurah Nur: the great mosque
has been there for more than half a
century. If you say that prayer
heading in great mosque is wrong is
the same thing that you’re blaming
our sultan as our khalifah leader our
role model. Do you understand that?
Ahmad Dahlan: Khalifah is also
human who can make mistakes as
well. Even khalifah usman bin affan
has made mistakes and caused civil
Kyai lurah Nur: You have to prove
your statement)

Ahmad Dahlan: jika demikian apa 00.28.44-

gunanya masjidil haram 00.30.14
Kyai penghulu: kalau kiblat masjid
besar itu salah lalu apa yang
membuat kita yakin bahwa kiblat
sampean itu benar
Ahmad Dahlan: sekedap kyai. Jazuli
Danil: nyuwun sewu kyai
Jazuli: nyuwun sewu kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: pangapunten kyai,
berdasarkan ilmu falak pulau jawa
dan mekkah tidak lurus ke barat jadi
tidak ada alasan kita mengarahkan
kiblat kita kearah barat karena kalau
kita mengarah ke barat berarti kita
mengarah ke afrika. Lagipula kita
tidak perlu membongkar masjid. Kita
hanya merubah arah sholat kita kea
rah 23 derajat dari posisi semula.
Ketika allah memerintahkan
rasulullah saw memindahkan kiblat
dari al aqsho ke al haram beliau
berputar 180 derajat
(Ahmad Dahlan: If that is so, what
the use of masjidil haram mosque
The mosque’s chief: If the direction
(kiblat) of the great mosque is
wrong, what can make us sure that
direction (kiblat) you are staying is

Ahmad Dahlan: Wait a second, kyai.

Jazuli: yes
Danil: Excuse me, kyai
Jazuli: Excuse me, kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: Based on astronomy
astronomy, the java island and mecca
is not straight westward
So there’s no reason for us to head
our direction (kiblat) to the west
because if we’re heading toward
west side that mean we heading
towards Afrika. Besides we don’t
need to renovate the mosque. We just
have to change our heading to 23
degree from before
When allah commands Rasulullah
SAW to change the direction (kiblat)
from al aqsho to al haram. He turn
the prayer heading 180 degree.)
(Ahmad Dahlan changed his 00.31.08-
direction (kiblat) 23 degree to the 00.31.25
north-west when he was doing
praying together in the great mosque)

Table 4.5

Willing to do dialogue Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Dahlan Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 2: Kyai penghulu 00.26.38-
wanted to mesti ora setuju 00.26.46

discuss about Ahmad Dahlan: pangapunten kangmas,

the direction sebelum kita bicara dengan kyai
(kiblat) to kyai penghulu, kita bicara dulu dengan
lurah Noor kangmas lurah nor.
before telling (Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2: The
to the mosque’s chief will surely not agree
mosque’s chief Ahmad Dahlan: Excuse me, big brother.
Before talking with the mosque’s chief we
should talk to brother Nur)
2. Ahmad Dahlan Kyai penghulu: ini yang diundang siapa 00.27.30-
invited the saja ini? 00.27.54
mosque’s chief Pemuda: banyak pakdhe
and other kyai Kyai penghulu: lho banyak itu siapa?
to discuss Pemuda: ada kyai lurah, kyai Muhammad
about the fakih, kyai abdul hamid lempuyangan ada
direction juga kyai Abdullah siraj pakualaman
(kiblat) which pakdhe
is wrong Kyai penghulu: kyai Abdullah siraj dari
according to pakualaman juga diundang?
him Pemuda: nggih pakdhe
(the mosque’s chief: Who all are invited?
Youngster: many, uncle.
The mosque’s chief: What? Tell me who
are they?
Youngster: there’s our community leader
kyai Muhammad faqih
The mosque’s chief: then?
Youngster: kyai abdul hamid
lempuyangan and there’s also kyai
Abdullah siraj from pakualaman
The mosque’s chief: Kyai siraj from

pakualaman is also invited too?

Youngster: yes, uncle)
3. Ahmad Dahlan Warga: assalamualaikum 01.24.00-
would to come Ahmad Dahlan: waalaikumsalam wr.wb 01.24.27
in Warga: maaf kyai ada surat dari kyai
accomplishing penghulu untuk anda
the mosque’s Ahmad Dahlan: sampaikan kepada kyai
chief invitation penghulu insya allah saya akan dating
Warga: assalamualaikum
Ahmad Dahlan: waalaikumsalam wr.wb
(citizen: Peace be unto you
Ahmad Dahlan: peace be unto you as well
Citizen: Excuse me, kyai. I have a letter
from the mosque’s chief for you
Ahmad Dahlan: Tell to chief kyai, with
god’s will I will come
Citizen: Yes, kyai. Peace be unto you
Ahmad Dahlan: peace be unto you as

