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JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 5, Nomor 1, Mei 2015

Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025



Sugeng Hariyanto
State Polyetchnic of Malang


Translation industry is developing very fast with the economic globalization

and digital/internet technology development. Unfortunately, the teaching of
translation in universities has not adopted techniques that can response this
situation. This paper aims to propose a translation teaching technique to train
the students to produce target texts demanded in the translation business.
The technique is proposed by considering two influential concepts in
translation theory, i.e., Text Linguistics and Skopos Theory.
Text linguistics is a branch of linguistics that deals with texts as
communication systems. Text linguistics takes into account the form of a text
and its setting, i.e. the way in which it is situated in an interactional,
communicative context. In relation to translation, it can be said that
translation is not only the business of analyzing the source text sentence by
sentence. Instead, the author and the intended audience and the purpose of
communication should also be considered.
Skopos theory is closely related to text-types and also emphasizes the
importance of translation purposes. With these ideas as the basis, this
article gives example how to apply text linguistics and skopos theory in
classroom context to teach functional text translation. The translation
teaching materials are selected based on the text type and difficulty levels,
students are trained to do text-analysis and be made aware of the purpose of
the source text is not always the same with the purpose of the target text.
Prior to giving a translation practice, therefore, the teacher writes the clearest
translation brief possible

Keywords: text linguistics, skopos theory, classroom teaching, translation


Translation has been done since long time translated books for several reasons. At
ago. The activities have created a new least there are three motivations:
profession, i.e. translator. According to academic, empowerment and business
Hariyanto (2006), there are two markets motivations. With academic motivation,
for translation business, i.e. publishers the publishers translate books to meet
(national level) and translation agents academic demand. For example, Resist
(international level). Publishers publish Book translates and publishes a book on
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 5/1, Mei 2015 57

Chomsky to meet the need for literature on teaching seems to remain unchanged from
Chomsky in Bahasa Indonesia. They also the time of the School of Scribes in Ancient
translate and publish books to empower Egypt. The teacher gives out a source text
the readers, for example, in the fields of to the students and then without any
democratization, human rights, briefing and notes asks them to translate
entrepreneurship and other fields. Finally, the text in the class or at home. Upon
as the most dominating motivation, completing, the target text is then
publishers translate and publish books for discussed in great depth and detail by the
economic reasons. Publication of whole class to find out what is lack in the
translated books is more profitable rather translation. In other words, the translation
than publishing local works. As a class is searching for “good” translation. A
comparison, local writer’s royalty is 10% to question to ask is then “good for whom?”
20%; and royalty for translated book is only or “on what criteria or bases”? As a
6% to 7%. Hence, publishers pay less when consequence, such practice can hardly
they publish translated books than when produce potential translator who can take
they publish books written by local writers. the challenge of the translation business in
This is not to mention “copy left” which a target text should firstly meet the
publishers who publish book translated purpose of translating the source text.
book without first buying the copyright. In This paper, therefore, aims to
terms of quality, usually local writer’s propose a translation teaching technique
quality is low; while great writers are, which hopefully can train the students to
unfortunately, co-opted by big publishers. produce target texts demanded in the
In terms of marketing, some translated translation business. The technique is
books are already backed up with proposed by considering two influential
international success. This is illustrated by concepts in translation theory, i.e., Text
the high demand of the translation version Linguistics and Skopos Theory. Thus, in its
of Harry Potter, the best seller novel ever. discussion this paper explicates some
The translation business in the concepts of Text Linguistics, Skopos Theory
international market is boosted by the and its Translation-oriented text analysis
globalization needs. With globalization, and then describes the translation teaching
many manufacturers want to sell their technique proposed.
products in other countries. They need to
talk to the people of other countries in DISCUSSION
their local languages. The text types vary
now. They do not only cover novels and Text Linguistics
textbooks but also websites and software
interfaces It is mentioned in the background of this
paper that texts to be translated in
The Practice in Translation Teaching translation business nowadays are various.
For Indonesian publishers, translators
The great challenges of translation translate textbooks, popular books, novels,
business illustrated above, however, are children books, books on Information
not paralleled with the fact found in Technology (IT) and many others; as for
educational institutions producing many international and a few national
potential translators. Chriss, as cited by translation agents, Indonesian translators
Nababan (2007:2), states that up to these work on texts like technical manuals,
days the basic approach in translation websites, software interfaces, advertise-
58 Sugeng Hariyanto, Text Linguistic and Skopos

