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2017–18 Edition
Subject Code: 2058
Article No. 402

Aliya Azhar

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Aliya Azhar 1
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Title O-Level Islamiyat Paper 2 (Notes)

Author Aliya Azhar
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Aliya Azhar 2

This notes book on Islamiyat Paper 2 (code 2058) covers the content
needed for the study of the University of Cambridge International
Examination (CIE) and the Edexcel board.

The book covers all the aspects of the syllabus for paper 2 as the
Teachings and Implementation of Ahadis, History and Importance of the
Hadith, Pillars of Islam, Articles of faith, Jihad and four caliphs.

It gives the students complete knowledge of the topic studied for the CIE
exam and fulfills all the requirements.The arrangement of the content in
each chapter follows the syllabus style. I hope that it could be a help for
the students in CIE exams.

Aliya Azhar

Aliya Azhar 3
CHAPTER 1 AHADITHS ........................................................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER 2: HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF HADITH ................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 3 ARTICLES OF FAITH ..................................................................................................................... 45

CHAPTER 4 JIHAD .............................................................................................................................................. 54

CHAPTER 5: RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS.......................................................................................................... 63

CHAPTER 6 PILLARS OF ISLAM ........................................................................................................................ 84

Aliya Azhar 4
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2


1. „Religion is sincerity‟. We said: „To Whom?‟ The Prophet said,
“To Allah, His book, His messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their
common people.”

a. The hadith stresses on the belief in articles of faith as in Oneness of Allah,
Books, Messengers & angels. There shall be true conviction in worshipping
Allah. Holy Quran says “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger”. There must be
sincerity towards the leaders who are appointed on us and to the whole
mankind “None of you becomes a believer unless he loves me more than his
parents, children and the whole mankind”.

The Hadith expresses the characteristics of a sound believer.

b. A muslim should believe in Allah. His Book, His Prophet, His leaders and also
helping the common people. We can observe such examples from the lives of
the caliphs who spent their lives in obeying Allah and following the Quran and
Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(s). We should have complete belief in all the
articles of faith. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) had said that he was afraid of the poor
not the rich for his duty. If he disbelieves or disobeys Allah they could also not
follow him.

2. “None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself”.

a. It describes the brotherhood that the muslims should be helpful to the other
Muslims. “The best among people is the one who is a source of benefit to the

A Muslim should spread peace and comfort to others.

He should help them in all circumstances.

b. The hadith gives us an idea of having unity and fraternity. We shall be like
brothers, helpful to one another. The Muslims are like a body, if one part
hurts, the whole body feels the pain. Therefore, we shall not hurt anyone. In

Aliya Azhar 5
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

the present day, the Palestinian Muslims are facing great threats from Israel,
the Muslim Ummah should help them to make them strong and realize unity.

3. Who so ever believes in Allah and the Last Day, either speak good or keep silent and
let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let
him who believers in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.

a. It stresses upon the belief in Allah and the Last Day of Judgement. It also
suggests us to be silent and only speak constructively, silence is comparable
to gold. It also stresses to fulfill the rights of the neighbours and guests.

“It is also a charity to utter a good word”. “He, who believes in Allah and
the Last Day should accommodate his guest according to his rights. It
is for a day and a night and hospitality extends for three days and what
is beyond that is charity”.
b. The hadith stresses on using the tongue for a good word which does not hurt
any one. We shall also take care of guests and neighbours.
Once there were only two dates with the Holy Prophet(s) and a guest came.
He offered him one date and the whole milk which was in his house.

We shall take care of the needy and be hospitable to our guests.

4. “A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace). Do
you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that
which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden and do nothing, further I
shall enter Paradise? He said, „Yes‟.

a. Islam stresses on the observance of prayers, fasting in the month of
Ramadan as described by Allah. These are the duties levied on us.

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Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

“Pray five times a day and fast during the month of Ramadan. You will
enter Paradise”. Islam also stresses on lawful earnings. It does not allow
eating of unlawful things.

The flesh grown and eaten of forbidden provisions shall not enter Paradise.
Earning through lawful means is the key to success.
b. We shall observe what is our duty as we shall pray five times a day and fast
in the month of Ramadan for Allah‟s affection and love. It is to show
submission towards Allah! We shall also earn by legal means. We shall work
honestly. It is said that a labourer must be paid his wages before the drying of
his sweat.

The money earned by smuggling or theft and bribe is unlawful. We should lead a
simple life but lawfully. We shall work honestly. The Holy Prophet(s) also worked as a
labourer in the construction of Masjid-i-Quba.