Table 4.6

Willing to take risk and sacrifice Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Ahmad Dahlan: saya tidak bisa menutup 00.37.28-
Dahlan langgar saya. Sampaikan maaf saya 00.37.33
rejected the kepada kyai penghulu.
mosque’s (ahmad Dahlan: I can’t close my mosque.
chief Send my apology to chief kyai)
Warga: assalamualaikum 00.37.50-
command to
Ahmad Dahlan: waalaikumsalam wr.wb 00.38.11
close his

south mosque Warga: pangapunten kyai

Ahmad Dahlan: jawaban saya tetap sama.
Sampaikan kepada kyai penghulu
Warga: kyai, kalau kyai tidak menutup
langgar ini kyai penghulu yang akan
membongkar dengan paksa
Ahmad Dahlan: berarti selama ini saya
berada di lingkungan yang salah
(Citizen: Peace be unto you
Ahmad Dahlan: peace be unto you as well
Citizen: Excuse me, kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: my answer is still the
same. Please tell him
Citizen: Kyai, if you decided not to close
this mosque, the mosque’s chief will tear
it apart by force
Ahmad Dahlan: That means I’ve been in
the wrong place all this time)
2. Ahmad Ahmad Dahlan: Saya menyatakan mundur 00.50.09-
Dahlan met dari jabatan khatib amirul masjid besar 00.50.29
sultan to Sultan: Aku wis krungu sekabehane(aku
convey his sudah dengar semuanya)
resignation as Ahmad Dahlan: katetepan menika dalem
preacher pilih kagem njagi kawontenan ingkang
mboten sae (keputusan itu saya pilih untuk
menjaga keadaan yang tidak baik)
(Ahmad Dahlan: I have decided to resign
from my position as the member of great
Sultan: I have heard everything
Ahmad Dahlan: And that’s my decision,

to protect the unstable situation)

3. Ahmad Ahmad Dahlan: Ayo, ayo makan. Habis 01.18.14-
Dahlan and makan kita belajar biar jadi pinter 01.18.22
his wife used (Ahmad Dahlan: After you finish eating
their wealth we study and become clever)
Istri Ahmad Dahlan: Ini simpanan terakhir 01.19.09-
to build
kita mas 01.19.17
Ahmad Dahlan: ini semua buat
(Ahmad Dahlan’s wife: This is our last
Ahmad Dahlan: We sacrifice all this for

Table 4.7

Tolerant Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. When Ahmad Hisam: Nyuwun sewu kyai. 01.33.59-
Dahlan and his Seandainya kita masuk jadi anggota 01.34.44
students budi utomo apa ya kita harus masuk
discussed about kejawen nanti
the name of their Ahmad Dahlan: kita itu boleh punya
organization, he prinsip asal jangan fanatic karena
tell to them that fanatic itu ciri orang bodoh. Sebagai
moslem should orang islam kita harus tunjukkan kalau
be able to kita bisa bekerja sama pada siapapun
cooperate with asal lakum dinukum waliyadin
other agamamu agamamu agamaku

(Hisam: Excuse me, kyai. For instance

if we become the budi utomo’s
member, do we have to become
Ahmad Dahlan: We can have principal
as long as we don’t become a fanatic.
Because fanaticism is a sign of
ignorant people. As a muslim we must
show that we can cooperate with
anyone. As long as we up hold to,
lakum dinukum waliyadin. Your faith
is your faith. May faith is my faith)
2. Ahmad Dahlan’s Kyai lurah Nur: Tapi apakah 01.43.01-
brother met hubungan keluarga harus 01.43.40
Ahmad Dahlan dikorbankan?
in his house to Ahmad Dahlan: tidak ada niat untuk
talk about their mengorbankan siapapun kangmas.
relationship Saya justru menghormati siapapun
yang berbeda pendapat dengan saya
(Kyai lurah Nur: But do we have to
sacrifice the unity of our family?
Ahmad Dahlan: There’s no any
intention to sacrifice anyone
Instead I have always respect anyone
who has different ideas with me)

Table 4.8

Modest Character of Ahmad Dahlan

No Moment Dialogue
1. In discussion with Kyai lurah Nur: apakah dimas yakin 00.30.15-

other kyai, Ahmad gambar itu benar? 00.30.23

Dahlan did not tell Ahmad Dahlan: kebenaran hanya
that his opinion is milik allah kangmas. Manusia hanya
right directly but sebatas berikhtiar
he hand it over to (Kyai lurah Nur: Are you sure that
Allah map is correct?
Ahmad Dahlan: Truth only belong to
2. Sudja asked Sudja: kenapa pak kyai bergabung 01.01.16-
Ahmad Dahlan dengan kelompok kejawen itu? 01.02.02
why he joined to Mereka selalu menjelek-jelekkan
kejawen clan islam pak kyai. Mereka menganggap
islam itu agama terbelakang bahkan
mereka lebih bangga berdansa-dansa
dengan orang belanda nyanyi nyanyi
sambil minum alcohol pak kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: aku sedang belajar
lagi Dja. Aku sedang belajar cara
mengatur sebuah perkumpulan, cara
membuat sekolah, cara mengajar. Itu
semua untuk mewujudkan cita-citaku
menjadi umat islam
(Sudja: Why did you join with that
kejawen clan? They always harass
islam, kyai. For them islam is only
an outdated religion. They even feel
more proud dancing with the
Netherlands, singing while drinking
alcohol, kyai.
Ahmad Dahlan: I need to learn more.
Learning how to organize an