ments, legal documents, annual reports, linguistics takes into account the form of a
and many others. text and its setting, i.e. the way in which it
In relation to text-type, Snell-Hornby is situated in an interactional,
(1988) classifies translation into three communicative context. Thus, author of a
general categories: literary translation, text and its addressee are studied in their
general translation and special language respective social and/or institutional roles
translation. Literary translation is the in the specific communicative context. [1] [It
translation of literary works and Bible, and is worth noted that Halliday (1978 and
general translation is translation of 1994) and his followers also talk about the
newspaper, information text and similar concept of analysis under the
advertising. Finally, special language discussion of genre.] In relation to
translation covers the translation of legal, translation, it can be said that translation is
economic, medicine and not only the business of analyzing the
science/technology texts. For all of these source text sentence by sentence. Instead,
translation types, text linguistics is the author and the intended audience and
necessary. This can be seen in the Chart 1. the purpose of communication should also
be considered.

What is text linguistics anyway? In

general, it can be said that text linguistics In relation to this, Reiss (1977/1989)
is a branch of linguistics that deals with has been very influential in focusing
texts as communication systems. Text attention on the function of text – both in
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 5/1, Mei 2015 59

the context of the original and in the each of these text types. The target text of
context of the situation that demands a an informative text should be in plain prose
translation. As a matter of fact, her with explication where required, because
approach considers the text rather than the aim is to transmit the referential
the word or the sentence as the translation content of the text. The target text of an
unit and hence the level at which expressive text should use the identifying
equivalence is to be sought. method, the translator having to look at it
She classifies texts based on from the ST author’s standpoint. The
discourse function into: (a) informative, (b) translation of an operative text has to
expressive, and (c) operative. A text is employ the adaptive method, where the
classified as an informative text if the translator tries to create the same effect
content is the main focus. This kind of texts on the readers, as the ST. See Chart 2 for a
plainly communicates facts, information, better understanding of specific translation
knowledge, opinions, etc. The logical or methods for each of these text types
referential dimension of language is the [adapted by Munday (2001: 74) based on
main aspect involved. Texts are called Reiss (1977/1989)].
expressive if the focus is on creative Reiss (1977/1989) also talks of evaluatory
composition and aesthetics aspects. Both criteria, which vary according to text types.

the author and the message are what are Thus while the translation of any content-
foregrounded. The examples are oriented text has to aim at semantic
imaginative creative literature texts. Next, equivalence, and a popular science piece
an operative text is a text whose focus is will have to preserve the ST style, there is
the appellative aspect. greater need to retain a metaphor in an
Here the text appeals to the readers expressive text than in an informative
to act in a certain way by persuading, target text. She thinks that one could
dissuading, requesting, and cajoling them. measure the adequacy of a target text (TT)
Usually the form of language is dialogic. by intra-linguistic criteria—like semantic,
Correspondingly Reiss (1977/1989) grammatical and stylistic features—and
advocates specific translation methods for extra-linguistic criteria—like situation,
60 Sugeng Hariyanto, Text Linguistic and Skopos

subject field, time, place, receiver, sender concern on text-type is skopos theory or
and implications like humor, irony, Skopos theorie introduced by Vermeer
emotion etc. (1989/2000), the theory that applies the
Reiss (1977/1989) also proposes a notion of Skopos (a Greek word for
text typology. Chart 3 illustrates the purpose) to translation. The translation

