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Essay Evaluation Criteria:

Requirement Weight Score

Proper Style and Format of Essay
• The paper includes a title page and page
• The paper is produced in an academic tone
• Proper use of paragraphs and headings (if
• Clarity of expression, eloquence and
creativity of writing, mechanics of word
• Grammar and spelling

Structure and Organization of the essay

• Statement of the problem or question (thesis
statement) – clarity, sharpness of focus
• Several appropriate subtopics are presented
• Uses subheadings as appropriate throughout
the paper
• Logical development of the discussion from
one idea to the next
• Introduction – provides a context for the 10
essay, summarizes the arguments, is of
adequate length (about 1 page)
• Conclusion – summarizes the arguments
presented in the body, and negotiates the
perspectives in the essay so that the reader is
left with a clear impression of what is
accomplished in the essay (about 1 page)

Proper Use and Relevance of Research

• Located appropriate academic literature
• The essay relies on contemporary and
insightful research
• Draws out major arguments
• All arguments have appropriate literature to
support them
• Enough sources are used in each paragraph
or section to support the arguments

Level of Analysis and Substantive 10

• The student displays a strong grasp of the
• Arguments are relevant to the thesis
• The arguments present adequate depth
• The essay reflects careful analysis
• Overall substantive adequacy of the
interpretation or argument presented

• In-text citations are correct and consistent
• Bibliographic citations are structured
correctly and consistently according to the
APA or Chicago 14thB reference formats

Total mark for this assignment 40

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