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Section 3: Nationhood: Practice Questions

Chapter 11: Early Problems of Pakistan 1947-1948.

1. What was Radcliffe Award? [4]

2. What was Boundary Commission? [4]
3. Who was Sir Cyril Radcliffe? [4]
4. What was the Canal Water issue? [4]
5. What was Refugees problem? [4]
6. What was the Kashmir problem? [4]
7. What role was played by Jinnah as Governor General of Pakistan? [4]
8. What was the Red Line? [4]
9. What were Ceasefire Papers of 1948? [4]
10. What was the Indian Independence Bill Act? [4]
11. Why did Jinnah announce Urdu as the official language in 1948? [7]
12. Why did Pakistan seek membership of United Nations in 1947? [7]
13. Why was there a Refugee Issue? [7] or Why was Pakistan faced with a refugee problem in
1947? [7]
14. Why was the division of the armed forces and military assets a problem for Pakistan in 1947?
15. Why did the Canal Water Dispute arise? [7]
16. Why was the Military asset division a problem? [7]
17. The issue of Princely states/ The issue of military assets/ the issue of financial assets/ Lack of
government resources/ War on Kashmir/ The issue of refugees/ Death of early leaders was the
most important issue dealt by Pakistan in its initial years. Do you agree? Give reasons for your
answer. [14]
18. How successful was the Government of Pakistan in solving issues of initial years? Give reasons
for your answer. [14] or ‘The government of Pakistan was totally successful in solving the
problems of Partition during 1947 and 1948.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]

Chapter 12: Ministries 1948-1969.

1. What was Objective Resolution? [4]

2. What was Basic Principles’ Committee? [4]
3. What was PRODA? [4]
4. What was the first draft of the Basic Principles’ Committee? [4]
5. What was Liaquat-Nehru Pact? [4]
6. What was the draft of the second proposals of Basic Principles’ Committee? [4]
7. What was Mutual Defence Assistance Programme? [4]
8. What was Urdu-Bengali Controversy? [4]
9. What was the Referendum of Ayub Khan? [4]
10. What was Maulvi Tamizuddin’s Case? [4]
11. What was One Unit Scheme? [4] or What was Bogra’s Formula? [4]
12. What was EBDO/ EBDA? [4]
13. What were the salient features of 1956 Constitution? [4]
14. Describe Basic Democracies. [4]
15. What was the Bi-Cameral Policy of Ayub? [4]
16. What was Tashkent Declaration? [4]
17. What was Indus Water Treaty? [4]
18. What was Agartala Conspiracy? [4]
19. What were Mujeeb’s Six Points? [4]
20. What were the Presidential Elections of 1964-65? [4]
21. What were the main features of 1962 Constitution? [4]
22. Why was it so difficult to draft the first Constitution in 1950? [7] or Why did Pakistan face
constitutional crisis during 1950s? [7]
23. Why did Ayub Khan impose Martial Law in 1958? [7]
24. How did Ayub Khan come to power in 1958? [7]
25. Why did Ayub hold the first Referendum in 1960? [7]
26. Why did Ayub shift the capital to Islamabad in 1961? [7]
27. Why did Mujeeb give his famous Six Points in 1966? {7]
28. Why did Ayub celebrate the Decade of Progress? [7] or Explain why Ayub Khan called the
years 1958 to 1969 the ‘Decade of Progress’. [7]
29. Why did Ayub resign in 1969? [7]
30. Ayub Khan’s social reforms/ Political reforms/ Constitutional reforms/ Educational Reforms/
Industrial Reforms/ Agricultural Reforms remained the most important success among all his
domestic reforms during 1958 and 1969. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
31. Were the social reforms of Ayub Khan the most important of his domestic policies during the
‘Decade of Progress’ between 1958 and 1969? Explain your answer. [14]
32. Which of the following was the most important contribution of Ayub Khan’s government
during the ‘decade of development’ between 1958 and 1969:
(i) agricultural and other economic reforms;
(ii) constitutional reforms;
(iii) foreign policy?
Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]

33. Which of the following remained the most remarkable achievement of Ayub Khan’s domestic
policies during 1958 and 1969?
a. Educational reforms.
b. Constitutional reforms.
c. Industrial reforms.