typology. The above typology is a useful process of a text is guided by its function
typology of texts but it is clear that texts i.e. the use of a receiver makes of a text or
are often not easily categorized. One single the meaning that the text has for the
text can have several characteristics. A receiver. In other words, the prime
biography could have informative as well principle determining any translation
as appellative content. A personal letter process is the purpose/skopos of the
could well be informative, expressive and overall translational action.
appellative as can be an advertisement.
The important thing here is that her Briefly, Reiss and Vermeer (in Nord,
approach is built on earlier ideas of 1997: 29) mention the following Skopos
rhetoric and language analysis. rule:
Each text is produced for a given purpose
Skopos Theory and Translation-Oriented and should serve this purpose. The Skopos
Text Analysis rule thus reads as follows: translate/-
interpret/speak/write in a way that enables
Under this subheading, skopos theory and your text/translation to function in the
text analysis in relation to translation is situation in which it is used and with the
discussed. people who want to use it and precisely in
the way they want it to function.
. Skopos theory is not only closely
related to text-types, but also to the
Skopos Theory importance of translation purposes which
is always oriented to the target readers,
It is clear from the above discussion on text especially their response. The difference in
linguistics that the approach to translation focus here is that the ST is the point of
can be closely related to the type of text to departure and the skopos refers to
translate. Translation theory that has a big knowing why an ST is to be translated and
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 5/1, Mei 2015 61

what the function of the TT will be. Skopos means the message received in the manner
theory focuses on the purpose of the intended and/or expected. Thus, intention
translation, which determines the methods is related with function. Intention is judged
and strategies of translating, which are by the writer of source text and the
employed to produce functionally function is judged by the receiver (Hatim,
adequate result (Munday, 2001: 79). 2001: 75). Success of a translation is
Skopos theory which emerged in measured in terms of harmony of content
Germany (Hatim, 2001: 73) is within and intention. Content means content of
functionalism. Skopos idea relies on key message. Intention means intention of
concepts in pragmatics that is intention producer or translator (Hatim, 2001: 75).
and action. There are two important There are two kinds of textual coherence:
skopos rules: (a) intra-textual coherence and (b)
intertextual coherence. Here intra-textual
Skopos rule 1: Intention is determined by its coherence is more important. (Hatim,
purpose. 2001: 76).
As a matter of fact, text only
Skopos rule 2: purpose varies according to contains information offer. Thus, a text
the text receiver. may mean many different things to many
receivers (Hatim, 2001: 76-77). Therefore,
Translator decision is governed by the target readers must be taken into
textual and contextual factors. One of the account. Who, then, determines the skopos
contextual factors is audience design which or purpose of translation? The skopos is
accounts for the way a target text is determined by the initiator or
intended to be received. This will affect the commissioner of the translation, the
translation strategies selected by the translation brief and the type of
translator. translation.
Target text must be produced with In a translation project, there are at
the given purpose in mind and that least three roles: initiator, commissioner,
translation will function well when shaped and translator. The following is an example
by a particular purpose. Three major kinds of a case in translation field.
of purpose are already recognized:
communicative, strategic, and general
purposes (Hatim, 2001: 74) Case 1.
Such purposes cannot be equally
important. The success or failure of a One of the lectures in Malang State
translation is ultimately decided whether it University has read a book on linguistics.
can be interpreted successfully by the He thought that the book must be
targeted recipient in a manner that is translated into Bahasa Indonesia so that
consistent whit what is expected of it Indonesians can study linguistics from the
(Hatim, 2001: 75) remarkable book. He, then, sent a letter to
In skopos theory, the success or a publisher to propose translating the book.
failure of translation is often mentioned as The publisher agreed, and so the lecturer
success or protest. Success means started translating.
definitely success in transferring the text
function and protest means failure. A
successful translation elicits no protest
from the target recipient. No protest
62 Sugeng Hariyanto, Text Linguistic and Skopos

