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STELLA BACHTIS: So, Lachlan, thank you for joining us again.

And you've come to us with so much experience, more than 15

years, working here in Australia and internationally,
and I'm sure you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise
that you can share with us and share with our audience.
When we're thinking about the risk identification
process, are there any pieces of advice that you could give,
and also possibly any words or advice of caution
so that people can take that in and think
about that when they're thinking about their own projects?
LACHLAN MOLLISON: Yeah, and we can identify risks
in just about everything we do every day.
So the trap is identifying too many things
and getting off track.
So you need to stay focused.
And the thing to do is focus on your project objectives,
on your schedule and cost budget, and quality...
the client specifications, the project deliverables.
So you need to identify the risks that
are going to prevent you achieving these things.
That's what the risk...
that's the whole purpose, I should say.
You can identify someone driving to work
is going to have a car crash getting to work,
but is that ultimately going to impact your project delivery?
Depends on the project.
But stay focused on the objectives of the project.
STELLA BACHTIS: And is there an example that you could possibly
give in a project that you've worked on that you'd
like to share with us?
LACHLAN MOLLISON: Yeah, so spent a lot of time on one project
analysing the risks with the resources for...
locally for the project, we didn't
think we had the resources to be able to deliver the project,
and we spent a lot of time looking at working remotely
and using resources remotely to get the project done,
and we spent a lot of time looking at that
and planning that, and mitigating the risks
of not having the resources.
But we overestimated the resources we required,
and in the end we did have the resources locally to do it.
So we'd gone off track and spent a bit of time...
It didn't really impact the project,
but it wasted a bit of time on the risk management process.
Thank you.

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