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Time—60 minutes For each of the follow ne problems, decide which in the BEST of the choles piven. Ifthe exact numerical value is not ne of the choices, select the choice that best approximates this value. Then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. Notey: (1) Acaleulator willbe necessary for answering some (bt not ll) ofthe questions inthis test. For each question {you will have to decide whether or not you thould use a calculator. The calculator you use must be at least a scientific Mculator, programmable calculators and calculators that can display graphs are permitied, 2) For some questions in this test you may have to decide whether your calculator shoukd be in the radian ‘mode or the degree mode. de information useful in solving the problems. The} in a specific problem that its figure is ‘not drawn to scal 4 (4) Unless otherwise specified, the domain of any function J is assumed to be the set ofall real numbers 2°" for which fix) is a real number. ; : (5) Reference information that may be useful in answering the questions in this test ean be found on the page preceding question 1.* USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. 1. AL YS= Fe = 3, what is the value of 32” (A) 92.33 ®) -79.67 © ~1.75 @) 092 © 2233 ' 2. 1rf(@,6) = ££, which ofthe following is equal of4,8)? - . 10.8) 7 B73 (© $2.4). é Osa : © IAN ‘ots he acina tens the referoe nformitin ls located on the page preceding question In this bok, te erence lafermation can be found on page 135. bila zag 2c EG oc Ei 2c Bl 2c 2 \ MATHEMATICS LEVEL DC TEST—Continued ‘USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. whe wo O24 OF OM! OY * “The graph of which of the following equations has a slope of $7 wre} @) yo me Oyerel - Myer} @rs¥tt Mpeay = x + JE and 62) = SUD, then 0.7) = 2c: oc EG 2c BG 2c EG 2c MATHEMATICS LEVEL DC TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. @m-k 7. ‘The graph of y = bx — 1 has points in the first quad- rant if and only if (yb 40 @)b<-l @-i0 - mze 8 un x = 5, then wl @1 Os OD Hs Peal MATHEMATICS LEVEL 0 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. atte _gand if ¢fe + 0, which of the following is equal to w? atbe-fe er wy otter enbet he Owe thee metal wees 10. Ifthe probability of a certain event occurring is whats the probability of this event not occurring? wt of Of OF OF ; ' MW a4 = 19 = 19and x 2 0, then x = : Gris ad 2c EG 2c BG 2c EB 2c \ | : jae MATHEMATICS LEVEL IC TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK, 12, Tn Figure 1, if @ = 38°, what is the value of ¢7 (© 246 @D) 3.13 © 3.15 Figure 1 ‘Note; Figure not drawn to scale. 13. Joe has a test average of 87 in mathematics. If his test ‘average makes up 70 percent of his overall grade snd the final exam makes up the remaining 30 percent, what must bbe his final exam score to give him an overall grade of exactly 907 91 (B) 93 (© 95 +f - ().97 Qs 14. An operation is defined | irs of integers An pontine oe 1.3.9 EROS G9) = ty tnen G9) = : : Oe atid 2c 2c KE \ MATHEMATICS LEVEL 1G TEST—Continued 2C USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. (a) ~ 1.00 @) 028 © 050 ©) 178 . © 3% 17, What is of digits in the number obtained by Datebies iran by 337 we e) 9 10 2C 2c EG 2c EG 2c EG 2c MATHEMATICS LEVEL 0G TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK 18, Iloge3 = 9, thea x= (A) 0.50 8 113 12 20 & 2.08 19, whieh of the folowing isa point at which the elipae . : 23a Bot intrcc the xn? ‘ : 20, The function f is given ox — [xh where [2) is, Te finten fen Litem rel Bx <2, then f is also given by f(x) = Wx-2 Ba-) Ox Oxtl Ort? UPLB RL a as 2c E MarHEMATIS 1 LEVEL 1G TEST—Continued i . : vse Ts SPACE FOR SCRATETWORE. 21, In Figure 2, rsin 0 = we FE oy oF o; @rty sa. nai the emainder when 24 ~ ata 2 + 3it divided by x +17 w-3 . 2 A (0,0, 4) 23. tn Figure 3, what isthe length of seginent AC? (A) 447 = ae (2,30) PRR ed 1 wer a 25, Whai js the area of a triangle whose vertices are (/2, 0), 2, /10), and (5,0)? 26. x = ff ~ Vandy © 7, whatis y in terms of x? ‘A G+y @) &- 1 MATHEMATICS LEVEL IC TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWO 2c E@ 2c 2c MATHEMATICS LEVEL 0G TEST—Continued ‘USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. 2. ‘What isthe maximum value of f(2).