Question: Translation-oriented text analysis

Who is the initiator? – The lecturer Related closely to skopos approach is

text analysis prior to translating. Nord
Who is the commissioner? – The Publisher (1997: 59), one of the proponents of
Skopos Theory, states that the elements of
Who determines the translation purpose? text analysis area; (a) the importance of
– The lecturer the translation commission (translation
brief), (b) the role of ST analysis, and (c) the
The commissioner gives a functional hierarchy of translation
translation job to a translator. The “order” problems. These points are briefly
is called Translation Brief (Ind. Surat reviewed as follows.
Perintah Kerja). The Translation brief shall The commission should give the
contain the function of target text, target following information: (a) the intended text
audience, where and when target text is to function, (b) the addresses (sender and
be read, what is the medium (spoken, recipient), (c) the time and place of text
written) and motive, i.e., why translation is reception, (d) the medium (speech and
needed. However, publishers rarely issue writing), and (e) the motive (why the ST
such a complete translation brief. was written and why it is being translated).
There are several principles claimed This is also discussed above in which
to be skopos rules by Reiss and Vermeer commission is termed by translation brief.
(1984, in Nord, 1997). The rules are as The ST analysis is also important. In
follows: analyzing the ST, according to Nord (1991),
the most important thing is the pragmatic
1. A translatum or target text (TT) is analysis of the communicative situation
determined by its skopos. involved and the model to be used for ST
and the translation brief.
2. A TT is an offer of information in a Which factors are to be analyzed?
target culture and target language (TL) They can be some of the following, i.e.
subject matter; content including
3. A TT does not initiate an offer of connotation and cohesion, presuppositions
information in a clearly reversible way. which mean the real-world factors of the
communicative situation presumed to be
4. A TT must be internally coherent. known to the participants; composition
including microstructure and
5. A TT must be coherent with source macrostructure; non-verbal elements, for
text (ST). example illustrations and italic; lexis
including dialect, registers and specific
6. The five rules above stand in terminology; and sentence structure and
hierarchical order, with the skopos suprasegmental features including stress,
rule predominating. rhythm and stylistic punctuation.
Moreover, functions are important
in translation. The things that should be
noticed in relation to text functions among
others are the intended function, the
functional elements, and the translation
types determining translation style, the
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 5/1, Mei 2015 63

problems of the text can then be tackled at WULAN: One of my favourites is Bella Skin
lower linguistic levels as in the second Care’s exclusive Depilux™ Hair Free System.
point above. This treatment painlessly impedes hair
Below is an advertisement. A growth, leading to permanently silky, hair-
commissioner wants a translator to free skin on any part of the body with zero
translate and under the text is the text down time. I’ll never have to worry about
analysis that may be done by the wearing revealing clothes during filming.
translator. With Bella Skin Care, I know I’m always at
my best!
Promo Portion
PR Advertorial – Copy Sheet
Headline Studies Indulge in these fabulous beauty offers:

Wulan reveals her ultimate beauty secret Wulan’s Skin Perfecting Package for
Sub-headAs the new ambassador of Bella perfectly balanced skin
Skin Care, Wulan shares how Bella Skin
Care helped her maintain flawless skin. Enjoy 30 Therapies at Rp 3,000,000.00*

Body Copy Wulan’s Ultra Whitening Package for

fairer, clearer skin
Q: What is the secret behind your skin’s
radiance? Get 30 Therapies at Rp 4,800,000.00*

WULAN: I have always believed in the Wulan’s Nutritive Package for hydrated
importance of going for regular, high- glowing skin
quality skincare treatments to achieve
great skin. Aside from using Bella Skin Get 30 Therapies at Rp 4,000,000.00*
Care products daily, I go for weekly
treatments to soothe my skin after hours of *Terms and conditions apply.
intense makeup sessions. Because of this, I
am able to keep my skin in tip-top condition =============================
– perfectly supple and visibly revitalized.