organization, how to establish a

school, how to teach and I do all that
to fulfill my dream to educate
3. The mosque’s Kyai penghulu: kadang manusia 01.50.14-
chief meet Ahmad lebih memilih melindungi 01.50.33
Dahlan kewibawaannya dari pada bertanya
untuk apa sebenarnya kewibawaan
yang dia punya itu bagi dirinya
Ahmad Dahlan: saya juga bukan
orang yang luput dari hal itu
(The mosque’s chief: Sometimes
man have tendency to protect his
power. Rather than asking what’s the
use of his power has for himself
Ahmad Dahlan: I’m also not a
person who experience with those

Table 4.9

Changing the Direction (kiblat)

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Dahlan Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 1: Salah kiblat? 00.26.07-
talked to his maksude pie dimas? 00.26.56
brothers about Ahmad Dahlan: semua masjid
the direction mengarah lurus ke barat termasuk
(kiblat) mesjid besar bahkan ada yang
mengarah ke timur laut kangmas. Ini
tidak benar kecuali masjid
panembahan senopati di kota gede.

Saya juga sudah berdiskusi dengan

syeh jamil jambek di bukittinggi dan
ini juga jadi masalah mereka kangmas.
Kita harus betulkan
Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 2: ora gampang
dimas, ora gampang ngrubah kiblat
masjid gede. Kyai penghulu mesti ora
Ahmad Dahlan: pangapunten kangmas,
sebelum kita bicara dengan kyai
penghulu, kita bicara dulu dengan
kangmas lurah nor. Beliau kan kepala
berjamaah masjid besar
Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 1: speak
java(tidak mungkin!aku tidak yakin)
(Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 1: Not
headed t mecca? What do you mean by
Ahmad Dahlan: Every mosque is
headed toward the west including the
great mosque. Some even toward the
This is wrong. Except the mosque of
senapati in kota gede
I also have discussed about this with
syekh jamil jambe in bukit tinggi and
they also have the same problem
We must fix this
Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2: it won’t be
easy. It won’t be easy to change the
prayer’s heading direction of the great

mosque. The mosque’s chief will

surely not agree
Ahmad Dahlan: Excuse me, big
brother. Before we talk with the
mosque’s chief we should talk to
brother nur the community leader there
He’s the prayer leader in great mosque
Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2:
impossible! I really doubt it)
Kyai lurah Nur: mesjid besar itu sudah 01.26.56-
berdiri lebih dari setengah abad. 00.27.29
Menyalahkan kiblat mesjid besar itu
sama juga menyalahkan kesultanan
sebagai khalifatullah panotogomo,
ngerti koe?
Ahmad Dahlan: khalifah itu juga
manusia kangmas. Tidak luput dari
salah. Khalifah usman bin affan saja
pernah melakukan kesalahan sampai
menimbulkan perang saudara
Kyai lurah Nur: pendapatmu itu harus
dibuktikan. Mana anakku sini sini
(Kyai lurah Nur: the great mosque has
been there for more than half a
century. If you say that prayer heading
in great mosque is wrong, it is the
same thing that you’re blaming our
sultan as our khalifah leader our role
model. Do you understand that?
Ahmad Dahlan: Khalifah is also
human who can make mistakes as

well. Even khalifah usman bin affan

has made mistakes and caused civil
Kyai lurah Nur: You have to prove
your statement. Bring my child over
here. Come)
2. Ahmad Dahlan Kyai Siraj Pakualaman: kiblat itu 00.27.58-
discussed bukan soal arah kiblat itu soal qolbu. 00.31.03
about the Tuhan itu yang memiliki arah utara,
direction selatan, timur dan barat. Tuhan itu
(kiblat) with bertahta tidak berdasar arah tapi ada
the mosque’s dalam qolbu umat
chef and other Kakak Ahmad Dahlan: saya setuju
kyai he invited kyai. Ini hanya soal keyakinan dimas.
Allah itu menyatu. Manunggal dengan
umatnya. Dimanapun manusia
menghadap di situ ada allah
Ahmad Dahlan: jika demikian apa
gunanya masjidil haram
Kyai penghulu: kalau kiblat masjid
besar itu salah lalu apa yang membuat
kita yakin bahwa kiblat sampean itu
Ahmad Dahlan: sekedap kyai. Jazuli
Danil: nyuwun sewu kyai
Jazuli: nyuwun sewu kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: pangapunten kyai,
berdasarkan ilmu falak pulau jawa dan
mekkah tidak lurus ke barat jadi tidak
ada alasan kita mengarahkan kiblat
kita kearah barat karena kalau kita

