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Original Article

Hydrogen production by Pseudomonas stutzeri JX442762

isolated from thermal soil at Mettur power station, Salem
district, Tamil Nadu, India

S. Penislus Shiyan a, M. Krishnaveni b,*

Department of Biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem 636011, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem 636011, Tamil Nadu, India

article info abstract

Article history: Background: Carbohydrate based substrates presents a promising route of biological
Received 21 August 2012 hydrogen production compared with chemical routes. Pure substrates including starch,
Accepted 6 November 2012 sucrose as well as different organic waste materials can be used for hydrogen production.
Among a large number of microbial species, strict anaerobes and facultative anaerobic
Keywords: chemoheterotrophs, thermoanaerobacter species are efficient producers of hydrogen.
Biological hydrogen production Since hydrogen is a high-energy fuel than hydrocarbon fuel, it is essential to find an
Mango juice effluent alternative source.
SSKVM 2012 Objectives: To isolate hydrogen producing organism from thermal soil sample, to identify
Starch the organism as it is a cost effective way for biological hydrogen production. The hydrogen
Sucrose production was assessed in pure starch, sucrose and also in mango juice effluent obtained
from Krishnagiri dist., to find a better substrate.
Methodology: Morphological, biochemical characterization of the isolate was evaluated and
finally confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Hydrogen production was measured by
simple water displacement method for the selected substrates at 70  C, initial pH 4.0 as
well as for the effluent.
Results: 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirms the organism as Pseudomonas stutzeri which
was deposited in gene bank under the accession number JX442762 and the identified strain
was named as SSKVM 2012. The G þ C content of the strain P. stutzeri was found to be
53 mol%. The obtained results showed that the maximum hydrogen production was
observed with pure starch (255.98  0.76 ml) but in sucrose it was found to be
212.82  0.57 ml. The mango juice effluent showed 190.03  0.81 ml hydrogen. Even though
it was less when compared to hydrogen production by starch and sucrose, mango juice
effluent could be a better substrate for the identified organism.
Conclusion: The identified strain confirms that it can use effluent as a good source for the
hydrogen production as its initial pH is 6.0 and also freely available in the environment.
Copyright ª 2012, JPR Solutions; Published by Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 9894829823 (mobile).

E-mail addresses:, (M. Krishnaveni).
0974-6943/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2012, JPR Solutions; Published by Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
j o u r n a l o f p h a r m a c y r e s e a r c h 6 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 1 2 e1 1 6 113

