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Assignment #3

Section A

Prepared By:
- Abdul Sami (CIIT/FA17-BBA-401-LHR)
- Omid (CIIT/FA17-BBA-402-LHR)
- Taj Beg (CIIT/FA17-BBA-403-LHR)
- Enamulhaq Taha (CIIT/FA17-BBA-404-LHR)
- Ayesha (CIIT/FA17-BBA-188-LHR)

Prepared For:
Mrs. Muneeza Batool
Comsats Institute of Information and Technology, Islamabad

APRIL 23, 2018


SECTION ONE - INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY..................................................................2

Background Information:.............................................................................................................2
Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................3
Significance of the Study.................................................................................................................3
Scope of the Study...........................................................................................................................3
Review of Related Literature...........................................................................................................3
Methods of Study.............................................................................................................................5
Source of data:.............................................................................................................................5
Sample Selection:........................................................................................................................5
Statistical Methods:.....................................................................................................................5
Limitation of the Study....................................................................................................................6



When focusing on the nature of both the components and their ingredients it is realized
that both of these terminologies represent two different psyches of the modern era. Whereas one
of them is an ancient practice, (business) and one of them is a modern one, (technology). Going
deep into the scenario infer that being different ones; today both of them are closely interrelated
to each other.

Background Information:
Hereby, the optimization of public opinions towards modern technology and referring
them to the bright side of technology have been done. Through distribution of questionnaires
among citizens desired, the business society and collect their remarks on how can change their
perspectives toward technology and embrace technology in order to promote their businesses.

{Exhibit-1} Number of participants who use technological applicances


Yes No


 The methodology used to prepare this literary piece was very slight. There was a
conduction of formal questionnaire from about 50 individuals and firms enacted with the actual
use of technology in their real-life and involvement in business or business-related studies. The
questionnaires were filled with a set of questions which were general to an extent and to an
extent specific. The first question was a close-ended but quite critical question. Actually, a
negative response to this question canceled all following questions. Fortunately, lots of quest-

takers have positively responded to this question. It consisted the use of technological

Statement of the problem

In the later decades, one of the most controversial issues is the influence of technology on
the business. This issue has risen many questions in the minds of the optimal users of the
technological appliances. One of those threats is the fear of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The text
comprises various historical benefits of technology, its merits and demerits, the role of
computers in the society and business, and future propositions of how would the technology be.
Despite all of its demerits, it can never be neglect the contribution, modern technology had
towards resolving major health, social, transport, economic, and educational crises humanity
faced. While lots of entrepreneurs think of the technology as an invader of human kingdom and
fear its dominance over humans if enabled intelligent.

Significance of the Study

If it is to state that realize business as a single component so, an analog business today, is
by no means because it will generate the least outcome. On the other hand, the best software
developer or computer manufacturer doesn’t develop or manufacture an item for personal use.
They must finally sell it to someone for generating a profit, which on the other hand is an act of
business. So, both of these components are closely interrelated and interconnected to each other.

Scope of the Study

   Research which has been done on business people and technology people have shown
that; there is a good relationship between users of these two attributes. For the purpose of this
study, what is the impact of technology on business is defined very well. The study was limited
to the use and impact of technology revolution on business.

Review of Related Literature

ThomasW.Malone (2014), a freelance writer stated the revolution of business and as well
as the need for technology for centralizing the businesses. As it is stated that, business revolution
in the very early stages, like the democratic revolution that changed the role of government in
America and French in the late 1700s, the revolution in business is leading us to a world where
people have more freedom, a world in which more and more people are at the center of their own
organizations. New ways of organizing work are emerging because new information
technologies are giving more people the information they need to make well-informed choices.