= 4 — (e ~ 17 w ® © o ® Suave 28. If cern product now worth S450 increase in vale st the rate of & percent per year, how much will it be worth, 6 years from (A) $630 (© sess o S74 : ‘ @ sm 29, The Ist term of an arithmetic sequence is 3. and the Sth term is 17, What is the 150th term of the sequence? 30. The cosine of an angle is one-half the sine ofthe same. Engle, What is the tangent of this angle? ayo o} or M2 © It cannot be determined from the information given. a. “Te raph in Figure 4 eoul be pron ofthe sep of which of the following functions? L s(x) ox) + axt + bx te IL se) =x + ar tox te ; IL A(x) = 27 + ax’ + bx text + dr tert fr +8 gia © ten (Bp Ml and IM only © LIL and WT 32. A right{circular cylinder bas radius 3 and beight 3. If 4 ‘and. B are two points on its surface, what is the maxi imum straight-line distance berween A and B? wrx wx O86 OF ON? MATHEMATICS LEVEL 0G TEST—Continued [USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. 2c a 2c B@ 2c MATHEMATICS LEVEL IG TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. 3. Wich of folowing could ben prion of ie HP of fo) = gases Ne. yk a Ra | 2c Ea 2c EG 2c EG 2c El 2c MATHEMATICS LEVEL 1C TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. + 36, 1f 2 isan integer, which of the following must also be an inuge? weer Bete Of Om OF bi biia liige 4 wa ote ee 2c EM 2c EM 2c Bl 2c 2C MATHEMATICS LEVEL 1G TEST—Continued [USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. 138. The two circles x? + y? = Vand a Gx — JB? + (7 ~ VP = Lae tangent to each other, ‘What are the coordinates of the point of tangency? = A) 00.71) @) 5.05) © 71,0, @) ©71,0.21) i i © (antl) 24 39. What is _ tim rar a) 125 @) 10 (Q) 0S : mo (E) The limit does not exist. 40. A function fis an even function if for al values of the domain, f(-) = /G2). Which of the following is aneven in . | Be et Gacy Bix Bi x xc MATHEMATICS LEVEL HC TEST—Continued 4}, Two cars start from the same point ‘these, 42, The shaded portion in Figure $ shows the graph of wo-pout+nze @ O20 +240 © U2 +220 ) +2200 - 2) £0 Worwy-Nze aff) onet cet x ah fon) < 066017 MATHEMATICS LEVEL UC TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. . 44 Torright O.4BC in Figure 6, 89-4 5288 is qual to w2 ott oF m2 oF ‘45, What is the volume, in cubic centimeters, of rectangular , soi ht has hes thar 2, 4 and square cxnine : (A) 128, @B) & (© 32 M 6 EG) 8 46, For every positive number 1, a function f; is defined by L x<0 niy=1i-(t)s exer o xe Wr > 5,then fr) = 1 we @1 oF ‘What is the x-coordinate of D’ 17, ABCDE i regular pentagon with side of : D> AQ Figure? 1 : aeoas Sabb © ie " Pi Ah a 13s 2c EG 2c EG 2c MATHEMATICS LEVEL IC TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCHWORK. ' 148, IEF is the Function with domain (0 12} and range 9, 1] ‘whose graph is the Hine segment shown in Figure 8, what sroat (A) 0 @) 48 © 25 @) 0.25 ® 0.033 49. What does [3 + Sil equal? = (A) 020 : B) 1.67 (© 397 {D) 583 ‘i {E).8.00 w 2 @ 2 14,800 & dee eo . ee eneeeet ee Pe a i ; IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST ONLY ‘DO NOT TURN TO ANY OTHER TEST IN THIS BOOK. ‘ Ww Reviewing Your Test Performance ‘Alter you hove scored your tes, you should toke some fime fo consider the following points in relation to your perfor mance on the test. . e Did you run out of time before you rwached the end of the att : If you did, you may wont fo consider pocing yourself beter. For example, you may have spent too much time ‘working on one of wo questions. A better might have been to continue the test ond return te hove quesBons cher you had attempted fo cnawer the remaining questions on the test. caren 8 Did you toke @ kong tine reoding the directions for the rest ‘The directions in this test ore the some os those In the Mathematics Level cops tp row wha wok nb tne 1 i “Soe te prceuarqenréon ach permis eu seo be wed 7 alia the sure shores fora random Torey hat quanon 00 this edicon Tou permis a based 08 38 Toe Pee Se wes 670. They my be vied om inca of the retry STRESSES Types Sar mcr Led BC Sb Teeendens Finding Your College : char eon oh 1 St more a : Board Scaled Score thers, Cotege Board scala oes ‘ore odjus ‘When you toke SAT It Subject Tet, the scores sant to the fey nde soe ee cy et owe

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