WinST110 Manual

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Windows Setup Tools


n The WinST program is subject to change without notice.
n Copyright © 2002 A&D Co., Ltd.
No part of this document or program may be copied or transmitted in any form without the written
permission of A&D Co., Ltd.
n The program is used to transmit data between an A&D-manufactured device(s) and a computer.
n The program may only be installed on the hard disk of a computer which connects to an A&D-
manufactured device(s), or peripheral storage units in place of the main hard disk.
n In no event shall A&D have any liability for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages resulting from any defect in the program or the instructions, even if advised of the
possibility of such damages. In no event shall A&D have any liability for declaration of right by a
third-party, nor loss of data or program.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of
America and other countries.
Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation.


This manual describes how to use WinST. Please note that the AD-4402, Multi Function
Weighing Indicator, is used as an example device throughout this manual.

1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 4
2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 4
3. SETUP ........................................................................................................................ 4
3-1 Installing WinST .............................................................................................................................. 4
3-2 Connecting to the Device/Setting Communication Parameters................................................................. 5
3-2-1 Connection and startup................................................................................................................ 5
3-2-2 Communication parameters setting ............................................................................................. 5
4. DESCRIPTION OF INITIAL WINDOWS ..................................................................... 6
4-1 Main window ................................................................................................................................... 6
4-1-1 Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4-1-2 File Name..................................................................................................................................... 6
4-1-3 Buttons ......................................................................................................................................... 7
4-1-4 Check box / Address setting ........................................................................................................ 7
4-1-5 Result markers ............................................................................................................................. 7
4-2 File (F)............................................................................................................................................. 8
4-2-1 Parameter .................................................................................................................................... 8
4-2-2 Update.......................................................................................................................................... 8
4-2-3 Properties (P) ............................................................................................................................... 8
4-2-4 File history (File used).................................................................................................................. 9
4-2-5 Exit (X) ......................................................................................................................................... 9
4-3 Help (H)........................................................................................................................................... 9
5. OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................... 10
5-1 Selecting a file............................................................................................................................... 10
5-2 Checking communication.............................................................................................................. 10
5-3 Reading data................................................................................................................................. 11
5-4 Writing data ................................................................................................................................... 11
6. Backup/Restore....................................................................................................... 12
6-1 Backup operation (Reading device data)...................................................................................... 12
6-1-1 Selecting a file............................................................................................................................ 12
6-1-2 Checking communication........................................................................................................... 12
6-1-3 Backing up a file......................................................................................................................... 12
6-2 Restore operation (Writing data to devices) ................................................................................. 13
6-2-1 Selecting a file............................................................................................................................ 13
6-2-2 Checking communication........................................................................................................... 13
6-2-3 Restoring a file ........................................................................................................................... 13
7. PARAMETER FILES AND BACKUP FILES ............................................................ 14
7-1 File configuration........................................................................................................................... 14
7-2 Differences between two file types ............................................................................................... 14

8. SPECIAL SETTING FILES....................................................................................... 15
9. OTHERS................................................................................................................... 15
9-1 Communication converter............................................................................................................. 15
9-2 Precautions ................................................................................................................................... 15

WinST, Windows Setup Tools is a program, that uses a computer serial port to perform the
n Reads various settings (such as code number and function settings) performed by an A&D-
manufactured device(s) into a text file
n Saves the text file
n Writes the contents of the text file into the device(s).

Computer OS Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me
CPU Pentium II 300 MHz or higher recommended
(Computers, which can perform [Check communication] of
WinST correctly, may be used.)
RAM 8 MB or higher recommended
Hard disk Free space of 10 MB or higher
CRT Resolution of 640X480 or higher recommended
RS-232C 1 port
Device Weighing indicator with RS-232C or RS-422/485, manufactured by A&D
Cables Refer to the instruction manuals of the device and the computer used.
Communication converter Required when the device uses RS-422 or RS-485, to convert the
signal level to that of RS-232C. (Not required when the device uses

Before setup, be sure to make a backup copy of important data.