Q: How do you keep your skin so luminous The text, if seen from Snell-Hornby
despite your hectic film schedule? categorization, is a general text. The author
is the Bella Skin Care firm. The audience is
WULAN: I really love Bella Skin Care’s Indonesian young women, middle-up
BioLymph High Symmetry System. It works economic class, probably educated
wonders by detoxifying my skin and women. The purpose of the translation is
remodeling my facial contours, especially to sell the product to Indonesian women.
the problem areas around my eyes such as Based on Reiss’ categorization it is an
puffy eyes and eye bags – which results operative text. As an operative text, the
after long hours of filming. appropriate method of translation is
adaptive method in which all means are
Q: Among all the treatments, what is your taken to achieve equivalent effect, i.e.
favourite? making Indonesian women buy the
64 Sugeng Hariyanto, Text Linguistic and Skopos

products. The target text therefore should Wulan: Saya sangat suka dengan Sistem
focus on this appellative focus to elicit the BioLymph High Symmetry dari Bella Skin
desired response. The language dimension Care. Sistem ini manfaatnya sangat
is dialogic, as evident in the source target menakjubkan yaitu dengan mengeluarkan
also. racun dari kulit dan membentuk kembali
The translation of the advertisement kontur wajah saya, terutama sekali di
above might be like the following. daerah yang bermasalah di sekitar mata
seperti mata bengkak dan berkantung yang
terjadi akibat bekerja berjam-jam main
====================== film.

Tanya: Di antara semua perawatan yang

PR Advertorial – Copy Sheet ada, yang mana yang paling Anda sukai?
Headline Studies
Wulan: Salah satu perawatan dari Bella
Skin Care yang paling saya sukai adalah
Wulan mengungkapkan rahasianya untuk Sistem Pembersihan Bulu Rambut
cantik sempurna Depilux™. Perawatan ini mencegah
tumbuhnya bulu rambut tanpa rasa sakit,
Sub-head hasilnya kulit yang tetap sehalus sutra
Sebagai duta Bella Skin Care yang baru, yang bebas dari bulu rambut dan ini bisa
Wulan mengungkapkan bagaimana Bella langsung terlihat hasilnya di bagian kulit
Skin membantu agar kulitnya tetap cantik mana pun pada tubuh. Saya tidak akan
sempurna. khawatir lagi bila harus mengenakan baju
yang agak terbuka bisa sedang main film.
Body Copy Dengan Bella Skin Care, Saya yakin saya
selalu dalam kondisi puncak!
Tanya: Apa rahasia dari kulit Anda yang
indah berseri? Promo Portion

Wulan: Saya selalu yakin akan pentingnya Manjakan diri Anda dengan berbagai
perawatan kulit yang rutin dan bermutu penawaran istimewa berikut ini:
tinggi untuk mendapatkan kulit yang
cemerlang. Selain menggunakan produk Paket Kulit Sempurna Wulan untuk kulit
Bella Skin Care setiap hari, saya juga sehat sempurna
datang untuk mendapatkan perawatan
seminggu sekali untuk menenangkan kulit Nikmati 30 Terapi dengan harga Rp
saya setelah berjam-jam memakai riasan 3.000.000*
yang berat. Hasilnya, saya bisa menjaga
kulit agar selalu dalam kondisi prima – Paket Pemutih Ultra Wulan untuk kulit
lentur sempurna dan terlihat muda lagi. lebih putih bersih

Tanya: Bagaimana cara Anda merawat Dapatkan 30 Terapi dengan harga Rp

kulit sehingga tetap begitu bercahaya 4.800.000*
meskipun jadwal Anda main film sangat
ketat? Paket Nutrisi Wulan untuk kulit lembut
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 5/1, Mei 2015 65

Dapatkan 30 Terapi dengan harga Rp  Text type based on discourse

4.000.000* function: expressive, informative,
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku operative
 Audience: children, adults,
====================== academicians, tourists, etc.