5. Every person‟s joint must perform a charity, every day the Sun comes up: to act justly
between two people is a charity: to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or
hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity: every step you take to prayers is a
charity; and removing harmful things from the road is a charity.

a. Allah has provided us with His great blessings for this purpose. A Muslim
shall pray for every blessing. The movement of our body and our actions shall
perform charity. It could be done by settling differences between two
individuals who are disputing. Speaking good is also a charity.

“Actions are judged by intentions”. Helping a person for loading and

unloading his burden is also a charity, removing an obstacle from the path is
a charity.
b. We shall perform charity in our every action as helping others, taking their
burdens, smiling and speaking good. Deciding matters among those who are

Once a companion of the Holy Prophet(s) placed a wooden log on the road so that
the travellers could rest on it, another companion put it aside thinking that any one
could be hurt, both had a good intention.

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Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

Allah says “If you show gratitude, I will give you more”.

6. Whosoever of you sees an evil action let him change it with his hand, and if he is not
able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart,
and that is the weakest of faith.
a. It stresses about the hatred for evil which one hears or sees. A Muslim should
stop the evil by using his physical strength, if he can not do so then negotiate
with the evil doer.

“When people see an oppressor and do not hold back his hands so in near
future, they may all be engulfed in Allah‟s punishment”. If a person can not do
anything then he can dislike the evil by heart, it is a good deed but weak
b. The Muslims are commanded to keep faith in Allah and when they hear about
an evil or see it themselves they should try to stop it.

“The best type of Jihad is speaking a true word in the presence of a tyrant

The Muslims in Makkah faced every persecution in the times of the Holy Prophet(s)
as Hazrat Bilal Habshi was beaten badly by his master Ummaya but he did not stop
saying „Ahad‟. He was not afraid of death, He was full of Allah‟s love. We shall also
practice Jihad to fight against evils.

7. “It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men?” The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “The believer
who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person and his property.”

a. It stresses on Jihad (Physical and Economic). A Muslim shall fight in the
cause of Allah with his property & money. He shall fight physically to
eradicate the evil from the Society.
Holy Prophet(s) said,

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Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

“In Paradise there are hundred grades which Allah has prepared for
those who strive in the cause of Allah and the distance between any two
of those grades is like the distance between the Heaven and Earth”.
It is necessary to resist the one who enjoys evil and creates unrest for others.
The concept of Jihad in such a form is when one speaks the truth in front of a
tyrant leader is Jihad-i-Akbar.
b. Muslims are taught the concept of Jihad and for fighting against the enemies
to get Allah‟s submission. Physical and financial sacrifice holds great status in
The companions of the Holy Prophet(s) helped physically and with their
wealth in fighting the battles as Uhad, Badr, Trench against the Quraish.
Hazrat Usman Ghani gave thousand dinars, several camels during the battles
to serve Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) gave everything from his house in
Tabuk expedition.

8. The messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: „Whom do
you count to be a martyr among you?” They said: O Messenger of Allah, whoever
is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr. He said: „In that case, the martyr of my
community will be very few! He who is killed in the way of Allah is martyr, he who
dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in a plague in the
way of Allah is a martyr, he, who died of cholera in the way of Allah is a martyr.‟

a. The different stages of the martyrs are described in the hadith, the one who
dies of plague, the drowned one, one who dies of stomach disease, the one
who dies fighting in the way of Allah.
The Muslims are blessed with the martyrdom on every step. Allah tests a
human being by providing difficulties in life.

“Diseases and hardships are tests of Allah”

“Whoever sincerely desires the rank of martyrdom gets the rank of
martyrdom even if he is not killed”. The Muslims can observe certain
stages of martyrdom which provide them high respect and honour.

b. A Muslim should desire for martyrdom, certain stages as drowning, calamites,

epidemics and diseases with which a Muslim dies, would be considered a

Aliya Azhar 9
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

martyr. A Muslim should be sincere in every aspect. Allah usually tries his
patience to see if he has firm belief in Him or not. The honour of a martyr is
therefore given to him. Holy Prophet(s) has described that if only the one who
is killed in the way of Allah is considered a martyr. Then, there will be less
martyrs in his Ummah. The people who were the believers, true to Allah died
during earthquake in 2005 are martyrs.

9. “No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand”.
a. Allah likes to have lawful earnings from the believers. Allah likes the one who
works with his own hands. The one who works hard is liked by Allah.