mengarah ke barat berarti kita

mengarah ke afrika. Lagipula kita tidak
perlu membongkar masjid. Kita hanya
merubah arah sholat kita kea rah 23
derajat dari posisi semula. Ketika allah
memerintahkan rasulullah saw
memindahkan kiblat dari al aqsho ke al
haram beliau berputar 180 derajat
Kyai lurah Nur: apakah dimas yakin
gambar itu benar?
Ahmad Dahlan: kebenaran hanya milik
allah kangmas. Manusia hanya sebatas
Kyai Siraj Pakualaman: sek sek
mengko disek. Kelihatannya gambar
itu bikinan orang kafir. Saya pernah
melihatnya di kantor govermen. Kalau
kita mengarahkan kiblat berdasarkan
gambar itu sama saja kita kafir. Ngati
ati yo le dengan kaum kafir dan
munafik. Mereka menggunakan
berbagai macam cara untuk
mempengaruhi keimanan kita
(Kyai Siraj Pakualaman: Kiblat is not
only about direction but kiblat is about
our heart and mind. Allah is the one
who own the north, south, east and
west. Allah reigns not base on
direction but inside the heart of his
Ahmad Dahlan’s brother: I agree, kyai.

This is only about faith. Allah is one

with his believers. Wherever we
heading, there will always be allah.
Ahmad Dahlan: If that is so, what the
use of masjidil haram mosque for?
The mosque’s chief: If the direction
(kiblat) of the great mosque is wrong,
what can make us sure that direction
(kiblat) you are staying is right?
Ahmad Dahlan: Wait a second,
Danil: Excuse me, kyai
Jazuli: Excuse me, kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: Based on astronomy,
the java island and mecca is not
straight westward
So there’s no reason for us to head our
direction (kiblat) to the west because if
we’re heading toward west side that
mean we heading towards Afrika.
Besides we don’t need to renovate the
mosque. We just have to change our
heading to 23 degree from before.
When allah commands Rasulullah
SAW to change the direction (kiblat)
from al aqsho to al haram. He turn the
prayer heading 180 degree.
Kyai lurah Nur: Are you sure that map
is correct?
Ahmad Dahlan: Truth only belong to
Kyai Siraj Pakualaman: Hold on! Hang

on a second. It seems that map is made

by an infidel. I have ever seen it in
governor’s office. If we change our
direction (kiblat) according to that
picture that means we are infidel too.
Be careful towards infidel and
hypocrite people. They will use many
ways to influence our faith)
3. Ahmad Dahlan 00.31.08-
changed his 00.31.25
(kiblat) by
himself when
he was doing

Table 4.10

Defining the Substantial of Religion (Islam)

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Dahlan Ahmad Dahlan: Islam adalah agama 00.17.04-
gave his rohmatallilalamin, speak arab, merohmati 00.18.04
preach in the siapapun yang bernaung dibawahnya.
great mosque Baik orang islam maupun bukan islam.
Merohmati artinya mengayomi,
melindungi, membuat damai, tidak
melekat, membuat takut, membuat rumit
dengan upacara-upacara dan sesaji.
Dalam hadis qudsi allah berfirman bahwa
sesungguhnya aku begitu dekat dengan

makhlukku maka berdoalah kepadaku

dengan sungguh-sungguh dan mohon
ampun maka niscaya aku akan
mengabulkan. Jadi dalam berdoa yang
dibutuhkan itu hanya sabar dan ikhlas
bukan kyai, imam, khotib, apalagi sesaji
tapi langsung kepada allah
(Ahmad Dahlan: Islam is a religion that
has been blassed to this universe
Speaking Arabic
Bless everyone in the universe
Either moslem or non moslem
Bless means to accommodate, to protect
and create peace not to bride and to scare
or make something complicated with
rituals and offerings. In hadist qudsi, allah
decreed in fact, I’m so close with my
creation. Therefore pray to me sincerely
and ask for forgiveness. Then I will surely
forgive. So what we need in to do praying
is only having patience and sincerity not
kyai, leader, preacher moreover offerings.
But ask directly to allah)
2. Ahmad Dahlan Ahmad Dahlan: Ayo siapa yang mau 00.20.29-
gave his bertanya, Du? 00.24.08
learning in Jazuli: agama itu apa kyai?
south mosque Ahmad Dahlan: apa yang kalian rasakan?
Danil: keindahan
Ahmad Dahlan: kamu Du?
Sangidu: kaya mimpi
Jazuli: sepertinya semua permasalahan itu