Give your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]

Chapter 13: Establishment of Independent Bangladesh 1971

1. What was Mukti Bahini? [4]

2. What was Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission? [4]
3. What was Operation Searchlight? [4]
4. Describe the Elections pf 1970? [4]
5. What was Bhola Cyclone? [4]
6. What was Legal Framework Order? [4]
7. What were Mujeeb’s Six Points? [4]
8. Why was there a war in East Pakistan in 1971? [7]
9. Why did East Pakistan wish to break away from Pakistan? [7] or Why did East Pakistan wish
to become independent of West Pakistan? [7]
10. Why did Yahya Khan face political crisis during 1970-71? [7] or Why was Martial Law imposed
by Yahya Khan in 1971? [7]
11. Geographical/ Political/ Economic reasons were the most important factor in the
establishment of Bangladesh in 1971. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
12. ‘Economic factors were more important than political considerations in the creation of
Bangladesh in1971.’Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
13. ‘The Six Points made by Mujib-ur-Rahman and the Awami League was the most important
factor in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Chapter 14: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Zia-ul-Haq 1971-1988

1. What was Federal Security Force? [4]

2. What is Civilian Martial Law Administrator? [4]
3. Describe the features of 1973 Constitution. [4]
4. What was the Second Summit of OIC? [4]
5. Describe Arab-Israel War of 1973. [4]
6. What was military operation of 1973? [4]
7. What was Nationalization Programme of Bhutto? [4]
8. What was Pakistan National Alliance? [4]
9. What were the Elections of 1977? [4]
10. What was Denationalization Programme of Zia? [4]
11. What was Operation Fair play? [4]
12. What was Memorandum for Restoration of Democracy? [4]
13. What was the Eighth Amendment? [4] or What was 58 2(b)? [4]
14. Describe Hudood Ordinance. [4]
15. What was Zina Ordinance? [4]
16. What was Alcohol Ordinance? [4]
17. What was Zakat Ordinance? [4]
18. What was Majlis-e-Shoora? [4]
19. What was Ojhri Camp Incident? [4]
20. Describe Afghan Miracle. [4]
21. Describe Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s health reforms of 1972. [4]
22. Why did Bhutto come to power in 1971? [7]
23. Why did Zia-ul-Haq introduce Islamic reforms? [7] or Why did Zia introduce Islamization? [7]
24. Why was Bhutto trialed and executed? [7]
25. Why was Bhutto removed from his office in 1977? [7] or Why did Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto fall from
power in 1979? [7] or Explain why Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s rule ended in 1977? [7]
26. Why was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto arrested and subsequently executed in 1979? [7]
27. Why did Zia ul-Haq introduce his Islamic reforms between 1977 and 1988? [7]
28. Why was Zia unpopular in 1988? [7]
29. Why was Jonejo dismissed in 1988? [7]
30. Why did Zia-ul-Haq find it difficult to rule Pakistan during the late 1980s? [7]
31. In which of the following did Zulfikar Ali Bhutto have most success:
(i) reform and control of the armed forces; (ii) constitutional reform; (iii) education and health
reforms? Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]
28. ‘Constitutional reforms were the most important of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s domestic policies
between 1971 and 1977.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
29. ‘Education reforms were the most important of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s domestic policies
between 1971 and 1977.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
29. How successful were Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s domestic policies between 1971 and 1977? [14]
30. In which of the following did Zia-ul-Haq have most success between 1977 and 1988:
(i) Islamization;
(ii) economic affairs;
(iii) political affairs?
Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]
32. ‘Islamic reforms were the most important of Zia-ul-Haq’s domestic policies between 1977 and
1988.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
33. ‘Zia-ul-Haq’s foreign policy was more successful than his domestic reforms’. Do you agree or
disagree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
34. ‘Economic reforms were the most important of Zia-ul-Haq’s domestic policies between 1977
and 1988.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Chapter 15: Parliamentary Governments 1988-1999.

