Modul 3 Bing 3 Argumentative Text

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Business Ethics (Introduction to Argumentative Text)


Siswa mampu menganalisis elemen-elemen argumentative text sederhana dalam bahasa

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In this modul, students are about to learn about argumentative text’s elements. Below is the
 Definition:
1. A text to investigate a topic; collect, generate and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on
the topic briefly.
2. A paragraph or text written with the intention to convince or persuade the reader.
3. The contents of it may be an explanation, evidence, reason, and objective review that
accompanied the example, analogy and causation.
 Components:
1. Assessment or point of view: a claim, something we are arguing in favor of
2. Reason: the argument to support the statement, logical reasoning
3. Evidence we are using to argue, in the form of data or citation
4. Link Back or summary: a statement linking the thesis statement to the argument and ensures
that we understand how the argument functions (Link back).
 Generic Structure:
1.      Topic sentence or assessment
2.      Supporting sentences, supporting sentences for pros and cons.
3.      Use deductive or inductive reasoning, cause and effect. And argument by authority.
 Language features:
1.      Using various tenses (multiple tenses): present, past, future
2.      Using the verb: believe, object, and argue.
3.      Using modal verbs; can, will, would, should, etc.
4.      Using adverbs conjunctions: due to, because, etc.
5.      Using the question words: why, how, what, etc. (5W+1H)

There are some expressions that can be used to write a proper argumentative text.

Useful Phrases for Writing Argumentative Essays

Functions Expressions
To list  In the first place,  Secondly,  Furthermore,
arguments in  First of all,  Thirdly,  Moreover,
 To start with,  Finally,  Besides,
the main  To begin with,  In addition (to  last but not
body  Firstly, this), least
Presenting  The main/first/most important advantage of ...,
arguments  One major advantage of ...,
 A further advantage ...,
for  One/Another/An additional advantage of ...,
 One point of view in favour of ...,
 It is often suggested/believed/argued that ...,
 Some/Many people suggest/feel/argue that ...,
 Some/Many people are in favour of/are convinced that ...,
Presenting  One major disadvantage of ...,
arguments  The main/most important disadvantage/drawback of ...,
 One/Another/An additional disadvantage of ...,
against  One point/argument against ...,
 Some/Many people are against ...,
Presenting  for  in particular,  because, as,
examples, example/instance  therefore,  since,
,  for this reason,  as a result,
causes and  such as,
results  like,

To add more  what is more,  in addition to,  apart from

points to the  furthermore,  besides, this/that,
 also,  not to
same topic mention the
fact that, etc.
To make  on the other  while,  although,
contrasting hand,  nevertheless,  it can be
 however,  even though, argued that,
points  despite/in spite  one can argue
of (the fact), that, etc.
To conclude  to conclude/sum up,  taking everything into
 all in all, account,
 all things considered,  taking all this into
 in conclusion, account/consideration,
 on the whole,  above all,
 as was previously stated,
To express  I believe,  I think,  I strongly
opinion  In my opinion,  In my view, believe, etc.


Study how argumentative text is composed below. Analyze how the writer combines both pros and cons
in a smooth manner.

Read the text below and match the topic in the options below to the topic sentence. Write down the
corresponding letters A/B/C etc on the topic table.

A. Opening / Introduction E. Conclusion

B. Attracting the Right Talent F. Minimise Distractions at Work
C. Public Image G. Boost Team Spirit
D. Impact on Partnerships H. Sound Decision Making



……… In a world where people and businesses are becoming increasingly distrustful of each other,
companies that have ethical business models come across as a breath of fresh air for
customers that have no choice but to trust their products and services.

Applying ethical practices can sometimes prove to be easier said than done in the business
scenario as some business leaders are not as ethical as they claim to be in public. However,
choosing to be ethical or not is strictly a matter of personal choice on part of entrepreneurs,
especially keeping in mind the large number of expensive lawsuits that have been filed
against many big and established corporations over the years.

Ethics in business essentially entail maintaining high standards and meeting legal and moral
obligations. Since most businessmen think in terms of profit and loss, compromising on
ethics may seem like a necessary evil to them. However, organizations that have been able
to successfully create healthy corporate culture are bound to have happier and satisfied
workforce and customers. These organizations go on to establish relationships with their
internal and external stakeholders based on trust and respect.

It is true that the culture of a company influences its employees and also the decision
making factors at every level. Most large multinational corporations have policies related to
Corporate Social Responsibility in place; stressing on the need to give back to society and
adopt more environmentally friendly practices. In this post we would be focusing on how
following ethical business practices make business sense and can be profitable.
……… Strong business ethics will help you attract people who fit your company culture and relate
to your business, thereby ensuring that you have trustworthy employees working for you.
Your employees will respect your company only when they feel they are respected by you,
which again boils down to the trust factor. Once you build a bond based on integrity and
trust with your employees, they would feel proud of being associated with your business,
avoid malpractices and become loyal instead.

……… The actions of your company and your employees reflect your company culture. It slowly
becomes an influential factor towards how the public perceives your company. Based on
this, your business can create a positive image and earn respect and adulation for what it
does as well as gain a favorable market position, or it can create a negative image and lose
out on customers.