rasanya hilang kyai

Ahmad Dahlan: itulah agama. Orang yang
beragama adalah orang yang merasakan
keindahan, tenteram, damai, cerah karena
hakekat agama itu seperti music,
mengayomi, menyelimuti. Ayo coba
Hisam: mboten kyai, ndak bisa
Ahmad Dahlan: sebisanya ayo mainkan,
ini ayo, ayo
Hisam: (memainkan biola)
Ahmad Dahlan: ayo yang mantap terusin
Hisam: (memainkan biola)
Ahmad Dahlan: teruskan teruskan yang
Hisam: (memainkan biola)
Ahmad Dahlan: cukup cukup. Bagaiman
Hisam: ancur kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: itulah agama. Kalau kita
tidak mempelajarinya dengan benar itu
akan membuat resah lingkungan kita dan
jadi bahan tertawaan
(Ahmad Dahlan: Go ahead, who has
questions to ask?
Jazuli: What religion really is?
Ahmad Dahlan: What do you feel?
Danil: Beauty
Ahmad Dahlan: What about you, Du?
Sangidu: Like a dream
Jazuli: It fells all of my troubles have

gone away
Ahmad Dahlan: That’s religion. A man
with religion is a person who can feel
beauty, quiet and peaceful, brightness
because the essence of religion is like
music, to accommodate, to create peace
Go on and try it. Hold it
Hisam: No thanks, kyai. I can’t
Ahmad Dahlan: Just do it. Go on and play
it. Here. Go ahead
Ahmad Dahlan: Go on
Hisam: (play violin)
Go on, do it firmly
Hisam : (play violin)
Continue. Do it firmly
Hisam : (play violin)
Ahmad Dahlan: Enough. How does it
Hisam: All mess up, isn’t it?
Ahmad Dahlan: That’s religion. If we
don’t learn it in the right way, it will
cause restlessness in our community and
people will laugh at it)
3. Ahmad Dahlan Kyai penghulu: kamu tahu dampak dari 01.25.47-
was invited by ajaran kamu terhadap umat? mereka akan 01.26.53
the mosque’s menggampangkan islam
chief to hold Ahmad Dahlan: agama itu bukan
responsible his rangkaian aturan-aturan yang bisa
teaching dipermudah atau dipersulit kangmas.
Agama itu sebuah proses seperti udara
pagi yang kita hirup secara perlahan-

lahan ke tubuh kita. Menyegarkan hati

dan pikiran kita. Bayangkan yang kita
hirup itu angin puting beliung. Tubuh kita
tidak hanya hancur tapi terhempas tak
berdaya terbawa arus tak tentu arah.
Apakah kita rela melihat umat kita
berserakan dan lari menjauh dari agama
hanya karena kita salah memberikan
(The mosque’s chief: So you know the
impact of your teaching to our people?
They will underestimate about islam
Ahmad Dahlan: Religion is not merely a
bunch of rules that we can simplify or
Religion is a process
Just like the morning air that we inhale
slowly entering our body
Making our heart and mind so fresh
Just imagine if what we breath is a
Not only our body will be destroyed, but
will be hopelessly soul and drifted
aimlessly. Are we willing to see our
people scattered and away from religion?
Only because we fail to make them
clearly understood)

Table 4.11

Tradition Yasinan and Tahlilan


No Moment Dialogue
1. a family asked Bapak: Saya mau menikahkan anak 01.19.49-
Ahmad Dahlan saya pak kyai tapi saya tidak punya 01.20.24
about wedding uang untuk slametan. Saya harus
celebration bagaimana kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: slametan itu tidak
wajib. Yang wajib itu harus ada wali,
saksi dan mahar setelah itu
dikabarkan ke tetangga biar tidak ada
Ibu: itu sah kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: insya allah sah asal
tiak ada paksaan kamu tidak dipaksa
Anak perempuan: mboten kyai
Bapak: mboten mboten
Ahmad Dahlan: saya bersedia
menjadi saksi
Ibu: maturnuwun kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: sami-sami.
(Father: I want to marry my daughter,
But I don’t have money to celebrate
What should I do, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: It’s not an obligation
to celebrate
What we must do is to have a
guardian, witnesses and dowry
After that, we must let our neighbor

know so there won’t be any slander

Mother: That would be legitimate,
Ahmad Dahlan: with god’s will it
would. As long as there’s no any
You’re not being forced, are you?
Daughter: no kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: I’m willing to be a
Mother: thank you, kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: your welcome)
2. A man asked Seorang laki-laki: Besok itu kan 40 01.20.35-
Ahmad Dahlan harinya bapak saya to lha ibu saya 01.21.07
about 40 days of ngeyel mau ngadain yasinan itu lho
his father’s apalagi saya itu tidak punya uang
death untuk buat apem dan nasi kuning trus
pripun itu pak kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: mendoakan
almarhum itu tidak perlu rame-rame
membaca yasin dan tahlil apalagi
sampai membuat apem dan nasi
kuning. Cukup doa yang khusyuk.
Insya allah diterima
Seorang laki-laki: saestu pak kyai
(benar kyai?) tanpa apem dan nasi
kuning? Saestu lho niki ngko ora
ditompo yo ciloko, ciloko kulo
Ahmad Dahlan: insya alloh
(A man: Tomorrow is the 40 days of
my father’s death anniversary