3-1 Installing WinST

Install WinST as follows:
1. Close all running applications.
2. Run “Setup.exe” on Disk 1.
3. Follow the instructions on the display to install the WinST program. The default installation
destination is “C:\ProgramFiles\WinST”.
4. Installation of the WinST program has been completed.

3-2 Connecting to the Device/Setting Communication Parameters
3-2-1 Connection and startup
Make a connection between the serial terminal on the device (RS-232C or RS-422/485) and the RS-
232C port on the computer, using the specified cables. When the device uses RS-422/485, connect
the communication converter in between.

Do not make a connection to the current loop output on the device. It may cause damage to the

Click “WinST.exe” to start up WinST. “WinST.exe” is found by selecting [Start], [Programs] and [A&D

3-2-2 Communication parameters setting

Set the serial communication parameters, as shown in the table below, for WinST and the device.
To set the WinST parameters, from the menu, select [File (F)], [Properties (P)], and [Settings]. The
Settings window with the [Serial] tab highlighted opens. Set the communication parameters. For
details on the parameters, refer to “4-2-3 Properties (P)”.
To put the settings into effect:
Click the [Others] tab and check the [Settings change accepted] check box. The [Enter] button
becomes available. Press the [Enter] button.

The table below is a setting example of the AD-4402 with RS-485 (Installed as standard).
To set the device, refer to the device instruction manual.
Communication parameters WinST Device (AD-4402)
Settings Function number
Baud rate 9600 bps 9600 bps (5) RSF - 3
Parity check None Not used (0) RSF - 4
Character length 8 bits 8 bits (8) RSF - 5
Stop bits 1 bit 1 bit (1) RSF - 6
Terminator CR LF <CR><LF> (2) RSF - 7
Communication mode - Command mode (6) RSF - 2
Address - No address (0) RSF - 8
Response timer - 0.05 s RSF - 9

Among communication parameters, “Communication mode”, “Address”, “Response timer”, and
“RS-422 / 485 switch” (Only when OP-03 is installed in the AD-4402) are available only on the
device. Available parameters may vary with the device.

When the WinST program is started up, the two windows shown below open; the main window and
the communication state window.

Main window
Used to perform various operations of WinST
such as:
n Selecting a file
n Specifying devices to be connected
n Checking the communication between the
device(s) and the computer
n Reading data from the device(s)
n Writing data to the device(s)

Communication state window

Displays the communication status between
WinST and the device(s).
The contents of the communication can be
displayed (maximum 100 lines) as a history.

4-1 Main window

4-1-1 Menu
File (F) Selects a file which contains data to communicate, and changes the WinST settings.
The File menu has five sub-menus; Parameter, Update, Properties (P), File history
and Exit (X). For details on the File menu, refer to “4-2 File (F)”.
Help (H) Displays the Help window and the WinST version information.

4-1-2 File Name

Displays the name of a file specified by selecting [File (F)], [Parameter], and [Open Parameter] or
[Open List].
Two types of files are available:
The parameter file, with the extension, .prm, to save the settings per device.
The backup file, with the extension, .bup, to save the settings of devices in one file.

4-1-3 Buttons
View Displays the contents of a file specified, in a text editor format selected in
[Properties (P)]. The default setting displays the contents in Notepad format.
Mark off Clears all of the address settings. This button is available only when the [No
address] check box is unchecked.
Check communication Checks the communication between the device(s) and the computer to
confirm the correct connection.
Read Performs data communication with the device(s), of which connection is confirmed,
and converts the data of the device into a text file and saves it in the computer.
Write Performs data communication with the device(s), of which connection is
confirmed, and writes the data saved in the computer into the device(s).

4-1-4 Check box / Address setting

No address Check the [No address] check box when only one device is connected to one
computer. The address setting area disappears. In this case, set the address on
the device to “0”, which indicates “No address”.
Uncheck the [No address] check box when multiple devices are connected to one
computer. Then specify the device addresses connected.
Address setting Use the area shown below, which appears only when the [No address] check box
is unchecked, to specify the device addresses.
Click the numbers to set. The boxes of the
numbers turn black. To cancel the setting, click
the number again.
When setting the address number for the
devices, be sure to set a unique address for
each device.