1. Introduction 2.2. Cultivation of isolate

The current global demand for H2 was estimated to be The isolate was cultivated in the solid nutrient agar medium con-
approximately 45 million tons/annum.1e3 Current estimates taining Peptone e1 g, Beef extract e 3.0 g, Sodium chloride e 5 g,
indicate that the global energy demand would continue to Yeast extracts e 2.0 g, Distilled water e 1000 ml, pH 7.4  0.2.
increase from 536 EJ in 2008, to 653, in 2020, and 812 EJ by Sterile nutrient agar was taken in petri dishes. A sterilized loop
2035.4 On the other hand, the United Nations Statistics show was dipped into the suspension of desired organism and was
that the global CO2 emissions increased 44% between 1990 streaked on the surface of solidified agar plate. The plates were
(20.69 billion metric tons) and 2008 (29.86 billion MT).5 then incubated for 24e48 h to get the individual colonies.
Progressive depletion of non-renewable energy sources Bacteria grows on the surface nutrient agar, and is clearly
worldwide, together with the fact that their use has resulted in visible as small colonies.
environmental deterioration and public health problems, has
led to development of new renewable energy harvesting 2.3. Isolation of strain
technologies.6,7 Hydrogen is considered an ideal alternative
fuel to the current energy scenario due to its high-energy Thermal soil samples were inoculated in anaerobic liquid
content and non-polluting nature.8e11 It is a clean and envi- basal medium consisting of (g/l): NH4Cl 0.5, Yeast extract 5,
ronment friendly fuel that produces only water when com- K2HPO4 0.25, KCl 0.002, MgCl26H2O 0.125, NH4CO3 0.4, Peptone
busted with oxygen. It is a high-energy fuel (122 kJ/g) than 1, NH4H2PO4 0.4, NaH2PO4 0.5. Trace element 1 ml, vitamin
hydrocarbon fuel.12 Approximately 95% of commercially solution 1 ml.20 Sucrose (10 g/l) was used as a carbon and
produced hydrogen comes from carbon containing raw energy source. All the culture bottles were incubated at 70  C
materials, primarily fossil in origin.13 Moreover, the petroleum for 3 days and sub cultured after 3 days of incubation. All the
reserves of the world are depleting at an alarming rate.14 Due sub cultures and diluted cultures were incubated at 70  C
to the depletion of fossil fuel and emission of greenhouse gas under atmospheric pressure. Cells were observed under
(CO2) during conventional hydrogen production process, bio- a light microscope and pure isolate was routinely cultivated in
logical hydrogen production from biomass has been recog- anaerobic liquid basal medium.
nized as an eco-friendly and less energy intensive process to
produce hydrogen compared to photosynthetic/chemical 2.4. Morphological studies
processes.15 Thermophiles are organisms capable of living at
high temperature. These organisms do not only survive but Morphological characteristics were investigated. Gram stain-
might even thrive in boiling water.16 The ability of thermo- ing was performed to confirm the gram reaction and spore
philic bacteria to grow at high temperature and to produce position. Motility was determined by hanging drop method.19
stable extracellular enzymes was attributed to the probability
of increasing their enzyme excoriation and activity by means 2.5. Conventional identification tests
of genetic manipulation. Therefore, these microorganisms
were the first candidates for massive enzyme production for All isolates were evaluated by conventional tests for catalase,
industrial applications.17 Thermophilic anaerobic fermenta- oxidase, indole, urease, methyl red, voges-proskauer, citrate
tion processes hold tremendous potential for the forthcoming utilization, triple sugar iron, starch hydrolysis, hydrogen
generation as well as commercial production of hydrogen sulphide and oxidative fermentative carbohydrate utilization.19
fuel.18 Hence, in view of the above, we have isolated a Pseu-
domonas stutzeri from soil near thermal wells at Mettur power 2.6. Identification of strain by using 16s rRNA gene
station, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. The identified strain was sequence
studied for its ability to produce hydrogen using mango juice
effluent as a preliminary study, in order to reduce the cost of Genomic DNA was extracted from the isolate using Pure Fast
hydrogen production by using synthetic source starch as well Bacterial Genomic DNA isolation kit. 1 mL of genomic DNA was
as sucrose. used as template and amplified by PCR using Master Mix Gene
kit (HELINI biomolecules Chennai, India) with the aid of 16S
rDNA primers (16S Forward Primer: 5-AGAGTRTGATCMTY
2. Materials and methods CT-3) with the programme consisted of denaturation at 94  C
for 1 min and subsequent 35 cycles of denaturation at 94  C for
2.1. Sample collection 30 sec, annealing at 60  C for 1 min, and extension at 72  C for
1 min followed by final extension at 72  C for 5 min. Amplified
Thermal soil samples were collected from soil near thermal product was sequenced using the Dye Deoxy Terminator Cycle
wells at Mettur power station, Tamil Nadu, India. One gram of sequencing kit (HELINI biomolecules Chennai, India) as
thermal soil was dissolved in 100 ml distilled water. Serial directed in the manufacturer’s protocol. The nucleotide
dilution was carried out as per the standard procedure.19 sequencing of 16S rRNA gene of the isolate was compared with
Serial dilution technique was used to obtain pure cultures. other related sequences using FASTA programme. Further, the
In order to be sure to obtain pure isolates, serial dilution steps nucleotide sequences of the isolate was aligned with closely
were repeated several times. related sequence using CLUSTAL W mega version-5.
114 j o u r n a l o f p h a r m a c y r e s e a r c h 6 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 1 2 e1 1 6