My mother insist to arrange a ritual

of reading surah yassin
But I don’t have any money to
provide cookies and yellow rice
What should I do, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: It’s not necessary to
arrange a ritual of reading surah
yassin if you want to pray for your
late father. Moreover if you have to
make cookies and yellow rice
Just pray with all of your heart. With
god’s will it will be accepted
A man: Is that right, kyai?
Without cookies and yellow rice?
You’re not kidding me, right? or else
my wish won’t be accepted. I’ll be
damned then
Ahmad Dahlan: With god’s will)
3. Ahmad Dahlan Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 1: dimas 01.24.46-
was invited by sliramu melarang orang melakukan 01.25.47
the mosque’s yasinan dan tahlil pie to?
chief to hold Ahmad Dahlan: saya tidak melarang
responsible his kangmas. Tiap surat dalam quran ada
teaching fadhilahnya masing-masing tapi tidak
untuk dikultuskan. Kalau kita hanya
membaca yasin terus menerus
ditambah sekaligus dengan upacara-
upacara saya khawatir akan
mengecilkan makna surat-surat yang
Kakak Ahmad Dahlan 2: lalu tahlil,

kenapa dimas melarangnya?

Ahmad Dahlan: rasulullah
menganjurkan manusia untuk
berzikir agar selalu mengingat
asmanya tapi apakah rasul
mewajibkan kita untuk
melakukannya bersama-sama apalagi
bersuara keras sampai mengganggu
tetangga? (bicara b.Arab) (kamu
pelankan atau keraskan suaramu
sesungguhnya allah maha
mengetahui segala isi hati manusia)
(Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 1: Brother,
you forbid people to read yassin and
“tahlil” pray
What’s the matter with you?
Ahmad Dahlan: I didn’t forbid
anyone brother. Every surah in al
quran have its own excellence but not
to be cult for. If we only read yassin
all the time, and with some rituals.
I’m afraid it will disparage other
Ahmad Dahlan’s brother 2: And
about tahlil, why did you forbid it?
Ahmad Dahlan: Rasulullah
recommend every human to do the
“Dzikir” so we will always remember
his name
But does rasulullah recommend us to
do it together? Moreover with aloud

voice that could disturb our neighbor

(speaking Arabic language) Whether
you lower or raise your voice, but
actually allah knows everything
Inside every human’s hearts)
Table 4.12

Modernizing Education

No Moment Dialogue
1. Ahmad Dahlan Danil: permisi…) 00.19.45-
gave his first Ahmad Dahlan: silakan masuk 00.20.34
learning/teachi Danil: sugeng sonten kyai
ng Ahmad Dahlan: iya danil
Jazuli: assalamualaikum
Ahmad Dahlan: iya jazuli.
waalaikumsalam wr wb ayo duduk
duduk. Kebetulan ada Muhammad
sangidu disini
Danil: (bicara b.Jawa) (pengajiannya
sudah selesai?)
Ahmad Dahlan: saya menungggu
Jazuli: kira-kira kita mau ngaji apa ya
Ahmad Dahlan: kalian maunya ngaji
Danil: biasanya kalau pengajian itu
pembahasannya dari guru ngajinya
Ahmad Dahlan: nanti yang pintar
hanya guru ngajinya, muridnya hanya

mengikuti gurunya. Pengajian di sini

kalian yang menentukan. Dimulai dari
bertanya. Ayo siapa yang mau
bertanya, Du?
(Danil: Excuse me..
Ahmad Dahlan: please come in
Danil: Good afternoon kyai
Jazuli: peace be unto you
Ahmad Dahlan: Jazuli…
Ahmad Dahlan: peace be unto you as
well. Have a seat
It happens we have Muhammad
sangidu with us here
Danil: Anyway, are you done with the
Koran reading?
Ahmad Dahlan: I was waiting for you
Jazuli: Well, what surah are we about
to read, kyai?
Ahmad Dahlan: What would you like
to read?
Danil: Usually our techer decides what
are we gonna recite
Ahmad Dahlan: That way only the
teacher will be smart and students only
follow what teacher’s says
Here, you’re gonna decide it. Starting
with asking question.
Go ahead, who has questions to ask?)
2. The next Ahmad Dahlan: mari kita buka 00.36.09-
Ahmad pengajian sebelum buka puasa ini 00.36.53

Dahlan’s dengan membaca surat al maun. Surat

learning before al maun adalah surat yang membahas
breaking fast pentingnya menyantuni anak yatim dan
orang miskin
Danil: pangapunten kyai, sudah empat
kali kita pengajian selalu membahas
surat al maun padahal di alquran ini
ada 114 surat kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: sudah berapa banyak
anak yatim dan orang miskin yang
kamu santuni…. Ayo sudah berapa?
Buat apa kita mengaji banyak-banyak
surat tapi hanya untuk dihafal, ayo
(Ahmad Dahlan: Let’s start reading the
Koran before we break our fast by
reading surah al maun. Surah al maun
is a surah which describe the
importance of helping the orphan and
poor people
Danil: excuse me kyai
We had already had 4 sessions now,
but we’ve been always discussed about
surah al maun. Whereas we have 114
other surahs in this al quran
Ahmad Dahlan: How many orphans
and poor people that you have helped?
Tell me, how many?
What is the purpose of reading so
many surahs if it’s only to memorize
them? Come on read it. come on)