“One who earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow is a friend of
A believer shall rely on his potentials for earning. Allah also helps such
followers. It is a key to success for them in life.

b. A Muslim who earns by hard work and is happy with that he has great respect
and honour in the vision of Allah. Hard work is always appreciated by
everyone and it bears great fruit. Holy Prophet(s) liked the one who earned by
Trade. It is necessary to keep oneself away from the evil earnings like bribe,
theft, smuggling etc. Holy Prophet(s) himself worked as a labourer to
construct the mosque Quba.

10. “One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one
who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the
night of fasts in a day.”

a. A Muslim who is always trying to help the poor & widow in their necessities is
exerting himself in the way of Allah.

“The best among you is the one who is a source of benefit for others.”

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Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

A Muslim when spends his money and time in helping the poor, needy and
widows, has the same position of fighting in the way of Allah or praying the
whole night by standing in worshipping Allah . It is also equal to fasting a day.
It is said,
“Treat kindly the dwellers on earth. He, who dwells in the Heavens will
treat you kindly.”
To help others is equal to the worship of a whole night or fasting the whole

b. Islam is a religion of welfare of others. A Muslim should help others with his
wealth and physical actions. It is stressed in Islam that the well to do Muslims
should help the needy orphans, widows and poor to create a balance in the
society. We get a great example from Holy Prophet(s) life as he looked after
the non-muslim widow by providing food, medicines, cleaning her house. Holy
Prophet looked after the widow who used to throw garbage at him. He served
her by providing medicines and food.


11. “I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in Paradise like this, „And he
pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.”

a. It is stressed on helping the orphans. If a Muslim brings up an orphan
properly, he would be with the Holy Prophet(s) as the two fingers, the index
and middle.

“The best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated and
the worst Muslim house is that in which an orphan is ill treated”.

The financial & moral help must be provided to the orphan. Allah has
promised Paradise for such a believer.

b. The Holy Prophet(s) was himself an orphan, he was brought up by his uncle
who gave him full support. A Muslim should treat the orphans with kindness.
An orphan who is helpless and dependent should be taken into custody and
care. Treatment of an orphan is a matter which can make him blessed by
Allah‟s pleasure or displeasure. We shall be kind to the orphans, Provide
them good dress and food. Holy Prophet(s) once gave new clothes of Imam
Hassan, and Hussain to two orphan children on Eid day.

Aliya Azhar 11
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

12. The Messenger of Allah sent Abu Musa and Muadh ibn-Jabal to Yamen, and he sent
each of them to govern a part. Then he said; „Be gentle and do not be hard, and
cause rejoicing and do not alienate”.

a. The Holy Prophet(s) commanded rulers to be just and rule according to
Islamic laws. He told them to make the life of their people comfortable if they
want to achieve the pleasure of Allah.

“The best rulers are those whom you love and they love you”.
The Holy Prophet(s) said
“I have been sent to complete good manners”.
Holy Prophet(s) said that Abu Musa & Muaz who were sent to govern Yemen
were advised to be kind towards people and judge justly.
b. It is about commanding the ones who are chosen to rule a group of people
with justice. They should have good treatment with their subordinates. The
Caliphs when ruled the people, they were kind. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) had
told the men that he was afraid of the poor in fulfilling their needs to the full.
He said, “Do not follow me if I am not following Quran & Sunnah”. Hazrat
Umar (RA) did not allow rulers to keep guards not to aleniate any one.

13. “He, who studies the Quran is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends
to them he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will they will go
a. The Holy Quran is a great Book of guidance for the whole mankind which was
revealed to the Holy Prophet(s). He stresses on the recitation of the Holy
Quran. He said if you do not take care of the tethered camels they will run
away; likewise the recitation of Holy Quran keeps them close to Allah. If we
do not recite it everyday, the words would move away from our memory.

“Whenever you recite the Holy Quran, We place a hidden curtain

between you and the disbeliever in the Hereafter”.

Aliya Azhar 12
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

The Holy Quran guides us and keeps us away from the fire of Hell. Allah
bestows great mercy and blessings on the people who remember Him in
every difficulty.

b. If we have a close relation with Holy Quran, we should recite it everyday with
complete conviction and faith we will not loose hold of the tethered animals as
we will not be away from the blessings of Allah. It will help us in our problems
solution. Hazrat Bilal (RA) and Hazrat Usman (RA) used to recite the Holy
Quran in a very sweet & clear voice that meanings were easy to understand.
Holy Prophet(s) was amused by the proper and accurate recitation of the Holy
Quran by Zaid bin Sabith who later on placed the Ramuz-e-Aukaf to save the
Ummah from conflict, in future. We must recite it everyday so we cannot
forget it and the words are imprinted in our minds.