3.2. Identification of strain by using 16S rRNA gene


The 16S rRNA gene sequence of isolate confirms that the

Fig. 1 e Phylogenetic tree showing position of P. Stutzeri
organism isolated was P. stutzeri. The sequence of P. stutzeri
among closely related members.
(HM209781.1) had 99% identity to Pseudomonas xanthomarina
(HQ848111.1) and Pseudomonas knackmussii (JN646015.1) and
2.7. Hydrogen production by P. stutzeri using synthetic these two sequences grouped together in a phylogenetic tree
source e starch, sucrose and also using mango juice effluent (Fig. 1). The sequence reported in this paper has been depos-
ited in the genbank under the accession number JX442762 and
The hydrogen production by P. stutzeri was analysed for the the strain identified from the thermal soil sample was named
synthetic sources selected i.e. starch and sucrose. In order to as SSKVM 2012.
find the effect of starch and sucrose, these sugars were
taken 7.5 g in 1500 ml, 5.0 g in 1000 ml, 3.75 g in 750 ml, 2.5 g 3.3. Hydrogen production by P. stutzeri from starch and
in 500 ml. Similarly, the amount of hydrogen produced by sucrose
utilizing the mango juice effluent was also studied. For this
study 1500 ml, 1000 ml, 750 ml and 500 ml mango juice The hydrogen production from starch, sucrose measured by
effluent (waste water) were used. Mango juice effluent was water displacement method is shown in Table 1. Initial pH
collected from the Maaza juice production unit located at of the soluble starch, sucrose medium was maintained at
Krishnagiri, Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu. The starch and pH 4.0 and at 70  C. No hydrogen production was observed
sucrose soluble medium were inoculated with P. stutzeri and at initial pH 4.0 to pH 5.0. The maximum hydrogen
its pH was maintained at 4.0, at temperature 70  C. Since, production observed for starch was 255.98  0.76 ml,
the effluent’s initial pH is 6.0, when effluent was inoculated 195.87  0.82 ml, 176.84  0.64 ml, 125.83  0.64 ml. Simi-
with the identified organism P. stutzeri, the strain starts larly, the sucrose showed 212.82  0.57 ml, 194.85  0.69 ml,
producing hydrogen immediately. The influence of pH 191.85  0.76 ml, 177.92  0.78 in 7.5 g/1500 ml, 5.0 g/
change on hydrogen production was observed to find the 1000 ml, 3.75 g/750 ml, 2.5 g/500 ml respectively. Among the
maximum hydrogen production. The hydrogen produced different concentrations used 7.5 g starch showed highest
was measured by simple water displacement method for hydrogen production.
a period of 5 days.21 The hydrogen production from effluent is shown in
Table 2. The initial pH of the mango juice effluent was found to
be pH 6.0. The effluent was inoculated with culture P. stutzeri
3. Results and the study was performed at 70  C. The maximum
hydrogen production observed was 190.03  0.81 ml,
3.1. General properties of strain SSKVM 2012 186.13  0.57 ml, 144.96  0.72 ml, 104.93  0.64 ml in 1500 ml,
1000 ml, 750 ml, 500 ml mango juice effluent at pH 8.0. The
P. stutzeri SSKVM 2012 is found to be thermophilic, rod shaped, hydrogen production was found to be low when compared to
gram negative, anaerobic with an optimum growth at 70  C. starch and sucrose but the effluent is recycled to an useful
The strain is alkaliphilic and able to grow at wide range of pH product and signifies eco-friendly environment. Water
from 5.5 to 9.0. There was no growth observed at pH 4.0epH displacement methods can be more effective as pressure is
5.0 or below. Further pH in the range of 6.5e8.5 was found to released, but gases can disproportionally dissolve based on
be a favourable for the strain to produce hydrogen. The strain their different solubilities in the solution, making it difficult to
hydrolyses starch and found to produce hydrogen sulphide. determine the produced gas composition.