3. Teaching Ahmad Dahlan: ada yang mau kentut 01.04.31-

islamic lesson lagi? Saya ijinkan. Kamu? atau kamu? 01.06.18
in government bersyukurlah orang yang bisa kentut
school karena kalau kita tidak bisa kentut
maka perut kita akan buncit seperti
meneer…. Sebaiknya sehabis kentut
kita mengucapkan
alhamdulillahirobbilalamin. Prays to
…. Yang telah menciptakan lubang di
bagian pembuangan kita. Bayangkan
kalau tuhan tidak menciptakan saluran
pembuangan di tubuh kita, mau
dikemanakan angin di perut kita.
Speak belanda. Diisi angin terus
menerus tanpa adanya lubang, diisi
terus…….boom semua isi perut kita
keluar. Darah, usus, hati, jantung, otak
tercerai berai muncrat karena kita tidak
mempunyai saluran pembuangan
kotoran sisa makanan. Tapi tapi tuhan
saying sama manusia. Dia ciptakan
saluran pembuangan agar kita bisa
makan sekenyang kita minum sepuas
kita. Maka dari itu kita harus
berterimakasih kepada tuhan dengan
Siswa: Alhamdulillah
Ahmad Dahlan:
(Ahmad Dahlan: Anyone who wants to
fart again? It’s okay with me. You? Or

Be grateful for everyone who still can
Because if we can’t fart, our stomach
will become distended. Just like
inspector Hoff here
So after we fart we should say, praise
be allah. Praise the god who has create
a hole in the part of our body
Imagine, how if God doesn’t create a
hole in any part of our body?
Where are we gonna throw the gas in
our stomach?
Just like a balloon
We fill it with gas more and more
without any single hole
We fill it more and more
It will become bigger
Everything in our stomach will spatter.
Blood, intestine, heart will all spatter,
Because we don’t have any disposal
But but god loves us all
He creates a disposal outlet
So that we can eat as full as we want.
Drink as many as we can
Therefore we should be grateful to god
by saying..
Students: praise be allah
Ahmad Dahlan: Praise be allah the lord

of universe)
Ahmad Dahlan: Ketika kita dimusuhi 01.30.05-
maka 01.30.27
Siswa: tidak boleh membalas
Ahmad Dahlan: bagus. Dan ketika kita
dikritik maka
Siswa: tidak boleh membalas
Ahmad Dahlan: lalu pada saat kita
dicaci maki maka
Siswa: tidak boleh membalas mencaci
(Ahmad Dahlan: When someone is
being hostile to us…
Students: we should not being hostile
to them
Ahmad Dahlan: And when we’re being
criticized, then…
Students: we should not criticize them
Ahmad Dahlan: And when we’re being
scold then…
Students: we should not scold them
Ahmad Dahlan: Pertama tangan, ya itu 01.18.42-
itu harus kena semuanya airnya. 01.19.09
Intinya adalah badan kita pada saat
mau bertemu dengan allah harus
bersih. Pada saat kita sujud kita
meletakkan kepala kita benar-benar

rata dengan tanah. Ini kepala. Ini

tanah. Rata dengan tanah. Kita
merendahkan diri kita serendah-
rendahnya di hadapan allah agar kita
selalu ingat bahwa kita makhluk
(ahmad Dahlan: First is the hand
Yes, that part. Pour them all with
water. The point is your body must be
clean before we do prayers. When we
prostrate, we put our head level to the
ground. It’s our head and this is the
ground, level to the ground. We
demean ourselves before allah. So we
always remember that we are his
4. Opening Fahrudin: mau membuat sekolah kyai? 01.16.41-
madrasah Ahmad Dahlan: madrasah ibtidaiyah 01.17.11
ibtidaiyah diniyah
diniyah Fahrudin: kok pakai meja dan kursi
Ahmad Dahlan: ini madrasah bukan
Sudja: nyuwun sewu kyai, setau saya
madrasah itu sekolah islam seperti
pesantren ndak pakai meja dan ndak
pakai kursi
Hisam: nah itu nanti jadi seperti
sekolah kafir kyai,yo?
(Fahrudin: You are going to open a
school, kyai?