4-1-5 Result markers

The result markers are shown on the right side of the address setting area.
The results are indicated by the specified colors.

When the [No address] check box is checked, the results of checking using
specified colors as displayed on the right side of the address setting area.
When the [No address] check box is unchecked, the results of checking
communication, reading data and writing data are displayed in each address
box, using specified colors as displayed on the right side of t the address
setting area.

4-2 File (F)
The File menu has five sub-menus; Parameter, Update, Properties (P), File history and Exit (X).

4-2-1 Parameter
Selects a parameter file to be used. Clicking [Parameter] displays a pull-down menu containing
Open Parameter and Open List. A parameter file can be selected by using them.
Clicking [Open Parameter] displays the Open dialog box
containing the available file names. Select a file to be used from
the list and click the [Open] button.

Clicking [Open List] displays the File to open dialog box

containing the available file names with information on the files.
The information includes Model, Comment, Date and Size.
Select a file to be used from the list and click the [Open] button.

File type can be switched between a parameter file (with the extension, .prm) and a backup file (with
the extension, .bup), by clicking the down arrow in the File type box. Backup files can be opened in
the same way.

4-2-2 Update
Updates the device software. The updating method depends on the device and the device software,
so a dedicated instruction manual is necessary.
How to provide the Program file for update and its instruction manual is under consideration.

4-2-3 Properties (P)

Clicking [Properties (P)], then [Settings], opens the Setting dialog box, which contains three tabs;
Serial, Update and Others.

Serial setting window: Sets the serial communication parameters listed below.
Port :Sets the computer COM port.

Character bit length :Sets the character bit length.

Stop bit length :Sets the stop bit length.

Parity :Set the parity bit.

RTS/DTR logic :Sets the communication converter


Baud rate :Set the communication speed.

Retry interval :Sets the wait time for the computer to

receive a response from the device.

Retry # :Sets a number of retries if

communication has failed.

Terminator :Sets the terminator.

Others setting window: Sets the WinST operations
Settings change accepted
: Check the box. The [Initialization] and [Enter] buttons
become available.
: [Enter] puts the settings into effect.
: [Initialization] restores the settings to the default values.

Check communication
: Check the box to check communication before starting
data communication between the device and the
: Uncheck the box to start data communication between
the device and the computer, without checking

Editor selected for view

: Sets a text editor format to display the contents of a file
specified. The default setting is Notepad.

Update setting window: Sets updating operation.

Retry interval (Nonvolatile memory)
: Sets the wait time for the computer to receive a
response from the device before saving the data in
nonvolatile memory.

Retry # (Nonvolatile memory)

: Sets the number of retries to save the data in
nonvolatile memory when the communication has failed.

: To be used to update the device software.

4-2-4 File history (File used)

Displays a list of the parameter files and backup files selected, in the area between Properties and
Exit in the pull-down menu. The files are available for selection by clicking the file name.

4-2-5 Exit (X)

Exits WinST.

4-3 Help (H)

Displays the Help window containing a brief description of how to operate WinST. The Help window
is under construction.
Also displays the WinST version information.

The main operations of WinSt are listed below.

n File selection :Selects a file to define the WinST performance.

n Check communication :Check whether communication between WinST and the device(s) will be
performed correctly.
n Read :Reads the settings of the device(s) to a file.
n Write :Writes the contents of the file selected to the device(s).
Below is a description of each operation, using the condition that an AD-4402 is connected to a
computer as an example.

5-1 Selecting a file

File selection, selects the communication data between WinST and the AD-4402.
The types of communication data at shipment are function, recipe code and material code.
To operate WinST, file selection is necessary. If it is not performed, the [Read] and [Write] buttons
remain unavailable even if the results of the connection check are OK.
How to select a file (To select “AD-4402 Material code” as an example)
1. Select [Menu], [File (F)], [Parameter], and [Open Parameter] or [Open List].
2. Select “AD-4402 Material code”.
3. Click the [Open] button.