2. The students are assigned to do

text analysis to the source text
based on skopos theory. The
students, assisted by their teacher,
THE PROPOSED TECHNIQUE IN should identify the source text, in
TRANSLATION TEACHING terms of the type of text, the
register, the style and the
Based on the discussion on Text Linguistics readership of the text selected, etc.
and Skopos Theory above, some points can Please note that the readership of
be proposed for translation teaching as the source text may be the same or
follows: different from the readership of the
target text as stipulated in the
1. The translation teaching material translation brief. In either case, the
should be selected based on the analysis of such features above
genres (text type) and difficulty benefits the translators (students).
levels. 3. The teacher should give a clear
2. Students should be trained to do translation brief, including the
text-analysis (based on text purpose of the translation and the
linguistics and skopos theory) to audience of the translation.
make sure that the characteristics 4. The teacher guides a discussion on
of texts are well understood and the similarities/differences between
the purpose of translation is well the source text characteristics
adopted. (based on step 2) and the
3. The students should be made characteristic of the target text of
aware of the purpose of the source the same text type (genre).
text which might be different from 5. Students do “deep” reading, by
the purpose of the target text. placing emphasis on items where
Therefore, the teacher should write translation problems may appear.
translation brief as clearly as This is called “reading with
possible prior to giving translation translation intention,” by Gerding-
practice. Salas (2000). When doing this,
students should first underline
The actual teaching technique can be like unknown terms and then they
the following 9-step technique: should mentally confront potential
translation difficulties in the text
1. The teacher makes a selection of with suitable translation
the material to be translated based procedures, by keeping in mind the
on the text type and translation text as a whole.
audience. 6. The students then translate the text
using appropriate translation
66 Sugeng Hariyanto, Text Linguistic and Skopos

strategy but keeping in mind the presented in Seminar on

purpose of the translation. Translation, STAIN Kediri.
7. The students hand in the final
version. Hatim, Basil. 2001. Teaching and
8. The teacher makes a final revision Researching Translation. Harlow:
and returns the text to the Pearson Education Limited.
9. The students finally make Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing
comments on the lesson learned in Translation Studies – Theories and
the translation learning process. Applications. London and New York:
And that is a kind of self-reflection. Routledge.

Nababan, Donald J. 2007. A Product or

Process-Based Approach to
CONCLUSION Translation Training? A Glance at
Translation Practice Course. A paper
Some new concepts in translation theory, presented in FIT5th Asian
i.e. Text Linguistics, Skopos Theory and translators Forum, Bogor, 11-12
Translation-oriented Text Analysis are not April.
also fruitful to the translation strategies
employed by the translators but also to its Nord, Christiane. 1991. Text Analysis in
methods of teaching. The translation Translation: Theory, Method, and
teaching materials are selected based on Didactic Application of a Model for
the text type and difficulty levels, students Translation-Oriented Text Analysis.
are trained to do text-analysis and be made Amsterdam/Atlanta GA: Rodopi.
aware of the purpose of the source text is
not always the same with the purpose of Nord, Christiane. 1997. Translation as a
the target text. Prior to giving translation Purposeful Activity: Functionalist
practice, therefore, the teacher writes the Approaches Explained. Manchester:
clearest translation brief possible. St Jerome.

Reiss, Katharina. (1977/1989) ‘Text Types,

Translation Types and Translation
Assessment’, translated by A.
Chesterman, in A. Chesterman
REFERENCE (ed.)(1989).

Gerding-Salas, Constanza. 2000. Teaching Snell-Hornby, Marry. 1988. Translation

Translation: Problems and Studies: An Integrated Approach.
Solutions. Translation Journal. Vol. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V.
4. July 2000. accessed from Vermeer, H. J. (1989/2000) ‘Skopos and
journal/13educ.htm Commission in Translational Action’
in L. Veneti (ed.) (2000).
Hariyanto, Sugeng. 2006. The Translation
Business Prospect in National and
International Levels. Paper
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 5/1, Mei 2015 67

Wikipedia. No date. Text Linguistics.


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