Ahmad Dahlan: Madrasah ibtidaiyah

diniyah (elementary Islamic school)
Fahrudin: Why are we using desks and
Ahmad Dahlan: It’s an Islamic school
not a mosque
Sudja: Excuse me, kyai. As far as I
know madrasah is an Islamic school.
Just like a pesantren (boarding Islamic
There are no desks and chairs
Hisam: That’s what I mean, or else it
will looks like an infidel school, kyai
5. Teaching Ahmad Dahlan: Boom pohon 01.19.20-
holland Siswa: boom pohon 01.19.49
language in his Ahmad Dahlan: heek pagar
madrasah Siswa: heek pagar
Ahmad Dahlan: trein kereta api
Siswa: trein kereta api
Ahmad Dahlan: Fahrudin, Hisam,
Sudja, Dirjo ikuti juga ya. Muskee
Siswa: muskee langgar
Ahmad Dahlan: ayo semangat lagi ayo
lebih semangat ini. kift ayam ayo
Siswa: kift ayam
Ahmad Dahlan: bagus
(Ahmad Dahlan: Boon=tree

Fachrudin, Hisam, Suja, Dirjo, you

join with us, okay?
Come on, show some spirit!

Table 4.13

Proposing to Help Other and the Orphan

No Moment Dialogue
1. The next Ahmad Ahmad Dahlan: mari kita buka 00.36.09-
Dahlan’s pengajian sebelum buka puasa ini 00.36.53
learning before dengan membaca surat al maun.
breaking fast Surat al maun adalah surat yang
membahas pentingnya menyantuni
anak yatim dan orang miskin
Danil: pangapunten kyai, sudah
empat kali kita pengajian selalu
membahas surat al maun padahal di
alquran ini ada 114 surat kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: sudah berapa banyak
anak yatim dan orang miskin yang
kamu santuni…. Ayo sudah berapa?
Buat apa kita mengaji banyak-banyak
surat tapi hanya untuk dihafal, ayo
(Ahmad Dahlan: Let’s start reading
the Koran before we break our fast
by reading surah al maun. Surah al
maun is a surah which describe the

importance of helping the orphan and

poor people
Danil: excuse me kyai
We had already had 4 sessions now,
but we’ve been always discussed
about surah al maun. Whereas we
have 114 other surahs in this al quran
Ahmad Dahlan: How many orphans
and poor people have been helped?
Tell me, how many?
What is the purpose of reading so
many surahs if it’s only to memorize
them? Come on read it. come on)
2. Gathering poor Ahmad Dahlan: Sangidu, Hisam 01.17.24-
children to be kamu cari anak-anak yang belum 01.17.34
joined in Ahmad sekolah di kauman
Dahlan’s Sangidu: nggih
madrasah Ahmad Dahlan: Dirjo, Fahrudin
kalian ikut aku cari murid-murid di
alun-alun, ayo berangkat ayo
(Ahmad Dahlan: Sangidu, Hissam go
and look for kids who haven’t gone
to school in kauman
Sangidu: Yes, kyai
Ahmad Dahlan: Dirjo, Fachrudin,
you guys come with me to look for
students in alun-alun
Come on, move it)
3. Giving meals to Ahmad Dahlan: Ayo, ayo makan. 01.18.14-
children before Habis makan kita belajar biar jadi 01.18.22
they join to his pinter

madrasah (Ahmad Dahlan: After you finish

eating we study and become clever)
4. With his Ahmad Dahlan: Ayo semangat al 01.29.49-
students, Ahmad maun. Hisam kamu ikut aku, 01.29.52
Dahlan allot fahrudin…….
meal to poor (Ahmad Dahlan: Come on, we need
people in town the spirit of al maun. Hisam, come
square with me
And you two go together. Let’s go)
5. Ahmad Fahrudin: Kulo fahrudin. Niki hisam 01.30.50-
Dahlan’s murid dari kyai dahlan langgar kidul 01.31.04
students go kauman ingin mengajak bapak untuk
around to ikut bersedekah
people’s house Fahrudin: maturnuwun nggih pak
to ask them Warga: nggih. semoga bermanfaat yo
giving their Hisam: maturnuwun nggih pak
wealth to the Warga: nggih nggih monggo monggo
poor people and (Fahrudin: I am fachrudin and this is
the orphan hisam. We are students of kyai
dahlan from south mosque kauman
We would like to ask you to give
Fahrudin: Thank you very much, sir
Citizen: your welcome
Hopefully it will do some good
Hisam: thank you, sir
Citizen: Yes, go ahead)
6. Ahmad Dahlan Sudja: Untuk apa to mendirikan 01.32.27-
announced to his perkumpulan, apakah langgar kita 01.32.39
students that he tidak cukup?
wanted to Ahmad Dahlan: langgar itu untuk
establish an ibadah. Perkumpulan untuk aktivitas

organization social kita

(Sudja: What you need to establish an
organization for?
Isn’t our mosque not enough?
Ahmad Dahlan: Mosque is for
An organization is for our social

Name : Umi Salamah

NPM : 1005200921

Address : Kradenan 5, Pekalongan Selatan

Telephone : 085640209245

Email :

Religion : Moslem

Date of Birth : June 1st 1991

Place of Birth : Pekalongan, Central Java

Education Background
................. : FKIP Pekalongan University
2010 : LPK Pantura Pekalongan
2009 : SMA N 1 Kedungwuni Pekalongan
2006 : MTs S Simbang Kulon II Buaran Pekalongan
2003 : SD Islam YPI Buaran Pekalongan


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