5-2 Checking communication

Check communication, checks whether communication between WinST and the device(s) will be
performed correctly.
Click the [Check communication] button. WinST checks whether the wiring, communication
parameter settings and address settings are correct or not.
When the check results are OK, the [Read] and [Write] buttons become available to enable reading
and writing operations.
If the check results are NG, the above operations are not possible. Check the wiring, communication
parameter settings and address settings.
How to check communication (When “No address” is selected as an example)
1. On the AD-4402, set the address to “0” (No address). For details, refer to the AD-4402
instruction manual.
2. Check the [No address] check box on the WinST main window.
3. Click the [Check communication] button. The check results are displayed in the [Result] box,
using the color specified.

Result (Blue) :WinST and the device have been connected correctly. (Data
communication is possible.)
Result (Pink) :WinST and the device have not been connected correctly. (Check the
wiring, communication parameter settings and address settings.)

5-3 Reading data

According to the items in the file selected, WinST transmits commands to the AD-4402 to read the
data. The data, then, is saved in a file.
If a communication error occurs during the reading operation, WinST tries reading the data a number
of times specified as the retry #. If an error persists, the confirmation window will open to notify that
there is an error.
When the reading operation has been completed, the confirmation window opens. The data can be
saved in a file by clicking the [Save] button. If a communication error occurs during the reading
operation, the error information will be added as comments in the filed data.
How to read data
1. Click the [Read] button on the WinST main window.
2. The Communication state window displays the communication status.
3. After the data has been read, the confirmation window opens. Click the [Save] button.
4. The Save as window opens. Click the [Save] button to save the data in the file as displayed.
To save the data under a different name, type a new file name in the [File name] box and
click the [Save] button. The Save as window closes and reading operation has been

5-4 Writing data

To write data to the AD-4402, the AD-4402 must be in the remote operation mode.
To enter the AD-4402 remote operation mode:
1. In the weighing mode, press and hold the [ENTER] key and press the [ ] key. The first
layer of the menu is displayed.
2. Select [SystemMgmt (System Management)], [Remote Setup] and [Data]. The AD-4402 has
been entered into the remote operation mode and displays “Communication w/ PC”.
According to the items in the file selected, WinST transmits commands to the AD-4402 to transfer
the data to the AD-4402. The data, then, will be saved in the AD-4402 nonvolatile memory.
If a communication error occurs during the writing operation, WinST tries writing the data a number
of times specified as the retry #. If an error persists, the confirmation window will open to notify that
there is an error and the writing operation is canceled.
When the writing operation has been completed, the confirmation window opens. The data can be
saved, in a file, by clicking the [Save] to nonvolatile memory button.
Be sure to select [Save] to nonvolatile memory. Otherwise, the data will be written only in the AD-
4402 RAM.

How to write data
1. Confirm that the AD-4402 is in the remote operation mode.
2. Click the [Write] button on the WinST main window.
3. The Communication state window displays the communication status.
4. After the data has been written, the confirmation window opens. Click the [Save] to
nonvolatile memory button. The data saved in the AD-4402 RAM is saved into nonvolatile
memory and the confirmation window closes.

6. Backup/Restore
The read/write (parameter files) operation allows the read data to be copied into other devices. In the
backup/restore operation, as data is managed by the address, the data can not be copied into a
device different from the device specified in the data. This prevents the wrong settings from being
written into a device for which it is not intended.
Thus, the backup/restore operation is useful for managing data under the condition such that
multiple devices are connected to a computer and each device handles a different type of data.
The parameter file writing operation is performed on the device, of which communication status
between it and WinST is OK. Backup files have addresses. So, the backup file restoring operation
ignores the results of the communication check and is performed on the devices, of which an
address is specified in the file.

6-1 Backup operation (Reading device data)

6-1-1 Selecting a file
Select [Menu], [File (F)], [Parameter] and [Open List]. The File to open window appears. Click the
down arrow in the File type box to select “Backup file”. Select a backup file from the list and click the
[Open] button.
Now the backup file is selected and the title of the main window is changed from Parameter to
Backup; and from the [Read] and [Write] buttons to the [Backup] and [Restore] buttons. At this time,
the [Backup] and [Restore] buttons are still unavailable.