14. “May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sell, when he buys, and
when he demands his money back”.

a. It stresses upon dealing with others. Holy Prophet(s) liked trading in which
selling and buying is done. He forced the businessmen to be kind and gentle
in their dealings. Earn a proper profit, do not deceive while selling.

“Give exact measure and weight whenever you measure and weigh.
With the straight balance that is better and fairest in the long run”. A
Muslim should ask for the debt‟s return gently. The debtors are told to do their
best to payoff the debts as quickly as possible while the creditors are to be
lenient to the one who had borrowed.

“Allah will protect him from the agonies of the Day of Requital who
allows respite to a poor and indigent person in the payment of debt or
writes it off (wholly or impartial)”
A believer must be sympathetic towards the borrowers.

b. A Muslim believer should deal with justice and fairness. He should ask back
the loan he had given to the debtor with politeness and gentleness as Allah
blesses him with Mercy. The Holy Prophet(s) always tried to pay off the
debtor‟s money if he died by asking help from the companions. A Muslim

Aliya Azhar 13
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

should try to write off the debt of the borrower if he is not in the position to
pay. Allah will have mercy on him.

15. “God will not show mercy to those who do not show mercy to others”.
a. It is about the Forgiveness. There is no one greater Merciful than Allah.
Allah‟s greatest attributes are Rehman and Raheem. A Muslim cannot be like
the „Rehman‟ as he can act to forgive.
“Treat kindly the dwellers on Earth. He, who dwells in Heaven will treat
you kindly”.
Those who are mischief-mongers or harsh towards the mankind are cursed
by Allah. Allah shows displeasure to those who are not forgiving or kind to the
human race.
“A rude and ill-tempered person shall not enter Paradise”.
A cruel person‟s heart becomes as it is a stone, if he never feels pain for
others. Such behaviour is not good or comfortable for the mankind.
b. A Muslim must be kind, sympathetic and show mercy to mankind. He must
not be rude or harsh towards others. He should speak politely. As he
behaves, Allah will act like that. He must be a source of Mercy, love and
comfort to others. Inspite of several persecutions on the Holy Prophet(s) and
his followers he forgave the cruel men of Makkah at the time of the conquest
of Makkah, inspite of their cruelty.
It is said,
"Be kind to the dwellers of the Earth, the one who dwells in Heavens will be
kind to you".

16. “The believers are like a single man: if his eye is affected, he is affected and if
his head is affected he is all affected.”

a. The hadith gives us the idea of fraternity and equality. It stresses upon us that
if a part of the body or an eye is sore, the whole body feels the pain and is
greatly affected.
“One Muslim is like a building brick to the other, one part strengthens
the other”.

Aliya Azhar 14
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

The Muslim Ummah must be helpful to one another in the time of pain, needs
& worries. If any Muslim has some problem the other Muslims shall help him
to solve his problem. Where there is pain in head of a Muslim another Muslim
feels fever in the whole body, he is not relaxed likewise he shall be
uncomfortable when any other muslim in the Ummah feels pain and worry.

b. Muslims belong to one Ummah whose leader is the Holy Prophet(s). He

stressed on equality, unity and brotherhood. A Muslim along with the rights of
Allah should act upon the rights of people. He should look after the needs of
the other Muslims. He should provide help when they are in need e.g.
Muslims in Kashmir are under great threat on Indian occupation and harsh
treatment by the forces. Muslim Ummah should unitedly try to make a solution
for their problem to make them easy and comfortable.

17. “Modesty produces nothing but good”.
a. Ethically, Modesty is a part of faith as a faithful Muslim is recognized by his
modesty. “Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of
Islam is modesty”. Modesty plays a vital role in the character building of a
Muslims as the Muslims refrain from evil doings. A Muslim keeps him away
from lust, shamefulness and indecent acts.
“Modesty is a part of faith and faithful is in Paradise but obscenity is a
part of heart and (hardness of heart is in Hell).”
It depends on moral behaviour that we shall act according to modest means.
b. In Islam, modesty is very important, “Modesty brings nothing but good in
every aspect”. The others respect a modest person as he has shame and
shyness in his eyes. Decency in Modesty keeps a Muslim on a right path. He
knows that Allah is observing him whatever he does in life. When he is in a
group or all above – we should be modest towards others and with opposite
sex. Holy Prophet(s) always kept a curtain in the room where Hazrat Ayesha
(RA) used to play with her friends.

18. “He, who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not
enter hell and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard
seed will not enter paradise.”

Aliya Azhar 15
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

a. Holy Prophet(s) had stressed upon the belief in One Allah. The one who has
faith in Tauheed equal to mustard seed‟s size may not enter the Hell.
Therefore, a Muslim believer is regarded great when he feels that Allah is all
over the Universe. He believes in the Almighty‟s attributes being sole Creator.