Ethical practices will help you create a strong public image which can help your company
tide over difficult times and withstand tough competition even in a slow economy. In fact,
in a bad economy, people prefer to put their trust in companies they consider ethical.
Hence, ethical business practices are crucial for building a good future for your company.

……… Partnerships, joint ventures and mergers will be a breeze if people feel they can trust you.
The only means to finding such trustworthy partners is for you to maintain a good
professional and industrial reputation.

……… When your employees make note of the fact that your organization upholds ethical
conduct, they will automatically make all their decisions based on these very same ethics.
That will make you a happy and trusting businessman and will also augment accountability
and transparency in the decision making process. Having a strong ethical background also
works as a guide to employees when facing tough challenges. It will also prepare you to be
able to empathize with your employees thereby boosting the validity of the code of conduct
in your organization.

……… When employees have to worry about ethical concerns at work, it causes a distraction in
their minds and that, in turn, results in a loss of productivity. This adds to your business
costs. Such situations can grow if issues related to unethical behavior are not addressed and
dealt with straightaway. Furthermore, they can also cause confusion and anger within the
employees as they might think that you are practicing double standards. It is important to
have a clearly defined policy on following business ethics for employees to avoid such
……… When all your employees are in alignment with your company’s ethical values and vision, it
creates a feeling of belonging and unity within the organization. Such connection goes a
long way in strengthening the team spirit and motivational levels among your employees.

……… Having an ethical business model can do more than just create a positive impact on the
people around you. It also has implications on the world in general as you are contributing
towards making it a better place. It might take a long time and a lot of effort on your part to
implement an ethical business model but it is worth striving for, especially when
uncertainties loom large over all businesses.

Comprehension Practice:

Open the link to the video entitled "Separate business from the personal" - Micro Film Series on
Business Ethics on Youtube.

Here is the link to the video:

Video Story:

Jane discovers that the company's procurement manager Alex, who needs extra cash for his
marriage, has been fabricating quotes and awarding purchase orders to a bogus firm which he
secretly set up. Since Jane and Alex have been friends for years, should Jane report Alex or turn a
blind eye?


1. If you were Jane, what would you do?

2. Do you think Jane did the right thing? Why?

3. What do you learn from the video about business ethics?


Pay attention to the structure of the sentences and fill in the blanks with the conjunctions or
connecting adverbs given in brackets. Make sure that the sentences conform to the rules of correct
formal English.

Study the example:

It was very hot. ____________, we decided to go swimming. (Consequently, So)

It was very hot. Consequently, we decided to go swimming.

 The answer is consequently because “so” can’t be at the beginning of a sentence.

1. I have invited him. ____________, I have invited his sister. (Also, And)

2. He walked up to the door ____________ knocked. (and, likewise)

3. The bus fare is expensive; ____________, I prefer to walk. (so, therefore)

4. She is well-educated. ____________, she has very good manners. (And, Besides)
5. I would rather travel by train, ___________ the bus leaves earlier. (but, however)

6. We were born in this village; ____________, we know everyone here. (hence, so that)

7. Put less wood on the fire, ___________ it will be too smoky. (or, otherwise)

8. They got off the train. __________ they began to search for a hotel. (And, Then)

9. She studied for many months; ____________, she knew the material thoroughly. (consequently,
so that)

10. The weather was hot; ____________, the air was humid. (and, moreover)

11. Please come with us, ____________ I can introduce you to my friends. (thus, so that)

12. The sun was warm, ____________ a cool breeze blew in from the sea. (but, however)

13. I have read this book before; ____________, I do not remember the plot. (but, however)

14. They were hot ____________ tired. (also, and)

15. The door was locked; ____________, we would have waited inside. (or, otherwise)

16. I have known her for many years; ____________, I understand her character well. (so that, thus)

17. We opened the window ____________ fresh air would blow into the room. (consequently, so

18. He is ignorant; ____________, he is lazy. (and, furthermore)

19. They visited many stores; ___________, they could not find what they were looking for. (but,

20. You should go to sleep now, ____________ you will be tired tomorrow. (or, otherwise)


Study the words cloud below. It contains the words related to business ethics.

Choose one word in the cloud which you consider as the most important things in working with
others (related to business ethics). Write in a short argumentative paragraph on why you choose
the words using proper connectors.

Study the example below.

Assessment : Honesty is the most important thing in business ethic.

Reason : Honesty guarantees that there is no secret happening inside a company. If everyone is
being honest, problems such as corruptions, stealing property, cheating and others in a company will
not exist. Imagine if the God erase lies in this world, everyone will be forced to tell the truth all the
time and the world would be at peace.

Evidence: According to statistics from Ask Your Target Market’s survey, 90% of respondents agree
that honesty is a positive trait for people and 84% agree that honesty is a positive trait for businesses
and brands to portray (Pilon, 2015).

Link Back : In conclusion, being honest is important to maintain a good relationship with others since
as evidence from the statistics show that people still value honesty in others to cooperate.


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