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receptor – a specialized neuron
lateral geniculate nucleus – a group of cell
that detects a particular category bodies within the lateral
of physical geniculate body of the thalamus; receive
events. inputs from the retina and projects to
•Sensory the primary visual cortex.
transduction – the process by •Magnocellular
sensory stimuli are transduced layer – one of the inner two layers of the
into slow, graded neurons in the dorsal lateral
receptor potentials geniculate nucleus; transmits information
•Receptor necessary for the perception of form,
potential – a slow, graded movement, depth, and small differences in
electrical potential produced by a brightness to the primary visual
receptor cell in cortex.
response to a physical stimulus •Parvocellular
– one of the four outer layers of neurons in
the dorsal lateral geniculate
nucleus; transmits information necessary for
perception of color and fine
details to the primary visual cortex.
sublayer – one of the sublayers of neurons in
the dorsal lateral geniculate
nucleus found ventral to each of the
magnocellular and parvocellular layers;
transmits information from short-wavelenght
(“blue”) cones to the primary visual cortex.

• Letak: lekuk mata yang dibatasi oleh
tulang dahi dan tulang pipi
04 CAHAYA (Stimulus)
• Gelombang Elektromagnetik

• Ditopang dan digerakkan oleh 6 otot • Warna yang Dilihat Ditentukan oleh 3
ekstraokular yang menempel Dimensi:
pada lapisan luar mata yang berwarna
putih (sklera). ➢ Hue (Panjang Gelombang yang Dominan)
• Gerakan mata:
➢ Gerakan Vergence (Gerakan ➢ Saturation (Kejernihan)
kooperatif; memastikan
gambar jatuh pada bagian yang sama ➢ Brightness (Kecerahan)
pada kedua retina)
➢ Gerakan Saccadic (Gerakan cepat;
untuk pemindaian visual)
➢ Gerakan Pursuit (Gerakan untuk
mempertahankan gambar 2301943434 / LC 41

objek bergerak di fovea)

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