“who ever rejects faith in Allah, his labours will go waste and he will be
among the losers in Hereafter”.

We must try to develop faith in Allah. In the second part, the concept of Pride
is described. It is said that the one who has pride in his heart equal to the size
of a mustard seed is not rewarded Paradise as Allah does not like pride.

“Allah loves not him who is arrogant and boastful”.

The one who has pride in his heart is cursed by Allah. The Pride or
Boastfulness presents a feeling of being supernatural among the other
human-beings and they exploit others in such cases.
b. A Muslim must have complete faith in “I bear witness that Allah is the only
one and Muhammad(s) is His last Prophet”.

This belief leads to success and achievement of Heaven. If a believer has

such a belief he would not touch the fire of Hell as he will fear Allah and be on
the right path. Secondly, it is made clear that we should not have pride in our
hearts that we feel superior to others as Allah displeases such a person e.g.
Abu Jahl had great pride for his power and ancestral religion. He was very
strong but he could not get success and he was killed in a blow.

19. “The World is the believer‟s prison and unbeliever's Paradise.

a. Holy Prophet(s) stressed upon the love of Allah not the world or material
things. The non-believers are not satisfied with short life in the world. “Do not
sit beside those who love worldly life and wealth”. Everyone is free to do
as he pleases. A believer has to spend the life carefully abiding by the rules of
Quran and Sunnah.

“Wherein they will abide with no desire to be removed from thence.”

Aliya Azhar 16
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2

The believers are those who lead a life of checks and restraints in the world.
Whatever, we do in the world is a test for our deeds.

b. A Muslim believer acts like a person who takes care of all the things which
are liked by Allah and to gets the pleasure of Allah in every sense. When a
person makes the worldly material things, the aim of his life, he sets his heart
in the materialistic world, he will try in the best of his ability and his worldly
interests will suffer in the outcome. Allah has stressed upon the believer to
love Him, not to indulge in the worldly attractions if he wants to achieve

20. “God does not regard your appearances and your possessions, but regards
your hearts and your actions.”
a. Holy Prophet(s) has said that everyone is equal in Allah‟s vision. No one is
superior in colour, race & creed. Allah regards the purity of heart.

“Those who believe and do good deeds, we shall overlook their evil
deeds. We shall reward them with the finest of whatever they have been
All human actions depend upon the intention. The action of one of them is
fruitful and rewarding while the other is wasteful and unrewarding. Allah
regards the one who is pious. Allah does not rewards for appearances. He
will reward us for our good deeds.

b. Muslims should act as a proper believer by adopting piety. We should not

give importance to the appearances and wealth of anyone. The colour or race
has no importance for a true believer. We are incapable of knowing the real
intention and the hidden secrets of the hearts that be at the back of the visible
deeds. Allah is the Lord, who is the Master of the both worlds who judges
men‟s deeds and only like those who act rightly getting the pleasures of
Allah‟s blessings. In the sight of Allah, judging the superiority of a believer is
due to piety which was made clear in the last Sermon on Pilgrimage that
there is no one superior in race, colour, and language other than being pious.
Abu Jahl having great possessions and power was killed in a blow by Hazrat
Hamza (RA) in Battle of Badr.

Aliya Azhar 17
Chapter 1 Islamiyat O-Level Notes-Paper-2



a. Describe their teachings about what Muslims believe.

b. Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action.

2009 May /June/P2 - No - 1,9,6,11

2009 October / November/P2 - No - 12,17,18,20
2010 May / June/P2 - No - 2,4,7,18
2010 October / November /P2 - No - 13,16,14,19
2011 May / June/P2 - No - 4,7,9,19
2011 October / November/22 - No- 10,17,1,3
2012 May / June/P2 - No- 3,20,1,9
2012 October /November/P22 - No- 5,15,10,12
2013 May / June/P2 - No- 1,10,15,16
2013 October/November/P22 - No- 10,20,13,
2015 May/June/P21 - No- 2, 8, 10, 14
2015 May/June/P22 - No- 4, 11, 15, 20
2015 October/November/P21 - No- 18, 16, 9, 7
2015 October/November/P22 - No- 3, 17, 6, 13
2016 May/June/P21 - No- 6, 1, 19, 5
2016 May/June/P22 - No- 12, 15, 7, 9
2016 October/November/P21 - No- 8, 10, 17, 16
2016 October/November/P22 - No- 14, 2, 18, 4

Aliya Azhar 18

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