Table 1 e Hydrogen production by P. stutzeri using starch and sucrose at 70  C.

pH H2 (ml) in 7.5 g/1500 ml H2 (ml) in 5.0 g/1000 ml H2 (ml) in 3.75 g/750 ml H2 (ml) in 2.5 g/500 ml

Starch Sucrose Starch Sucrose Starch Sucrose Starch Sucrose

4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.5 85.10  0.21 46.74  0.45 69.83  0.14 42.43  0.24 65.60  0.36 40.48  0.26 54.75  0.23 39.46  0.24
6.0 160.16  0.44 75.80  0.51 130.57  0.35 68.56  0.29 120.70  0.49 60.65  0.45 99.53  0.26 54.62  0.38
6.5 200.06  0.49 88.72  0.55 150.39  0.13 80.64  0.39 130.75  0.52 79.72  0.45 105.83  0.49 76.77  0.54
7.0 219.95  0.52 136.80  0.57 185.80  0.64 129.65  0.39 145.78  0.56 132.78  0.60 112.92  0.52 122.76  0.56
7.5 249.93  0.64 198.83  0.55 190.78  0.68 184.67  0.49 155.84  0.61 177.85  0.67 115.09  0.62 154.86  0.69
8.0 255.98  0.76 212.82  0.57 195.87  0.82 194.85  0.69 176.84  0.64 191.85  0.76 125.83  0.64 177.92  0.78
8.5 100.03  0.42 193.80  0.56 95.76  0.64 189.60  0.49 89.73  0.49 178.77  0.67 76.46  0.26 169.90  0.76
9.0 96.16  0.32 81.72  0.54 89.13  0.44 72.64  0.33 68.68  0.42 80.71  0.58 54.80  0.25 64.65  0.38

Each experiment is representative of three independent variables.

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Table 2 e Hydrogen production by P. stutzeri using mango juice effluent at 70  C.

pH H2 (ml) in 1500 ml H2 (ml) in 1000 ml H2 (ml) in 750 ml H2 (ml) in 500 ml

6.0 0 0 0 0
6.5 98.16  0.27 93.13  0.21 84.05  0.33 86.06  0.16
7.0 119.90  0.36 115.16  0.38 100.23  0.40 91.03  0.42
7.5 149.85  0.47 120.23  0.40 110.20  0.43 95.90  0.43
8.0 190.03  0.81 186.13  0.57 144.96  0.72 104.93  0.64
8.5 183.98  0.76 136.03  0.49 115.96  0.56 98.83  0.44
9.0 66.90  0.17 58.08  0.15 70.00  0.36 44.05  0.21

Each experiment is representative of three independent variables.

H2 production are its availability, cost, carbohydrate content

4. Discussion and biodegradability.27 Cost reduction is achieved by either
using the low cost substrate or finding a means to effectively
Biological H2 production is the most challenging area of utilize the 67e85 % of the unused spent media.28 Commer-
biotechnology with respect to environmental problems. A cially produced food products, such as corn and sugar are not
challenging problem in establishing biohydrogen as a source economical for H2 production.29 However, solid organic
of energy is the renewable and environment friendly genera- wastes from agricultural crops, industrial processes and
tion of large quantities of H2 gas. However, two major aspects domestic waste water represent a valuable resource for the
need indispensable optimization, viz. a suitable renewable energy production. Starch based wastewater has great
biomass/wastewater and ideal microbial consortia that can potentiality for the H2 production.30 Disposal of these wastes
convert this biomass efficiently to hydrogen gas. It is a natural, is an economic load on the society. Therefore, its utilization in
though transient, by-product of several microbial driven the generation of an energy carrier will greatly add to econo-
biochemical reactions, mainly in anaerobic fermentation mize the process. From this we can conclude, that the
processes. Dark-fermentation is a ubiquitous phenomenon production of biohydrogen had showed great promise in
under anoxic or anaerobic conditions. The oxidation of the converting waste like mango juice effluent.
substrate by bacteria generates electrons which need to be
disposed off in order to maintain the electrical neutrality
under the anaerobic or anoxic conditions other compounds,
Conflicts of interest
such as protons, act as the electron acceptor and are reduced
to molecular hydrogen.22,23
All authors have none to declare.
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