1. What was Pucca Qila Incident? [4]

2. What was IJI? [4]
3. What was the 4th SAARC Conference? [4]
4. What problems did Benazir Bhutto face as Prime Minister of Pakistan? [4]
5. What was No Confidence Motion? [4]
6. What was Thirteenth Amendment? [4]
7. What was Shairah Law of 1991? [4]
8. What was BCCI Scandal? [4]
9. What was Kalanshnikov Culture? [4]
10. What was Co-operative Societies Scandal of 1992? [4]
11. What was Fourteenth Amendment? [4]
12. What was Fifteenth Amendment? [4] or What was Anti-Defection Bill? [4]
13. What was the Train March? [4]
14. What was Yellow Cab Taxi Scheme? [4]
15. What was Qarz Utaro, Mulk Sawnaro? [4]
16. Describe General Pervez Musharraf’s coup. [4]
17. Why did Benazir come down from her office in 1990? [7]
18. Why did Nawaz Sharif come down from his office in 1993? [7]
19. Why did Benazir fell from her office in 1996? [7] or Why did Benazir fall from office for a
second time in 1996? [7]
20. Why did Nawaz Sharif fell from his office in 1999? [7] or Why did Pervaiz Musharraf come to
power in 1999? [7]
21. Was the Co-operative Societies scandal the most important reason why Nawaz Sharif fell from
office in 1993? Explain your answer. [14]
22. Benazir remained more successful as compared to Nawaz Sharif during 1988 and 1993. Do you
agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
23. Nawaz Sharif remained more successful than Benazir Bhutto in their second term as Prime
Ministers. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Chapter 16: Pakistan and International Affairs 1947-1999.

1. What was the Pressler Act? [4]

2. What was Karakoram Highway? [4]
3. What was the Commonwealth? [4]
4. What was Brownian Amendment? [4]
5. What was SEATO? [4]
6. What was CENTO? [4]
7. What was RCD? [4]
8. What was OIC? [4]
9. What was SAARC? [4]
10. What was ECO? [4]
11. What was the Kargil Conflict? [4]
12. Why did Pakistan join the United Nations? [7]
13. Why did Pakistan resign from SEATO in 1972? [7]
14. Why has Pakistan supported the Palestinian cause? [7]
15. Why was Pakistan’s relationship with India so poor between 1971 and 1988? [7] or Why did
Pakistan distrust India so much between 1971 and 1988? [7]
16. Why did Pakistan face so many problems with the provision of education between 1947 and
1999? [7]
17. How successful have the successive governments been in the provision of health and
education in Pakistan since 1947 to 1999? [14]
18. How successful the governments have been in the Islamisation of Pakistan between 1947 and
1988? Explain your answer. [14]
19. How successful was Pakistan’s relationship with the USSR between 1947 and 1999? Explain
your answer. [14]
20. How successful was Pakistan in its relationship with India between 1947 and 1999? Explain
your answer. [14] or How successfully did India and Pakistan handle the Kashmir issue
between 1947 and 1988? [14]
21. How successful were Pak-USA relations since 1947 to 1999? Explain your answer. [14]
22. How successful was Pakistan in its relationship with China between 1947 and 1999? [14]
23. How successful had Pakistan been as a member of world organisations between 1947 and
1999? Explain your answer. [14]
24. How successful was Pakistan in its relationship with Great Britain and the Commonwealth
between 1947 and 1988? Explain your answer. [14]
25. How successful was Pakistan in its relationship with Afghanistan between 1947 and 1988? [14]

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