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Affordable price - Mistine strength are they produced high quality product with a lower price that
focused on lower class customer. The company uses international standards to ensuring the quality that
consumer can trust. They build a customer base trust where every Mistine product comes with a
satisfaction guarantee that if the customer is unsatisfied with the product, Mistine will replace the
product by offering full refunds.

Selling Method – Selling method that used by Mistine is two-way communication where the district
managers and sales representative as they build strong relationship between the sales force and buyers.
Mistine also uses marketing techniques of magazines and mass media by using celebrity actors to
strengthen the reputation of the company. Mistine’s pricing techniques that match the income levels in
the demographic and geographic area they sell make it affordable and accessible for everyone.

Create Brand Awareness – Mistine’s product are expand globally which create brand awareness and
increased sales. Mistine’s products are sold in many ASIAN, European, Middle Eastern and African
market. ASEAN trade agreement will help to increase Mistine’s global reach to expand their distribution.

High employee turnover rate – The direct selling company is many sales representative that considered
as a second job which leads towards high turnover is expensive for Mistine since Mistine have to train
every new representative.
Market segment – Image Mistine is female-oriented, it is difficult for them to expand their market
product lines to target men’s segment.
Price – Mstine is focused on lower income, they think that the product does not have a good quality
because the company sells it at the lower price.

Good relationship - Thailand has good relationship with neighboring countries. This will help Mistine
products to expand their product more globally.
Acceptance - Thailand is a country where they accept and open about homo and transsexuality. It will be
an opportunity to the company since the company can reach towards those segments as well.
Too many product – Mistine develop several products in a month can weaken the company by pulling it
in too many directions especially to the products are not fully and properly tested can lead in poor
quality products.
Strong competitors – These strong competitors will be a huge threat for Mistine. There are too many
domestic cosmetic products that faced especially when ASEAN trade agreement provides a great
opportunity towards their competitors such as AVON to enter the same country as well.

Step 2

There is few missing information that would help shore up or fill gaps in Mistine products is on how their
distribute products. Based on their distribution channel, we know that Mistine use direct selling market
to sell their products where the products are only available to the customer through a salesperson. for
those who know about the products through mass media will face difficulties to find the salesperson
since they don’t know any salesperson. In order to reach these customers, Mistine needs to add
additional channel of distribution such as online store, present at convenient store or at supermarket.
This will help customer to purchase or to search info about the products easily and helps the company
gain more customer and revenue.

Besides that, employee turnover. Most of the salesperson sell the products as their second job which
leads to low sense of belonging towards the company. In order to build the sense of belonging, the
company should have a good relationship towards the employee. For example, the company should
offer high commissions towards the salesperson so that they feel appreciate and worth when working as
part of the company. This also could generate more income to the company as well. Mistine also can
advocate beauty training to the salesperson person so that they will be more knowledgeable about the
products itself. The company also can provide sample of the product or trial pack for those who are
interested to try so that they are able to recommend and gain trust from the customers.

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