6-1-2 Checking communication

Be sure to specify the addresses. This is required for the backup/restore operation. If a backup
operation is performed without specifying the addresses, the data will not be restored. During the
restoring operation, the Communication state window displays an error message stating
“Inappropriate file format”.
Click the [Check communication] button to check the connection between WinST and the device(s).
Here, the [Backup] and [Restore] buttons become available.

6-1-3 Backing up a file

Click the [Backup] button to read the device data. After the data has been read, type a file name and
save the file.

6-2 Restore operation (Writing data to devices)
6-2-1 Selecting a file
Select [Menu], [File (F)], [Parameter] and [Open List]. The File to open window appears. Click the
down arrow in the File type box to select “Backup file”. Select a backup file from the list and click the
[Open] button.
Now the backup file is selected and the title of the main window is changed from Parameter to
Backup.; and from the [Read] and [Write] buttons to the [Backup] and [Restore] buttons. At this time,
the [Backup] and [Restore] buttons are still unavailable.

6-2-2 Checking communication

Click the [Check communication] button to check the connection between WinST and any one
device. This is sufficient. The other devices follow the backup file description.
When the check results are OK, the [Backup] and [Restore] button become available.

6-2-3 Restoring a file

Click the [Restore] button to write the data to the device(s). Then, click the [Save] to nonvolatile
memory button to save the data into nonvolatile memory.

As stated several times so far, with WinST, two types of files are available; parameter files (with the
extension, .prm) and backup files (with the extension, .bup).

7-1 File configuration

File configuration is described in the Sample.prm file. Select [Menu], [File (F)], [Parameter] and
[Open Parameter] or [Open List] to select the Sample.prm file. The file also describes the backup file
configuration as comments. The parameter and backup files can be edited using the Notepad.

7-2 Differences between two file types

Parameter files are different from backup files in the following:
n Mode (Operation specified): =read, write (parameter file)
=backup, restore (backup file)
n Action (Title of the action): =read (parameter file)
=backup (backup file)
n Read data: No differences
n Written data: The address is added to the data in a backup file as shown below.
The example below is that an address (@03) is assigned to the
device, and the recipe code data is read and saved in a file. Only the
portion to be written is shown.

Written data read and saved in a parameter file


WRCX0000.recipe 0 . . . . . . .

WRCX0000.recipe 1 . . . . . . .

WRCX0000.recipe 2 . . . . . . .


Written data read and saved in a backup file


@03WRCX0000.recipe 0 . . . . . . .

@03WRCX0000.recipe 1 . . . . . . .

@03WRCX0000.recipe 2 . . . . . . .


The above indicates that the backup file is saved with the address, which is specified when being
read. In the write (restore) operation, the contents from “action=write (restore)” up to “action=end”
are transmitted to the device(s).

The \WinST\Pf folder contains two files; “Internal parameter. txt” and “Internal backup. txt”. They are
for special settings and are to be used only for updating.

9-1 Communication converter
When RS-422 or RS-485 is used in the device, for serial communication, a communication converter
is required to convert the signal level. For your information, A&D uses the K3SC-10 communication
converter manufactured by OMURON.
Especially with the RS-485, only one cable is used as a transmission line. So, the timing for sending
and receiving is critical.
Be sure to set the items shown below.
Item Description
WinST RTS/DTR logic Set to the specifications of the communication converter. The default
value is positive logic and Hi (approx. 10V) is output when the computer
is sending data. (Not required for the K3SC-10)
WinST Retry interval Wait time for the computer to receive a response from the device when
WinST sends data to the device. Be sure to set the value longer than the
device response timer. Otherwise, data communication will not be
Device (AD-4402) Response timer Wait time for the device to send a response to WinST after the device
receives data. Set the response timer in the range from 0.05 seconds to
0.10 seconds. A response timer setting of 0.00 second will cause a
communication error. The response timer setting is not available with
some devices.

9-2 Precautions
During communication between WinST and the device(s), do not perform any operations such as
operating a mouse and moving a window, which applies load to the computer. Such operations will
cause a communication error. Do not touch the computer (mouse, keyboard) during data
Among the Windows settings, turn off all of the power saving functions (screen saver, display),
especially when a notebook computer is used.


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