But the real impetus behind this revolution is our own human desires for economic efficiency
and flexibility, and for personal satisfaction and fulfillment.
Alex Pirouz (2012), freelance writer and business magazine reviewer in Australia
stated that, it is witnessed a fundamental shift in the way traditional business operate and engage
with their customers over the last ten years. The explosion of the internet and mobile technology
and the seemingly endless potential of the ways that they can be used is outstripping and
sometimes undermining structures of working that have prevailed for more than a country. And
it keeps changing every day. These changes have also had a big influence on how the business
world operates. Its influence is felt in practically all aspects of the day-to-day operations of
businesses, both large and small.
The freelance website, through the title of (The social impact of technology on
businesses), has stated that there is no doubt that technological change brings about social
change. The Industrial revolution saw many people displaced from their land, to find work in
crowded city factories. Serfdom was abolished and the population shifted from villages to the
cities. Strong family ties, self-sufficiency and the right to occupy land were replaced with
uncertain tenancy of land, dependency on trade and a weakening of the family unit.
Economically, goods and money abounded, and trade flourished. The merchant class profited
from the wealth that was generated on the backs of the displaced population of urban workers.
Children were sent to work in factories, in order for families to make enough money to live. The
peasant class worked long hard hours in poor conditions with no security. The Industrial
Revolution led to the alienation of the working class and although many union battles have since
led to the adoption of better working conditions, the effects of the Industrial revolution remain.
The family unit is even more vulnerable today with soaring divorce rates, high rates of teenage
suicide, most of society are either heavily mortgaged to banks or paying high rents, and no one
can be self-sufficient in a world governed by freewheeling free trade.
Ozgur Ertem(2015) a social media user and writer has stated that, besides these changes
in personal lives of people, technology has also changed the face and the pace of how business
should be done. Business processes have been modified and organizations are now working
much more efficiently than ever. At the same time, technology has opened a new way of
communication, allowing businesses to communicate and collaborate beyond borders. It is for
sure that the technology has changed organizations in an astonishing way. Mobile devices like
smartphones and tablets combining with the power of internet have revolutionized the way of
working. E-mail communication has replaced nearly all written memos, phone calls, and faxes.
Smartphones and tablets can connect people to their business network while they are out of the
office, allowing them to respond quickly. Storing the important files on a cloud computing
system rather than your PCs, for instance, has made information easily accessible at any time and

Methods of Study
Source of data:
Hereby, the optimization of public opinions towards modern technology and referring
them to the bright side of technology have been done. Through distribution of questionnaires
among citizens desired, the business society and collect their remarks on how can change their
perspectives toward technology and embrace technology in order to promote their businesses.
The methodology used to prepare this literary piece was very slight. There was a
conduction of formal questionnaire from about 50 individuals and firms enacted with the actual
use of technology in their real-life and involvement in business or business-related studies. The
questionnaires were filled with a set of questions which were general to an extent and to an
extent specific. A copy of questionnaire has been attached to the report.

Sample Selection:
The respondents of this research were the staff of The Ace Group and some students of
BBA & BCS departments of CIIT 1 Lahore campus. There was a technique of distributing of
questionnaires to all the mentioned people was used. Every member had the responsibility to
give the result of three questionnaires which they have given to the people who were involved in
the survey. And convenience sampling technique had been used to collect primary data. After
sample collection, there was a whole check of the questionnaires through the team members to
avoid cancel duplicated results from the questionnaires.

Statistical Methods:
 Team members get the decision to use the simple statistical method in the search. As per
the questionnaires were made there were 21 short and long questions asked from those who were
involved in the survey (The Arc Group Staff and CIIT Lahore BBA & BCS Students). After
collecting the questionnaires all of them have been checked and the duplicated results had been
canceled. While checking the questionnaires, the percentage of all the questions have been taken
out. There were more than 5 descriptions reported through the questionnaires. The results of
short questions were been located in a descriptive paragraph and shown by a graphical interface.
While the results for long questions were tabulated by totaling the number of respondents who
voted on an abstract way of believing that technology revolution has a good impact on

Comsats Institute of Information Technology

Limitation of the Study

This study has been limited to collecting of raw data through distributing of
questionnaires among the staff of The Arc Group, BCS and BBA departments students of CIIT
Lahore campus. After collecting data through questionnaires it was analyzed and characterized.
Because questionnaire must generally be brief, any duplicated result may not be entered into the
report from questionnaires. The sample of business and technology employees and students had
been chosen for the study to convenience and cannot represent the total population of business or
technology people.

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