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The camera starts recording, and the only thing you can see in the
room is the person who is being interrogated head which is visible
because of a single light shining down on his face. Erie music starts
playing in the background. And man, with a strange voice begins to
talk to the man sat in the middle of the frame.
Interrogator: Do you know why you are here?
John: No! who are you?
Interrogator: What do you remember?
John: What do you mean?
Interrogator: What do you remember before coming here?
John starts getting flashbacks he see’s a building which looks like a
museum, and the painting. There also very quick shots.
John: I remember a building, a painting it’s sort of blurry.
The interrogator with the strange voice clicks his fingers and picture
of a painting is shown on a TV screen behind him (we could also use
another light and shine it on the painting in real life if we needed to
make it more suspenseful.
Interrogator: Is this the painting?
John: Yes that’s the one!
John: What painting is it?
Interrogator: This is the “Belle Rosa” and it is worth 50 million
Interrogator: Do you remember anything about this painting?
John: No! why should I?
The room then goes silent nobody says anything all you can here is
the sound of Cassette tape starting up.
Interrogator: Do you remember saying this?
John’s Voice: Hey man just leaving a message about the painting I
have a time and a place I know which entrance it’s going to be
delivered to so give me a ring back as soon as you can.
The Cassette tape stops playing…
John: That can’t be me I didn’t say that.
Interrogator: So you don’t remember, well what about this one?
It is yet again silent and the Cassette tape starts up again…
Johns Voice: So you really want to steal this thing?
Unknown Voice: Yep
Johns Voice: But is it worth it?
Unknown Voice: Mate not being funny the paintings worth 50
million, do you really want to miss out on this.
John’s Voice: I know it’s just.
Unknown Voice: Listen man if you don’t want to do it there are other
people that I can work with to get it so are you in or not?
John’s Voice: Yes alright! I am in.
Unknown Voice: Good you know the place and the time, right?
John’s Voice: Yeah
Unknown Voice: Alright, see you there then.
The Cassette stops…
Interrogator: Who was that on the phone John?
John: I don’t know
Interrogator: WHO WAS IT ON THE PHONE!?
All you hear is silence again and then Boom a punching or slapping
sound will be edited in as he is being hit, he get’s more flashbacks
which makes the plot more clear and easier to understand.
John: The man on the phone his name is Jacob and, and the we were
trying to steal the painting because of debts that’s all I can
remember I SWEAR!
Its goes silent for a while longer as the music completely stops…
Interrogator: (laughing) good well that’s all I wanted.
As his voice starts to change and sound more like Jacobs voice, and
then all you can see is a dark figure moving towards John. Then the
camera angle changes to the side view where the dark figure is
holding up a gun to Johns head…
Jacob: Goodbye John.

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